Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 121-125.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.02.021

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The Response of Growth and Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution of High Protein Soybean to Plant Density

Tian Yixin,Gao Fengju   

  1. Dezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Dezhou 253015,Shandong,China
  • Received:2017-02-10 Revised:2017-02-21 Online:2017-04-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Fengju Gao


The response of plant height and leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation and distribution, yield of Jidou12 to plant density were studied in this experiment. The results showed that plant height and LAI were heightened with the increase of the density. The dry matter accumulation of single plant and that in different organs were all decreased with the increase of the density. The dry matter accumulation of group increased firstly and then decreased over the growing season. peaking at seed filling stage, and then reducing after seed filling stage. With the increase of the density, the dry matter accumulation of group also increased firstly and then decreased, which showed best at 22.5×10 4 plants/hm 2. The comprehensive performance of 22.5×10 4 plants/hm 2 was the best, with the highest yield of 3736.67kg/hm 2.

Key words: High protein soybean, Growing development, Dry matter accumulation and distribution, Plant density


The dynamic response of high protein soybean height to different density"


The dynamic response of LAI of high protein soybean to different density"


生育时期Stage of growing 干物质分配Dry matter weight distribution 16.5万株/hm2 19.5万株/hm2 22.5万株/hm2 25.5万株/hm2
R2 全株干物质重Dry matter weight of whole plant 17.60 17.06 16.07 12.95
叶片Blade 6.71 6.37 5.80 4.54
占比重Percent of gross (%) 38.09 37.33 36.12 35.03
茎Stem 6.01 5.95 5.77 4.69
占比重Percent of gross (%) 34.16 34.85 35.91 36.18
叶柄Petiole 4.88 4.75 4.49 3.73
占比重Percent of gross (%) 27.75 27.82 27.96 28.79
R2-R4阶段积累Phase accumulation 18.49 14.75 13.18 9.25
R4 全株干物质重Dry matter weight of whole plant 36.09 31.81 29.25 22.20
叶片Blade 10.73 9.33 8.26 6.15
占比重Percent of gross (%) 29.72 29.33 28.25 27.72
茎Stem 14.13 12.35 11.44 8.88
占比重Percent of gross (%) 39.16 38.83 39.11 40.01
叶柄Petiole 8.97 8.16 7.75 6.02
占比重Percent of gross (%) 24.86 25.67 26.51 27.13
荚Pod 2.26 1.96 1.79 1.14
占比重Percent of gross (%) 6.27 6.17 6.12 5.14
R4-R6阶段积累Phase accumulation 32.85 32.41 30.46 25.96
R6 全株干物质重Dry matter weight of whole plant 68.94 64.22 59.71 48.16
叶片Blade 15.95 14.27 12.72 8.99
占比重Percent of gross (%) 23.13 22.22 21.31 18.66
茎Steam 15.96 15.58 14.96 13.10
占比重Percent of gross (%) 23.15 24.25 25.05 27.21
叶柄Petiole 10.99 10.39 9.99 8.42
占比重Percent of gross (%) 15.94 16.18 16.73 17.49
荚Pod 26.04 23.98 22.04 17.65
占比重Percent of gross (%) 37.78 37.34 36.92 36.65
R8 全株干物质重Dry matter weight of whole plant 46.14 42.95 38.11 27.69
茎Stem 15.71 14.81 13.48 10.17
占比重Percent of gross (%) 34.05 34.49 35.36 36.74
荚Pod 30.43 28.14 24.64 17.52
占比重Percent of gross (%) 65.95 65.51 64.64 63.26

Table 2

The dry matter accumulation status of soybean group in different plant density g/m2"

生育时期Stage of growing 干物质分配Dry matter weight distribution 16.5万株/hm2 19.5万株/hm2 22.5万株/hm2 25.5万株/hm2
R2 全株干物质重Dry matter weight of whole plant 290.44 332.69 361.53 330.31
叶片Blade 110.64 124.19 130.60 115.71
占比重Percent of gross (%) 38.09 37.33 36.12 35.03
茎Stem 99.20 115.94 129.83 119.51
占比重Percent of gross (%) 34.16 34.85 35.91 36.18
叶柄Petiole 80.59 92.56 101.10 95.09
占比重Percent of gross (%) 27.75 27.82 27.96 28.79
R2-R4阶段积累 Phaseaccumulation 305.05 287.60 296.50 235.85
R4 全株干物质重Dry matter weight of whole plant 595.49 620.29 658.02 566.16
叶片Blade 176.97 181.93 185.90 156.94
占比重Percent of gross (%) 29.72 29.33 28.25 27.72
茎Stem 233.16 240.89 257.37 226.53
占比重Percent of gross (%) 39.16 38.83 39.11 40.01
叶柄Petiole 148.02 159.21 174.45 153.60
占比重Percent of gross (%) 24.86 25.67 26.51 27.13
荚Pod 37.33 38.26 40.30 29.10
占比重Percent of gross (%) 6.27 6.17 6.12 5.14
R4-R6阶段积累Phase accumulation 541.95 631.93 685.43 661.92
R6 全株干物质重Dry matter weight of whole plant 1 137.44 1 252.23 1 343.45 1 228.08
叶片Blade 263.14 278.22 286.23 229.13
占比重Percent of gross (%) 23.13 22.22 21.31 18.66
茎Steam 263.32 303.72 336.50 334.14
占比重Percent of gross (%) 23.15 24.25 25.05 27.21
叶柄Petiole 181.26 202.67 224.75 214.74
占比重(%)Percent of gross 15.94 16.18 16.73 17.49
荚Pod 429.72 467.61 495.97 450.08
占比重Percent of gross (%) 37.78 37.34 36.92 36.65
R8 全株干物质重Dry matter weight of whole plant 761.31 837.59 857.53 785.12
茎Stem 259.23 288.88 303.20 288.42
占比重Percent of gross (%) 34.05 34.49 35.36 36.74
荚Pod 502.08 548.71 554.33 496.70
占比重Percent of gross (%) 65.95 65.51 64.64 63.26


The dynamic response of dry matter accumulation of high protein soybean to different density"

Table 3

The yield and its constitute factors of high protein soybean in different plant density"

密度Density(万株/hm2) 单株荚数Pods number per plant(个) 单株粒重Seeds weight per plant(g) 百粒重100-seeds weight(g) 产量Yield(kg/hm2)
16.5 40.78 22.64 26.39 3 360.00
19.5 38.44 22.13 27.46 3 390.00
22.5 32.00 19.91 27.41 3 736.67
25.5 27.67 16.78 27.02 3 520.00
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