Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 124-129.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.018

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Analysis of Growth Characteristics and Economic Benefit of Mechanical Transplanted Japonica Rice with Applying Panicle Nitrogen under Rotation of Paddy-Upland

Long Ruiping1(), Zhang Chaozhong2, Ge Qinying2, Wan Weidong2, Wang Qin2, Li Guiyong1, Xia Qiongmei1, Zhu Haiping1, Yang Congdang1   

  1. 1Food Crops Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, Yunnan, China
    2Agricultural Technique Extension Station, Longyang District, Baoshan 678000, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2021-04-01 Revised:2021-05-12 Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-02-16


In order to study the cultivation techniques of rice nitrogen reduction in paddy-upland rotation system, in the wheat-rice and broad bean-rice rotation system in the plateau Japonica rice region, Longke 16, a local rice variety, was used as the material, and six nitrogen (N) rates of 0, 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210kg/ha were topdressed as flower promoting and flower preserving fertilizer in ratio of 6:4. Local recommended N management (N 285kg/ha in total, evenly divided and applied as basal, tillering, flower promoting and flower preserving fertilizer in ratio of 0.25:0.25:0.25:0.25) was used as control. The population growth characteristics and economic benefits of rice under two rotation systems were systematically compared. The results showed that in the two rotation patterns, the yield of rice was the same as that of the control when 180kg/ha panicle N was applied without basal N and tillering N, and in the critical leaf stage of productive tillers of rice, the lowest tillering number of rice was 91.09% and 87.62% of the control, and the highest was 95.05% and 91.11% of the control, respectively, under the wheat-rice and broad bean-rice rotation system without basal N and tillering N application. There was no significant difference in the number of effective panicles in the mature period from the control, and applying panicle N without basal N and tillering N could significantly increase percentage of earbearing tillers. Compared with no N application, the effective panicle, dry matter accumulation and population growth rate at filling stage of rice increased after applying panicle N. The application of 180kg/ha pure N without basal N and tillering N as panicle fertilizer reduced 36.84% of N input compared with the control, and the economic benefit of rice was the highest. The goal of saving cost and increasing efficiency of rice was achieved.

Key words: Paddy-upland rotation, Rice, Panicle N, Population characteristics, Economic benefit


Effects of different panicle N application rate on rice yield Different letters indicate significant difference at the 5% level, the same below"

Table 1

Pearson correlation coefficients between yield and its components"

Rotation model
Effective panicles
Filled grain number
Total spikelets
Seed-setting rate
产量Yield 麦―稻Wheat-rice 1
豆―稻Broad bean-rice 1
有效穗数 麦―稻Wheat-rice 0.668** 1
Effective panicles 豆―稻Broad bean-rice 0.650** 1
实粒数 麦―稻Wheat-rice -0.032 -0.436 1
Filled grain number 豆―稻Broad bean-rice 0.372 0.241 1
总颖花量 麦―稻Wheat-rice 0.752** 0.889** -0.003 1
Total spikelets 豆―稻Broad bean-rice 0.709** 0.954** 0.491* 1
结实率 麦―稻Wheat-rice -0.666** -0.650** 0.096 -0.786** 1
Seed-setting rate 豆―稻Broad bean-rice -0.415 -0.302 -0.290 -0.473* 1

Table 2

Effects of different panicle N application rate on tillers number and percentage of productive tiller of rice"

Tiller number of CLPT (×104/hm2)
Tillering ability (%)
Effective panicles (×104/hm2)
Percentage of productive tiller (%)
Broad bean-rice
Broad bean-rice
Broad bean-rice
Broad bean-rice
N0 204.24b 204.98b 91.09a 87.94a 238.28e 234.58d 91.88b 85.34c
N90 213.12b 210.90b 95.05a 90.48a 247.16de 253.82c 94.48ab 86.97bc
N120 209.42b 204.98b 93.40a 87.94a 252.34cd 264.18bc 86.55c 85.34c
N150 206.46b 212.38b 92.08a 91.11a 259.00bc 273.80ab 83.84c 89.83a
N180 213.12b 204.24b 95.05a 87.62a 267.88b 275.28ab 95.90a 89.62a
N210 205.72b 210.90b 91.75a 90.48a 283.42a 278.24a 93.85ab 88.53ab
CK 224.22a 233.10a 286.38a 272.32ab 83.70c 84.70c

Table 3

Effects of different panicle N application rate on population growth characteristics of rice"

Dry matter accumulation (t/hm2)
Dry matter phase accumulation (t/hm2)
Population growth rate [g/(m2·d)]
Exportion rate
Inverse 4th
leaf stage
Inverse 4th
leaf-heading stage
Inverse 4th
leaf-heading stage
麦―稻 N0 1.09b 7.70f 13.83e 6.61e 6.14c 15.37e 13.06c 0.53a 8.15a
Wheat-rice N90 1.09b 8.11e 14.93d 7.03d 6.82b 16.34d 14.50b 0.35ab 5.03bc
N120 1.11b 8.37d 15.25cd 7.26cd 6.87ab 16.89cd 14.62ab 0.31ab 4.31bcd
N150 1.11b 8.54cd 15.56bc 7.42bc 7.02ab 17.26bc 14.94ab 0.22b 2.99cd
N180 1.10b 8.73bc 16.16a 7.63b 7.43a 17.75b 15.82a 0.12b 1.55d
N210 1.10b 9.21a 15.94ab 8.12a 6.73b 18.88a 14.32b 0.52a 6.68ab
CK 1.39a 8.81b 15.96ab 7.43bc 7.15ab 17.27bc 15.21ab 0.48a 6.38ab
平均 1.14 8.50 15.38 7.36 6.88 17.11 14.64 0.36 5.01
豆―稻 N0 1.38b 7.60f 13.66e 6.22f 6.07c 14.47f 12.91c 0.52a 7.96a
Broad bean-rice N90 1.32b 7.96e 14.63d 6.64e 6.66ab 15.44e 14.18ab 0.48a 7.04ab
N120 1.38b 8.43d 15.23c 7.04d 6.80ab 16.38d 14.47ab 0.33a 4.52bc
N150 1.35b 8.59cd 15.68bc 7.24cd 7.08a 16.85cd 15.07a 0.30a 4.09bc
N180 1.34b 8.70c 15.86b 7.36c 7.16a 17.11c 15.24a 0.28a 3.79c
N210 1.34b 9.05b 15.49bc 7.70b 6.44bc 17.91b 13.70bc 0.45a 5.67abc
CK 1.46a 9.80a 16.48a 8.34a 6.68ab 19.40a 14.22ab 0.42a 4.93bc
平均 1.37 8.59 15.29 7.22 6.70 16.79 14.25 0.40 5.43
Rotation model (R)
624.71** 7.02* 0.74 14.16** 2.74 14.13** 2.69 0.77 0.59
施氮量Nitrogen rate (N) 40.12** 150.94** 41.10** 129.46** 6.90** 129.75** 6.88** 5.25** 6.50**
R×N 9.42** 18.29** 1.55 24.39** 0.37 24.39** 0.37 0.76 1.00

Table 4

Analysis on economic benefits of rice with different panicle N application rate 元/hm2 yuan/hm2"

Rotation model
Rice output value
Cost of fertilizer
Fertilization cost
Economic benefits
New output value
New economic benefits
N0 27 488.41c 0 0 27 488.41a
N90 29 315.83b 2211 190 26 914.83a 1827.42 -573.58
N120 29 457.29b 2373 190 26 894.29a 1968.88 -594.12
麦―稻 N150 29 718.00ab 2535 190 26 993.00a 2229.59 -495.41
Wheat-rice N180 30 939.45ab 2697 190 28 052.45a 3451.04 564.04
N210 30 357.22ab 2859 190 27 308.22a 2868.81 -180.19
CK 31 365.35a 3264 290 27 811.35a 3876.94 322.94
平均 29 805.93 2277.00 177.14 27 351.79 2703.78 -159.39
N0 26 950.30c 0 0 26 950.30ab
N90 29 054.42ab 2211 190 26 653.42ab 2104.12 -296.88
N120 29 165.12ab 2373 190 26 602.12ab 2214.82 -348.18
豆―稻 N150 30 101.10ab 2535 190 27 376.10a 3150.80 425.80
Broad bean-rice N180 30 363.73a 2697 190 27 476.73a 3413.43 526.43
N210 28 347.70bc 2859 190 25 298.70b 1397.40 -1651.60
CK 29 678.34ab 3264 290 26 124.34ab 2728.04 -825.96
平均 29 094.39 2277.00 177.14 26 640.24 2501.43 -361.73
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