Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 154-158.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.04.023

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Production Effects of Sugarbeet “Southern Seedling North Planting”

Yang Zhihui1,Zhang Lifeng1,2,Zhang Jizong1,2   

  1. 1 Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China
    2 Zhangbei Agricultural Resources and Ecological Environment Key Field Research Station of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Zhangjiakou 076450, Hebei, China
  • Received:2018-12-31 Revised:2019-04-29 Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-08-06
  • Contact: Lifeng Zhang


The cold and windy climate in the plateau area of Northwest Hebei result in extremely unstable temperature in early spring causing late beet seedlings and the low yield of transplanting beet and low sugar content. In this study, the "southern seedling north planting" of beet using the abundant heat resources in the plains area of the Central Hebei and then transplanting the peas on the dam to explore the production effects of "southern seedling north planting" on sugarbeet. The results showed that the green leaf number, leaf area index, root diameter, yield and sugar yield of beet planted in southern seedling north plant increased by 55.6%-75.0%, 29.1%-44.2%, 9.6%-10.8%, and 17.1%-19.2% and 19.2%-24.0%, respectively. Its effect was greater than that of northern seedlings, and early planting was greater than late planting. The biological efficiency of N, P2O5and K2O nutrients was higher than that of northern seedlings. "Southern seedling north planting" could improve the quality and productivity of beets in the arid area of Northwestern Hebei Province, and could be used as a priority technology for the industrialization and large-scale production of beet seedlings.

Key words: Sugarbeet, Southern seedling north planting, Nutrient accumulation, Production effect

Table 1

Traits of sugarbeet seedlings transplanted"

Transplanting period
Days of seedling
Plant height
Stem diameter
SPAD value
100- seedling weight
S1 4叶1心 42 28.28 5.63 41.95 769.35
N1 3叶1心 27 8.26 4.29 48.18 393.00
S2 4叶1心 38 25.74 3.64 40.18 675.52
N2 4叶1心 42 10.52 5.12 52.58 446.80


Green leaf number changes of sugarbeet"


Changes in leaf area index of sugarbeet"


Changes of sugarbeet root diameter"

Table 2

Sugarbeet yield and sugar content"

Rate of
生物产量Biological yield (kg/hm2) 经济产量Economic yield (kg/hm2) 经济系数
Sugar yield
Fresh weight
Dry weight
Fresh weight
Dry weight
S1 96.83 72 144.15 16 312.50 61 858.7 13 893.9 0.86 18.0 11 134.56
N1 96.30 59 876.55 13 398.00 51 910.2 11 612.3 0.87 18.0 9 343.84
S2 97.53 67 641.30 14 724.90 56 023.8 12 230.1 0.83 17.1 9 580.07
N2 96.30 67 153.65 14 331.15 52 832.3 11 369.7 0.79 17.0 8 981.48

Table 3

Nutrient content, accumulation and biological efficiency of sugarbeet"

Dry weight
含量Content (%) 积累量Accumulation (kg/hm2) 生物学效率
Biological efficiency
含量Content (%) 积累量Accumulation (kg/hm2) 生物学效率
Biological efficiency
含量Content (%) 积累量Accumulation (kg/hm2) 生物学效率
Biological efficiency
叶片 S1 2 418.60 2.48 60.07 40.26 0.25 6.02 401.63 2.49 60.28 40.12
Leaf N1 1 785.80 2.55 45.45 39.29 0.28 5.04 354.21 2.50 44.72 39.93
S2 2 494.92 2.78 69.45 35.92 0.25 6.28 397.59 2.64 65.91 37.86
N2 2 961.54 2.66 78.69 37.64 0.24 7.20 411.57 2.54 75.28 39.34
块根 S1 13 893.92 0.77 107.11 129.71 0.11 15.36 904.43 0.63 87.68 158.45
Beet N1 11 612.26 1.06 122.68 94.65 0.14 16.55 701.81 0.83 96.28 120.61
S2 12 230.04 0.92 112.66 108.56 0.13 16.28 751.39 0.76 93.27 131.12
N2 11 369.66 0.87 99.35 114.44 0.12 13.73 828.15 0.77 87.57 129.83
全株 S1 16 312.52 1.02 167.18 97.57 0.13 21.38 762.84 0.91 147.96 110.25
Whole N1 13 398.06 1.25 168.14 79.69 0.16 21.59 620.63 1.05 141.00 95.02
plant S2 14 724.95 1.24 182.11 80.86 0.15 22.55 652.94 1.08 159.18 92.51
N2 14 331.20 1.24 178.04 80.50 0.15 20.92 684.89 1.14 162.85 88.00
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