Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 159-163.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.04.024

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Effects of Different Direct Seeding Methods on Growth and Development Characteristics and Yield of Late-Rice

Huang Wan,Li Chenxi,Tan Xueming,Zeng Yongjun,Wu Ziming,Liu Taoju,Shi Qinghua,Pan Xiaohua,Zeng Yanhua   

  1. Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding (Jiangxi Agricultural University), Ministry of Education/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding of Jiangxi Province/Collaborative Innovation Center for the Modernization Production of Double Cropping Rice, Nanchang 330045, Jiangxi, China
  • Received:2019-01-09 Revised:2019-06-10 Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-08-06
  • Contact: Yanhua Zeng


The purpose of our study was to explore the effects of different direct seeding methods on growth and development characteristics and grain yield of late-rice. A hybrid rice variety Wufengyou T025 and an inbred rice variety Huanghuazhan were selected as testing materials. The difference of seedling quality, seedling emergence rate, tiller dynamics, total dry matter accumulation, grain yield and its composition were determined under both wet direct seeding and dry direct seeding methods. The results showed that wet direct seeding increased grain yield by 6.4%-24.1%, and Wufengyou T025 was significantly different compared with dry direct seeding. The grain yield increased was mainly associated with the significant increase in the number of panicles. From the point of growth and development characteristics, wet direct seeding was beneficial to increase seedling height and maintain better seedling quality. Wet direct seeding also helped to increase LAI and the amount of dry matter accumulation at the middle and late stages of plant growth and provided a foundation for rice yield increase. Therefore, it could be suggested that wet direct seeding was beneficial to late-rice growth and development and grain yield.

Key words: Late-rice, Direct seeding method, Yield, Growth and development characteristics

Table 1

Effects of different direct seeding methods on yield and its components"

Effective panicles
Grains per panicle
Seed-setting rate
1000-grain weight
WFY T025 WS 375.4a 125.2a 76.9a 22.9a 7.58a
DS 338.4c 128.6a 76.3a 23.3a 6.11b
HHZ WS 359.5b 110.8b 74.7a 23.1a 6.14b
DS 340.0c 111.4b 74.3a 23.2a 5.77b

Table 2

Effects of different direct seeding methods on seedling quality"

Seedling height
Stem base width
Dry matter weight (g/10 plants)
Seedling emergence rate
WFY T025 WS 28.7a 3.22a 2.93a 60.0b
DS 26.6b 2.98a 2.77a 71.8a
HHZ WS 28.1a 3.21a 2.90a 51.7c
DS 26.0b 3.12a 2.97a 58.5b


Effects of different direct seeding methods on tillers dynamic and percentage of earbearing tiller * means significant difference (P<0.05), ** means extremely significant difference (P<0.01), the same below"


Effects of different direct seeding methods on drymatter accumulation during different growth stages"

Table 3

Effects of different direct seeding methods on leaf area index during different growth stages"

品种Variety 处理Treatment 幼穗分化期Panicle initiaton stage 抽穗期Heading stage 乳熟期Milk ripe stage 成熟期Maturity stage
WFY T025 WS 3.08a 7.71a 3.86ab 3.84a
DS 2.68b 6.61b 3.43c 3.30ab
HHZ WS 2.21c 7.59a 4.02a 3.24ab
DS 2.34c 6.81b 3.65bc 2.88b
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