Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 193-200.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.02.028

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Effects of Shading and Light-Transmitting Treatment on Lipid Peroxidation Characteristics of Cigar Leaves during Air-Curing and Chemical Composition after Air-Curing

Chen Yongwei1(), Jin Mingke1, Wu Yongbing1, He Zhengchuan2, Yang Weili2(), Zhao Mingqin1()   

  1. 1College of Tobacco Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan China
    2Sichuan Dazhou Municipal Tobacco Company, Dazhou 635000, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2022-01-27 Revised:2022-10-15 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-04-11


To investigate the impact of various shading treatments on the air-curing effect of cigars, the middle leaves of Chuanxue No.1 were used as the material and the five light penetration of shading treatments with 100%, 85%, 70%, 55%, and 40% were set to investigate their effects on the features of membrane lipid peroxidation during the air-curing process of cigar leaves. The results showed that, the moisture content of shadow treatments with 55%-70% light penetration was significantly higher than that of other treatments. Also the water loss rate was moderate under the 70% shading and light-transmitting treatment, which aided in improving color change and material transformation coordination. The MDA content of the 55%-70% shading and light-transmitting treatment was much lower than that of the other treatments. Furthermore, the activities of POD, CAT, SOD, and PPO were continuous high activity, which contributed to reduce membrane lipid peroxidation. The concentrations of chlorogenic acid, rutin, and scopoletin were maintained an appropriate level at all stages during the shadow treatments with 70% light penetration, which was beneficial to the antioxidation and quality formation of cigar leaves. The chemical composition of cigar leaves with 70% shading and light-transmitting treatment exhibited the best coordination after the air-curing. To summarize, the cigar leaves with 70% shading and light-transmitting treatment demonstrated good coordination of water loss rate, great enzyme activity and significant antioxidant capacity during the air-curing process, ensuring the coordination of enzymatic browning reaction process and substance transformation in tobacco leaves and improving the air-curing effects of tobacco leaves.

Key words: Shading, Cigars, Air-curing, Membrane peroxidation, Moisture content, Enzyme activity, Polyphenols

Table 1

Effects of shade and light transmission on moisture content of cigar leaves during air-curing %"

晾制时间Airing time
0d 5d 10d 15d 20d 25d
CK 86.86±1.12c 78.06±2.09b 55.71±1.27c 29.48±1.21b 24.51±2.01b 15.52±0.82b
T1 87.63±1.45bc 79.28±1.89b 57.16±2.37c 31.76±2.01ab 25.45±1.10ab 16.52±0.85b
T2 89.57±1.32ab 83.34±1.43ab 61.98±1.62b 33.97±2.41a 27.41±1.68ab 18.64±1.13a
T3 89.93±1.21ab 84.55±0.81ab 62.71±1.81ab 34.74±2.18a 28.13±1.26a 20.19±1.29a
T4 90.59±1.85a 86.44±1.23a 65.42±1.69a 31.33±2.25ab 26.07±1.98ab 16.16±1.02b


Effects of shading and light-transmitting treatment on MDA content during the drying process of cigars Different letters indicate significant difference at the P < 0.05 level, the same below"


Effects of shading and light transmission on the activities of POD, CAT and SOD during the curing process of cigar leaves"


Effects of shading and light-transmitting treatment on the activity of PPO during the curing process of cigar tobacco leaves"


Effects of shading and light transmission on the content of polyphenols during the drying process of cigar leaves"

Table 2

Correlation analysis between moisture content and membrane lipid peroxidation products in shading and light-transmitting cigar leaves during air-curing"

Chlorogenic acid
Moisture content
CK -0.974** 0.670 0.892* 0.995** 0.542 0.959** 0.938** 0.871*
T1 -0.985** 0.666 0.905* 0.997** 0.526 0.964** 0.952** 0.878*
T2 -0.988** 0.674 0.920** 0.997** 0.553 0.960** 0.936** 0.881*
T3 -0.984** 0.681 0.912* 0.997** 0.552 0.955** 0.971** 0.882*
T4 -0.985** 0.735 0.927** 0.997** 0.655 0.923** 0.951** 0.939**

Table 3

Correlation analysis of membrane lipid peroxidation characteristics during the drying process of cigar leaves treated with shade and light transmission"

Chlorogenic acid
MDA CK -0.674 -0.871* -0.977** -0.630 -0.928** -0.940** -0.916*
T1 -0.674 -0.886* -0.982** -0.595 -0.962** -0.961** -0.920**
T2 -0.669 -0.901* -0.992** -0.608 -0.957** -0.956** -0.923**
T3 -0.697 -0.906* -0.991** -0.633 -0.941** -0.983** -0.929**
T4 -0.750 -0.921** -0.981** -0.722 -0.894* -0.984** -0.971**

Table 4

The effects of different shading treatments on the physical properties of cigar tobacco leaves after air-curing"

Total sugar
Reducing sugar
Total nitrogen


Two sugar
chlorine ratio
nicotine ratio
CK 1.23±0.03c 0.92±0.02d 3.91±0.04a 1.82±0.05c 0.20±0.03b 2.91±0.13e 0.74±0.02bc 14.02±0.80b 2.14±0.02a
T1 1.38±0.01b 1.08±0.03b 3.90±0.02a 2.17±0.03a 0.24±0.03ab 3.35±0.09d 0.78±0.01ab 13.94±1.19b 1.79±0.02b
T2 1.65±0.03a 1.33±0.03a 3.05±0.07c 2.08±0.05b 0.27±0.02a 4.83±0.08a 0.81±0.03a 17.56±0.62a 1.46±0.07c
T3 1.42±0.03b 0.99±0.02c 3.87±0.04a 2.12±0.03ab 0.28±0.04a 4.59±0.06b 0.69±0.02c 16.28±0.32a 1.82±0.03b
T4 0.91±0.02d 0.68±0.04e 3.38±0.06b 2.18±0.03a 0.26±0.03a 3.85±0.12c 0.74±0.05bc 14.52±0.83b 1.55±0.02d
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