作物杂志, 2019, 35(2): 110-114 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.017



陶志强1, 王艳杰1, 王德梅1, 杨玉双1, 徐哲莉2, 赵广才1, 常旭虹1

1 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/农业农村部作物生理生态重点实验室,100081,北京

2 石家庄市农林科学研究院赵县实验基地,051530,河北石家庄

Response of Productive Capacity among Tillers in Winter Wheat to Tridimensional Uniform Sowing

Tao Zhiqiang1, Wang Yanjie1, Wang Demei1, Yang Yushuang1, Xu Zheli2, Zhao Guangcai1, Chang Xuhong1

1 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology & Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081, China;

2 Shijiazhuang Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Zhaoxian 051530, Hebei, China

通讯作者: 赵广才,研究员,主要从事小麦栽培研究 常旭虹为共同通信作者,副研究员,主要从事小麦栽培研究



收稿日期: 2019-02-25   修回日期: 2019-03-7   网络出版日期: 2019-04-15

基金资助: 国家重点研发计划项目.  2016YFD0300407
国家小麦产业技术体系.  CARS-03

Received: 2019-02-25   Revised: 2019-03-7   Online: 2019-04-15



关键词: 立体匀播 ; 小麦 ; 灌浆速率 ; 光合速率 ; 粒重


In order to clarify the effect of tridimensional uniform sowing (TUS) on productive capacity of wheat tillers, improve the high yield potentiality of TUS technology theory,we conducted a test with the variety of Gaoyou 2018 (much tillers), two sowing patterns including TUS and conventional drilling (CD), and discussed the effect of TUS on net photosynthetic rate (Pn), grain filling characteristics, biomass, grain yield and harvest index among different tillers. The results showed that compared with CD, 1000-kernel weight of the main stem (Z) in TUS unchanged. In the first tiller (1N), Pn of flag leaf increased by 0.3% at grain filling stage; the duration, slow increase period, exponential increase period, stopping growth period of grain weight reaching the maximum grain filling rate extended 0.12, 0.12, 0.11, 0.12d; respectively. 1000-kernel weight and kernels weight per spike increased 0.5 and 0.03g, respectively. In the second tiller (2N), Pn increased by 8.0%, and decreased slowly with the development of grain filling process. The maximum grain filling rate, mean grain filling rate, 1000-kernel weight increased by 2.0%, 1.8%, 2.3g, respectively; The biomass, kernels weight per spike, harvest index increased 0.3g, 0.11g, 0.02. respectively. In conclusion, TUS remained 1000-kernel weight of the main stem to be not reduced, and improved Pn, grain filling duration as well as kernel weight in 1N simultaneously. Moreover, TUS also improved Pn, grain filling rate and kernel weight in 2N. The difference of kernel weight among 1N, 2N and Z was reduced, the uniformity of tillers was improved, and the productive capacity per plant and population were increased under TUS.

Keywords: Tridimensional uniform sowing ; Wheat ; Grain filling rate ; Photosynthetic rate ; Kernel weight

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陶志强, 王艳杰, 王德梅, 杨玉双, 徐哲莉, 赵广才, 常旭虹. 冬小麦不同茎蘖生产力对立体匀播技术的响应[J]. 作物杂志, 2019, 35(2): 110-114 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.017

Tao Zhiqiang, Wang Yanjie, Wang Demei, Yang Yushuang, Xu Zheli, Zhao Guangcai, Chang Xuhong. Response of Productive Capacity among Tillers in Winter Wheat to Tridimensional Uniform Sowing[J]. Crops, 2019, 35(2): 110-114 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.017





1 材料与方法

1.1 试验设计


试验品种选用多穗型品种藁优2018。播种方式采用立体匀播和常规条播,立体匀播播种深度3cm,株距和行距均为6.1±0.5cm;常规条播播种深度2~6cm,行距15cm;种植密度均为270万/hm2。2016年10月15日播种,2017年6月15日收获。试验采用随机区组设计,3次重复。采用模拟机具完成立体匀播。常规条播通过等行距人工开沟播种。灌溉采用淋浴喷头接水管通过水表计量于拔节期和开花期分别灌溉75mm。底施磷酸二铵(含P2O5 46%和N 18%)390kg/hm2、氯化钾(含K2O 60%)195kg/hm2、尿素(含N 46%)105kg/hm2,拔节期追施尿素255kg/hm2

1.2 测定项目与方法






1.3 统计分析

用Excel 2016进行数据整理与作图;用SPSS 21.0进行方差分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 子粒产量及其构成因素


表1   播种方式对小麦不同茎蘖单穗子粒产量及其构成因素的影响

Table 1  The effects of sowing patterns on grain yield and component traits per spike at different tiller positions

项目Item立体匀播Tridimensional uniform sowing常规条播Conventional drilling
穗粒数Kernels per spike34.8a34.3a34.0a35.0a34.0a33.3a
小穗数Spikelets per spike19.0ab18.7ab18.0c19.7a18.0ab17.7c
不孕小穗数Sterile spikelets per spike1.0a1.0a1.3a1.0a1.2a1.3a
千粒重1000-kernel weight (g)45.3a44.7ab43.8b45.3a44.2b41.5c
单穗粒重Kernels weight per spike (g)1.58a1.53ab1.49b1.59a1.50ab1.38c
理论单产Theoretical yield (kg/hm2)11 257.510 260.0

Note: Values followed by different letters within a column are significantly difference at the 0.05 probability level. The same below


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2.2 旗叶净光合速率



图1   不同播种方式条件下小麦开花后不同茎蘖旗叶的净光合速率


Fig.1   Net photosynthetic rate of flag leaf at different tillers positions in both sowing patterns

U and D indicate tridimensional uniform sowing and conventional drilling. DAP5, DAP15, and DAP25 indicate 5, 15, 25 days post-anthesis. Different small letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05), error bars represent standard deviations. The same below

2.3 子粒灌浆特性


表2   不同播种方式条件下主茎、1蘖、2蘖的子粒灌浆特性

Table 2  Grain filling characteristics of tillers at different positions in both sowing patterns

Tridimensional uniform sowing
Conventional drilling
最大千粒重The final 1000-kernel weight (g)47.83ab47.08abc46.12bcd48.67a47.17ab45.36cd
达到最大灌浆速率的时间Time to reach the maximum grain filling rate (d)14.41a14.40a14.30a14.35a14.28a14.38a
最大灌浆速率The maximum grain filling rate [mg/(粒·d)]2.55ab2.51abc2.54abc2.60a2.52abc2.49abc
平均灌浆速率Mean grain filling rate [mg/(粒·d)]1.70ab1.67abc1.69abc1.73a1.68abc1.66abc
灌浆活跃期The active grain filling period (d)28.14a28.14a27.27a28.14a28.14a27.30a
粒重缓慢增长期Slow increase period of kernel weight (d)4.99b4.97b5.16b4.92b4.85b5.24ab
粒重指数增长期Exponential increase period of kernel weight (d)17.34a17.32ab17.13abc17.27abc17.21abc17.22abc
粒重增长滞缓期Stopping growth period of kernel weight (d)35.96a35.95a35.18ab35.90a35.83ab35.27ab

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2.4 不同茎蘖生物产量与收获指数



图2   不同播种方式处理的主茎、1蘖、2蘖生物产量与收获指数

Fig.2   Single-stem biological yield and single-stem harvest index at different tiller positions under different sowing patterns

3 讨论





4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


赵广才, 常旭虹, 王德梅 , .


作物杂志, 2017(4):1-7.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

小麦是世界第一大口粮作物,是人类生活所依赖的重要食物来源,全球约35%~40%的人口以小麦为主要粮食。2016年世界小麦种植面积约22 010.76万hm2,约占全球谷物种植面积的30.7%,远超过玉米、水稻、大豆,居世界谷物种植面积之首。本文论述了世界小麦生产概况,包括小麦的种类、分布及主要生产国的基本情况,重点论述了中国小麦的生产和发展情况。随着社会的发展和科学技术的进步,中国的小麦生产能力逐步发展,主要体现在3个方面:一是种植面积起伏变化大,二是单产稳步提升,三是总产持续增长。无论是冬小麦还是春小麦,高产高效栽培技术和优良品种对产量的提升都起到了重要作用,我国小麦生产水平有了很大提高。

Tao Z Q, Wang D M, Chang X H , et al.

Effects of zinc fertilizer and short-term high temperature stress on wheat grain production and wheat flour proteins

Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018,17(9):1979-1990.

DOI:10.1016/S2095-3119(18)61911-2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Content of wheat flour proteins affects the quality of wheat flour. Zinc nutrition in wheat can change the protein content of the flour. The inconsistency and instability of wheat grain quality during grain filling while under high temperature stress (HTS) are major problems in the production of high quality wheat. At present, there is a lack of studies on zinc fertilizer and HTS effects on wheat flour protein and the content of its components. For this study, treatment combinations of four levels of zinc fertilizers and exposure to a short-term HTS, at 20 d after flowering (D20), were tested on two wheat cultivars with different gluten levels. Individuals of a strong gluten wheat, Gaoyou 2018 (GY2018), and a medium gluten wheat, Zhongmai 8 (ZM8), were grown in pots at the Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing in 2015 2017. We measured grain yield and weight and the activities of two enzymes (nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase) from the flag leaves, collected at D10 and D20. Total protein content, protein yield, and content of four protein components (albumin, gliadin, glutenin, and globulin) were measured from flour produced from the pot-grown plants. HTS significantly increased the contents of total protein, albumin, gliadin, and glutenin in wheat grains, and reduced the grain yield, grain weight, protein yield, globulin content, and flag leaf nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS) activities. The results showed that HTS and zinc fertilizer had greater impacts on the strong gluten cultivar compared to the medium gluten cultivar. Under HTS, grain yield decreased by 13 and 8% in GY2018 and ZM8, respectively; protein yield decreased by 7 and 8% in GY2018 and ZM8, respectively. Zinc fertilizer increased: grain and protein yields; grain weight; total protein, albumin, gliadin, and glutenin contents; protein yield; and NR and GS activities. In contrast, zinc fertilizer reduced the content of globulin. The addition of 15 mg Zn kg 1 soil had the strongest effect on grain yield and quality as compared to the other three treatments (additions of 0, 30, and 45 mg Zn kg 1 soil). Zinc fertilizer also reduced the negative effects of HTS on protein yield, content, and components' content. Therefore, wheat grown with additional zinc in the soil can improve the quality of the flour.

Tao Z Q, Wang D M, Ma S K , et al.

Light interception and radiation use efficiency response to tridimensional uniform sowing in winter wheat

Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018,17(3):566-578.

DOI:10.1016/S2095-3119(17)61715-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Improving radiation use efficiency (RUE) of the canopy is necessary to increase wheat (Triticum aesfivum) production. Tridimensional uniform sowing (U) technology has previously been used to construct a uniformly distributed population structure that increases RUE. In this study, we used tridimensional uniform sowing to create a wheat canopy within which light was spread evenly to increase RUE. This study was done during 2014-2016 in the Shunyi District, Beijing, China. The soil type was sandy loam. Wheat was grown in two sowing patterns: (1) tridimensional uniform sowing (U); (2) conventional drilling (D). Four planting densities were used: 1.8, 2.7, 3.6, and 4.5 million plants ha-1. Several indices were measured to compare the wheat canopies: photosynthetic active radiation intercepted by the canopy (IPAR), leaf area index (LAI), leaf mass per unit area (LMA), canopy extinction coefficient (K), and RUE. In two sowing patterns, the K values decreased with increasing planting density, but the K values of U were lower than that of D. LMA and IPAR were higher for U than for D, whereas LAI was nearly the same for both sowing patterns. IPAR and LAI increased with increasing density under the same sowing pattern. However, the difference in IPAR and LAI between the 3.6 and 4.5 million plants ha-1 treatments was not significant for both sowing patterns. Therefore, LAI within the same planting density was not affected by sowing pattern. RUE was the largest for the U mode with a planting density of 3.6 million plants ha-1 treatment. For the D sowing pattern, the lowest planting density (1.8 million plants ha-1) resulted in the highest yield. Light radiation interception was minimal for the D mode with a planting density of 1.8 million plants ha-1 treatment, but the highest RUE and highest yield were observed under this condition. For the U sowing pattern, IPAR increased with increasing planting density, but yield and RUE were the highest with a planting density of 3.6

赵广才 .


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赵广才 . 小麦优质高产栽培理论与技术. 北京: 中国农业科学技术出版社, 2018: 248-254.

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赵广才 .


农民科技培训, 2017(1):42-44.

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常旭虹, 赵广才, 杨玉双 , .


应用生态学报, 2013,24(4):995-1000.

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<p>在我国内蒙古自治区赤峰市农牧交错区研究了不同耕作方式及不同施氮量对小麦氮肥吸收利用和产量的影响.结果表明:长期实施保护性耕作使小麦对氮素的利用率提高3%~4%,减轻氮肥对农田环境的污染;保护性耕作有利于促进小麦对氮素的吸收,提高小麦产量.当施氮量由120 kg&middot;hm<sup>-2</sup>增加到360 kg&middot;hm<sup>-2</sup>时,小麦对氮素的吸收利用由36.5%降低为26%;氮素损失增加约5%,对应的氮素损失量则从60 kg&middot;hm<sup>-2</sup>增加到约200 kg&middot;hm<sup>-2</sup>,对环境的污染明显增加.小麦对上季残留氮素的利用受耕作方式影响较小,受上季施氮量影响较大,总体趋势为施氮量越高,小麦利用率越低,损失越多.经过两季小麦种植后,小麦-土壤系统回收的总氮素比例约为44%~50%,其中土壤残留氮素约占施氮量的13%~18%.</p>

周羊梅, 郭文善, 封超年 , .


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DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2004.03.118      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Xu H C, Cai T, Wang Z L , et al.

Physiological basis for the differences of productive capacity among tillers in winter wheat

Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015,14(10):1958-1970.

DOI:10.1016/S2095-3119(15)61094-2      URL     [本文引用: 5]

The quality or structure of a wheat population is significantly affected by the compositions of tillers. Little has been known about the physiological basis for the differences of productive capacity among tillers. Two winter wheat cultivars, Shannong 15 (SN15) and Shannong 8355 (SN8355), were used to investigate the differences of productive capacity among tillers and analyze the physiological mechanisms that determine the superior tiller group. Low-position tillers (early initiated tillers) had a higher yield per spike than high-position tillers (late initiated tillers) in both cultivars, which was due to their more grain number per spike, more fertile spikelet per spike, less sterile spikelet per spike and higher grain weight. According to cluster analysis, tillers of SN15 were classified into 2 groups: superior tiller group including main stem (0), the first primary tiller (I) and the second primary tiller (II); and inferior tiller group including the third primary tiller (III) and the first secondary tiller (I-p). Tillers of SN8355 were classified into 3 groups: superior tiller group (0 and I), intermediate tiller group (II and III) and inferior tiller group (I-p). In comparison with other tiller groups, the superior tiller group had higher photosynthetic rate of flag leaves, higher antioxidant enzyme (SOD, POD and CAT) activities and lower levels of lipid peroxidation in leaves, higher grain filling rate in both superior and inferior grains during grain filling, higher single-stem biological yield and larger single-stem economic coefficient. Correlation analysis showed that yield per spike was positively and significantly correlated with the flag leaf photosynthetic rate, grain filling rate, the antioxidant enzyme activities and soluble protein content (except for SN15 at 5 days post-anthesis (DPA)) of flag leaf, the single-stem biological yield, and the single-stem economic coefficient. Remarkable negative correlation was also found between yield per spike and MDA content of flag leaf. These results suggested that superior tiller group had stronger leaf photosynthetic capacity, more predominance in terms of grain filling, slower senescence rate, higher biological yield and larger economic coefficient, and therefore, showed greater productive capacity than other tiller groups.

中国农业科学院. 小麦栽培理论与技术. 北京: 农业出版社, 1979: 65.

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郭天财, 盛坤, 冯伟 , .


西北植物学报, 2009,29(2):350-355.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1000-4025.2009.02.023      URL     [本文引用: 1]

选用分蘖成穗率不同的2种穗型 冬小麦品种,通过3个密度水平大田试验研究了分蘖期主茎和不同蘖位分蘖间的干物质积累与光合特性的差异,以探讨2种穗型品种分蘖成穗的生理机制.结果显 示:(1)在冬小麦分蘖期间,分蘖成穗率低的大穗型品种兰考矮早八高位分蘖干物质积累速率较慢,分蘖与主茎的差距较大;而分蘖成穗率高的多穗型品种豫麦 49-198分蘖与主茎的干物质积累速率差距较小.(2)2品种分蘖与主茎干物重比值(蘖/茎)均随着种植密度增加而降低,成穗分蘖的蘖/茎值拔节期均大 于0.5,而同期未成穗分蘖均低于0.5.(3)在分蘖期间,兰考矮早八分蘖的净光合速率随生育进程增长比主茎缓慢,且随密度增加分蘖与主茎的差距进一步 加大;豫麦49-198分蘖与主茎的光合速率差异较小,且种植密度对其影响也较小.(4)拔节中前期种植密度对2品种的荧光参数影响较小,拔节后期2品种 分蘖的初始荧光(F0)均显著大于主茎,而PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)却显著低于主茎;随种植密度增加,2品种主茎与分蘖的F0和Fv/Fm差异 增大,且这种趋势随蘖位上升表现得更加明显.研究表明,大穗型品种兰考矮早八拔节期主茎与分蘖间干物质积累和光合性能的差异过大是其分蘖成穗率低的主要原 因.

White E M, Wilson F E A .

Responses of grain yield,biomass and harvest index and their rates of genetic progress to nitrogen availability in ten winter wheat varieties

Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 2006,45(1):85-101.

DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2621.2005.01046.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Increased yields in winter wheat cultivars have been found to be largely attributable to improved partitioning of biomass to the grain, i.e., higher harvest index. However, there is a biological upper limit to harvest index and therefore breeders need to exploit increased biomass production as the mechanism by which yields are increased. Evidence for improved biomass was sought in experiments conducted over three years (1994 to 1996), at the Plant Testing Station, Crossnacreevy, near Belfast, with 10 varieties of winter wheat introduced over the period 1977 to 1991. Variation in grain yield was more strongly associated with variation in biomass (an increase of 0.78 t/ha in grain yield at 85% dry matter (DM) per 1 t/ha increase in biomass at 100% DM; R05 = 0.71) than in harvest index (an increase of 0.1 t/ha at 85% DM per percentage point increase in harvest index; R05 = 0.36). When age (= year of first harvest in UK National List trials) of the varieties was taken into account, yield (0.037 tha6301y6301; R05 = 0.42) and biomass (0.034 tha6301y6301; R05 = 0.31), but not harvest index (0.34%/year; R05 = 0.001), increased as year increased. Genetic gain in yield was smaller without fertiliser N (0.021 tha6301y6301; R05 = 0.21) and at 40 kg ha N (0.025 tha6301y6301; R05 = 0.25) than at 215-250 kg/ha N (0.065 tha6301y6301; R05 = 0.39). Theoretically, if the maximum biomass (18.60 t/ha for Rialto), could have been combined with the maximum harvest index (55.3%) in Riband, yield would potentially have been increased by 2.5 t/ha compared with yields for either variety.

Wiegand C L, Cuellar J A .

Duration of grain filling and kernel weight of wheat affected by temperature

Crop Science, 1981,21(1):95-101.

DOI:10.2135/cropsci1981.0011183X001100010027x      URL     [本文引用: 1]
