作物杂志, 2019, 35(2): 192-196 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.030



白雨, 韩雪莹, 董海洋, 乌云苏都, 李冰圳, 陈贵林

牧草与特色作物生物技术教育部重点实验室/内蒙古大学生命科学学院/内蒙古自治区 中蒙药材规范化生产工程技术研究中心,010070,内蒙古呼和浩特

Effects of Rotation and Agronomic Measures on Reducing the Damage of Orobanche cumana

Bai Yu, Han Xueying, Dong Haiyang, Wuyun Sudu, Li Bingzhen, Chen Guilin

Key Laboratory of Herbage and Endemic Crop Biotechnology, Ministry of Education/School of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia University/The Good Agriculture Practice Engineering Technology Research Center of Chinese and Mongolian Medicine in Inner Mongolia, Hohhot 010070, Inner Mongolia, China

通讯作者: 陈贵林,教授,从事植物逆境生理研究



收稿日期: 2018-12-24   修回日期: 2019-02-2   网络出版日期: 2019-04-15

基金资助: 内蒙古大学校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目.  201714319

Received: 2018-12-24   Revised: 2019-02-2   Online: 2019-04-15



关键词: 向日葵列当 ; 轮作 ; 向日葵 ; 诱捕作物 ; 地膜覆盖


Orobanche cumana is a sever parasite to sunflower production and at present is mainly controlled by chemical weeding and selection of resistant varieties. Reasonable rotation is an effective means to alleviate the problem, but rotating crop varieties and the effect of the measure are not clear. In this experiment, pot experiment and field investigation were both carried out. The seeds were sown in plastic pots and the soil was collected from continuous sunflower cropping yield where the O. cumana infection was sever. The results indicated that the rotation of sunflower with oat, wheat and potato could reduce the parasitism rate of O. cumana to different extents. The rotation of sunflower-oat- sunflower minimized parasite, and the parasitism rate was reduced by 30% compared with the control. The rotation of sunflower-oat-sunflower-oat-sunflower and sunflower-wheat-sunflower-wheat-sunflower had a parasitism rate of less than 50%, the difference between the two is not significant, but significantly lower than the rotation of sunflower-potato-sunflower-potato-sunflower. The field investigation results showed that the diameter of the sunflower disk was negatively correlated with the number of O. cumana, and the film mulching had little effect on the parasitization of the O. cumana. It is concluded that oat is a good trap crop of O. cumana, and suitable for promotion and application in Inner Mongolia and other places.

Keywords: Orobanche cumana ; Rotation ; Sunflower ; Trap crop ; Film mulching

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白雨, 韩雪莹, 董海洋, 乌云苏都, 李冰圳, 陈贵林. 轮作及农艺措施对减轻向日葵列当危害的影响[J]. 作物杂志, 2019, 35(2): 192-196 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.030

Bai Yu, Han Xueying, Dong Haiyang, Wuyun Sudu, Li Bingzhen, Chen Guilin. Effects of Rotation and Agronomic Measures on Reducing the Damage of Orobanche cumana[J]. Crops, 2019, 35(2): 192-196 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.030

向日葵列当(Orobanche cumana Wallr.)是全寄生的一年生恶性杂草,主要依靠寄生在向日葵根部吸取营养物质,维持生长发育[1],所以列当寄生寄主后,对寄主的生长发育危害严重[2]。目前防除列当主要通过抗性育种[3]、化学防除[4]等方法。选育抗性品种是一项最经济、最有效的防控措施,但是抗性育种进展缓慢,而且抗源在油葵中广泛存在,食葵中很少[5]。除草剂主要针对列当的地上部[6],不能长效控制列当,而且可能影响后茬作物生长以及对环境造成危害,防除效果并不理想。


已有研究表明,亚麻[11]、大豆[12]、小麦[13]、柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum L.)[14]、水稻[15]和杂交玉米[16]可刺激向日葵列当种子萌发。许多试验表明寄主植物与诱捕作物轮作,可减少寄生杂草数量并提高寄主作物产量[17,18,19]。所以通过合理轮作是减轻向日葵列当危害的有效手段,但是如何选择轮作作物、其防除效果如何并不清晰。因此本研究采用盆栽试验和田间调查的方式,通过向日葵与燕麦、小麦、马铃薯等3种作物轮作,分析后茬向日葵列当寄生情况,从而找到适合内蒙古干旱半干旱地区种植的诱捕作物,减轻向日葵列当危害。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料

供试品种分别为食用向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.,美葵)、燕麦(Avena sativa L.,白燕2号)、小麦(Triticum aestivum L.,永良4号)和马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.,大西洋)。

1.2 试验方法

1.2.1 盆栽试验 2017年4月-2018年7月在内蒙古大学温室进行盆栽试验,试验用土于2017年4月3日取自向日葵连作生产田(内蒙古包头市达尔罕茂明安联合旗石宝镇红井滩村,41°47′N,110°86′E),该生产田的列当寄生率为95%。试验设7个处理:向日葵连作(对照),向日葵与其他作物轮作(T1:向日葵—燕麦—向日葵;T2:向日葵—小麦—向日葵;T3:向日葵—马铃薯—向日葵;T4:向日葵—燕麦—向日葵—燕麦—向日葵;T5:向日葵—小麦—向日葵—小麦—向日葵;T6:向日葵—马铃薯—向日葵—马铃薯—向日葵)。将含列当种子的土壤装入塑料花盆(口径16cm、底径13cm、高度17.5cm)中,每盆分别播种5粒向日葵种子,30粒燕麦、小麦种子和3块马铃薯块茎,每种作物15盆,共种植60盆。苗期管理按常规方法进行,定期浇水,拔除杂草,保证作物的正常生长。试验分4个时期进行,2017年4月4日种植燕麦、小麦和马铃薯,5月20日拔除这3种作物,将土壤自然晾晒一段时间;2017年9月7日种植向日葵,11月2日将向日葵根洗净,统计向日葵根部列当的寄生率,并将土壤自然晾晒一段时间;2018年3月15日种植燕麦、小麦和马铃薯,5月15日拔除这3种作物,将土壤自然晾晒一段时间;2018年5月16日种植向日葵,7月5日将向日葵根洗净,统计向日葵根部列当的寄生率。向日葵根上有“根瘤”状突起或根状茎,且尖端部分膨大成吸器,吸附到向日葵的根上长度大于1mm,记为1个列当[20]。寄生率计算公式:寄生率(%)=被侵染向日葵植株数/向日葵总植株数×100。

1.2.2 田间调查 于2017年9月10日和9月16日以内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市磴口县渡口乡城西村兴盛阳、磴口县渡口乡城西村二十里柳子(向日葵5月30日播种,常规管理)、呼和浩特市武川县东土城乡马王庙村和武川县可可以力更镇三合井村(向日葵5月26日播种,常规管理)向日葵生产田为样地进行田间调查,考察列当寄生对向日葵生长的影响,测量每株向日葵上寄生的列当数以及与之对应的向日葵的株高、茎粗和花盘直径。2017年9月10日在呼和浩特市武川县得胜沟乡西土城村向日葵生产田调查覆膜和无膜时寄生在向日葵上的列当数,考察覆膜方式是否影响列当寄生。

1.3 数据处理

采用Excel 2016和SPSS 17.0软件进行统计分析和绘制图表。

2 结果与分析

2.1 不同轮作处理对向日葵列当寄生率的影响



图1   不同轮作处理对向日葵列当寄生率的影响


Fig.1   Effects of different rotating treatments on the parasitism rate of O.cumana

Different small letters indicate significant difference among treatments at 0.05 level, the same below

2.2 列当寄生对向日葵生长的影响



图2   田间调查列当寄生对向日葵花盘直径的影响

Fig.2   The field survey shows the effects of O.cumana on the diameter of the disk



图3   覆膜处理对向日葵列当寄生数的影响

Fig.3   Effects of film-mulched treatment on the number of O.cumana

3 结论与讨论

已有研究[13]表明,小麦浸提液可刺激向日葵列当种子萌发。本研究中前茬种植3种作物均可不同程度地降低后茬向日葵列当寄生率,所以这3种作物可能对向日葵列当种子萌发存在不同程度的化感作用。其中,向日葵—燕麦—向日葵轮作列当寄生率与对照组相比降低30%,而向日葵—小麦—向日葵轮作列当寄生率与对照组相比降低15%。可能是由于3种作物根系分泌物的种类和浓度不同,同时还可能分泌萌发抑制物质[17]。此外,马铃薯对列当种子萌发的影响还要考虑深播的影响,因为马铃薯种植时要深播,而播种深度影响列当种子萌发[21]。已有研究表明玉米与木豆(Cajanus cajan L.)轮作2个季节即可以降低土壤种子库里的独脚金(Striga hermonthica)种子数量[19]。此外,有学者在农场中评估豇豆与玉米轮作的效果,结果显示轮作1次后可将玉米中的独脚金发生率降低至几乎检测不到的水平[22]。本研究中向日葵与燕麦轮作1次列当寄生率降低30%,轮作2次后列当寄生率降低至27%。


据预测,寄生杂草的可持续控制只有通过将土壤种子库里的种子数降低到1 000~2 000粒/m2,并在随后几年保持在该水平才能实现[25]。本试验结果表明,向日葵与燕麦轮作2次即可将向日葵列当耗减到27%,所以燕麦根部可能分泌刺激向日葵列当种子萌发的物质,作为向日葵列当“诱捕作物”的潜力较大,可用来对向日葵列当进行防除。因此,在生产中,可以利用燕麦与向日葵轮作,刺激向日葵列当自杀萌发,减少土壤列当种子数量,从而减轻列当危害。这种列当防除措施可以减少土壤种子库里的列当种子数量,有效减轻向日葵列当的危害,适合在高海拔、干旱半干旱地区推广。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Parasitic plants in the Scrophulariaceae invade the roots of neighboring plants in order to rob them of water and nutrients. A distinctive feature of these parasites is their ability to cue their development to small molecules released by host-plant roots. Evidence is continuing to emerge that parasite perception of host factors occurs via a redox-associated mechanism. Genes predicted to function during the early stages of parasite–host interactions have been cloned from both plant partners, and their characterization is providing a genetic framework on which to model subterranean plant–plant interactions.

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Abstract Root parasites of the genus Orobanche are serious weeds in agriculture. An aseptic infection system of host roots using calli of three Orobanche species was developed for the study of host-parasite interaction. The response of calli to various hormonal combinations was studied, because a requirement for infection is the differentiation of root-like protrusions, which are capable of producing haustorial connections to the host. Infectious root-like protrusions develop under the influence of 0.5-1.0 mg l(-1) IAA, and under the combination of 0.2 mg l(-1) NAA with 5.0 mg l(-1) kinetin. These protocols produced root protrusions with pad-like structures that resembled attachment organs of Orobanche seedlings, and proved effective in parasitizing host roots. Direct contact with the medium inhibited haustorium development and prevented infection. To overcome this problem, certain root portions were isolated from the medium by inserting thin glass plates underneath. Calli were then placed on the raised root portions and successfully infected the roots and developed young Orobanche tubercles with vascular system that directly connected to the host.

君睿红, 陈贵林, 李美佳 , .


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In order to study the effect of different resistant sunflower root exudates on the germination of Cl.The dichloromethane extracts were then separated with silica gel column.The result showed that:(1)In a certain range of concentration,low concentration of sunflower root exudates promoted O.cumana seeds to germination,but high concentration inhibited it.(2)The germination rate was the highest when treated with 0.1 mg/mL dichloromethane extracts,O.cumana seeds germination rate under the ‘Xinghuodabaibian’ and ‘Baikuiza NO.9’ root exudates were 46.92% and 43.88%,immune variety ‘MGS’ was lower than the formers,germination rate was 27.81%.(3)The hexane-ethyl acetate(1∶1) fractions had the higher germination activity than other four fractions,O.cumana seeds germination rate under this fraction of ‘Xinghuodabaibian’,‘Baikuiza NO.9’ and ‘MGS’ were 49.90%,45.66% and 30.00%,respectively.(4)When added GR24 or dehydrocostus lactone to the root exudates of ‘MGS’,O.cumana seeds germination rate was decreased compare to GR24 or dehydrocostus lactone only,this indicated that the immune sunflower variety ‘MGS’ root exudates had the negative effect on the germination of O.cumana seed and there were some chemicals in its root exudates that inhibited the O.cumana seeds germination.

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Broomrape management in faba bean

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Broomrapes ( Orobanche spp. and Phelipanche spp.) are weedy root parasites that represent a major constraint for faba bean ( Vicia faba) cultivation in the Mediterranean area. Control methods are being developed that comprise techniques ranging from agronomical practices to precision farming, including chemical and biological control, genetic and induced resistance, modelling, and probably nanotechnology in a nearby future. However, the main concern is that to date, no single method of control provides complete protection against these parasites. For that reason, an integrated approach is needed in which a variety of such techniques are combined, in order to maintain parasite populations below threshold levels of damage.

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种植模式显著影响土壤理化生物学性质,并与作物土传真菌病害的发生密切相关。试验选择云南省具有代表性的红壤,设置烤烟-休闲-玉米(T-B-M)、烤烟-油菜-玉米(T-C-M)、烤烟-油菜-水稻(T-C-R)和烤烟-苕子-水稻(T-V-R)等4种轮作模式,利用化学、酶学分析及454高通量测序技术,研究了土壤养分、酶活性及真菌群落结构,旨在为烤烟的合理轮作提供科学依据。经16a的不同轮作种植后,土壤pH变化于5.6-6.4之间,仍然适合种植水稻、玉米、油菜和烤烟等多种作物。在T-V-R处理的土壤中,烤烟产量、烟叶产值和上中等烟比例最高,有机质比原初提高45.11%,碱解氮、有效磷和微生物量碳氮显著增加,蔗糖酶、脱氢酶、脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性也显著高于其它轮作模式,说明T-V-R改善了土壤生态环境,促进了微生物繁衍,数量增加,活性增强。土壤真菌的18S rDNA读数依次为13097(T-B-M)、11345(T-C-M)、12939(T-C-R)和13763(T-V-R),分别代表530、378、395和581种(类)的真菌,由子囊菌门、担子菌门、接合菌门、壶菌门和尚待鉴定的真菌等构成,其中尚待鉴定的真菌属种和子囊菌门占绝大部分。在不同轮作处理的土壤中,前15种优势真菌的丰富度变化于29.46%-62.86%之间,优势菌株的相似性极低,说明土壤真菌的种群结构因轮作模式不同而异。T-V-R处理土壤中的真菌多样性指数最高,优势度指数最低,说明T-V-R轮作的土壤适合多种真菌的繁殖生长,种群数量增加。多种真菌共同存在,互相制约,可防止病原真菌过度繁殖,降低作物发生真菌病害几率。从作物产量和产值、土壤有机质、养分和真菌种群结构看,T-V-R优于其它3种轮作模式,值得推广应用。

崔勇 .


作物杂志, 2017(3):8-14.

DOI:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.03.002      URL    


余蕊, 马永清 .


中国农业大学学报, 2014,19(4):38-46.

DOI:10.11841/j.issn.1007-4333.2014.04.06      URL     [本文引用: 1]

以宁夏回族自治区固原市当地种植的大麻为材料,采用盆栽试验探索大麻在不同生育期(苗期、快速生长期、开花期)的根际土、根、茎及叶的甲醇和水提取液对瓜列当和向日葵列当种子萌发的刺激效果。结果表明:根际土提取液刺激瓜列当种子的发芽率大于向日葵列当。大麻植株的甲醇和水提取液刺激瓜列当种子发芽率高低顺序为根>茎>叶,其中甲醇提取液刺激列当种子萌发率高于水提取液。根与茎的甲醇提取液刺激瓜列当和向日葵列当种子发芽率均显著相关(R2=0.833 6,P<0.001和R2=0.544 4,P<0.05)。植株的甲醇提取液对瓜列当种子的萌发诱导作用在快速生长期最强(45.2%),而向日葵列当种子的萌发诱导作用则在苗期最强(41.5%),水提取液对瓜列当及向日葵列当种子萌发诱导作用均在苗期表现为最强,发芽率分别为53.6%和23.7%。本研究结果表明,大麻在苗期和快速生长期可以作为列当的"捕获"作物,结论可为生物防除寄生杂草列当提供科学依据。

Zhang W, Ma Y, Wang Z , et al.

Some soybean cultivars have ability to induce germination of sunflower broomrape

PloS ONE, 2013,8(3):e59715.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0059715      URL     PMID:3609756      [本文引用: 1]

Sunflower broomrape is a noxious parasitic weed which has caused severe damage to crop ecosystems. Trap crops can release a mixture of allelochemicals to induce the germination of sunflower broomrape. We studied the allelopathic effects of soybean on sunflower broomrape. Fourteen common soybean cultivars were grown in pots. Samples were collected from soybean plants and rhizosphere soil at five growth stages (V1, V3, V5, R2, and R4). The allelopathic effects of soybean reached highest at the V3 stage. Methanolic extracts of soybean roots induced higher broomrape germination than methanolic extracts of stems or leaves. The germination rates induced by root extracts (10-fold dilution) were positively correlated with germination rates induced by stem (10-fold dilution) and leaf extracts (10-fold dilution). The broomrape germination rates induced by root extracts were also positively correlated with soybean nodule diameter and dry weight. The results indicated that soybeans could induce sunflower broomrape germination. We conclude that soybean has the potential to be used as a trap crop for sunflower broomrape.

王焕, 马永清, 田丰 , .


中国农业大学学报, 2016,21(9):33-39.

DOI:10.11841/j.issn.1007-4333.2016.09.04      URL     [本文引用: 2]


An Y, Ma Y Q, Shui J F , et al.

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) has ability to induce germination of Orobanche cumana

Journal of Plant Interactions, 2015,10(1):142-151.

DOI:10.1080/17429145.2015.1039614      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Orobanche cumanaWallr. (sunflower broomrape) is a devastating root parasitic weed, causing enormous crop losses worldwide. The question was whether or not switchgrass has the potential to be a rap crop forO. cumanacontrol. To answer this question, the field experiments, pot experiments, and laboratory experiments were conducted in this study. The ability of nine switchgrass (Panicum virgatumL.) cultivars to induceO. cumanaseeds germination was tested. Results indicated that root extracts shoot extracts, rhizosphere soil, and root exudates from switchgrass inducedO. cumanagermination. Ability to induce germination varied significantly among growing stages, with the earlier part of growing season (grown for 2 weeks) generally inducing the highestO. cumanagermination rates. The methanol was a more suitable solvent than distilled water for extracting germination stimulants from switchgrass plants. Ten-fold dilutions of the extracts generally induced higher germination rates than either undiluted or 100-fold dilutions. The germination rates ofO. cumanaseeds in shoot extracts treatments were positively correlated with those in the root extracts (R2= 0.6397;p< 0.01) and negatively correlated with those in the rhizosphere soil treatments (R2= 0.4433;p< 0.05). In conclusion, it is believed that switchgrass is a potential trap crop for the control of root parasitic weedO. cumana.

Ma Y Q, Zhang M, Li Y L , et al.

Allelopathy of rice (Oryza sativa L.) root exudates and its relations with Orobanche cumana Wallr. and Orobanche minor Sm. germination

Journal of Plant Interactions, 2014,9(1):722-730.

DOI:10.1080/17429145.2014.912358      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ma Y Q, Jia J N, An Y , et al.

Potential of some hybrid maize lines to induce germination of sunflower broomrape

Crop Science, 2013,53(1):260-270.

DOI:10.2135/cropsci2012.03.0197      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Orobanche cumana Wallr. (sunflower broomrape) is a devastating root parasitic weed, causing enormous crop losses throughout the world. Maize (Zea mays L.) is able to induce germination of at least two Orobanche species. Our question was whether or not maize has potential to be used as a "trap crop" for O. cumana. To answer this question, we screened four maize hybrids and their parental lines for their ability to induce O. cumana germination. The results indicated that rhizosphere soil, rhizosphere soil extracts, root extracts, and shoot extracts from three of the four maize hybrids and their parental lines induced significant O. cumana germination. Root extracts generally induced higher germination rates than shoot extracts. Ten-fold dilutions of the extracts generally induced higher germination rates than either undiluted extracts or 100-fold dilutions. The ability to induce germination varied significantly among maize hybrid and inbred lines, with the hybrid 3255 x 335 and its parental lines generally inducing the highest O. cumana germination rates. The genetic mechanism for the production of the chemical stimulant that induces O. cumana germination needs to be analyzed further; however, we propose that there is potential for a breeding program to be developed to produce maize lines with greater ability to induce O. cumana germination. These lines could be used as trap crops for the control of this devastating root parasitic weed.

Dhanapal G N, Struik P C .

Broomrape control in a cropping system containing bidi tobacco

Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science, 1996,177(4):225-236.

DOI:10.1111/j.1439-037X.1996.tb00240.x      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Orobanche cernua Loefl. is a serious problem in tobacco growing in India. Including a trap crop in the rotation may help to reduce the problem. Two field experiments at die Agricultural Research Station, Nipani were conducted during 1993 94 and 1994 95 to identify potential trap crops for utilization in a cropping system with bidi tobacco. Trip crops reduced the population of broomrape; especially sunhemp and greengram proved to be effective. Broomrape reduced economic yield of tobacco by 42 % in the fallow treatment but was much less detrimental in the treatments with a trap crop. There was a close negative correlation between above-ground crop yield and the broomrape yield; broomrapes reduced the yields of their hosts much more than they invested in their own above-pound pans. Trap crops also had a positive effect on tobacco yield by other mechanisms than above-ground broomrape control, because yield increases were also observed on apparently non-infested plants. There was no systematic difference between the leguminous trap crops and the non-leguminous ones. Sunhemp and greengram are promising trap crops in a cropping system containing bidi tobacco in the areas where tobacco is grown in a long growing season during the late kharif/rabi seasons.

Kleifeld Y, Goldwasser Y, Herzlinger G , et al.

The effects of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and other crops as trap and catch crops for control of Egyptian broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.)

Weed Research, 1994,34(1):37-44.

DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3180.1994.tb01971.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Growing trap and catch crops to decrease infestation of Egyptian broomrape ( Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.) was tested in a 2-year field experiment supported by two pot experiments. Growing flax ( Linum usitatissimum L.) in two successive winter seasons or one summer cropping with mung beans (Phaseolus aureus Roxbg.) reduced early infestation of the parasite and significantly increased tomato ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) vigour and production. However, the efficacy of using trap and catch crops for broomrape control in a heavily infested field was limited. Orobanche aegyptiaca attacked clover ( Trifolium alexandrinum L.), flax and mung bean and developed inflorescences. Various sources of the parasite showed different degrees of virulence to flax, from heavy attack and severe damage, to sparse attachment with no production of flowering shoots. The virulent subspecies attacked flax all year round, causing severe damage. Vetch (Vicia saliva L.) var. Sadot was not parasitized by O. aegyptiaca . Effets du lin (Linum usitatissimum L .) et d'autres plantes cultivées comme plantes pièges et h00tes pour lutter contre l'orobanche égyptienne (Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers .) L'utilisation de plantes cultivées comme pièges et h00tes pour diminuer l'infestation par l'orobanche égyptienne ( Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.) a fait l'objet d'une expérimentation au champ sur deux ans ainsi que de deux expériences en pots. Si du lin ( Linum usitatissimum L.) était cultivé sur deux saisons hivernales successives ou lors d'une saison estivale avec de l'ambérique (Phaseolus aureus Roxbg.), l'infestation précoce de la tomate ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) par le parasite était réduite, et sa vigueur ainsi que sa production étaient significativement augmentées. Cependant, l'efficacité des plantes cultivées pièges et h00tes pour lutter contre l'orobanche égyptienne dans des champs fortement infestés était limitée. Orobanche aegyptiaca attaquait le trèfle ( Trifolium alexandrinum L.), le lin et l'ambérique, et développait des inflorescences. Différentes sources du parasite montraient des degrés variés de virulence à l'égard du lin, allant d'attaques importantes qui occasionnaient de sévères dommages, jusqu'à des infestations éparses qui ne produisaient pas de tiges florales. Les espèces virulentes attaquaient le lin tout au long de l'année et causaient des dommages importants. La vesce (Vicia sauva L.) variété Sadot n'était pas parasitée par O. aegyptiaca . Saat-Lein (Linum usitatissimum L.) und andere Kulturen als Fangpflanzen und Zwischenfrüchte zur Bek01mpfung von Orobanche aegyptica Pers. In einem 2 01hrigen Freiland- und 2 Gef0108versuchen wurden Fangpflanzen und Zwischenfrüchte zur Minderung der Verunkrautung mit Orobanche aegyptica untersucht. Nach dem Anbau von Saat-Lein ( Linum usitatissimum L.) in 2 aufeinanderfolgenden Wintern oder einer Sommerkultur der Mungo-Bohne ( Phaseolus aureus Roxbg.) war bei der Tomate ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) der frühe Befall durch den Parasiten herabgesetzt und Wachstum und Ertrag signifikant erh02ht. Die Wirksamkeit des Anbaus von Fangpflanzen und Zwischenfrüchten zur Bek01mpfung der Sommerwurz war jedoch auf stark verseuchten Feldern begrenzt. Orobanche aegyptica befiel Trifolium alexandrinum L., Saat-Lein und Mungo-Bohne und entwickelte Blüten. Die Virulenz verschiedener Herkünfte des Parasiten variierte von schwerem Befall und starkem Schaden bis schwachem Befall ohne Blütenbildung. Die virulente Unterart befiel den Lein das ganze Jahr über und führte zu schwerem Schaden. Die Sorte 'Sadot' der Saat-Wicke ( Vicia sativa L.) wurde von O. aegyptica nicht befallen.

Oswald A, Ransom J K .

Striga control and improved farm productivity using crop rotation

Crop Protection, 2001,20(2):113-120.

DOI:10.1016/S0261-2194(00)00063-6      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Crop rotations with crops that are non-hosts of Striga were evaluated to reduce the Striga seed bank in the soil and increase farm productivity. Field experiments were conducted at two sites in western Kenya from 1996 to 1998 to study the effect of eight different crop rotations on Striga populations, Striga seed bank in the soil, maize yields and overall productivity of these cropping systems under low-input rainfed field conditions. A variety of crops, such as peanut, soybean, sunflower, pigeon pea showed greater economic potential than maize. The productivity of the best rotation under low soil fertility conditions was five times greater than maize mono-cropping. All crop rotation treatments reduced Striga seed numbers in the soil. Less Striga emerged if maize was planted after a two- season rotation that included pigeon pea. Crop rotation is probably one of the most effective ways to reduce Striga infestations and increase maize yields and income considering the limited resource base of small-scale subsistence farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.

张默靖, 李美佳, 君睿红 , .


西北植物学报, 2013,33(7):1403-1408.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

We investigated the parasitism rate,dry weight of shoot and root,plant height of different Helianthus annuus varieties in seedling stage,measured the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activities of enzyme PAL,SOD,POD and CAT in leaves after sowing 30,50 and 70 days,respectively.The seeds were sown in plastic pots and the soil was collected from continuous H.annuus cropping yield where the Orobanche cumana infection was severe.The results indicated that different H.annuus varieties in seedling stage exhibited obviously different resistance to O.cumana.Oil H.annuus varieties ‘T012244’ and ‘MGS’ were immune to O.cumana in seedling stage,‘S31’ and ‘Baiza 9’ showed a strong resistance to O.cumana.However,‘Xinghuodabaibian’ and ‘Baiza 6’ were sensitive to O.cumana in their seedling stage.Parasitization of O.cumana could restrain the growth of sensitive H.annuus varieties but hardly impact the growth of resistant H.annuus varieties.After parasitization of O.cumana,the MDA content and the PAL activity in leaves of ‘Xinghuodabaibian’ seedling increased significantly,which indicated an aggravated damage on H.annuus seedings.However,the MDA content in leaves of varieties‘T012244’and‘S31’ decreased and the activity of PAL did not significantly changed.The enzyme activities of SOD,POD and CAT in different H.annuus varieties all decreased after an initial increase.The change ranges of protective enzyme activities in immune varieties are bigger than that in sensitive varieties.The parasitization of O.cumana put the sensitive H.annuus varieties under environmental stress in seedling stage,defense reactions based on protective enzyme system were induced in seedling leaves.

白全江, 云晓鹏, 高占明 , .


内蒙古农业科技, 2017(1):75-76.

DOI:10.3969/j.jssn.1007-0907.2013.01.034      URL     [本文引用: 1]

向日葵列当(Orobanche cumana Wallr)是专寄生向日葵、烟草和番茄的寄生性杂草。由于近年内蒙古的向日葵种子大量无序从国外和区外调入,以及种植高感向日葵列当的食用向日葵品种,导致列当在自治区大范围扩展蔓延,特别是向日葵主产区巴彦淖尔市,造成严重的经济损失。文章通过查阅大量资料和田间调查,详述了列当的种类、分布、发生危害规律以及防控措施,为指导向日葵列当杂草的科学防除提供参考。

Gbèhounou G, Adango E .

Trap crops of Striga hermonthica:in vitro identification and effectiveness in situ

Crop Protection, 2003,22(2):395-404.

DOI:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00196-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The parasitic weed Striga hermonthica is a major yield-reducing factor for cereal crops in savannah regions in Africa. This applies in particular to agro-ecosystems where a high human population density imposes a strong pressure on arable land. In these areas rotation with a leguminous trap crop is an attractive control method. Effectiveness of root exudates from varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), groundnut (Arachis hypogea) and soybean (Glycine max), on germination of S. hermonthica seeds were assessed in vitro. In addition, a 2-year study on effectiveness in situ was conducted with cowpea variety IT 90k-56 identified in vitro as a potential trap crop. Furthermore, cowpea variety TVX 1850-01F also identified in vitro as a potential trap crop, was tested on-farm. Results indicated that effectiveness of root exudates depends on Striga seed population and it is recommended that geographical origin and host crop of S. hermonthica, period of the year, as well as age of seeds be taken into consideration for identification of potential trap crops. There was no significant difference in Striga infestation of maize in 1995 if sowing of cowpea variety IT 90k-56 had been carried out on June 3 (early sowing), June 20 (intermediate sowing) or July 5 (late sowing) in 1994. However, plots where maize was grown in 1995 after they had been maintained as weed-free-fallow in 1994 showed significantly higher Striga infestation than plots where during previous year early sowing of trap crop had been undertaken. Maize grain yields in 1995 were significantly higher after trap cropping in 1994, regardless of sowing date, compared to weed free fallow plots. On-farm evaluation of cowpea variety TVX 1850-01F showed good results, reducing incidence of S. hermonthica on maize to nearly undetectable level after one season rotation.

Frost D L, Gurney A L, Press M C , et al.

Striga hermonthica reduces photosynthesis in sorghum:the importance of stomatal limitations and a potential role for ABA?. Plant,

Cell & Environment, 1997,20(4):483-492.

DOI:10.1046/j.1365-3040.1997.d01-87.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We report the effects of the root hemiparasite Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. on the growth and photosynthesis of two cultivars of sorghum: CSH-1, a susceptible variety, and Ochuti, which shows some tolerance to S. hermonthica in the field. Within 4 d of parasite attachment to the host roots, infected plants of both cultivars were significantly shorter than uninfected controls. At 55 d, infected plants of both cultivars had significantly less shoot and root biomass, and significantly smaller leaf areas than uninfected controls. The dry weight of S. hermonthica attached to host roots was insufficient at this stage to explain the decreased growth in terms of a competing sink for carbon and nitrogen. Leaf chlorophyll and nitrogen per unit area were greater in infected plants of both cultivars compared with control plants. However, whereas photosynthesis and transpiration in young leaves of infected CSH-1 plants declined with time when compared with controls, the rates in infected Ochuti plants were similar to those in uninfected controls throughout the time course of observation. In both cultivars, a strong correlation was observed between the rate of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance during photosynthetic induction, but infection resulted in a much slower induction than in controls. In CSH-1 plants, both steady-state photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were lower than in controls, whereas in leaves of Ochuti steady-state photosynthesis and stomatal conductance eventually reached the same values as in the control leaves. Results from AlC i analysis and also from determination of 13 C isotope discrimination were consistent with a stomatal limitation to photosynthesis in the leaves of Striga -infected plants. The concentration of the plant growth regulator abscisic acid (ABA) was measured in the xylem sap of infected CSH-1 plants only, and was found to be twice that of uninfected plants. A possible role of ABA in determining host response to infection by S. hermonthica is discussed.

贾有余, 张雄, 高宇 , .


作物杂志, 2017(6):72-78.

DOI:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.06.013      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Kebreab E, Murdoch A J .

Stimulation of integrated control strategies for Orobanche Spp. based on life cycle model

Experimental Agriculture, 2001,37(1):37-51.

DOI:10.1017/S001447970100401X      URL     [本文引用: 1]

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Ma Y Q, Zhang W, Dong S Q , et al.

Induction of seed germination in Orobanche Spp. by extracts of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs

Science China:Life Sciences, 2012,55(3):250-260.

DOI:10.1007/s11427-012-4302-2      URL     PMID:22527522      [本文引用: 1]

The co-evolution of Orobanche spp.and their hosts within the same environment has resulted in a high degree of adaptation and effective parasitism whereby the host releases parasite germination stimulants,which are likely to be unstable in the soil.Our objective was to investigate whether extracts from non-host plants,specifically,Chinese medicinal plants,could stimulate germination of Orobanche spp.Samples of 606 Chinese medicinal herb species were extracted with deionized water and methanol.The extracts were used to induce germination of three Orobanche species;Orobanche minor,Orobanche cumana,and Orobanche aegyptiaca.O.minor exhibited a wide range of germination responses to the various herbal extracts.O.cumana and O.aegyptiaca exhibited an intermediate germination response to the herbal extracts.O.minor,which has a narrow host spectrum,showed higher germination rates in response to different herbal extracts compared with those of O.cumana and O.aegyptiaca,which have a broader host spectrum.Methanolic extracts of many Chinese herbal species effectively stimulated seed germination among the Orobanche spp.,even though they were not the typical hosts.The effective herbs represent interesting examples of potential trap crops.Different countries can also screen extracts from indigenous herbaceous plants for their ability to induce germination of Orobanche spp.seeds.The use of such species as trap plants could diminish the global soil seed bank of Orobanche.

Chai M, Zhu X P, Cui H X , et al.

Lily cultivars have allelopathic potential in controlling Orobanche aegyptiaca Persoon

PloS ONE, 2015,10(11):e0142811.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0142811      URL     PMID:4643976      [本文引用: 1]

As a devastating holoparasitic weed,Orobanche aegyptiacaPersoon. (Egyptian broomrape) causes serious damage to agricultural production and threatens economic development, which has raised widespread concern. The present study was conducted to determine whether lilies have the potential to be used as ‘trap crops’ for controllingO.aegyptiacaPersoon. In the experiments, the ability of three popular lily cultivars (LiliumOriental hybrids ‘Sorbonne’,LiliumLA (Longiflorum hybrids x Asiatic hybrids) hybrids ‘Ceb Dazzle’, andLiliumLongiflorum hybrids (L.formosanumxL.longiflorum) ‘L.formolongo’) to induceO.aegyptiacaPersoon. seed germination was assessed. Parts of the three lily cultivars, including the rhizosphere soil and underground and above-ground organs, all induced “suicidal germination” of parasiticO.aegyptiacaPersoon. seed at four growth stages. Specifically, Sorbonne and Ceb Dazzle behaved with similar allelopathy, and the bulb, scale leaf and aerial stem exhibited stronger allelopathic effects onO.aegyptiacaPers. germination compared to other organs. Aqueous L.formolongoleaf extracts may contain more stable, effective stimulants given that they induced the highest germination rate at 76.7% even though the extracts were serially diluted. We speculate that these organs may be advantageous in further isolating and purifying economical active substances that can be substitutes for GR24. These results indicate that lilies have the potential to be used as a trap crops or can be processed into green herbicide formulations that can be applied in agriculture production to rapidly deplete the seed bank ofO.aegyptiacaPersoon. parasitic weeds in soil.
