作物杂志, 2019, 35(6): 27-32 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.005



赵丽娟1, 袁红梅2, 赵丽伟3, 郭文栋4, 李志江1, 李祥羽1, 马金丰1, 李延东1, 宋维富1, 杨雪峰1, 刘东军1





The Phenotypic Variations and GA Sensitivity of a Dwarf Mutant d93090 in Foxtail Millet

Zhao Lijuan1, Yuan Hongmei2, Zhao Liwei3, Guo Wendong4, Li Zhijiang1, Li Xiangyu1, Ma Jinfeng1, Li Yandong1, Song Weifu1, Yang Xuefeng1, Liu Dongjun1

1Crop Resources Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang,China

2Industrial Crops Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086,Heilongjiang, China

3Comprehensive Agricultural Technology Service Center, Yangshu Town Government of Acheng District, Harbin 150314, Heilongjiang, China

4Nature and Ecology Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, Harbin 150040, Heilongjiang,China

收稿日期: 2019-05-17   修回日期: 2019-10-12   网络出版日期: 2019-12-15

基金资助: 黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目(C201316)

Received: 2019-05-17   Revised: 2019-10-12   Online: 2019-12-15

作者简介 About authors

赵丽娟,副研究员,主要从事作物资源与遗传育种研究 。


谷子矮秆突变体93090(暂命名为d93090)是野生型高秆谷子品系93090经 60Co-γ辐射诱变获得的,本研究对其矮化表型及其对赤霉素的敏感性进行了分析。结果表明,d93090株高约为野生型的60%左右,叶色变深、茎秆稍倾斜、茎节数不变、花期较对照推迟3~5d;幼苗期的苗长、第二叶鞘长和胚轴长均对外源GA3敏感,拔节期喷施外源GA3,d93090的株高部分恢复;d93090内源GAl含量显著低于野生型。d93090突变体是个半矮秆的突变类型,为谷子矮化育种提供了新材料,其矮秆性与GA生物合成途径相关。

关键词: 谷子 ; 半矮秆突变体 ; 表型 ; GA3敏感性


Abstact A stably inherited dwarf mutant d93090 was obtained from a wild type tall line 93090 in foxtail millet induced by 60Co-γ irradiation. Then its dwarfing morphology and the characteristics response to gibberellin were analyzed. The results showed: Compared with the wild type, the plant height of the dwarf mutant was about 60% of that of the wild type. And other features, such as darker leaves in color, slightly sloping stem, the same stem nodes and delayed flowering time of about 3-5 days were also observed. The seedling length, the length of second leaf sheath and hypocotyl length at seedling stage were sensitive to exogenous GA3. While exogenous GA3 was sprayed at jointing stage, plant height of dwarf mutant was partially restored. The content of endogenous GAl in dwarf mutant was significantly lower than that in wild type. It can be concluded this mutant is a semi-dwarf mutant and is related to the GA metabolic pathway. This study provides new germplasm for dwarf breeding in foxtail millet.

Keywords: Foxtail millet ; Semi-dwarf mutant ; Phenotype ; GA3 sensitivity

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赵丽娟, 袁红梅, 赵丽伟, 郭文栋, 李志江, 李祥羽, 马金丰, 李延东, 宋维富, 杨雪峰, 刘东军. 谷子矮秆突变体d93090的表型变异及其对赤霉素的敏感性分析[J]. 作物杂志, 2019, 35(6): 27-32 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.005

Zhao Lijuan, Yuan Hongmei, Zhao Liwei, Guo Wendong, Li Zhijiang, Li Xiangyu, Ma Jinfeng, Li Yandong, Song Weifu, Yang Xuefeng, Liu Dongjun. The Phenotypic Variations and GA Sensitivity of a Dwarf Mutant d93090 in Foxtail Millet[J]. Crops, 2019, 35(6): 27-32 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.005



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

2011年利用0.20KGY剂量的60Co-γ射线辐射野生型高秆谷子品系93090的干种子(含水量约为 12%),参照赵丽娟等[12]种植方法和收获方法在黑龙江省现代农业示范区试验地种植辐射一代(M1)和辐射二代(M2),从M2代中选育出一个矮秆突变体,经连续自交6代,获得稳定遗传的矮秆突变株,暂命名为d93090。

1.2 试验方法

1.2.1 农艺性状调查 2016年5月在黑龙江省现代农业示范区试验地种植野生型(wild type,WT)和d93090材料。选取10株生长正常的野生型和d93090植株挂牌标记,在拔节初期和开花期分别对其株高、叶片数、叶长和叶宽进行统计和测量;在成熟期,对挂牌植株的株高、穗部各性状及由根部向上数起各节间的长度进行测定。

1.2.2 茎秆伸长测定 2016年11月进行幼苗茎秆伸长检测试验:利用光照培养箱进行培养,试验使用的外源赤霉素为GA3,浓度梯度为30、40、50、60、70mg/L,分别标为GA30、GA40、GA50、GA60、GA70处理,同时与加0.1mg/L的BR(标为BR0.1)和10mg/L的生长激素(IAA,标为IAA10)处理进行比较,以加纯净水作为对照(CK)。



1.2.3 内源GAl含量测定 分别采集幼苗期、拔节初期和拔节期野生型和突变体d93090的新鲜嫩茎及少部分叶片提取赤霉素,3次生物学重复(样品来自同一品种的3个不同植株),2次技术重复(每个样品重复检测2次),用ELISA试剂盒进行GA1含量的测定。

2 结果与分析

2.1 矮秆突变体d93090的表型分析


表1   d93090和野生型拔节初期的株高、叶片数、叶长和叶宽

Table 1  Plant height, leaf numbers, leaf length and width of d93090 and wild type at early jointing stage cm

Plant height
Leaf number
4th leaf length
5th leaf length
6th leaf length
4th leaf width
5th leaf width
6th leaf width

Note: ** Represents P<0.01, the same below


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表2   d93090和野生型开花期的株高、叶片数、叶长和叶宽

Table 2  Plant height, leaf numbers, leaf length and width of d93090 and wild type at flowering stage cm

Plant height
Leaf number
1st leaf length
2nd leaf length
3rd leaf length
2nd leaf width
3rd leaf width

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表3   d93090和野生型成熟期株高及穗部性状比较

Table 3  Comparition of plant height and panicle characters of d93090 and wild type at mature stage

Plant height
Panicle length
Panicle diameter
Panicle weight
Grain weight per panicle
1000- seed weight

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图1   成熟期野生型和突变体d93090各茎节的节间长度

Fig.1   Internode length of each stem node of wild type and d93090 at mature stage


图2   成熟期野生型和d93090对应茎节节间长度的变化

Fig.2   Internode length changes of corresponding stem node of wild type and d93090 at mature stage

2.2 矮秆突变体d93090对外源激素的反应敏感性分析



图3   不同浓度GA3及BR、IAA诱导幼苗苗长、第二叶鞘长度及胚轴长度变化

Fig.3   Variations induced by different concentrations of GA3, BR and IAA in the length, the second sheath length and hypocotyl length of seedlings



图4   温室内植株喷施植物激素后株高的恢复情况


Fig.4   Recovery of plant height after spraying plant hormone in greenhouse

"***" represents P<0.001, the same below

2.3 突变体的内源GA1含量分析



图5   不同生育期d93090和野生型内源GA1的含量


Fig.5   Content of endogenous GA1 in d93090 and wild type at different growth stages

"**" represents P<0.01

3 讨论




4 结论



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A dwarf mutant, dwarf 62 (d62), was isolated from rice cultivar 93-11 by mutagenesis with γ-rays. Under normal growth conditions, the mutant had multiple abnormal phenotypes, such as dwarfism, wide and dark-green leaf blades, reduced tiller numbers, late and asynchronous heading, short roots, partial male sterility, etc. Genetic analysis indicated that the abnormal phenotypes were controlled by the recessive mutation of a single nuclear gene. Using molecular markers, the D62 gene was fine mapped in 131-kb region at the short arm of chromosome 6. Positional cloning of D62 gene revealed that it was the same locus as DLT/OsGRAS-32, which encodes a member of the GRAS family. In previous studies, the DLT/OsGRAS-32 is confirmed to play positive roles in brassinosteroid (BR) signaling. Sequence analysis showed that the d62 carried a 2-bp deletion in ORF region of D62 gene which led to a loss-of-function mutation. The function of D62 gene was confirmed by complementation experiment. RT-PCR analysis and promoter activity analysis showed that the D62 gene expressed in all tested tissues including roots, stems, leaves and panicles of rice plant. The d62 mutant exhibited decreased activity of α-amylase in endosperm and reduced content of endogenous GA1. The expression levels of gibberellin (GA) biosynthetic genes including OsCPS1, OsKS1, OsKO1, OsKAO, OsGA20ox2/SD1 and OsGA2ox3 were significantly increased in d62 mutant. Briefly, these results demonstrated that the D62 (DLT/OsGRAS-32) not only participated in the regulation of BR signaling, but also influenced GA metabolism in rice.

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We generated a high-quality reference genome sequence for foxtail millet (Setaria italica). The similar to 400-Mb assembly covers similar to 80% of the genome and > 95% of the gene space. The assembly was anchored to a 992-locus genetic map and was annotated by comparison with > 1.3 million expressed sequence tag reads. We produced more than 580 million RNA-Seq reads to facilitate expression analyses. We also sequenced Setaria viridis, the ancestral wild relative of S. italica, and identified regions of differential single-nucleotide polymorphism density, distribution of transposable elements, small RNA content, chromosomal rearrangement and segregation distortion. The genus Setaria includes natural and cultivated species that demonstrate a wide capacity for adaptation. The genetic basis of this adaptation was investigated by comparing five sequenced grass genomes. We also used the diploid Setaria genome to evaluate the ongoing genome assembly of a related polyploid, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum).

Zhang G Y, Liu X, Quan, Z W , et al.

Genome sequence of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) provides insights into grass evolution and biofuel potential

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Foxtail millet (Setaria italica), a member of the Poaceae grass family, is an important food and fodder crop in arid regions and has potential for use as a C-4 biofuel. It is a model system for other biofuel grasses, including switchgrass and pearl millet. We produced a draft genome (similar to 423 Mb) anchored onto nine chromosomes and annotated 38,801 genes. Key chromosome reshuffling events were detected through collinearity identification between foxtail millet, rice and sorghum including two reshuffling events fusing rice chromosomes 7 and 9, 3 and 10 to foxtail millet chromosomes 2 and 9, respectively, that occurred after the divergence of foxtail millet and rice, and a single reshuffling event fusing rice chromosome 5 and 12 to foxtail millet chromosome 3 that occurred after the divergence of millet and sorghum. Rearrangements in the C-4 photosynthesis pathway were also identified.
