作物杂志, 2019, 35(6): 33-42 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.006



宋健1,2, 晓宁3, 王海岗3, 陈凌3, 王君杰3, 刘思辰3, 乔治军3




Identification and Expression Analysis of ASR Family Genes in Setaria italica

Song Jian1,2, Cao Xiaoning3, Wang Haigang3, Chen Ling3, Wang Junjie3, Liu Sichen3, Qiao Zhijun3

1College of Biological Engineering, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, Shanxi, China

2Institute of Industrial Crop, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fenyang 032200, Shanxi, China

3Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China

通讯作者: 乔治军,研究员,研究方向为作物种质资源; 刘思辰为共同通信作者,助理研究员,研究方向为谷子遗传转化体系构建及抗旱基因的挖掘利用

收稿日期: 2019-06-5   修回日期: 2019-10-11   网络出版日期: 2019-12-15

基金资助: 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-06-13.5-A16)

Received: 2019-06-5   Revised: 2019-10-11   Online: 2019-12-15

作者简介 About authors

宋健,助理研究员,研究方向为谷子种质资源创新与利用 。


ASR蛋白是植物特有的一类蛋白,是参与并提高植物抗旱性和耐盐性过程中非常重要的蛋白之一。利用生物信息学方法,对8个谷子SiASRs家族基因编码的蛋白进行理化性质的分析、启动子的分析和系统进化树构建等,并结合qRT-PCR进行10% PEG-6000和150mmol/L NaCl胁迫下的表达分析。结果表明,谷子SiASRs家族的8个基因编码的蛋白都包含典型的ABA/WDS结构,该基因家族编码的蛋白质都不具有信号肽。系统发育树分析结果表明,在遗传进化上谷子与柳枝稷亲缘关系较近,与双子叶的番茄和大豆ASR蛋白的亲缘关系较远。PEG胁迫下基因的表达分析显示,8个SiASRs基因在受到PEG胁迫诱导后在根、茎、叶中表达量差异显著。NaCl胁迫下基因的表达分析结果显示,8个ASR基因对NaCl胁迫的响应主要在叶中体现,整体呈上调表达趋势;8个ASR基因在茎中表达变化较为稳定;在根部主要由ASR1、ASR2、ASR4、ASR5、ASR6参与NaCl胁迫响应,均为上调表达。

关键词: 谷子 ; ASR ; 家族基因 ; 生物信息学 ; 表达分析


ASR protein is a plant-specific protein, which it is one of the most important proteins involved in the drought resistance and salt tolerance of plants. Bioinformatics methods were used to analyze the physicochemical properties of proteins, promoter analysis and phylogenetic tree construction of eight SiASRs family genes in millet. PEG-6000 (10%) and salt (150mmol/L) stresses were arranged for study expression using qRT-PCR. The proteins encoded by the 8 millet SiASRs family genes contained typical ABA/WDS structures, and no signal peptides. Phylogenetic tree showed that the genetic relationship between millet and switchgrass was closer. The evolution among millet ASR protein and tomato ASR protein and soybean ASR protein was relatively far. The results of expression analysis under PEG stress showed that the expression of 8 SiASR was significantly different in different tissues after induction by drought stress. The results of expression analysis under salt stress showed that the responses of 8 ASR genes to salt stress were mainly reflected in the leaves, and the overall expression was up-regulated. The expression of 8 ASR genes in stems was stable; In the roots, ASR1, ASR2, ASR4, ASR5 and ASR6 were involved in salt stress response, and all 5 genes were up-regulated.

Keywords: Setaria italica ; ASR ; Family gene ; Bioinformatics ; Expression analysis

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宋健, 晓宁, 王海岗, 陈凌, 王君杰, 刘思辰, 乔治军. SiASRs家族基因的鉴定及表达分析[J]. 作物杂志, 2019, 35(6): 33-42 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.006

Song Jian, Cao Xiaoning, Wang Haigang, Chen Ling, Wang Junjie, Liu Sichen, Qiao Zhijun. Identification and Expression Analysis of ASR Family Genes in Setaria italica[J]. Crops, 2019, 35(6): 33-42 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.006

谷子(Setaria italica)属一年生禾本科植物[1],具很强的抗旱耐瘠薄的特性[2],起源于我国北方,是粮饲兼用作物[3]。谷子是典型的C4植物[4],种子萌发只需少量的水分,约占种子重量的25%,而且整个生育期需水量较少,属于典型的环境友好型作物。谷子因其具有较强的耐旱、耐瘠薄和高光效的特性,以及其生长周期短,株高可控[5]等特性,非常适合用于抗旱研究。对抗旱基因的挖掘利用,可以为作物的遗传改良和分子育种提供强有力的支撑[6],加速育种进程,提高育种效率。

ASR(abscisic acid stress ripening)是从植物中发现的一类基因[7]编码的蛋白主要负责调控植物对干旱和盐胁迫的适应性、果实成熟、糖类代谢、低温、创伤、光感应以及激素的响应等,对维持植物的正常生命活动和生长发育发挥着重要作用。ASR基因是植物中特有的一类家族基因,ASR基因最早在番茄中通过干旱胁迫后分离克隆获得,之后在不同类型的植物中均有发现,但在拟南芥没有ASR基因存在,ASR家族成员最多的为玉米,有9个成员[8]。学者们对香蕉、荔枝、甜橙、桑树、葡萄、枇杷、甘蔗、茶树、火炬松、百合、木薯、番茄、大豆、水稻、玉米等植物的ASR基因进行了研究,其中,番茄ASR1基因的过表达能提高其对干旱和盐胁迫的耐受性[9],水稻ASR1基因在盐胁迫后茎中的表达量上调[10],百合ASR家族成员中LLA23的表达能提高百合对缺水和高盐胁迫的耐受性[11],火炬松ASR家族的Lp3基因也是参与水分亏缺调控的重要成员[12],海蓬子ASR1基因在盐胁迫下通过转录表达调控叶片中Na+的含量来提高植株的耐盐性[13]

Feng等[14]对谷子ASR1基因的抗旱和耐氧化性进行了研究,结果显示,在拟南芥中过表达SiASR1基因能提高拟南芥植株对干旱和氧化胁迫的耐受性。李建锐[15]对谷子ASR4基因进行了克隆,并对ASR4与非生物胁迫的耐受性进行了相关研究分析,结果显示,SiASR4受脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)、PEG和盐的诱导表达。ASR基因的表达是一个极其复杂的过程,在不同组织部位ASR基因的转录表达量也有很大不同。本研究通过对谷子幼苗进行干旱和盐胁迫,取幼苗不同组织部位来分析ASR基因的表达,旨在分析谷子不同组织部位响应干旱和盐胁迫后ASR基因的表达情况,进而了解PEG、NaCl诱导后表达量较高的谷子ASR基因,为研究ASR基因在抗旱耐盐中的作用提供基础。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料及培养方法


1.2 试验方法

1.2.1 谷子ASR家族基因的鉴定 在Phytozome v12.1的谷子数据库(Setaria italica v2.2)中下载谷子的蛋白序列文件,在数据库Protein family(Pfam)中通过关键词ABA/WDS查找谷子ASR家族蛋白的编号(PF02496),根据该蛋白的编号在谷子数据库中搜索下载所有ASR蛋白家族成员。之后通过NCBI中Batch CD search、Pfam的CD search来分析SiASRs是否具有ABA/WDS保守结构域,最终确定SiASRs家族基因数目。在NCBI谷子数据库下载谷子的染色体组数据,在JGI数据库确定8个谷子ASR家族成员的位置信息及其在染色体上的分布情况。并使用MapGene2Chromosome(MG2C)绘制SiASRs基因在染色体的分布图。

1.2.2 谷子ASR家族基因编码蛋白的理化特性分析


1.2.3 SiASRs蛋白家族系统进化树构建 下载水稻、高粱、玉米、大豆、番茄和柳枝稷中ASRs蛋白序列,运用Muscle对其ASR蛋白氨基酸序列和SiASRs蛋白氨基酸序列进行多重比对,用MEGA6.0分析比对结果,并采用邻接法(bootstrap replications of 1000)构建系统进化树[21]

1.2.4 谷子ASR家族基因结构和启动子元件分析

在JGI官网下载谷子Setaria italica v2.2中的gff3文件,利用TBtools工具中的Redraw Gene Structure对谷子ASR家族基因的结构进行分析。通过MEME suit(http://meme-suite.org/)在线网站对SiASRs蛋白的motif元件进行搜索,分析各ASR蛋白的保守基序。利用Plantscare[22](http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/webtools/plantcare/html/)对SiASRs基因进行启动子分析。用Setaria italica v2.2下载谷子的全基因组序列和谷子gff3文件,使用TBtools将谷子全基因组序列提取出来,之后利用TBtools的Fasta Extractor将8个谷子ASR家族基因的序列全部提取出来,分析SiASRs基因编码区起始密码子ATG上游2 000bp基因组序列的启动子情况。

1.2.5 PEG、NaCl胁迫之后谷子ASR家族基因的表达分析 使用TIANGEN植物总RNA提取试剂盒和cDNA反转录试剂盒进行谷子总RNA的提取以及cDNA的反转录。对第一链cDNA进行PCR扩增,用1%琼脂糖凝胶进行电泳检测。用Premier 5.0进行荧光引物设计,利用Primer-BLAST对所设计引物进行特异性检测。用qRT-PCR中的相对定量法(2-△△Ct)分析8个ASR基因在逆境胁迫下的表达情况。

2 结果与分析

2.1 谷子ASR家族基因的鉴定及染色体定位分析

以ASR蛋白的保守结构域序列编号(PF02496)作为关键词,在JGI谷子数据库(Setaria italica v2.2)中进行搜索,结合NCBI中Batch CD search、Pfam中的CD search在谷子数据库中共搜索出了8个含有ABA/WDS完整结构域的ASR蛋白序列。MG2C工具绘制的SiASRs基因分布图(图1)显示,ASR1位于1号染色体,ASR2、ASR3、ASR4位于5号染色体,ASR5、ASR6、ASR7位于7号染色体,ASR8位于8号染色体。5和7号染色体上的ASR基因较多,各有3个SiASRs基因存在,1和8号染色体上各有1个ASR基因。谷子ASR基因属于小家族基因,在2、3、4、6、9号染色体上无ASR基因。


图1   谷子ASR家族基因的染色体定位

Fig.1   SiASR family genes chromosome mapping

2.2 谷子ASR家族基因编码蛋白的理化特性分析


表1   谷子ASR家族基因成员及理化特性

Table 1  Members of SiASR family genes and their physicochemical properties

Gene name
Gene ID
Length of gene
编码区(bp)Length of CDS氨基酸数目(aa)
Number of amino acids
Location of the genes on the chromosome
Molecular weight
Hydrophilic index
SiASR1Seita.1G187200876324107scaffold_1:26937730..26938605 reverse6.7611.82-1.190
SiASR2Seita.5G4636001 020522173scaffold_5:46902215..46903234 forward6.2619.38-1.277
SiASR3Seita.5G4637001 167318105scaffold_5:46906469..46907635 reverse9.7311.71-1.147
SiASR4Seita.5G463800590309103scaffold_5:46907284..46907873 forward9.8011.50-1.417
SiASR5Seita.7G097100803306101scaffold_7:19994321..19995123 reverse6.8111.48-1.366
SiASR6Seita.7G0972001 318735244scaffold_7:19998219..19999536 reverse5.0326.00-1.636
SiASR7Seita.7G291500984417138scaffold_7:33499331..33500314 forward5.8815.45-1.298
SiASR8Seita.8G045700917414137scaffold_8:3645891..3646807 reverse6.1515.42-1.346

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2.3 ASRs 蛋白系统进化分析

利用MEGA6.0对水稻、玉米、高粱、大豆、番茄、柳枝稷和谷子的ASR蛋白进行多重序列比对后,采用邻接法(bootstrap replications of 1000)构建系统进化树(图2),从进化发育树可看出谷子ASR家族蛋白分为6大类,SiASR1和ZmASR5聚为一类,SiASR5和PhASR4、SbASR5进化关系较近,SiASR4和OsASR1、SiASR3和PhASR2分别聚为一个进化分支,SiASR2和PhASR3及SiASR6和ZmASR3、SbASR6、PhASR5聚为一类,SiASR7和PhASR1聚为一类,SiASR8和PhASR6进化关系最近。而大豆和番茄都为双子叶植物,在进化发育上都各自分为一类,且与单子叶植物的ASR蛋白在进化中差异很大。SiASRs蛋白与玉米ASR蛋白进化关系较近的有ZmASR3、ZmASR4、ZmASR5、ZmASR6;与水稻ASR蛋白进化关系较近的只有OsASR1和OsASR5;与高粱ASR蛋白进化关系较近的有SbASR1、SbASR5、SbASR6;与柳枝稷ASR蛋白进化关系较近的有PhASR1、PhASR2、PhASR3、PhASR4、PhASR5、PhASR6。表明谷子与柳枝稷的祖先亲缘关系更为相近。


图2   ASRs蛋白的系统进化分析

Fig.2   Phylogenetic analysis of ASRs protein

2.4 SiASRs家族基因结构和启动子顺式作用元件分布



图3   SiASRs蛋白系统进化树、SiASRs基因结构及SiASRs蛋白的基序分布


Fig.3   SiASRs protein phylogenetic tree, SiASRs gene structure and motif distribution of SiASRs protein

A, The phylogenetic tree of SiASRs protein; B, SiASRs gene structure map; C, The conserved motifs of SiASRs protein

表2   SiASRs蛋白的基序

Table 2  Motifs of SiASRs proteins

Motif name
Motif width
Amino acid composition of the motif

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2.5 谷子ASR基因家族的启动子分析

通过TBtools中gff3 Sequeneces Extracter将谷子ASR基因编码区起始密码子ATG上游2 000bp的基因组序列提取出来,然后提交给PlantCARE Search for CARE。8个ASR基因涉及的响应元件包括生长素、茉莉酸甲酯(methyl jasmonate,MeJA)、ABA、赤霉素(gibberellin,GA)、水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)、光、胁迫、低温、机械损伤等不同类型的响应元件。8个ASR基因都具有MeJa响应元件和光响应元件(G-Box);除ASR2基因外,其余7个ASR基因都有ABA响应元件(ABRE);ASR1和ASR6有低温响应元件(low temperature response element,LTR);ASR1、ASR5、ASR7和ASR8具有赤霉素响应元件(GARE);只有ASR4的启动子中存在防御和胁迫反应元件(TC-rich repeats);ASR2的启动子中具有机械损伤元件(WUN-motif)。ASR3启动子序列中的基序主要是光反应元件。

2.6 谷子ASR家族基因的表达分析

2.6.1 不同器官中ASR家族基因的表达分析 谷子不同组织部位的ASR基因表达分析结果:ASR1、ASR5、ASR6、ASR7和ASR8主要在茎中表达;ASR3、ASR4主要在根中表达;而ASR2主要在叶中表达(图4)。ASR3不同组织部位的相对表达量差异最大,其在根中的表达量为茎和叶中表达量的70倍左右,茎中的表达量很少。ASR2、ASR5、ASR6、ASR7和ASR8在根中的表达量较少,ASR1、ASR3、ASR5和ASR8在叶中的表达量相对于根部和茎部表达量非常少。因此,SiASRs基因表达具有较为明显的组织特异性。


图4   胁迫前谷子ASR家族基因在根、茎、叶中的相对表达量

Fig.4   Relative expression of SiASR family genes in roots, stems and leaves before stress

2.6.2 PEG-6000和NaCl胁迫后谷子ASR家族基因在根、茎和叶部的表达分析 在10%PEG-6000处理幼苗后,以谷子的18S rRNA基因作为内参,通过qRT-PCR的相对定量法对胁迫后8个ASR基因的相对表达量进行计算分析。从图5可以看出,ASR1总体表达量为根>叶>茎,ASR1在根部的表达于胁迫6h时达到峰值,为CK的7倍左右;而在茎部于胁迫4h时达峰值,表达量波动幅度不太明显;在叶中表达趋势与茎部类似,表达呈下调趋势。ASR2总体表达量为茎>叶>根,ASR2在10%PEG-6000处理后,根部的表达于胁迫4h时达峰值,为CK的6.5~7.0倍;随着胁迫时间的延长,茎部ASR2的表达先逐渐升高后降低,在胁迫12h时达到表达峰值,表达量大约为CK的9倍左右;在叶中的表达量于胁迫4h时达峰值,大约为CK的8倍左右。


图5   10%PEG-6000胁迫处理后SiASR家族基因在根、茎和叶中的相对表达量

Fig.5   Relative expression of SiASR family genes in roots, stems and leaves after 10% PEG-6000 stress treatment





图6可看出,经过150mmol/L NaCl溶液胁迫,谷子ASR家族基因在感受到盐胁迫之后,所有的ASR基因在叶中都呈上调表达,ASR5、ASR6在叶中的上调表达最为突出。在茎部ASR2、ASR3、ASR4、ASR5、ASR6的表达量略微上调,都维持在CK的2~4倍;而ASR1、ASR7、ASR8在盐胁迫之后都开始下调表达。在根部ASR1、ASR2、ASR4、ASR5、ASR6的表达都为上调,ASR3、ASR7和ASR8在根部为下调表达。因此,谷子的ASR家族基因在盐胁迫之后,都参与了代谢过程,以维持植物正常的生理活动。


图6   盐胁迫后根、茎、叶中SiASR家族基因的相对表达量

Fig.6   Relative expression of SiASR family genes in roots, stems and leaves after salt stress


3 讨论

3.1 谷子ASR家族基因生物信息学分析


3.2 谷子ASR基因在不同器官中的表达分析


3.3 谷子ASR基因在PEG-6000胁迫下不同器官中的表达分析

10%PEG-6000胁迫下ASR1主要在根部转录表达;ASR2在根、茎、叶3个部位都呈上调表达;ASR3和ASR4主要在茎部表达,预测这2个基因可能在调控茎部水分的运输中起作用;ASR5和ASR6在根、茎、叶3个部位都呈上调表达;而ASR7主要在叶中表达,可能具有调节叶片气孔关闭的功能;ASR8主要在根部表达,可能在感受到干旱胁迫后,调节植物根部以增加根部的吸水量来维持植物正常的生命活动。李建锐[15]研究结果显示,在PEG胁迫处理后,ASR1和ASR3的表达量提升最高,ASR1在胁迫1h表达量就达到0h的310.12倍,ASR3在胁迫12h时表达量达到0h的1 957.78倍;本研究中,在干旱胁迫之后表达量最高的2个基因是ASR4和ASR7,ASR4在胁迫6h时茎部的表达量达到CK的110倍以上;ASR7主要在叶中表达,在胁迫4h时表达量达到CK的310倍左右。

3.4 谷子ASR基因在NaCl胁迫下不同器官中的表达分析



4 结论



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杨晔, 李晶, 顾万荣 , .



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张丽丽, 李博, 谭燕华 , .


江苏农业科学, 2016,44(4):16-22.

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Hagit A Z, Scolnik P A, Dudy B Z .

Tomato Asr1 mRNA and protein are transiently expressed following salt stress,osmotic stress and treatment with abscisic acid

Plant Science, 1995,110(2):205-213.

DOI:10.1016/0168-9452(95)94515-K      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Joo J, Lee Y H, Choi D H , et al.

Rice ASR1 has function in abiotic stress tolerance during early growth stages of rice

Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry, 2013,56(3):349-352.

DOI:10.1007/s13765-013-3060-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

OsASR1 expression was induced through Abscisic acid (ABA) and stress treatments in leaves. The constitutive overexpression of OsASR1 in rice reduced ABA sensitivity, and increased high salinity and osmotic stress tolerance in early growth stages. These results indicated that OsASR1 has function in abiotic stress tolerance during early growth stages of rice.

Yang C Y, Chen Y C, Guang Y J , et al.

A lily asr protein involves abscisic acid signaling and confers drought and salt resistance in Arabidopsis

Plant Physiology, 2005,139(2):836-846.

DOI:10.1104/pp.105.065458      URL     PMID:16169963      [本文引用: 2]

LLA23, an abscisic acid-, stress-, and ripening-induced protein, was previously isolated from lily (Lilium longiflorum) pollen. The expression of LLA23 is induced under the application of abscisic acid (ABA), NaCl, or dehydration. To provide evidence on the biological role of LLA23 proteins against drought, we used an overexpression approach in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Constitutive overexpression of LLA23 under the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter confers reduced sensitivity to ABA in Arabidopsis seeds and, consequently, a reduced degree of seed dormancy. Transgenic 35SLLA23 seeds are able to germinate under unfavorable conditions, such as inhibitory concentrations of mannitol and NaCl. At the molecular level, altered expression of ABA/stress-regulated genes was observed. Thus, our results provide strong in vivo evidence that LLA23 mediates stress-responsive ABA signaling. In vegetative tissues, it is intriguing that Arabidopsis 35SLLA23 stomata remain opened upon drought, while transgenic plants have a decreased rate of water loss and exhibit enhanced drought and salt resistance. A dual function of the lily abscisic acid-, stress-, and ripening-induced protein molecule is discussed.

Wang J T, Gould J H, Padmanabhan V , et al.

Analysis and localization of the Water-Deficit Stress-Induced gene (lp3)

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2002,21(4):469-478.

DOI:10.1007/s00344-002-0128-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

LP3 is a water-deficit-induced protein, which is highly homologous to ASR (ABA, stress and ripening) proteins. Homology was found in the C-terminal region of the putative LP3 protein while lower homologies were found in the N-terminal region. The goal of this study was to investigate the function of the LP3 protein and the mechanism of the lp3 promoter in response to water-deficit stress (WDS) and other stresses. In regenerated transgenic tobacco (T0), expression of β-glucuronidase (GUS) from the lp3 promoter-GUS construct was observed in polyethylene glycol (PEG), abscisic acid (ABA), methyl-jasmonate (MeJa), and fluridone (Flu) treatments. GUS expression was not observed following gibberellin (GA3), 2-methyl-4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D), silver nitrate, or ethephon (ethylene releasing agent) treatments. Germinated T1 seedlings containing the lp3 promoter-GUS construct exhibited GUS activity up to 40 days postgermination. Expression could be restored when 5-azacytidine was included in the culture media, indicative of a developmentally regulated silencing mechanism involving methylation. In transgenic tobacco, the LP3 protein localized in the cell nucleus was induced by WDS and appeared to be developmentally regulated.

Jha B, Lal S, Tiwari V , et al.

The SbASR-1 gene cloned from an extreme halophyte Salicornia brachiata enhances salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco

Marine Biotechnology, 2012,14(6):782-792.

DOI:10.1007/s10126-012-9442-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Salinity severely affects plant growth and development. Plants evolved various mechanisms to cope up stress both at molecular and cellular levels. Halophytes have developed better mechanism to alleviate the salt stress than glycophytes, and therefore, it is advantageous to study the role of different genes from halophytes. Salicornia brachiata is an extreme halophyte, which grows luxuriantly in the salty marshes in the coastal areas. Earlier, we have isolated SbASR-1 (abscisic acid stress ripening-1) gene from S. brachiata using cDNA subtractive hybridisation library. ASR-1 genes are abscisic acid (ABA) responsive, whose expression level increases under abiotic stresses, injury, during fruit ripening and in pollen grains. The SbASR-1 transcript showed up-regulation under salt stress conditions. The SbASR-1 protein contains 202 amino acids of 21.01-kDa molecular mass and has 79 amino acid long signatures of ABA/WDS gene family. It has a maximum identity (73 %) with Solanum chilense ASR-1 protein. The SbASR-1 has a large number of disorder-promoting amino acids, which make it an intrinsically disordered protein. The SbASR-1 gene was over-expressed under CaMV 35S promoter in tobacco plant to study its physiological functions under salt stress. T-0 transgenic tobacco seeds showed better germination and seedling growth as compared to wild type (Wt) in a salt stress condition. In the leaf tissues of transgenic lines, Na+ and proline contents were significantly lower, as compared to Wt plant, under salt treatment, suggesting that transgenic plants are better adapted to salt stress.

Feng Z J, Xu Z S, Sun J T , et al.

Investigation of the ASR family in foxtail millet and the role of ASR1 in drought/oxidative stress tolerance

Plant Cell Reports, 2016,35(1):115-128.

DOI:10.1007/s00299-015-1873-y      URL     PMID:26441057      [本文引用: 1]

Six foxtail millet ASR genes were regulated by various stress-related signals. Overexpression of ASR1 increased drought and oxidative tolerance by controlling ROS homeostasis and regulating oxidation-related genes in tobacco plants. Abscisic acid stress ripening (ASR) proteins with ABA/WDS domains constituted a class of plant-specific transcription factors, playing important roles in plant development, growth and abiotic stress responses. However, only a few ASRs genes have been characterized in crop plants and none was reported so far in foxtail millet (Setaria italic), an important drought-tolerant crop and model bioenergy grain crop. In the present study, we identified six foxtail millet ASR genes. Gene structure, protein alignments and phylogenetic relationships were analyzed. Transcript expression patterns of ASR genes revealed that ASRs might play important roles in stress-related signaling and abiotic stress responses in diverse tissues in foxtail millet. Subcellular localization assays showed that SiASR1 localized in the nucleus. Overexpression of SiASR1 in tobacco remarkably increased tolerance to drought and oxidative stresses, as determined through developmental and physiological analyses of germination rate, root growth, survival rate, relative water content, ion leakage, chlorophyll content and antioxidant enzyme activities. Furthermore, expression of SiASR1 modulated the transcript levels of oxidation-related genes, including NtSOD, NtAPX, NtCAT, NtRbohA and NtRbohB, under drought and oxidative stress conditions. These results provide a foundation for evolutionary and functional characterization of the ASR gene family in foxtail millet.

李建锐 .


北京:中国农业大学, 2018.

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Liu Y, Teng X, Yang X , et al.

Shotgun proteomics and network analysis between plasma membrane and extracellular matrix proteins from rat olfactory ensheathing cells

Cell Transplantation, 2010,19(2):133-146.

DOI:10.3727/096368910X492607      URL     PMID:20350363      [本文引用: 1]

Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are a special type of glial cells that have characteristics of both astrocytes and Schwann cells. Evidence suggests that the regenerative capacity of OECs is induced by soluble, secreted factors that influence their microenvironment. These factors may regulate OECs self-renewal and/or induce their capacity to augment spinal cord regeneration. Profiling of plasma membrane and extracellular matrix through a high-throughput expression proteomics approach was undertaken to identify plasma membrane and extracellular matrix proteins of OECs under serum-free conditions. 1D-shotgun proteomics followed with gene ontology (GO) analysis was used to screen proteins from primary culture rat OECs. Four hundred and seventy nonredundant plasma membrane proteins and 168 extracellular matrix proteins were identified, the majority of which were never before reported to be produced by OECs. Furthermore, plasma membrane and extracellular proteins were classified based on their protein-protein interaction predicted by STRING quantitatively integrates interaction data. The proteomic profiling of the OECs plasma membrane proteins and their connection with the secretome in serum-free culture conditions provides new insights into the nature of their in vivo microenvironmental niche. Proteomic analysis for the discovery of clinical biomarkers of OECs mechanism warrants further study.

刘晓庆, 陈华涛, 张红梅 , .


华北农学报, 2018,33(3):14-18.

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Lu Y, Liu L, Wang X , et al.

Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the expansin gene family in tomato

Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2016,291(2):597-608.

DOI:10.1007/s00438-015-1133-4      URL     PMID:26499956      [本文引用: 1]

Plant expansins are capable of inducing pH-dependent cell wall extension and stress relaxation. They may be useful as targets for crop improvement to enhance fruit development and stress resistance. Tomato is a major agricultural crop and a model plant for studying fruit development. Because only some tomato expansins have been studied, a genome-wide analysis of the tomato expansin family is necessary. In this study, we identified 25 SlEXPAs, eight SlEXPBs, one SlEXLA, four SlEXLBs, and five short homologs in the tomato genome. 25 of these genes were identified as being expressed. Bioinformatic analysis showed that although tomato expansins share similarities with those from other plants, they also exhibit specific features regarding genetic structure and amino acid sequences, which indicates a unique evolutionary process. Segmental and tandem duplication events have played important roles in expanding the tomato expansin family. Additionally, the 3-exon/2-intron structure may form the basic organization of expansin genes. We identified new expansin genes preferentially expressed in fruits (SlEXPA8, SlEXPB8, and SlEXLB1), roots (SlEXPA9, SlEXLB2, and SlEXLB4), and floral organs. Among the analyzed genes those that were inducible by hormone or stress treatments, including SlEXPA3, SlEXPA7, SlEXPB1-B2, SlEXPB8, SlEXLB1-LB2, and SlEXLB4. Our findings may further clarify the biological activities of tomato expansins, especially those related to fruit development and stress resistance, and contribute to the genetic modification of tomato plants to improve crop quality and yield.

邢国芳, 张莉, 冯万军 , .

谷子WRKY 转录因子基因家族分析

山西农业大学学报(自然科学版), 2016,36(12):837-845.

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孙洋洋 .


呼和浩特:内蒙古师范大学, 2014.

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Lescot M, DeHais P, Thijs G ,et al.

Plant CARE,a database of plant cis-acting regulatory elements and a portal to tools for in silico analysis of promoter sequences

Nucleic Acids Research, 2002,30(1):325-327.

DOI:10.1093/nar/30.1.325      URL     PMID:11752327      [本文引用: 1]

PlantCARE is a database of plant cis-acting regulatory elements, enhancers and repressors. Regulatory elements are represented by positional matrices, consensus sequences and individual sites on particular promoter sequences. Links to the EMBL, TRANSFAC and MEDLINE databases are provided when available. Data about the transcription sites are extracted mainly from the literature, supplemented with an increasing number of in silico predicted data. Apart from a general description for specific transcription factor sites, levels of confidence for the experimental evidence, functional information and the position on the promoter are given as well. New features have been implemented to search for plant cis-acting regulatory elements in a query sequence. Furthermore, links are now provided to a new clustering and motif search method to investigate clusters of co-expressed genes. New regulatory elements can be sent automatically and will be added to the database after curation. The PlantCARE relational database is available via the World Wide Web at http://sphinx.rug.ac.be:8080/PlantCARE/.

高堃, 华营鹏, 宋海星 , .


作物学报, 2018,44(9):1334-1346.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.01334      URL     [本文引用: 1]

PIN家族基因是一类调控植物生长素极性运输的重要载体元件, PIN基因编码生长素输出蛋白, 介导生长素在植物体的运输, 然而在基因组较复杂的甘蓝型油菜中缺乏系统研究。本研究运用生物信息学方法在甘蓝型油菜全基因组数据库筛选甘蓝型油菜PIN家族基因, 对鉴定出的29个BnPINs基因开展拷贝数变异、分子特征、跨膜结构域、保守基序、染色体定位、系统进化树构建、PIN蛋白二级结构及三级结构预测等研究, 结合高通量转录组测序进行低氮胁迫下的转录水平分析。结果表明, 甘蓝型油菜PIN家族基因拷贝数明显多于拟南芥、甘蓝和白菜所具有的PIN家族基因数量; BnPINs蛋白多属于由碱性氨基酸组成的稳定蛋白, 含有保守的N末端结构域, 二级结构与拟南芥PIN蛋白相似; 系统进化选择能力分析表明, BnPINs基因与甘蓝和白菜PIN家族基因进化关系相近。转录组测序表明, BnPIN1sBnPIN2sBnPIN3s基因主要在甘蓝型油菜根部表达且受长期低氮(72 h)诱导, BnPIN6sBnPIN8s基因主要在地上部表达, 低氮会抑制BnPIN6s表达。本研究结果为进一步研究甘蓝型油菜PIN家族基因生物学功能尤其是在响应低氮胁迫中的功能奠定基础, 为已知大量数据的其他物种家族基因生物信息学研究提供参考。
