作物杂志, 2020, 36(6): 163-169 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.06.024


链霉菌株Streptomyces sp. FXP04对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响

付学鹏,1,2, 沈童飞1, 孙晓波3, 刘晓涵1, 杨晓杰,1,2




Effects of Streptomyces sp. FXP04 on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Rice

Fu Xuepeng,1,2, Shen Tongfei1, Sun Xiaobo3, Liu Xiaohan1, Yang Xiaojie,1,2

1Department of Life Sciences and Agroforestry, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar 161006, Heilongjiang, China

2Heilongjiang Key Laboratory of Resistance Gene Engineering and Preservation of Biodiversity in Cold Areas, Qiqihar 161006, Heilongjiang, China

3Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Tailai County, Tailai 162400, Heilongjiang, China

通讯作者: 杨晓杰,从事天然产物开发与应用,E-mail: yangxiaojie1980@163.com

收稿日期: 2020-05-2   修回日期: 2020-10-14   网络出版日期: 2020-12-15

基金资助: 黑龙江省自然科学基金(C2017068)

Received: 2020-05-2   Revised: 2020-10-14   Online: 2020-12-15

作者简介 About authors

付学鹏,研究方向为作物病虫害生物防控,E-mail: 02383@qqhru.edu.cn


为了明确链霉菌株Streptomyces sp. FXP04对水稻的促生效果,以前期筛选到的链霉菌株Streptomyces sp. FXP04为供试菌株,采用发酵液浸种和菌液喷洒土壤的方法,研究了该菌株生长稳定期的发酵液和菌液对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果如下,培养皿试验中,Streptomyces sp. FXP04发酵液原液和LB培养液原液(对照)都抑制种子萌发,1/50倍发酵液显著促进种子萌发,而1/10倍和1/100倍发酵液对种子萌发没有显著影响。盆栽试验中,1/50倍和1/100倍的Streptomyces sp. FXP04菌液都促进了水稻种子萌发,增加了水稻幼苗株高、主根长、干重、根总长度、须根数、根表面积和根总体积,并且1/50倍菌液的促生效果和1/100倍菌液无显著差异。研究结果表明,链霉菌株Streptomyces sp. FXP04对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长有促进作用,可作为水稻的候选促生菌株开展后续研究和应用。

关键词: 链霉菌 ; Streptomyces sp. FXP04 ; 水稻 ; 种子萌发 ; 幼苗生长


In order to determine the growth promoting effects of Streptomyces sp. FXP0404 on rice growth, the Streptomyces sp. FXP04 isolated in our previous experiments was selected as the test strain to study the effects of fermented liquid and cell suspension of Streptomyces sp. FXP04 on the seed germination and seedling growth of rice, using the methods of soaking seeds with fermented liquid and spraying soil with cell suspension. The results showed that both the original fermented liquid and LB liquid (control) inhibited seeds germination in the culture dish. Compared to water treatment, the rice seed germination was significantly increased in the treatment of 1/50 times fermented liquid, however, there were no significant effect on seed germination in the 1/10 and 1/100 times fermented liquid treatments. In the pot experiment, both 1/50 and 1/100 times cell suspension of Streptomyces sp. FXP04 promoted the germination of rice seeds, increased the plant height, main root length, dry weight, total root length, fibrous root number, root surface area and total root volume of rice seedlings, however, there was no significant difference between 1/50 and 1/100 times of Streptomyces sp. FXP04 cell suspension. The results demonstrated that Streptomyces sp. FXP04 could promote the seed germination and seedling growth of rice, and could be used as a candidate plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on rice for further research and application.

Keywords: Streptomyces ; Streptomyces sp. FXP04 ; Rice ; Seed germination ; Seedling growth

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付学鹏, 沈童飞, 孙晓波, 刘晓涵, 杨晓杰. 链霉菌株Streptomyces sp. FXP04对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响[J]. 作物杂志, 2020, 36(6): 163-169 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.06.024

Fu Xuepeng, Shen Tongfei, Sun Xiaobo, Liu Xiaohan, Yang Xiaojie. Effects of Streptomyces sp. FXP04 on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Rice[J]. Crops, 2020, 36(6): 163-169 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.06.024



本课题组在前期研究中从黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市马铃薯根际土中筛选到1株链霉菌,经形态学和16S rRNA鉴定,命名为Streptomyces sp. FXP04,该菌株能促进马铃薯幼苗生长,降低晚疫病病情指数,但其对水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响尚不清楚。本研究用不同浓度的Streptomyces sp. FXP04发酵液和菌液分别对“中组4号”水稻种子进行处理,研究该菌株对水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响,明确该菌株对水稻的促生作用及适宜接种方式,研究结果可为该菌株作为生物肥的开发利用提供理论基础和技术支持。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

试验用土为黑龙江省泰来县水稻田土,土壤基本理化性质:碱解氮343mg/kg,有效磷258.34mg/kg,速效钾90.2mg/kg,有机质29.78g/kg,pH值7.03,电导率1.22mS/cm。水稻品种为“中组4号”,菌株为Streptomyces sp. FXP04。

1.2 培养基配方及发酵培养

LB培养液(1L):酵母浸出汁5.0g,NaCl 8.0g,蛋白胨10g,pH值7.2,经121℃高压灭菌20min,在无菌条件下接种Streptomyces sp. FXP04菌株,置于恒温摇床,28℃、120r/min黑暗条件培养。待发酵液浑浊(4~6d,视接种量而定)后,使用分光光度计测定发酵液在600nm处的OD值,测定后放于4℃冰箱保存备用。

1.3 试验设计及指标测定

挑选饱满的水稻种子,于30℃条件下用无菌水浸种催芽24h。将菌液经5 000r/min离心15min后弃沉淀,保留上清液,将上清液抽滤,再经0.22μm滤膜过滤,得到不含Streptomyces sp. FXP04菌体的发酵液。

1.3.1 发酵液浸种处理对水稻种子萌发的影响 用发酵液原液及其无菌去离子水稀释的10倍(1/10)、50倍(1/50)和100倍(1/100)溶液分别对催芽后的水稻种子进行浸种处理;以无菌去离子水对LB培养液作上述倍数稀释作为对照(CK1);以无菌去离子水处理作为两者的共同对照(CK2)。每个处理3次重复,每次重复50粒种子。将种子放入培养皿中,培养皿中分别加入各处理溶液10mL,每隔2d更换1次对应的浸种溶液(各溶液不用时于4℃保存),28℃黑暗条件下培养,自种子浸种当日起每天观察种子发芽情况,以种子露白作为发芽标准。

1.3.2 菌液喷洒土壤对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响 将菌液用无菌去离子水按照1/50和1/100的倍数稀释,分别取100mL均匀喷撒在土壤表面,然后将100粒种子均匀撒播在土壤表面,覆土,用喷壶洒水浸湿土壤。室内培养(光照/黑暗:16h/8h),室温25℃±2℃。记录种子萌发情况及幼苗生长情况;播种20d后取样,测定幼苗干重及根冠比。使用根系扫描仪分析根系生长情况。

1.4 数据处理

采用 Excel 2007对数据进行记录和整理,使用SPSS 16.0软件和Turkey HSD检验对数据进行one-way ANOVA分析(P<0.05)。

2 结果与分析

2.1 发酵液浸种对水稻种子萌发的影响



表1   发酵液对水稻种子萌发率的影响

Table 1  Effect of fermentation liquid on rice seed germination percentage %

处理Treatment处理后天数Days after treating (d)
LB培养液原液Original LB liquid0.00±0.00d0.00±0.00c0.00±0.00d
发酵液原液Original fermentation liquid0.00±0.00d0.00±0.00c0.00±0.00d
1/10倍LB培养液1/10 times LB liquid62.60±4.42c83.34±5.21b86.66±5.64c
1/10倍发酵液1/10 times fermentation liquid74.00±6.32a89.34±4.58b93.34±8.54b
1/50倍LB培养液1/50 times LB liquid68.00±5.20b86.66±6.35b88.46±6.52bc
1/50倍发酵液1/50 times fermentation liquid78.66±4.33a94.00±8.25a96.60±8.25a
1/100倍LB培养液1/100 times LB liquid69.34±5.24b85.34±7.53b89.44±7.97bc
1/100倍发酵液1/100 times fermentation liquid72.66±5.27b90.00±8.25ab90.00±8.25c


Note: The OD600 value of fermentation is 1.859. Different lowercase letters after the same column of data indicate significant difference between groups (P < 0.05). The same below

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图1   发酵液对水稻种子萌发的影响

Fig.1   Effect of fermentation liquid on rice seeds germination

2.2 菌液对土培水稻种子萌发的影响


表2   土培条件下菌液对水稻种子发芽率的影响

Table 2  Effect of cell suspension on rice seed germination percentage in soil %

Days after treating (d)
1/50倍菌液1/50 times cell suspension20.00±2.00ab79.00±3.00a
1/50倍LB培养液1/50 times LB liquid12.00±1.00b51.33±8.02c
1/100倍菌液1/100 times cell suspension26.67±3.51a76.33±4.51a
1/100倍LB培养液1/100 times LB liquid25.67±5.03a66.00±2.65b

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2.3 菌液对土培水稻幼苗株高和根长的影响


表3   土培条件下发酵液对水稻幼苗生长的影响

Table 3  Effects of cell suspension on rice seedlings growth in soil

Plant height (cm)
Main root length (cm)
1/50 times cell suspension
1/50 times LB liquid
1/100 times cell suspension
1/100 times LB liquid

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图2   土培条件下菌液对水稻幼苗生长的影响

Fig.2   Effect of cell suspension on rice seedling growth in soil

2.4 菌液对土培水稻幼苗根系生长的影响



图3   菌液对水稻根系生长的影响


Fig.3   Effects of cell suspension on rice root growth

CP50 and CP100 indicate 1/50 and 1/100 times of cell suspension, respectively; LB50 and LB100 indicate 1/50 and 1/100 times of LB liquid, respectively; Different lowercase letters above column indicate significant difference between groups (P < 0.05), the same below. D indicates the root diameter (mm)



2.5 菌液对土培水稻幼苗干重和根冠比的影响



图4   菌液对水稻幼苗干重和根冠比的影响

Fig.4   Effects of cell suspension on dry weight and root-shoot ratio of rice seedlings

3 讨论


本研究利用前期从黑龙江省马铃薯根际土中筛选到的能够促进马铃薯幼苗生长和降低马铃薯晚疫病病情指数的链霉菌-Streptomyces sp. FXP04菌株,通过3次独立试验明确了该菌株对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的促进作用。在水稻种子培养皿萌发试验中,将处于生长稳定期的Streptomyces sp. FXP04发酵液稀释不同倍数后浸种,发现其中发酵液原液及LB培养液原液(未接种Streptomyces sp. FXP04的对照)完全抑制了种子萌发,说明二者对水稻种子的萌发有抑制作用。发酵液经无菌水稀释后表现出对种子萌发的促进作用,其中1/50倍发酵液的促萌发效果显著高于1/10和1/100倍的发酵液,并且只有1/50倍发酵液的促萌发效果显著高于清水处理的种子。李张等[9]用筛选到的链霉菌JD211菌株滤液处理水稻种子,在稀释1/1000倍的条件下对种子萌发有促进作用。本研究中,发酵液中没有Streptomyces sp. FXP04菌体,发酵液对水稻种子有促萌发作用,说明Streptomyces sp. FXP04可能产生了具有促进种子萌发的次生代谢物,如生长素(IAA)和细胞分裂素等[7]。Gopalakrishnan等[13]在蚯蚓粪中分离到的6株链霉菌都能产生并分泌IAA;麻金金[14]在玫瑰黄链霉菌NKZ-259菌株的次生代谢物中检测到IAA;Goudjal等[15]从阿尔及利亚贫瘠沙漠中生存的植物内筛选到的内生链霉菌Streptomyces sp. PT2也能够分泌IAA。这些研究证明,链霉菌具有分泌IAA的潜能。值得注意的是,这些研究是在体外试验中检测到链霉菌分泌的IAA,至于链霉菌在定殖植物的根际能否产生IAA还需要通过突变体进行更深入的研究[7,16-17]

链霉菌的接种方式影响促生效果[7]。Bonaldi等[18]研究表明,生菜种子用Streptomyces ZEA17L菌株包衣比在基质中直接接种更能促进该菌株在生菜根际的定殖;Gopalakrishnan等[13]采用定殖前菌液蘸根,定殖后定期浇灌菌液的方式处理水稻幼苗,能够促进水稻分蘖数、花序数、根长、根体积及根干重,提高产量等;用固体发酵和土壤拌菌的方式分别将链霉菌株702[8]和JD211[10,11]接种到水稻种子,也促进了水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长。本研究使用育苗盘模拟田间水稻育苗,将链霉菌液喷洒在苗床上,使种子能够接触到链霉菌株。结果表明,在播种后18d时,1/50和1/100倍菌液处理的种子萌发率显著高于对应的LB培养液及清水处理,说明采用菌液喷洒的方式在1/50和1/100倍浓度下该菌株能促进水稻种子萌发,此种菌液施用方式及浓度可为该菌应用于水稻田间育苗提供理论参考。

在幼苗生长时期,1/50倍和1/100倍的Streptomyces sp. FXP04菌液处理都能促进水稻幼苗株高、根长和幼苗干重提高,但两者间无显著差异。链霉菌株JD211对水稻幼苗生长有极显著的促进作用[11],且能促进水稻幼苗的根数、根长及根体积[12]。根系的生长对于水稻吸收水分和矿质营养具有重要的作用[19],本研究中Streptomyces sp. FXP04菌液对水稻株高和干重的促进效应可能是通过改善水稻根系生长实现的,如根长、根表面积和根体积。土壤中施入Streptomyces sp. FXP04促进水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的原因,除了Streptomyces sp. FXP04可能分泌IAA,还可能与Streptomyces sp. FXP04会溶磷、解钾或产铁载体有关[7]。有研究表明,白网链霉菌株PSPSA1能够溶磷,提高牡丹根际土壤有效磷含量[20];淡紫灰链霉菌菌株DC-A有较强的产IAA、溶磷和产铁载体的促生活性[21];申枚灵等[22]从光果甘草(Glycyrrhiza glabra)分离的多株内生链霉菌株能够分泌IAA、具有产铁载体的能力和溶磷能力;陈宇丰等[23]从香蕉根际分离到的链霉菌株M3-4解钾率能达到20%。本研究中Streptomyces sp. FXP04能否溶磷、解钾或产铁载体有待进一步研究。

从盆栽效果看,在生长处于稳定期的Streptomyces sp. FXP04菌液稀释50倍和100倍对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长具有相似的促进作用,说明该链霉菌株对水稻幼苗的生长有促进作用,可以作为潜在的生物菌肥。如果用该菌株制成生物菌肥,稀释100倍有利于降低生产成本,但实践应用中采用的稀释倍数还需要进一步试验。

4 结论

链霉菌株Streptomyces sp. FXP04发酵液和菌液在合适的浓度下可提高水稻种子萌发率,其菌液在合适的浓度下能够提高水稻幼苗的株高、干重、主根长、根总长度、须根数、根表面积和根总体积,说明Streptomyces sp. FXP04对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长有促进作用,可作为水稻的候选促生菌株开展后续研究和应用。


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Microbiological Research, 2014,169(1):40-48.

DOI:10.1016/j.micres.2013.09.008      URL     PMID:24113511      [本文引用: 5]

Six actinomycetes, CAI-13, CAI-85, CAI-93, CAI-140, CAI-155 and KAI-180, isolated from six different herbal vermi-composts were characterized for in vitro plant growth-promoting (PGP) properties and further evaluated in the field for PGP activity in rice. Of the six actinomycetes, CAI-13, CAI-85, CAI-93, CAI-140 and CAI-155 produced siderophores; CAI-13, CAI-93, CAI-155 and KAI-180 produced chitinase; CAI-13, CAI-140, CAI-155 and KAI-180 produced lipase; CAI-13, CAI-93, CAI-155 and KAI-180 produced protease; and CAI-13, CAI-85, CAI-140 and CAI-155 produced ss-1-3-glucanase whereas all the six actinomycetes produced cellulase, hydrocyanic acid and indole acetic acid (IAA). The actinomycetes were able to grow in NaCl concentrations of up to 8%, at pH values between 7 and 11, temperatures between 20 and 40 degrees C and compatible with fungicide bavistin at field application levels. In the rice field, the actinomycetes significantly enhanced tiller numbers, panicle numbers, filled grain numbers and weight, stover yield, grain yield, total dry matter, root length, volume and dry weight over the un-inoculated control. In the rhizosphere, the actinomycetes also significantly enhanced total nitrogen, available phosphorous, % organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and dehydrogenase activity over the un-inoculated control. Sequences of 16S rDNA gene of the actinomycetes matched with different Streptomyces species in BLAST analysis. Of the six actinomycetes, CAI-85 and CAI-93 were found superior over other actinomycetes in terms of PGP properties, root development and crop productivity. qRT-PCR analysis on selected plant growth promoting genes of actinomycetes revealed the up-regulation of IAA genes only in CAI-85 and CAI-93.



北京:中国农业科学院, 2019.

[本文引用: 1]

Goudjal Y, Toumatia O, Sabaou N, et al.

Endophytic actinomycetes from spontaneous plants of Algerian Sahara:indole-3-acetic acid production and tomato plants growth promoting activity

World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2013,29(10):1821-1829.

DOI:10.1007/s11274-013-1344-y      URL     PMID:23579766      [本文引用: 1]

Twenty-seven endophytic actinomycete strains were isolated from five spontaneous plants well adapted to the poor sandy soil and arid climatic conditions of the Algerian Sahara. Morphological and chemotaxonomical analysis indicated that twenty-two isolates belonged to the Streptomyces genus and the remaining five were non-Streptomyces. All endophytic strains were screened for their ability to produce indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in vitro on a chemically defined medium. Eighteen strains were able to produce IAA and the maximum production occurred with the Streptomyces sp. PT2 strain. The IAA produced was further extracted, partially purified and confirmed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis. The 16S rDNA sequence analysis and phylogenetic studies indicated that strain PT2 was closely related to Streptomyces enissocaecilis NRRL B 16365(T), Streptomyces rochei NBRC 12908(T) and Streptomyces plicatus NBRC 13071(T), with 99.52 % similarity. The production of IAA was affected by cultural conditions such as temperature, pH, incubation period and L-tryptophan concentration. The highest level of IAA production (127 mug/ml) was obtained by cultivating the Streptomyces sp. PT2 strain in yeast extract-tryptone broth supplemented with 5 mg L-tryptophan/ml at pH 7 and incubated on a rotary shaker (200 rpm) at 30 degrees C for 5 days. Twenty-four-hour treatment of tomato cv. Marmande seeds with the supernatant culture of Streptomyces sp. PT2 that contained the crude IAA showed the maximum effect in promoting seed germination and root elongation.

Zamioudis C, Mastranesti P, Dhonukshe P, et al.

Unraveling root developmental programs initiated by beneficial Pseudomonas spp. Bacteria

Plant Physiology, 2013,162(1):304-318.

DOI:10.1104/pp.112.212597      URL     PMID:23542149      [本文引用: 1]

Plant roots are colonized by an immense number of microbes, referred to as the root microbiome. Selected strains of beneficial soil-borne bacteria can protect against abiotic stress and prime the plant immune system against a broad range of pathogens. Pseudomonas spp. rhizobacteria represent one of the most abundant genera of the root microbiome. Here, by employing a germ-free experimental system, we demonstrate the ability of selected Pseudomonas spp. strains to promote plant growth and drive developmental plasticity in the roots of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) by inhibiting primary root elongation and promoting lateral root and root hair formation. By studying cell type-specific developmental markers and employing genetic and pharmacological approaches, we demonstrate the crucial role of auxin signaling and transport in rhizobacteria-stimulated changes in the root system architecture of Arabidopsis. We further show that Pseudomonas spp.-elicited alterations in root morphology and rhizobacteria-mediated systemic immunity are mediated by distinct signaling pathways. This study sheds new light on the ability of soil-borne beneficial bacteria to interfere with postembryonic root developmental programs.

Spaepen S, Bossuyt S, Engelen K, et al.

Phenotypical and molecular responses of Arabidopsis thaliana roots as a result of inoculation with the auxin-producing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense

New Phytologist, 2014,201(3):850-861.

DOI:10.1111/nph.12590      URL     PMID:24219779      [本文引用: 1]

The auxin-producing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 can promote the growth of several plant species. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana was chosen as host plant to gain an insight into the molecular mechanisms that govern this interaction. The determination of differential gene expression in Arabidopsis roots after inoculation with either A. brasilense wild-type or an auxin biosynthesis mutant was achieved by microarray analysis. Arabidopsis thaliana inoculation with A. brasilense wild-type increases the number of lateral roots and root hairs, and elevates the internal auxin concentration in the plant. The A. thaliana root transcriptome undergoes extensive changes on A. brasilense inoculation, and the effects are more pronounced at later time points. The wild-type bacterial strain induces changes in hormone- and defense-related genes, as well as in plant cell wall-related genes. The A. brasilense mutant, however, does not elicit these transcriptional changes to the same extent. There are qualitative and quantitative differences between A. thaliana responses to the wild-type A. brasilense strain and the auxin biosynthesis mutant strain, based on both phenotypic and transcriptomic data. This illustrates the major role played by auxin in the Azospirillum-Arabidopsis interaction, and possibly also in other bacterium-plant interactions.

Bonaldi M, Chen X, Kunova A, et al.

Colonization of lettuce rhizosphere and roots by tagged Streptomyces

Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015,6:25.

DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2015.00025      URL     PMID:25705206      [本文引用: 1]

Beneficial microorganisms are increasingly used in agriculture, but their efficacy often fails due to limited knowledge of their interactions with plants and other microorganisms present in rhizosphere. We studied spatio-temporal colonization dynamics of lettuce roots and rhizosphere by genetically modified Streptomyces spp. Five Streptomyces strains, strongly inhibiting in vitro the major soil-borne pathogen of horticultural crops, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, were transformed with pIJ8641 plasmid harboring an enhanced green fluorescent protein marker and resistance to apramycin. The fitness of transformants was compared to the wild-type strains and all of them grew and sporulated at similar rates and retained the production of enzymes and selected secondary metabolites as well as in vitro inhibition of S. sclerotiorum. The tagged ZEA17I strain was selected to study the dynamics of lettuce roots and rhizosphere colonization in non-sterile growth substrate. The transformed strain was able to colonize soil, developing roots, and rhizosphere. When the strain was inoculated directly on the growth substrate, significantly more t-ZEA17I was re-isolated both from the rhizosphere and the roots when compared to the amount obtained after seed coating. The re-isolation from the rhizosphere and the inner tissues of surface-sterilized lettuce roots demonstrated that t-ZEA17I is both rhizospheric and endophytic.

严小龙, 廖红, 年海. 根系生物学原理与应用. 北京: 科学出版社, 2007.

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薛冬, 黄向东, 杨瑞先, .


应用生态学报, 2018,29(5):1645-1652.

[本文引用: 1]

王呈玉, 张浩, 崔俊涛, .


江苏农业科学, 2017,45(23):103-106.

[本文引用: 1]

申枚灵, 赵翀, 廖萍, .


草业科学, 2018,35(7):1624-1633.

[本文引用: 1]

陈宇丰, 柯春亮, 周登博, .


生物技术通报, 2015,31(6):129-137.

DOI:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.06.020      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Streptomycete)M3-4,其在120 h,30℃,pH为6,钾长石粉为5 g,摇床转速为250 r/min条件下,以麦芽糖为碳源,蛋白胨为氮源时解钾率达最大值。该菌株为陕西链霉菌(Streptomyces shaanxiensis),解钾率约为20%。]]>
