作物杂志, 2021, 37(3): 1-7 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.03.001



赵宝平,1, 刘景辉1, 任长忠2



Research Progress of Physiological Mechanism of Yield Formation in Oats

Zhao Baoping,1, Liu Jinghui1, Ren Changzhong2

1College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, Inner Mongolia, China

2Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Jilin Province, Baicheng 137000, Jilin, China

收稿日期: 2020-07-8   修回日期: 2020-09-10   网络出版日期: 2021-05-14

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(31960378)

Received: 2020-07-8   Revised: 2020-09-10   Online: 2021-05-14

作者简介 About authors

赵宝平,主要从事作物生态生理研究,E-mail: zhaobaoping82@163.com



关键词: 燕麦 ; 籽粒产量形成 ; 产量构成因素 ; 光合作用 ; 倒伏 ; 源库关系


Oat is an important grain and forage crop in Northern China. Lower grain yield is a main problem restricting the healthy and stable development of the oat industry. We analyzed the yield formation characteristics from the aspects of spikelet fertility, multiflorous characteristics, panicle infertility and lodging. We also summarized the physiological mechanism of oats yield formation from the yield components and photosynthetic production performance and source-sink relationship, and emphatically compared the differences of yield formation between the hulled and the naked oats. We proposed forward future research directions and emphases on oat yield improvement.

Keywords: Oat ; Grain yield formation ; Yield components ; Photosynthesis ; Lodging ; Source-sink relationship

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赵宝平, 刘景辉, 任长忠. 燕麦产量形成生理机制研究进展[J]. 作物杂志, 2021, 37(3): 1-7 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.03.001

Zhao Baoping, Liu Jinghui, Ren Changzhong. Research Progress of Physiological Mechanism of Yield Formation in Oats[J]. Crops, 2021, 37(3): 1-7 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.03.001

燕麦(Avena sativa L.)是世界公认的营养保健谷物,具有降脂控糖和降低心血管疾病风险的功能[1,2,3]。燕麦具有抗旱、耐瘠薄和适应性强等特性,是我国北方和西北干旱冷凉等生态脆弱区主要的粮饲兼用作物及优势特色作物。近年来,我国燕麦种植面积约为70万hm2,产量约85万t,居世界第8位[4]。随着人们对食品营养和饮食健康的越来越重视,市场对优质燕麦原料的需求量呈不断增加的趋势[3,4]。因此,发展燕麦产业不仅有利于农业产业发展和农民增收,而且对于解决我国居民膳食营养结构不合理等问题具有重要意义。

我国是裸燕麦(莜麦)起源地,具有悠久的种植历史和饮食文化传统,裸燕麦也是我国主要的燕麦栽培品种类型[1, 4]。然而,由于长期以来对燕麦的研究和重视程度不够,当前世界及我国燕麦籽粒产量平均水平远远低于小麦和大麦等麦类作物[5]。而裸燕麦的平均单产水平又低于国外主要种植的皮燕麦产量[6,7]。此外,国外燕麦主要种植在土壤肥沃和水分条件好的地区,栽培管理水平和机械化程度相对较高;而我国燕麦主要在偏远、干旱及贫瘠等土壤地区种植[8],水分、土壤养分及管理技术较为落后,干旱、土壤瘠薄等非生物胁迫及不合理的栽培管理措施严重影响了燕麦单产水平,低产低效问题也严重影响燕麦种植效益和产业健康发展。因此,本研究通过分析燕麦籽粒产量形成过程的主要特征,从产量构成因素、光合生产性能和源库关系等方面系统地梳理和总结国内外燕麦产量形成的生理机制研究进展,比较分析皮燕麦和裸燕麦产量形成的生理学差异,提出未来燕麦产量潜力提升的主要研究方向和重点,以期为我国燕麦高产栽培和品种改良提供参考。

1 燕麦籽粒产量形成的主要特征

1.1 燕麦穗及花序形态学特征与产量形成


1.1.1 燕麦小穗多花多粒特性 燕麦小穗第3位粒结实和籽粒败育机制是燕麦区别于其他麦类作物的2个独特的特征[11]。通常,皮燕麦的小穗中通常有2个小花(也有3或4个)。与皮燕麦相比,裸燕麦每个小穗的小花数和结实粒数有3~8个,甚至12个,呈现出更加明显的多花多粒特性[5, 12-13],并且具有更长的小穗轴[14]。多花多粒特性是裸燕麦区别于皮燕麦的最大特点,一些学者推测裸燕麦多花的特性会增加小穗粒数使得其籽粒产量潜力高于皮燕麦[5]。然而,很多研究发现,裸燕麦的产量潜力低于皮燕麦[7, 15]。王茜等[16]通过比较13个皮燕麦和7个裸燕麦品种的籽粒产量发现,皮燕麦产量(带壳)接近裸燕麦的2倍,具有明显的产量优势。Peltonen-Sainio[6]认为裸燕麦籽粒低产主要是由于其单穗小穗数少而小穗粒数多造成的。尤其是裸燕麦小穗中的第3位粒及之后的小花常常会退化或结实率降低,灌浆速率下降,有超过70%的小花败育,远大于小麦的50%[10],并且导致粒重(弱势粒)显著下降,经济产量降低以及籽粒大小不均匀[17,18],影响燕麦加工利用[18]


1.1.2 燕麦小穗不孕特性 燕麦不孕小穗俗称“花稍”。在我国燕麦生产中,特别是在燕麦孕穗期和抽穗期,受环境胁迫因素影响,导致小穗发育不完全而有穗无实。Chinnici等[21]通过研究发现,在幼穗整个分化期间干旱或在雄蕊和雌蕊分化期间高温对燕麦小穗不孕的影响最大,而低温对小穗不孕影响较小。我国北方燕麦主产区,单株不孕小穗可占总小穗数的10%~40%[13, 22],严重影响燕麦单穗粒数,一直是裸燕麦生产中限制高产的主要因素。

燕麦小穗不孕特性存在基因型差异。不同地区的燕麦种质资源的小穗不孕率存在很大差异,其中山西省的品种资源不孕率为4%,而内蒙古的种质资源不孕率达到14%;皮燕麦与裸燕麦之间的小穗不孕率差异不显著[23]。此外,抗旱、耐高温程度不同的品种其小穗不孕率也存在差异,抗性强的品种小穗不孕率低[21]。裸燕麦小穗不孕主要发生在穗的下部,中部次之,上部极少,这主要与其幼穗分化顺序和花序分枝特点有关[13, 24],即每小穗平均维管束数量由上部一次枝梗的8个下降到底端分枝的2个,使得不孕小穗主要发生在穗的下部,说明小穗不孕与维管束系统的同化物运输能力关系密切[25]。在田间试验中也发现燕麦小穗数与其维管束数量和面积关系密切,并且不同环境条件对维管束形态学特征的影响存在基因型差异[26]

1.2 燕麦抗倒伏性能

倒伏是限制燕麦获得高产的主要因素[3, 27]。长期以来,我国燕麦种植以旱作为主,品种选育也以适合旱地种植的抗旱、高秆品种为主。然而,我国北方近年来燕麦在水浇地种植或将燕麦与高水肥条件下的马铃薯等作物轮作倒茬应用面积不断扩大,使得由燕麦倒伏导致的产量和品质下降等问题越来越严重。大风、降雨、地形、土壤类型、前茬作物和病虫害等因素都可能是引起燕麦倒伏的外在原因[28,29]。在我国北方燕麦产区,倒伏主要受大风天气和生长中后期集中降水的影响。


2 燕麦产量形成的生理机制研究

2.1 籽粒产量与产量构成因素







2.2 燕麦光合性能

绿色革命以来主要作物增产原因分析表明,作物总光合能力的增加主要体现在光合面积和光合持续时间的增加上,而单位叶面积光合速率并没有增加,甚至出现下降[49]。在燕麦的早期研究中发现,燕麦籽粒产量与植株干物质积累量呈正相关关系[50,51]。然而,Ma等[15]研究发现在高氮处理下,虽然皮燕麦或裸燕麦的生物量与小麦相似,但其籽粒产量显著低于小麦,主要原因是皮燕麦或裸燕麦的收获指数较低且开花后更易倒伏。此外,研究[7, 52]发现裸燕麦的生物产量高于皮燕麦,然而其籽粒产量却低于皮燕麦,可能是裸燕麦在开花期叶面积指数(LAI)较高而收获指数较低导致的[15]。Ma等[15]还进一步探讨了LAI和干物质积累量的关系,随着施氮量增加,LAI和干物质积累量呈显著正相关关系,但在高氮处理下燕麦的干物质积累量并没有增加,可能是由于LAI与光合辐射截获量之间并不是线性关系,即当LAI大于3时,光合有效辐射截获率达到90%以上,LAI进一步增加时光截获量不再增加,并且易引起倒伏。


收获指数高被认为是高产品种的重要特性。Sánchez-Martín等[59]在相对干旱的地中海气候条件下对32个燕麦品种进行多年多点试验研究发现,籽粒产量与收获指数呈显著正相关关系。De Rocquigny等[60]通过对半矮秆和高秆燕麦品种的比较发现,虽然高秆品种具有更高的干物质积累量,但半矮秆品种由于具有较高的收获指数和较强的抗倒伏性,其籽粒产量高于高秆品种。说明通过降低植株高度等途径提高收获指数和抗倒性等性状是燕麦高产育种的主要策略和方向。

2.3 燕麦产量源库关系

作物产量可能会受到源活性、库活性或者源库关系2个方面的限制[43]。与小麦、大麦等其他麦类作物的穗状花序不同,燕麦的圆锥状花序绿色面积大且分散,有利于截获太阳辐射,提高开花后花序光合作用对产量的贡献,因此在源库关系方面与其他麦类作物存在许多差异[11, 17]。在源库限制方面,在开花盛期由于光合产物供需不平衡导致完全发育小花之间竞争加剧出现籽粒败育,导致库容改变,并且单位面积籽粒数多的群体中籽粒败育率高[11]。不同时期外部环境胁迫会导致籽粒败育情况发生。Doehlert等[61]发现春季干旱导致光合产物供应减少,小穗籽粒败育率上升,超过30%小穗出现籽粒败育,并提出利用第3位粒结实可提高燕麦库容大小。第3位粒灌浆结实能力可塑性取决于灌浆期光合产物的供给状况。Doehlert等[61]研究发现9.5%的小穗有第3位粒结实,而Browne等[11]认为只有不超过5%的第3位粒结实。这意味着在关键生育阶段,由于外界环境胁迫导致光合能力下降(源限制),进而影响小穗籽粒败育或第3位粒结实(库容变化)以及维管束系统发育(流限制),最终影响燕麦籽粒结实和灌浆。

对于裸燕麦来说,其多花多粒特性会表现出更明显的籽粒结实粒数可塑性[5]。然而,由于裸燕麦的小穗轴比皮燕麦更长以及特殊的小花形态[62],导致进入穗部的光合产物减缓,灌浆速率受到影响。因此,裸燕麦的多花多粒性没有使燕麦库容量增大,反而导致库活性(灌浆速率)下降,未能成为增加产量潜力的优势,而成为产量形成的劣势。Finnan等[35]通过系统总结发现,在单位面积粒数达到某一值(25 000粒/m2)之后,裸燕麦的籽粒产量会达到最高值(拐点),之后不再增长,在籽粒产量达到拐点之前表现出明显的库限制,达到拐点之后即表现为源限制,并且拐点位置还与品种和环境因素密切相关。为此进一步提出,在产量没有达到最高值之前应考虑增加投入来增加粒数,在产量达到最高之后可通过提高光合同化能力,促进籽粒灌浆,提高库强度。Zhao等[63]通过比较不同水分条件下皮燕麦、裸燕麦源库关系发现,裸燕麦在充分供水条件下的籽粒产量高于皮燕麦(脱壳后)的主要原因是裸燕麦具有更高的源活性和单穗小穗数。因此通过育种或栽培等调控途径增加每穗小穗数,而不是小穗粒数,可能是提高裸燕麦穗粒数(库容)的重要策略。

3 展望


3.1 燕麦种质资源创新与新品种选育

燕麦产量是多基因控制的数量性状,随着二代测序技术的快速发展,利用全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study)定位与产量性状相关的QTL,结合转录组测序,SNP-index分析鉴定候选基因,验证基因功能,挖掘优异基因资源,创制收获指数高、产量潜力大、抗倒性强以及抗旱、耐瘠薄、耐盐碱等抗性强的燕麦种质资源;利用现代分子设计育种与传统育种技术相结合等方法,通过降低株高、改变株型和提高收获指数等途径选育矮秆抗倒燕麦品种,解决倒伏问题并提高光合产物的同化利用效率;通过表型鉴定和分子标记辅助选择等手段选育抗旱、耐瘠薄和耐盐碱的燕麦品种,解决燕麦产量低且不稳的问题。

3.2 燕麦抗逆及高产生理机制研究


3.3 燕麦高产、抗逆栽培技术研发


3.4 加大对燕麦产业的扶持力度



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In spring-type oat ( Avena sativa L.), quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detected in adapted populations may have the greatest potential for improving germplasm via marker-assisted selection. An F(6) recombinant inbred (RI) population was developed from a cross between two Canadian spring oat varieties: 'Terra', a hulless line, and 'Marion', an elite covered-seeded line. A molecular linkage map was generated using 430 AFLP, RFLP, RAPD, SCAR, and phenotypic markers scored on 101 RI lines. This map was refined by selecting a robust set of 124 framework markers that mapped to 35 linkage groups and contained 35 unlinked loci. One hundred one lines grown in up to 13 field environments in Canada and the United States between 1992 and 1997 were evaluated for 16 agronomic, kernel, and chemical composition traits. QTLs were localized using three detection methods with an experiment-wide error rate of approximately 0.05 for each trait. In total, 34 main-effect QTLs affecting the following traits were identified: heading date, plant height, lodging, visual score, grain yield, kernel weight, milling yield, test weight, thin and plump kernels, groat beta-glucan concentration, oil concentration, and protein. Several of these correspond to QTLs in homologous or homoeologous regions reported in other oat QTL studies. Twenty-four QTL-by-environment interactions and three epistatic interactions were also detected. The locus controlling the covered/hulless character ( N1) affected most of the traits measured in this study. Additive QTL models with N1 as a covariate were superior to models based on separate covered and hulless sub-populations. This approach is recommended for other populations segregating for major genes. Marker-trait associations identified in this study have considerable potential for use in marker-assisted selection strategies to improve traits within spring oat breeding programs.

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There is a growing appreciation of the nutritional and health benefits of oats but little recent research has been conducted on the agronomy of oats. Experiments were conducted in Ireland over a two year period (2016-2017) to study the effect of nitrogen (N) timing and rate on radiation interception, yield and quality of autumn sown oats. Two experiments were conducted in each year. In the first experiment, a nitrogen response curve (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 kg N/ha; split-plot factor) was applied at either GS21, GS30, GS32 or GS39 (main-plot factor). In the second experiment, N was applied at GS30 at rates of 0, 30, 60, 90 kg/ha (main-plot factor) and then at GS32 at rates of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg/ha (split-plot factor). Measurements of radiation interception were made throughout the growing season in addition to flag leaf chlorophyll content and plant height. Grain yield and quality was quantified at harvest. The effect of N timing on radiation interception diminished as N application was delayed but the timing of N supply had no effect on the grain yield in autumn sown oats as long as the crop had received N by GS32. Grain numbers were strongly related to intercepted radiation, particularly in the period immediately before and during anthesis. Radiation interception increased as the overall rate of N application increased but grain yield reached a plateau at 150 kg N/ha. Increases in grain yield after N application were primarily the result of increases in the number of grains per panicle. Splitting N in different ways between GS30 and GS32 had no significant effect on grain yield and grain weight but, for overall N rates of 120 and 150 kg/ha, hectolitre weight increased as the proportion of N applied at GS30 was increased. Grain numbers in oat crops can be optimised by applying N to ensure that radiation interception is maximised in the period prior to and during anthesis.

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Oats have a long history of use as human food and animal feed. From its origins in the Fertile Crescent, the oat has adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions and geographic regions. Its unique macro-, micro-, and phytonutrient composition, high nutritional value, and relatively low agricultural input requirements makes oats unique among cereal crops. The health benefits of the oats are becoming well established. While the connection between oat β-glucan fiber in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and controlling glycemia have been unequivocally established, other potential benefits including modulation of intestinal microbiota and inflammation continue to be explored. Advances in food technology are continuing to expand the diversity of oat-based foods, creating opportunities to deliver the health benefits of oats to a larger segment of the population. © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
