作物杂志, 2021, 37(6): 1-8 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.06.001



王锐,, 陈士勇, 陈志青, 崔培媛, 卢豪, 杨艳菊, 张海鹏,, 张洪程,


Effects of Root Exudates on Key Processes of Soil Nitrogen Cycling: A Review

Wang Rui,, Chen Shiyong, Chen Zhiqing, Cui Peiyuan, Lu Hao, Yang Yanju, Zhang Haipeng,, Zhang Hongcheng,

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtza River Valley of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China

通讯作者: 张海鹏,从事作物氮素高效利用研究,E-mail: hpzhang@yzu.edu.cn; 张洪程为共同通信作者,从事作物栽培生理研究,E-mail: hczhang@yzu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2021-04-27   修回日期: 2021-07-5   网络出版日期: 2021-11-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(31901447)

Received: 2021-04-27   Revised: 2021-07-5   Online: 2021-11-15

作者简介 About authors

王锐,从事作物氮素高效利用研究,E-mail: ruiwang0812@163.com



关键词: 根系分泌物; 氮素; 矿化和固定过程; 硝化过程; 反硝化过程; N2O排放


Root exudates play an important role in soil nitrogen cycle, N2O emissions, and plants nitrogen use efficiency, and it is also at the forefront of soil science, plant nutrition, environmental science and interdisciplinary. In order to understand the effects of root exudates on the nitrogen cycle in the soil, this position paper presents the fractions and the methods to study root exudates. The effects of root exudates on the most important nitrogen conversion processes in soils were investigated. The ability to suppress soil nitrification, denitrification and N2O emissions through the release of exudates from plant roots is highlighted and the further prospects are suggested. This work will provide some references for the investigation of the nitrogen cycle mechanism of interaction effects between soil-plant-microorganisms to further improve the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer and reduce the environmental pollution caused by nitrogen fertilizer.

Keywords: Root exudates; Nitrogen; Mineralization and immobilization; Nitrification; Denitrification; N2O emission

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王锐, 陈士勇, 陈志青, 崔培媛, 卢豪, 杨艳菊, 张海鹏, 张洪程. 根系分泌物对根际土壤关键氮转化过程的影响. 作物杂志, 2021, 37(6): 1-8 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.06.001

Wang Rui, Chen Shiyong, Chen Zhiqing, Cui Peiyuan, Lu Hao, Yang Yanju, Zhang Haipeng, Zhang Hongcheng. Effects of Root Exudates on Key Processes of Soil Nitrogen Cycling: A Review. Crops, 2021, 37(6): 1-8 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.06.001




1 根系分泌物的种类及采集方法

根系分泌物(root exudate)是指在特定环境条件下,植株根系的不同部位释放到根际环境中有机物质的总称[20,21,22,23],主要包括渗出物、分泌物和排泄物等。根系分泌物按照分子量的高低分为2类,高分子量根系分泌物主要有黏胶和胞外酶,低分子量根系分泌物主要包括有机酸、糖、酚和氨基酸[24]。根系分泌物还可以按照种类不同分为糖类、有机酸类、氨基酸类、脂肪酸类、蛋白质和生长因子等[25]


2 根系分泌物对氮素矿化和固定的影响




3 根系分泌物对硝化作用及N2O排放的影响



3.1 抑制作用

根系分泌物对土壤硝化作用抑制的机理主要分为2种(图1),一是抑制氨氧化过程中氨单加氧酶(ammonia monooxygenase,AMO)的活性抑制硝化作用;二是根系分泌物中具有抑制硝化作用的物质可以打破羟胺还原酶(hydroxylamine reductase,HR)、泛酸和辅酶Q之间的电子传递,这一电子传递是亚单胞杆菌的重要代谢功能[43,44,45]。也可能是通过影响氨氧化细菌(AOB)来影响硝化作用。目前越来越多的人认为,氨氧化古菌(AOA)在很多生态系统的硝化作用中起着主要的作用。AMO在AOA和AOB中都是控制硝化作用的主要因素,因此根系分泌物主要是通过影响AMO的活性来影响硝化活性[46]。根系分泌物既可以影响AOA,也可以影响AOB,但是通过影响HR这一途径仅能影响AOB的活性,HR对AOA的影响还需要进一步的研究和证实[47]


图1   根系分泌物对土壤硝化过程的抑制作用


Fig.1   Inhibition of root exudates on soil nitrification

AMO: ammonia monooxygenase; HR: hydroxylamine reductase; NXR: nitrite oxidoreductase; AOA: ammonia-oxidizing archaea; AOB: ammonia-oxidizing bacteria; NOB: nitrite oxidizing bacteria

研究[46,48-51]表明,在牧草、高梁、小麦和大麦植株根系分泌物中可以检测到抑制硝化作用的物质。在营养液条件下,高梁根系分泌的苯丙酯(MHPP)对硝化作用具有一定的抑制效果。MHPP对硝化作用的抑制主要是通过抑制AMO的活性来达到抑制硝化作用的目的[48]。高粱根系分泌物中的苯醌也具有抑制硝化作用的能力[49]。苯基化合物在玉凤花的根系分泌物中也具有抑制硝化作用的能力,苯醌的抑制效果显著高于香豆素和阿魏酸,后两者对硝化作用的抑制效果几乎可以忽略[52]。这些结果表明,根系渗出物和根系组织在分化过程中产生的物质对硝化作用的抑制也起到了很重要的作用。从西黄松种子根部分离得到的水黄皮素也对土壤硝化作用表现出了很强的抑制效果[53,54,55,56]。水黄皮素中的呋喃环可能在硝化过程中起着关键性的作用[57]。据报道[58],十字花科植物根系组织脱落过程中产生的异硫氰酸盐也具有很强的抑制土壤硝化作用的能力,并且十字花科的作物残茬也可能对土壤硝化作用产生抑制。在水稻根系分泌物中分离鉴定的脂肪醇类化合物1,9-癸二醇同样具有较强的硝化抑制能力[59]。这些植株根系可以产生并释放抑制硝化微生物活性的物质,目前被称为生物硝化抑制剂(biological nitrification inhibition,BNI)。表1汇总了目前从根系分泌物中成功分离的具有抑制土壤硝化作用的物质。生物硝化抑制剂可以减少土壤氮损失,提高氮肥利用率,相对于人工合成的硝化抑制剂具有更多的优点,受到了广大科研工作者的重视。

表1   根系分泌物中抑制土壤硝化作用的物质及作用途径

Table 1  Nitrification inhibitors and its function ways in root exudates

Root exudate component
Inhibition pathway
亚油酸Linoleic acid玉凤花AMO和HR[49]
亚麻酸Linolenic acid高梁AMO和HR[52-53]

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虽然已经通过很多试验和生物技术手段成功地分离了不同化学种类生物硝化抑制剂,但其具有较高的专一性。高粱根系分泌物中可以抑制硝化作用的主要成分是不饱和脂肪酸中的亚油酸(linoleic acid)和亚麻酸(linolenic acid)。其他游离脂肪酸如硬质脂肪酸和花生四烯酸等并没有表现出硝化抑制的效果[64]。亚油酸对硝化作用的抑制效果随它转化成亚油酸甲酯(LA-ME)数量的增加而增加[62]。但是当它转化成亚油酸乙酯(LA-EE)时其抑制硝化作用的活性消失[65]。亚麻酸转化成亚麻酸甲酯(LN-ME)后活性消失,表明当化学结构具有很高的专一性时才可以表达出硝化抑制效果[66]



3.2 促进作用



4 根系分泌物对反硝化作用及N2O排放的影响

反硝化作用是在厌氧条件下,将NO3-和NO2-逐步还原为NO、N2O和N2的过程,是农业生态系统特别是稻田生态系统氮损失的主要途径[77]。研究[78,79,80]表明,根系分泌物对土壤反硝化氮损失的影响可以分为促进作用、抑制作用和无明显作用。由于反硝化作用是厌氧的过程,因此,根系分泌的氧气在根际会抑制土壤反硝化作用的进行;但根系分泌的氧气也可以通过促进硝化过程的进行,促使土壤中反硝化作用的底物NO3-增加,当NO3-移动到厌氧区域时,促进反硝化作用的进行及反硝化过程中间产物N2O排放的增加[78]。根系分泌的酸性物质会导致根际土壤酸化,土壤pH降低则会显著地增加反硝化过程的中间产物N2O的排放。研究[79]表明,当土壤pH低于4.4时,反硝化过程是土壤N2O排放的主要来源。Weng等[72]在添加硝态氮的条件下研究秋茄树根际土壤氮转化过程,发现秋茄树根系分泌的低分子有机酸如甲酸、酒石酸、氨基酸和糖类等与根际反硝化微生物数量以及反硝化潜力呈显著正相关,说明根系分泌物促进了土壤反硝化作用的进行。根系分泌物中的脂肪酸酰胺(fatty acid amides),如油酸酰胺(oleamide)和芥酸酰胺(erucamide)可以显著促进反硝化作用的进行,在高氮的环境条件下其促进效果更加明显[79]。脂肪酸酰胺主要是通过促进反硝化过程中硝酸还原酶和亚硝酸还原酶的活性来促进反硝化作用[80]。Michalet等[81]研究表明,由于镰形木夹苏木(Eprua falcata)是喜硝态氮的树木,其可以通过调节自身根系分泌物来满足对硝态氮的需求。其根系分泌物中的查耳酮类化合物、黄烷酮类化合物以及甘草素可以显著抑制根际土壤中硝酸还原酶活性和反硝化细菌的数量,进而抑制土壤反硝化作用。植物对氮形态的喜好也会通过控制根系分泌物来影响土壤反硝化作用。金花柚木喜好硝态氮,它会通过根系分泌4,7-二羟基黄浣酮和4,2,4-三羟基查耳酮来抑制土壤的反硝化作用,进而达到积累硝态氮的目的[80]


5 展望




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根系分泌物是植物与土壤进行物质交换和信息传递的重要载体物质, 是植物响应外界胁迫的重要途径, 是构成植物不同根际微生态特征的关键因素, 也是根际对话的主要调控者。根系分泌物对于生物地球化学循环、根际生态过程调控、植物生长发育等均具有重要功能, 尤其是在调控根际微生态系统结构与功能方面发挥着重要作用, 调节着植物-植物、植物-微生物、微生物-微生物间复杂的互作过程。植物化感作用、作物间套作、生物修复、生物入侵等都是现代农业生态学的研究热点, 它们都涉及十分复杂的根际生物学过程。越来越多的研究表明, 不论是同种植物还是不同种植物之间相互作用的正效应或是负效应, 都是由根系分泌物介导下的植物与特异微生物共同作用的结果。近年来, 随着现代生物技术的不断完善, 有关土壤这一&ldquo;黑箱&rdquo;的研究方法与技术取得了长足的进步, 尤其是各种宏组学技术(meta-omics technology), 如环境宏基因组学、宏转录组学、宏蛋白组学、宏代谢组学等的问世, 极大地推进了人们对土壤生物世界的认知, 尤其是对植物地下部生物多样性和功能多样性的深层次剖析, 根际生物学特性的研究成果被广泛运用于指导生产实践。深入系统地研究根系分泌物介导下的植物-土壤-微生物的相互作用方式与机理, 对揭示土壤微生态系统功能、定向调控植物根际生物学过程、促进农业生产可持续发展等具有重要的指导意义。该文综述了根系分泌物的概念、组成及功能, 论述了根系分泌物介导下植物与细菌、真菌、土壤动物群之间的密切关系, 总结了探索根际生物学特性的各种研究技术及其优缺点, 并对该领域未来的研究方向进行了展望。

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In order to study the different soil organic matter mobilisation by agrarian (Zea mais: cultivars Paolo and Sandek) and forest (Picea abies Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L.) root exudates, three different soils (Dystric Spodic Cambisol--S1, Haplic Luvisol--S2 and Calcaric Cambisol--S3) have been considered. Treating the soils with water (control) or plant root exudates, soil organic matter extracts were obtained. The extracts were characterised by hormone-like activities and gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) measurements. Water extract and plant root exudates exhibited no hormone-like activity, while the other soil-extracts were endowed with a different hormone-like behaviour. GC/MS data indicated that in the acid soils (S1) Sandek and Picea abies exudates showed a greater ability in extracting organic acid isomers (Cl4COOH, Cl5COOH and Cl7COOH), while in neutral soils (S3) all the exudates were active in separating organic acids. In intermediate conditions (S2), Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris exudates liberated C15COOH isomers, Paolo C11COOH isomers, while Sandek was not effective. The different role of plant root exudates in mobilising bio-molecules from the bulk of the soil is proposed.

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While multiple experiments have demonstrated that trees exposed to elevated CO₂ can stimulate microbes to release nutrients from soil organic matter, the importance of root- versus mycorrhizal-induced changes in soil processes are presently unknown. We analyzed the contribution of roots and mycorrhizal activities to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) turnover in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forest exposed to elevated CO₂ by measuring extracellular enzyme activities at soil microsites accessed via root windows. Specifically, we quantified enzyme activity from soil adjacent to root tips (rhizosphere), soil adjacent to hyphal tips (hyphosphere), and bulk soil. During the peak growing season, CO₂ enrichment induced a greater increase of N-releasing enzymes in the rhizosphere (215% increase) than in the hyphosphere (36% increase), but a greater increase of recalcitrant C-degrading enzymes in the hyphosphere (118%) than in the rhizosphere (19%). Nitrogen fertilization influenced the magnitude of CO₂ effects on enzyme activities in the rhizosphere only. At the ecosystem scale, the rhizosphere accounted for c. 50% and 40% of the total activity of N- and C-releasing enzymes, respectively. Collectively, our results suggest that root exudates may contribute more to accelerated N cycling under elevated CO₂ at this site, while mycorrhizal fungi may contribute more to soil C degradation.© 2014 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2014 New Phytologist Trust.

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Plant scientists have long debated whether plants or microorganisms are the superior competitor for nitrogen in terrestrial ecosystems. Microorganisms have traditionally been viewed as the victors but recent evidence that plants can take up organic nitrogen compounds intact and can successfully acquire N from organic patches in soil raises the question anew. We argue that the key determinants of 'success' in nitrogen competition are spatial differences in nitrogen availability and in root and microbial distributions, together with temporal differences in microbial and root turnover. Consequently, it is not possible to discuss plant-microorganism competition without taking into account this spatiotemporal context.

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Crop nutrition is frequently inadequate as a result of the expansion of cropping into marginal lands, elevated crop yields placing increasing demands on soil nutrient reserves, and environmental and economic concerns about applying fertilizers. Plants exposed to nutrient deficiency activate a range of mechanisms that result in increased nutrient availability in the rhizosphere compared with the bulk soil. Plants may change their root morphology, increase the affinity of nutrient transporters in the plasma membrane and exude organic compounds (carboxylates, phenolics, carbohydrates, enzymes, etc.) and protons. Chemical changes in the rhizosphere result in altered abundance and composition of microbial communities. Nutrient-efficient genotypes are adapted to environments with low nutrient availability. Nutrient efficiency can be enhanced by targeted breeding through pyramiding efficiency mechanisms in a desirable genotype as well as by gene transfer and manipulation. Rhizosphere microorganisms influence nutrient availability; adding beneficial microorganisms may result in enhanced availability of nutrients to crops. Understanding the role of plant-microbe-soil interactions in governing nutrient availability in the rhizosphere will enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of crop production.

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