作物杂志, 2022, 38(1): 11-19 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.002



刘磊,, 宋娜娜, 齐晓丽, 崔克辉,


Research Advances on the Relationship between Root Characteristics and Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization Efficiency in Rice

Liu Lei,, Song Nana, Qi Xiaoli, Cui Kehui,

National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, Hubei, China

通讯作者: 崔克辉,研究方向为作物逆境生理、作物产量形成的生理基础、养分高效的生理基础、根系生物学与资源高效利用,E-mail: cuikehui@mail.hzau.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2021-05-15   修回日期: 2021-12-30   网络出版日期: 2022-01-08

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(31671598)

Received: 2021-05-15   Revised: 2021-12-30   Online: 2022-01-08

作者简介 About authors

刘磊,研究方向为水稻根系生物学与资源高效利用,E-mail: 18790091496@163.com



关键词: 水稻; 根系特征; 氮吸收利用效率; 品种选育; 栽培调控


Plant root system is an actively metabolic and absorptive organ, which is tightly associated with the high-efficient uptake and utilization of nutrients and water. In this article, we examine the relationship of nitrogen uptake and utilization with the root morphological, anatomical, physiological characteristics in rice, and the root characteristics of rice varieties with different nitrogen utilization efficiency. In addition, we also summarize the cultivation measures widely used to increase nitrogen utilization efficiency by improving root growth in rice production. The future research on improving nitrogen uptake and utilization based on root characteristics in rice is also prospected in this paper. The review may provide insights for reducing nitrogen fertilizer application rate, developing optimal management techniques for high resource efficiency, and breeding of nitrogen high-efficiency varieties.

Keywords: Rice; Root characteristics; Nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency; Cultivar breeding; Cultivation management

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刘磊, 宋娜娜, 齐晓丽, 崔克辉. 水稻根系特征与氮吸收利用效率关系的研究进展. 作物杂志, 2022, 38(1): 11-19 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.002

Liu Lei, Song Nana, Qi Xiaoli, Cui Kehui. Research Advances on the Relationship between Root Characteristics and Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization Efficiency in Rice. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 11-19 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.002

我国水稻(Oryza sativa L.)生产一直存在氮肥施用量高而利用率较低的问题,过量施用氮肥常常导致病虫害发生、温室气体排放增加、土壤酸化、环境污染和稻米品质下降等问题[1,2]。如何在不增加甚至减少氮肥施用量的同时,实现作物稳产或增产、减少环境污染已成为现代农业面临的重大难题[3,4]


1 氮效率的评价指标


2 根系形态特征与氮效率


表1   作物根系形态特征与氮素吸收利用效率的关系

Table 1  The relationship of nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency with root morphological characteristics

Root trait
Correlations with nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency
根系分布Root distribution
Total root length, root surface area, root volume
侧根Lateral root侧根数以及侧根长与氮积累量呈正相关关系[15,21-23]
根毛Root hair长且密的根毛可提高水稻对氮、磷、钾等养分的吸收效率[8,24-27]

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2.1 根系分布


2.2 根长与根表面积


2.3 侧根与根毛



3 根系解剖结构与氮效率


表2   作物根系解剖特征与氮素吸收利用效率的关系

Table 2  The relationship of nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency with root anatomical characteristics

Root trait
Correlations with nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency
根直径、根中柱Root diameter, root stele氮素吸收利用率高的水稻品种具有较多的粗分枝根[35-42]
根皮层性状Root cortical traits皮层细胞层数少、皮层细胞大会降低玉米根系的呼吸代谢消耗,提高抗逆性[43-46]
根通气组织Root aerenchyma
Root lignification and suberization

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3.1 根直径和中柱



3.2 根皮层



3.3 根木质化和栓质化



4 根系生理生化特性


表3   作物根系生理特征与氮素吸收利用效率的关系

Table 3  The relationship of nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency with root physiological characteristics

Root trait
Correlations with nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency
NO3- and NH4+ transporter genes
Nitrogen-assimilating enzyme activity

根呼吸代谢途径Root respiratory pathway氮素吸收利用率高的品种根系细胞色素氧化酶活性和呼吸代谢途径产能效率高[64]
根系分泌物Root exudates氮素吸收利用率高的水稻品种根系分泌物中的有机酸和氨基酸较少[65-66]
根活力Root vigor高产、高氮素吸收利用率的水稻品种具有较高的根系活力[12,18-19]

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4.1 根系氮吸收和转运



4.2 根系氮同化


4.3 根系呼吸代谢途径


4.4 根系分泌物



4.5 根际微生物与氮素吸收利用率


5 水稻根系生长与氮高效的栽培调控

5.1 氮肥管理


5.2 水分管理


6 展望


6.1 深入研究水稻根系解剖特征与氮吸收利用率的关系及其机理


6.2 构建水稻理想根构型


6.3 基于根系代谢成本和根系冗余角度研究水稻氮素高效吸收利用机理


6.4 加强根际微生物与作物氮素吸收利用的研究



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Great progress has been achieved in developing hybrid "super rice" varieties in China. Understanding morphological root traits in super rice and the mechanisms of nitrogen acquisition by the root system are of fundamental importance to developing proper fertilisation and nutrient management practices in their production. The present study was designed to study morphological and physiological traits in hybrid super rice roots that are associated with nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). Two hybrid super rice varieties (Yongyou12, YY; Jiayou 6, JY) and one common variety (Xiushui 134, XS) with differing NUE were cultivated hydroponically, and morphological and physiological traits of seedling roots in response to varying nitrogen conditions were investigated. Our results show that the hybrid cultivars YY and JY exhibit larger root systems, arising from a maximisation of root tips and from longer roots without changes in root diameter. The cross-sectional proportion of aerenchyma was significantly higher in super rice roots. The larger root system of super hybrid rice contributed to higher N accumulation and resulted in higher N uptake efficiency. N (NH) labeling results show that YY and JY had an enhanced capacity for ammonium (NH) uptake. Moreover, YY and JY were more tolerant to high NH and showed reduced futile NH efflux. NH efflux in the root elongation zone, measured by Non-invasive Micro-test Technology, was significantly lower than in XS. Taken together, our results suggest that a longer root, a larger number of tips, a better developed aerenchyma, a higher capacity for N uptake, and reduced NH efflux from roots are associated with higher NUE and growth performance in hybrid super rice.Copyright © 2020 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

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In higher plants, roots acquire water and soil nutrients and transport them upward to their aerial parts. These functions are closely related to their anatomical structure; water and nutrients entering the root first move radially through several concentric layers of the epidermis, cortex, and endodermis before entering the central cylinder. The endodermis is the innermost cortical cell layer that features rings of hydrophobic cell wall material called the Casparian strips, which functionally resemble tight junctions in animal epithelia. Nutrient uptake from the soil can occur through three different routes that can be interconnected in various ways: the apoplastic route (through the cell wall), the symplastic route (through cellular connections), and a coupled trans-cellular route (involving polarized influx and efflux carriers). This Update presents recent advances in the radial transport of nutrients highlighting the coupled trans-cellular pathway and the roles played by the endodermis as a barrier. © 2014 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

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The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that large cortical cell size (CCS) would improve drought tolerance by reducing root metabolic costs. Maize (Zea mays) lines contrasting in root CCS measured as cross-sectional area were grown under well-watered and water-stressed conditions in greenhouse mesocosms and in the field in the United States and Malawi. CCS varied among genotypes, ranging from 101 to 533 µm(2). In mesocosms, large CCS reduced respiration per unit of root length by 59%. Under water stress in mesocosms, lines with large CCS had between 21% and 27% deeper rooting (depth above which 95% of total root length is located in the soil profile), 50% greater stomatal conductance, 59% greater leaf CO2 assimilation, and between 34% and 44% greater shoot biomass than lines with small CCS. Under water stress in the field, lines with large CCS had between 32% and 41% deeper rooting (depth above which 95% of total root length is located in the soil profile), 32% lighter stem water isotopic ratio of (18)O to (16)O signature, signifying deeper water capture, between 22% and 30% greater leaf relative water content, between 51% and 100% greater shoot biomass at flowering, and between 99% and 145% greater yield than lines with small cells. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that large CCS improves drought tolerance by reducing the metabolic cost of soil exploration, enabling deeper soil exploration, greater water acquisition, and improved growth and yield under water stress. These results, coupled with the substantial genetic variation for CCS in diverse maize germplasm, suggest that CCS merits attention as a potential breeding target to improve the drought tolerance of maize and possibly other cereal crops. © 2014 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

Chimungu J G, Brown K M, Lynch J P.

Reduced root cortical cell file number improves drought tolerance in maize

Plant Physiology, 2014, 166(4):1943-1955.

DOI:10.1104/pp.114.249037      PMID:25355868      [本文引用: 2]

We tested the hypothesis that reduced root cortical cell file number (CCFN) would improve drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays) by reducing the metabolic costs of soil exploration. Maize genotypes with contrasting CCFN were grown under well-watered and water-stressed conditions in greenhouse mesocosms and in the field in the United States and Malawi. CCFN ranged from six to 19 among maize genotypes. In mesocosms, reduced CCFN was correlated with 57% reduction of root respiration per unit of root length. Under water stress in the mesocosms, genotypes with reduced CCFN had between 15% and 60% deeper rooting, 78% greater stomatal conductance, 36% greater leaf CO2 assimilation, and between 52% to 139% greater shoot biomass than genotypes with many cell files. Under water stress in the field, genotypes with reduced CCFN had between 33% and 40% deeper rooting, 28% lighter stem water oxygen isotope enrichment (δ(18)O) signature signifying deeper water capture, between 10% and 35% greater leaf relative water content, between 35% and 70% greater shoot biomass at flowering, and between 33% and 114% greater yield than genotypes with many cell files. These results support the hypothesis that reduced CCFN improves drought tolerance by reducing the metabolic costs of soil exploration, enabling deeper soil exploration, greater water acquisition, and improved growth and yield under water stress. The large genetic variation for CCFN in maize germplasm suggests that CCFN merits attention as a breeding target to improve the drought tolerance of maize and possibly other cereal crops. © 2014 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

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Reduced root cortical burden improves growth and grain yield under low phosphorus availability in maize

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Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, 71(14):4243-4257.

DOI:10.1093/jxb/eraa165      PMID:32420593      [本文引用: 2]

To better understand the role of root anatomy in regulating plant adaptation to soil mechanical impedance, 12 maize lines were evaluated in two soils with and without compaction treatments under field conditions. Penetrometer resistance was 1-2 MPa greater in the surface 30 cm of the compacted plots at a water content of 17-20% (v/v). Root thickening in response to compaction varied among genotypes and was negatively associated with rooting depth at one field site under non-compacted plots. Thickening was not associated with rooting depth on compacted plots. Genotypic variation in root anatomy was related to rooting depth. Deeper-rooting plants were associated with reduced cortical cell file number in combination with greater mid cortical cell area for node 3 roots. For node 4, roots with increased aerenchyma were deeper roots. A greater influence of anatomy on rooting depth was observed for the thinner root classes. We found no evidence that root thickening is related to deeper rooting in compacted soil; however, anatomical traits are important, especially for thinner root classes.© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.

刘依依, 傅志强, 龙文飞, .


农业现代化研究, 2015, 36(6):1105-1111.

[本文引用: 1]

Abiko T, Obara M.

Enhancement of porosity and aerenchyma formation in nitrogen-deficient rice roots

Plant Science, 2014, 215-216:76-83.

DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2013.10.016      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abiko T, Miyasaka S C.

Aerenchyma and barrier to radial oxygen loss are formed in roots of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) propagules under flooded conditions

Journal of Plant Research, 2020, 133:49-56.

DOI:10.1007/s10265-019-01150-6      URL     [本文引用: 2]

陈贵, 陈梅, 朱静娜, .


土壤, 2020, 52(6):1113-1119.

[本文引用: 1]

Lynch J P, Brown K M.

Root strategies for phosphorus acquisition

Plant Ecophysiology, 2008, 7:83-116.

[本文引用: 1]

Saengwilai P, Nord E A, Chimungu J G, et al.

Root cortical aerenchyma enhances nitrogen acquisition from low-nitrogen soils in maize

Plant Physiology, 2014, 166(2):726-735.

DOI:10.1104/pp.114.241711      PMID:24891611      [本文引用: 2]

Suboptimal nitrogen (N) availability is a primary constraint for crop production in developing nations, while in rich nations, intensive N fertilization carries substantial environmental and economic costs. Therefore, understanding root phenes that enhance N acquisition is of considerable importance. Structural-functional modeling predicts that root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) could improve N acquisition in maize (Zea mays). We evaluated the utility of RCA for N acquisition by physiological comparison of maize recombinant inbred lines contrasting in RCA grown under suboptimal and adequate N availability in greenhouse mesocosms and in the field in the United States and South Africa. N stress increased RCA formation by 200% in mesocosms and by 90% to 100% in the field. RCA formation substantially reduced root respiration and root N content. Under low-N conditions, RCA formation increased rooting depth by 15% to 31%, increased leaf N content by 28% to 81%, increased leaf chlorophyll content by 22%, increased leaf CO2 assimilation by 22%, increased vegetative biomass by 31% to 66%, and increased grain yield by 58%. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that RCA improves plant growth under N-limiting conditions by decreasing root metabolic costs, thereby enhancing soil exploration and N acquisition in deep soil strata. Although potential fitness tradeoffs of RCA formation are poorly understood, increased RCA formation appears be a promising breeding target for enhancing crop N acquisition. © 2014 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

Postma J A, Lynch J P.

Root cortical aerenchyma enhances the growth of maize on soils with suboptimal availability of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium

Plant Physiology, 2011, 156(3):1190-1201.

DOI:10.1104/pp.111.175489      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Niones J M, Suralta R R, Inukai Y, et al.

Roles of root aerenchyma development and its associated QTL in dry matter production under transient moisture stress in rice

Plant Production Science, 2013, 16(3):205-216.

DOI:10.1626/pps.16.205      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Krishnamurthy P, Ranathunge K, Franke R, et al.

The role of root apoplastic transport barriers in salt tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Planta, 2009, 230(1):119-134.

DOI:10.1007/s00425-009-0930-6      PMID:19363620      [本文引用: 2]

Increasing soil salinity reduces crop yields worldwide, with rice being particularly affected. We have examined the correlation between apoplastic barrier formation in roots, Na+ uptake into shoots and plant survival for three rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars of varying salt sensitivity: the salt-tolerant Pokkali, moderately tolerant Jaya and sensitive IR20. Rice plants grown hydroponically or in soil for 1 month were subjected to both severe and moderate salinity stress. Apoplastic barriers in roots were visualized using fluorescence microscopy and their chemical composition determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Na+ content was estimated by flame photometry. Suberization of apoplastic barriers in roots of Pokkali was the most extensive of the three cultivars, while Na+ accumulation in the shoots was the least. Saline stress induced the strengthening of these barriers in both sensitive and tolerant cultivars, with increase in mRNAs encoding suberin biosynthetic enzymes being detectable within 30 min of stress. Enhanced barriers were detected after several days of moderate stress. Overall, more extensive apoplastic barriers in roots correlated with reduced Na+ uptake and enhanced survival when challenged with high salinity.

Huang L, Li W C, Tam N F Y C, et al.

Effects of root morphology and anatomy on cadmium uptake and translocation in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 75:296-306.

DOI:10.1016/j.jes.2018.04.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Melino V J, Plett D C, Bendre P, et al.

Nitrogen depletion enhances endodermal suberization without restricting transporter-mediated root NO3- influx

Journal of Plant Physiology, 2021, 257:153334.

DOI:10.1016/j.jplph.2020.153334      PMID:33373827      [本文引用: 1]

Roots vary their permeability to aid radial transport of solutes towards xylem vessels in response to nutritional cues. Nitrogen (N) depletion was previously shown to induce early suberization of endodermal cell walls and reduce hydraulic conductivity of barley roots suggesting reduced apoplastic transport of ions (Armand et al., 2019). Suberization may also limit transcellular ion movement by blocking access to transporters (Barberon et al., 2016). The aim of this study was to confirm that N depletion induced suberization in the roots of barley and demonstrate that this was a specific effect in response to NO depletion. Furthermore, in roots with early and enhanced suberization, we assessed their ability for transporter-mediated NO influx. N depletion induced lateral root elongation and early and enhanced endodermal suberization of the seminal root of each genotype. Both root to shoot NO translocation and net N uptake was half that of plants supplied with steady-state NO. Genes with predicted functions in suberin synthesis (HvHORST) and NO transport (HvNRT2.2) were induced under N-deplete conditions. N-deplete roots had a higher capacity for high-affinity NO influx in early suberized roots than under optimal NO. In conclusion, NO depletion induced early and enhanced suberization in the roots of barley, however, suberization did not restrict transcellular NO transport.Copyright © 2020 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Ejiri M, Sawazaki Y, Shiono K.

Some accessions of amazonian wild rice (Oryza glumaepatula) constitutively form a barrier to radial oxygen loss along adventitious roots under aerated conditions

Plants, 2020, 9(7):880.

DOI:10.3390/plants9070880      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ranathunge K, Schreiber L, Bi Y M, et al.

Ammonium-induced architectural and anatomical changes with altered suberin and lignin levels significantly change water and solute permeabilities of rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots

Planta, 2016, 243(1):231-249.

DOI:10.1007/s00425-015-2406-1      PMID:26384983      [本文引用: 3]

Non-optimal ammonium levels significantly alter root architecture, anatomy and root permeabilities for water and nutrient ions. Higher ammonium levels induced strong apoplastic barriers whereas it was opposite for lower levels. Application of nitrogen fertilizer increases crop productivity. However, non-optimal applications can have negative effects on plant growth and development. In this study, we investigated how different levels of ammonium (NH4 (+)) [low (30 or 100 μM) or optimum (300 μM) or high (1000 or 3000 μM)] affect physio-chemical properties of 1-month-old, hydroponically grown rice roots. Different NH4 (+) treatments markedly altered the root architecture and anatomy. Plants grown in low NH4 (+) had the longest roots with a weak deposition of suberised and lignified apoplastic barriers, and it was opposite for plants grown in high NH4 (+). The relative expression levels of selected suberin and lignin biosynthesis candidate genes, determined using qRT-PCR, were lowest in the roots from low NH4 (+), whereas, they were highest for those grown in high NH4 (+). This was reflected by the suberin and lignin contents, and was significantly lower in roots from low NH4 (+) resulting in greater hydraulic conductivity (Lp r) and solute permeability (P sr) than roots from optimum NH4 (+). In contrast, roots grown at high NH4 (+) had markedly greater suberin and lignin contents, which were reflected by strong barriers. These barriers significantly decreased the P sr of roots but failed to reduce the Lp r below those of roots grown in optimum NH4 (+), which can be explained in terms of the physical properties of the molecules used and the size of pores in the apoplast. It is concluded that, in rice, non-optimal NH4 (+) levels differentially affected root properties including Lp r and P sr to successfully adapt to the changing root environment.

Qin L, Walk T C, Han P, et al.

Adaption of roots to nitrogen deficiency revealed by 3D quantification and proteomic analysis

Plant Physiology, 2019, 179(1):329-347.

DOI:10.1104/pp.18.00716      PMID:30455286      [本文引用: 1]

Rapeseed () is an important oil crop worldwide. However, severe inhibition of rapeseed production often occurs in the field due to nitrogen (N) deficiency. The root system is the main organ to acquire N for plant growth, but little is known about the mechanisms underlying rapeseed root adaptions to N deficiency. Here, dynamic changes in root architectural traits of N-deficient rapeseed plants were evaluated by 3D in situ quantification. Root proteome responses to N deficiency were analyzed by the tandem mass tag-based proteomics method, and related proteins were characterized further. Under N deficiency, rapeseed roots become longer, with denser cells in the meristematic zone and larger cells in the elongation zone of root tips, and also become softer with reduced solidity. A total of 171 and 755 differentially expressed proteins were identified in short- and long-term N-deficient roots, respectively. The abundance of proteins involved in cell wall organization or biogenesis was highly enhanced, but most identified peroxidases were reduced in the N-deficient roots. Notably, peroxidase activities also were decreased, which might promote root elongation while lowering the solidity of N-deficient roots. These results were consistent with the cell wall components measured in the N-deficient roots. Further functional analysis using transgenic Arabidopsis () plants demonstrated that the two root-related differentially expressed proteins contribute to the enhanced root growth under N deficiency conditions. These results provide insights into the global changes of rapeseed root responses to N deficiency and may facilitate the development of rapeseed cultivars with high N use efficiency through root-based genetic improvements.© 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

Ranathunge K, El-Kereamy A, Gidda S, et al.

AMT1;1 transgenic rice plants with enhanced NH4+ permeability show superior growth and higher yield under optimal and suboptimal NH4+ conditions

Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(4):965-979.

DOI:10.1093/jxb/ert458      PMID:24420570      [本文引用: 2]

The major source of nitrogen for rice (Oryza sativa L.) is ammonium (NH4(+)). The NH4(+) uptake of roots is mainly governed by membrane transporters, with OsAMT1;1 being a prominent member of the OsAMT1 gene family that is known to be involved in NH4(+) transport in rice plants. However, little is known about its involvement in NH4(+) uptake in rice roots and subsequent effects on NH4(+) assimilation. This study shows that OsAMT1;1 is a constitutively expressed, nitrogen-responsive gene, and its protein product is localized in the plasma membrane. Its expression level is under the control of circadian rhythm. Transgenic rice lines (L-2 and L-3) overexpressing the OsAMT1;1 gene had the same root structure as the wild type (WT). However, they had 2-fold greater NH4(+) permeability than the WT, whereas OsAMT1;1 gene expression was 20-fold higher than in the WT. Analogous to the expression, transgenic lines had a higher NH4(+) content in the shoots and roots than the WT. Direct NH4(+) fluxes in the xylem showed that the transgenic lines had significantly greater uptake rates than the WT. Higher NH4(+) contents also promoted higher expression levels of genes in the nitrogen assimilation pathway, resulting in greater nitrogen assimilates, chlorophyll, starch, sugars, and grain yield in transgenic lines than in the WT under suboptimal and optimal nitrogen conditions. OsAMT1;1 also enhanced overall plant growth, especially under suboptimal NH4(+) levels. These results suggest that OsAMT1;1 has the potential for improving nitrogen use efficiency, plant growth, and grain yield under both suboptimal and optimal nitrogen fertilizer conditions.

Wang W, Hu B, Yuan D, et al.

Expression of the nitrate transporter gene OsNRT1.1A/OsNPF6.3 confers high yield and early maturation in rice

The Plant Cell, 2018, 30(3):638-651.

DOI:10.1105/tpc.17.00809      PMID:29475937      [本文引用: 1]

Nitrogen (N) is a major driving force for crop yield improvement, but application of high levels of N delays flowering, prolonging maturation and thus increasing the risk of yield losses. Therefore, traits that enable utilization of high levels of N without delaying maturation will be highly desirable for crop breeding. Here, we show that OsNRT1.1A (OsNPF6.3), a member of the rice () nitrate transporter 1/peptide transporter family, is involved in regulating N utilization and flowering, providing a target to produce high yield and early maturation simultaneously. has functionally diverged from previously reported genes in plants and functions in upregulating the expression of N utilization-related genes not only for nitrate but also for ammonium, as well as flowering-related genes. Relative to the wild type, mutants exhibited reduced N utilization and late flowering. By contrast, overexpression of in rice greatly improved N utilization and grain yield, and maturation time was also significantly shortened. These effects were further confirmed in different rice backgrounds and also in Our study paves a path for the use of a single gene to dramatically increase yield and shorten maturation time for crops, outcomes that promise to substantially increase world food security.© 2018 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

程建峰, 戴廷波, 荆奇, .


土壤学报, 2007, 44(2):266-272.

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植物营养与肥料学报, 2012, 18(5):1046-1055.

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Zhang J, Liu Y X, Zhang N, et al.

NRT1.1B is associated with root microbiota composition and nitrogen use in field-grown rice

Nature Biotechnology, 2019, 37:676-684.

DOI:10.1038/s41587-019-0104-4      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Hu B, Wang W, Ou S, et al.

Variation in NRT1.1B contributes to nitrate-use divergence between rice subspecies

Nature Genetics, 2015, 47(7):834-838.

DOI:10.1038/ng.3337      [本文引用: 1]

Hu, Bin; Wang, Wei; Ou, Shujun; Tang, Jiuyou; Li, Hua; Che, Ronghui; Zhang, Zhihua; Wang, Hongru; Wang, Yiqin; Liang, Chengzhen; Xu, Chi; Liang, Yan; Chu, Chengcai Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Genet & Dev Biol, Natl Ctr Plant Gene Res Beijing, State Key Lab Plant Gen, Beijing, Peoples R China. Wang, Wei; Li, Hua; Zhang, Zhihua; Wang, Hongru; Liang, Yan Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Coll Life Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China. Ou, Shujun Michigan State Univ, Dept Hort, E Lansing, MI 48824 USA. Chai, Xuyang Capital Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China. Liu, Linchuan Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Ctr Plant Stress Biol, Shanghai, Peoples R China. Piao, Zhongze Shanghai Acad Agr Sci, Crop Breeding & Cultivat Res Inst, Shanghai, Peoples R China. Deng, Qiyun China Natl Hybrid Rice Res, Changsha, Peoples R China. Deng, Qiyun Dev Ctr, Changsha, Peoples R China. Deng, Kun; Zhang, Lianhe Henan Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Agr, Luoyang, Peoples R China.

Fan X R, Naz M, Fan X, et al.

Plant nitrate transporters:from gene function to application

Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68(10):2463-2475.

DOI:10.1093/jxb/erx011      URL     [本文引用: 1]



植物营养与肥料学报, 2017, 23(1):217-223.

[本文引用: 2]

Han Y L, Song H X, Liao Q, et al.

Nitrogen use efficiency is mediated by vacuolar nitrate sequestration capacity in roots of Brassica napus

Plant Physiology, 2016, 170(3):1684-1698.

DOI:10.1104/pp.15.01377      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Hu R, Qiu D Y, Chen Y, et al.

Knock-down of a tonoplast localized low-affinity nitrate transporter OsNPF7.2 affects rice growth under high nitrate supply

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7(48):1529.

[本文引用: 2]

Tang W, Ye J, Yao X, et al.

Genome-wide associated study identifies NAC42-activated nitrate transporter conferring high nitrogen use efficiency in rice

Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1):5279.

DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-13187-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Okumoto S, Pilot G.

Amino acid export in plants:a missing link in nitrogen cycling

Molecular Plant, 2011, 4(3):453-463.

DOI:10.1093/mp/ssr003      PMID:21324969      [本文引用: 1]

The export of nutrients from source organs to parts of the body where they are required (e.g. sink organs) is a fundamental biological process. Export of amino acids, one of the most abundant nitrogen species in plant long-distance transport tissues (i.e. xylem and phloem), is an essential process for the proper distribution of nitrogen in the plant. Physiological studies have detected the presence of multiple amino acid export systems in plant cell membranes. Yet, surprisingly little is known about the molecular identity of amino acid exporters, partially due to the technical difficulties hampering the identification of exporter proteins. In this short review, we will summarize our current knowledge about amino acid export systems in plants. Several studies have described plant amino acid transporters capable of bi-directional, facilitative transport, reminiscent of activities identified by earlier physiological studies. Moreover, recent expansion in the number of available amino acid transporter sequences have revealed evolutionary relationships between amino acid exporters from other organisms with a number of uncharacterized plant proteins, some of which might also function as amino acid exporters. In addition, genes that may regulate export of amino acids have been discovered. Studies of these putative transporter and regulator proteins may help in understanding the elusive molecular mechanisms of amino acid export in plants.

Guo H, Tian Z W, Sun S Z, et al.

Preanthesis root growth and nitrogen uptake improved wheat grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency

Agronomy Journal, 2019, 111(6):3048-3056.

DOI:10.2134/agronj2019.03.0162      URL     [本文引用: 1]

谢孟林, 李强, 查丽, .


中国生态农业学报, 2015, 23(8):946-953.

[本文引用: 1]

Kiyomiya S, Nakanishi H, Uchida H, et al.

Real time visualization of 13N-translocation in rice under different environmental conditions using positron emitting tracer imaging system

Plant Physiology, 2001, 125(4):1743-1753.

PMID:11299355      [本文引用: 1]

The ammonium ion is an indispensable nitrogen source for crops, especially paddy rice (Oryza sativa L. cv Nipponbare). Until now, it has been impossible to measure ammonium uptake and nitrogen movement in plants in real time. Using the new technologies of PETIS (positron emitting tracer imaging system) and PMPS (positron multi-probe system), we were able to visualize the real time translocation of nitrogen and water in rice plants. We used positron-emitting 13N-labeled ammonium (13NH4+) and 15O-water to monitor the movement. In plants cultured under normal conditions, 13NH4+ supplied to roots was taken up, and a 13N signal was detected at the discrimination center, the basal part of the shoots, within 2 minutes. This rapid translocation of (13)N was almost completely inhibited by a glutamine synthetase inhibitor, methionine sulfoximine. In general, nitrogen deficiency enhanced 13N translocation to the discrimination center. In the dark, 13N translocation to the discrimination center was suppressed to 40% of control levels, whereas 15O-water flow from the root to the discrimination center stopped completely in the dark. In abscisic acid-treated rice, 13N translocation to the discrimination center was doubled, whereas translocation to leaves decreased to 40% of control levels. Pretreatment with NO3- for 36 hours increased 13N translocation from the roots to the discrimination center to 5 times of control levels. These results suggest that ammonium assimilation (from the roots to the discrimination center) depends passively on water flow, but actively on NH4+-transporter(s) or glutamine synthetase(s).

Funayama K, Kojima S, Tabuchikobayashi M, et al.

Cytosolic glutamine synthetase1;2 is responsible for the primary assimilation of ammonium in rice roots

Plant and Cell Physiology, 2013, 54(6):934-943.

DOI:10.1093/pcp/pct046      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Bao A, Zhao Z, Ding G, et al.

The stable level of glutamine synthetase 2 plays an important role in rice growth and in carbon-nitrogen metabolic balance

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16(6):12713-12736.

DOI:10.3390/ijms160612713      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Lee S, Marmagne A, Park J, et al.

Concurrent activation of OsAMT1;2 and OsGOGAT1 in rice leads to enhanced nitrogen use efficiency under nitrogen limitation

The Plant Journal, 2020, 103:7-20.

DOI:10.1111/tpj.v103.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Gao Z, Wang Y, Chen G, et al.

The indica nitrate reductase gene OsNR2 allele enhances rice yield potential and nitrogen use efficiency

Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1):5207.

DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-13110-8      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Theodorou M E, Plaxton W C.

Metabolic adaptations of plant respiration to nutritional phosphate deprivation

Plant Physiology, 1993, 101(2):339-344.

PMID:12231689      [本文引用: 1]

Plants respond adaptively to orthophosphate (Pi) deprivation through the induction of alternative pathways of glycolysis and mitochondrial electron transport. These respiratory bypasses allow respiration to proceed in Pi-deficient plant cells because they negate the necessity for adenylates and Pi, both pools of which are severely depressed following nutritional Pi starvation.

Rakhmankulova Z F, Fedyaev V V, Podashevka O A, et al.

Alternative respiration pathways and secondary metabolism in plants with different adaptive strategies under mineral deficiency

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2003, 50(2):206-212.

DOI:10.1023/A:1022973130775      URL     [本文引用: 3]

秦嗣军, 吕德国, 李志霞, .


园艺学报, 2011, 38(6):1021-1028.

[本文引用: 1]

Vives-Peris V, Ollas C D, Gómez-Cadenas A, et al.

Root exudates:from plant to rhizosphere and beyond

Plant Cell Reports, 2019, 39(1):3-17.

DOI:10.1007/s00299-019-02447-5      URL     [本文引用: 2]

徐国伟, 李帅, 赵永芳, .


草业学报, 2014, 23(2):140-146.

[本文引用: 2]

Xuan W, Beeckman T, Xu G.

Plant nitrogen nutrition:sensing and signaling

Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2017, 39:57-65.

DOI:S1369-5266(16)30216-3      PMID:28614749      [本文引用: 1]

In response to external fluctuations of nitrogen (N) supplies, plants can activate complex regulatory networks for optimizing N uptake and utilization. In this review, we highlight novel N-responsive sensors, transporters, and signaling molecules recently identified in the dicot Arabidopsis and the monocot rice, and discuss their potential roles in N sensing and signaling. Furthermore, over the last couple of years, N sensing has been shown to be affected by multiple external factors, which act as local signals to trigger systemic signaling coordinated by long-distance mobile signals. Understanding of this complex regulatory network provides a foundation for the development of novel strategies to increase the root N acquisition efficiency under varying N conditions for crop production.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Sun L, Lu Y, Yu F, et al.

Biological nitrification inhibition by rice root exudates and its relationship with nitrogen-use efficiency

New Phytologist, 2016, 212:646-656.

DOI:10.1111/nph.14057      PMID:27292630      [本文引用: 1]

Microbial nitrification in soils is a major contributor to nitrogen (N) loss in agricultural systems. Some plants can secrete organic substances that act as biological nitrification inhibitors (BNIs), and a small number of BNIs have been identified and characterized. However, virtually no research has focused on the important food crop, rice (Oryza sativa). Here, 19 rice varieties were explored for BNI potential on the key nitrifying bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea. Exudates from both indica and japonica genotypes were found to possess strong BNI potential. Older seedlings had higher BNI abilities than younger ones; Zhongjiu25 (ZJ25) and Wuyunjing7 (WYJ7) were the most effective genotypes among indica and japonica varieties, respectively. A new nitrification inhibitor, 1,9-decanediol, was identified, shown to block the ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) pathway of ammonia oxidation and to possess an 80% effective dose (ED ) of 90 ng μl. Plant N-use efficiency (NUE) was determined using a N-labeling method. Correlation analyses indicated that both BNI abilities and 1,9-decanediol amounts of root exudates were positively correlated with plant ammonium-use efficiency and ammonium preference. These findings provide important new insights into the plant-bacterial interactions involved in the soil N cycle, and improve our understanding of the BNI capacity of rice in the context of NUE.© 2016 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2016 New Phytologist Trust.

曾后清, 朱毅勇, 王火焰, .


土壤学报, 2012, 49(2):382-388.

[本文引用: 2]

Chen S M, Waghmode T R, Sun R B, et al.

Root-associated microbiomes of wheat under the combined effect of plant development and nitrogen fertilization

Microbiome, 2019, 7(4):136.

DOI:10.1186/s40168-019-0750-2      URL     [本文引用: 2]

王孝林, 王二涛.


植物学报, 2019, 54(3):285-287.

DOI:10.11983/CBB19060      [本文引用: 1]

根际微生物影响植物的生长及环境适应性。不同种属、不同种群的植物影响其环境微生物群落; 反之, 根际微生物也影响宿主植物生长发育与生态适应性。植物与根际微生物的互作现象及其机制, 是生命科学研究关注的热点, 也是农业微生物利用的关键问题。近期, 中国科学家在该领域取得了突破性进展。通过对不同籼稻(Oryza sativa subsp. indica)和粳稻(O. sativa subsp. japonica)品种的根际微生物组进行研究, 发现籼稻根际比粳稻根际富集更多参与氮代谢的微生物群落, 且该现象与硝酸盐转运蛋白基因NRT1.1B在籼粳之间的自然变异相关联。通过对籼稻接种籼稻根际特异富集的微生物群体可以提高前者对有机氮的利用, 促进其生长。该研究揭示了籼稻和粳稻根际微生物分化的分子基础, 展示了利用根际微生物提高水稻营养高效吸收的应用前景。

徐如玉, 左明雪, 袁银龙, .


南方农业学报, 2020, 51(12):2919-2926.

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植物营养与肥料学报, 2021, 27(1):35-44.

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