作物杂志, 2022, 38(2): 69-74 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.02.010



闫晓翠,1, 段振盈2, 杨华丽2, 姚占军,2,*, 李在峰,1,*



QTLs Mapping of Leaf Rust Resistance in Wheat Variety Zhoumai 22

Yan Xiaocui,1, Duan Zhenying2, Yang Huali2, Yao Zhanjun,2,*, Li Zaifeng,1,*

1College of Plant Protection, Hebei Agricultural University/Biological Control Center for Plant Diseases and Plant Pests of Hebei, Baoding 071001, Hebei, China

2College of Agronomy, Hebei Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Research and Utilization of Crop Germplasm Resources in North China, Ministry of Education, Baoding 071001, Hebei, China

通讯作者: *姚占军,主要从事小麦抗锈病遗传育种,E-mail: yzhj201@aliyun.com; 李在峰为共同通信作者,主要从事小麦抗锈病遗传育种,E-mail: lzf7551@aliyun.com

收稿日期: 2021-03-5   修回日期: 2021-05-11   网络出版日期: 2021-12-31

基金资助: 国家重点研发计划(2017YFD300901)

Received: 2021-03-5   Revised: 2021-05-11   Online: 2021-12-31

作者简介 About authors

闫晓翠,主要从事小麦抗病育种,E-mail: yanxiaocui101412@126.com


小麦叶锈病(leaf rust)是对小麦危害最严重的真菌病害之一,原菌群体中新致病菌类型的不断出现导致部分抗叶锈病基因的抗性功能逐步丧失,不断发掘和研究利用新抗源基因、培育种植抗病品种是控制该病害最有效的方法。周麦22在田间成株期对叶锈病表现出良好的抗性,为解析周麦22成株期抗叶锈病的遗传基础,将周麦22与铭贤169杂交构建遗传群体,获得255个F2:3家系群体,经2个年度的大田成株期抗叶锈病鉴定,并利用复合区间作图法对该群体的抗叶锈病QTL进行定位分析。结果显示,该群体成株期检测到2个抗叶锈病QTL位点,分别位于1BL和2BS染色体上,命名为QLr.hebau-1BLQLr.hebau-2BS,分别解释9.62%~11.88%和16.89%~20.99%的表型变异,该位点对叶锈病抗性表现稳定,均来自抗病品种周麦22。初步的遗传定位结果显示,QLr.hebau-2BS可能为已知抗叶锈病基因LrZH22,而QLr.hebau-1BL是新的抗病QTL。

关键词: 小麦; 叶锈病; 成株抗性; QTL定位


Leaf rust (LR) is one of the serious fungal diseases of wheat. Planting resistant cultivars is the most effective and safe way to control the disease. Due to the emergence of new pathotypes in the pathogen population, the resistance of the existing leaf rust resistance gene is gradually lost. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously explore and study new resistance sources to control this important disease. In the present study, the wheat variety Zhoumai 22 showed resistance to leaf rust at the adult plant stage. In order to analyze the genetic basis of resistance to leaf rust at the adult plant stage of Zhoumai 22, 255 F2:3 lines were obtained by crossing Zhoumai 22 with Mingxian 169. The resistance to leaf rust was identified at adult plant stage in field in two crop seasons, and the QTL for leaf rust resistance in the population was analyzed by composite interval mapping. The results showed that two QTLs for leaf rust resistance were detected at adult plant stage in the population, which were located on 1BL and 2BS chromosomes respectively. The two QTLs were designated as QLr.hebau-1BL and QLr.hebau-2BS, and they explained the phenotypic variation of 9.62%-11.88% and 16.89%-20.99%, respectively. The two QTLs showed stable resistance to leaf rust, and they were provided by Zhoumai 22. Results based on preliminary genetic mapping indicated that QLr.hebau-2BS is LrZH22, whereas QLr.hebau-1BL is a new leaf rust resistance QTL.

Keywords: Wheat; Leaf rust; Adult-plant resistance; QTL mapping

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闫晓翠, 段振盈, 杨华丽, 姚占军, 李在峰. 小麦品种周麦22抗叶锈病的QTL定位. 作物杂志, 2022, 38(2): 69-74 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.02.010

Yan Xiaocui, Duan Zhenying, Yang Huali, Yao Zhanjun, Li Zaifeng. QTLs Mapping of Leaf Rust Resistance in Wheat Variety Zhoumai 22. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 69-74 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.02.010

小麦叶锈病是由叶锈病菌(Puccinia tirticina)侵染引起的真菌病害,致病菌属于活体寄生菌,主要侵染小麦叶片,但在发病严重或高度感病的小麦品种中,也可侵染叶鞘和颖壳[1-2],该病害是影响世界小麦生产安全的主要病害之一。几乎每年小麦主产区均有叶锈病的发生,20世纪中后期墨西哥西北部发生叶锈病害大流行,产量损失高达70%[3],在中国华北冬麦区发生过6次(1969、1973、1975、1979、2012和2015年)叶锈病害流行,其中仅2015年产量损失就高达19.1万t[4-5]。近年来,小麦叶锈病发生危害有明显加重趋势。虽然采用化学药剂能短暂防治叶锈病,但培育广谱抗病品种是行之有效的最佳方法。

小麦对叶锈病抗性分为小种专化抗性(race specific resistance)和非小种专化抗性(non-race specific resistance)[6]。小种专化抗性通常是对特定菌种表现出抗性,常发生在小麦苗期,又称为苗期抗性,常因病原菌毒性的变异而丧失[7-8],通过基因聚合和基因布局可以延长此类抗性基因的有效性。非小种专化抗性一般对1种病原菌的多个不同生理小种或者多种病原菌有效,一般在成株期表现,通常具有慢锈抗病性(slow rusting resistance)和持久抗病性(durable resistance)的特点[9],多个抗性基因的聚合可能表现出对此类病菌完全抗病。



1 材料与方法

1.1 供试材料


1.2 成株期接种和侵染型调查


在小麦拔节期采用喷雾法进行田间接种,接种日期通常为4月下旬的16:00,确保土壤有一定湿度。若土壤太旱,需在接菌前2d进行灌溉,避免接菌时湿度不够而影响接种质量。当感病对照郑州5389病斑占叶片的表面积达100%时进行田间成株表型鉴定,即最终病害严重度(final disease severity,FDS)。其接菌流程与田间病害表型鉴定参考Li等[20]的方法。

1.3 DNA提取及分子标记筛选

利用CTAB法[21]提取抗病亲本周麦22、感病亲本铭贤169及其F2:3代家系小麦叶片全基因组DNA,其中每份材料分别选取3~5株进行DNA混合提取,并分别用1×TE稀释成40~50ng/µL工作液,作为大群体的筛选。此外,参照Hao等[22]提出的优选小群体(PSG)策略构建抗感小群体,结合田间FDS从中选取5个抗病(FDS 5%以下)和5个感病(FDS尽量选最大,接近100%)的家系植株,分别提取叶片全基因组DNA作为抗感小群体。利用分布在所有小麦染色体组的1005对SSR标记对周麦22、铭贤169及抗感小群体进行多态性分子标记筛选。所需的PCR扩增体系、反应程序和PCR检测参考王佳真等[23]的方法。

1.4 遗传图谱构建及QTL定位

以多态性SSR分子标记筛选抗感亲本及其255个F2:3家系,将田间成株叶锈病FDS与筛选的基因型数据进行整理。利用Excel软件分析田间成株期叶锈病表型的分布,采用QTL Cartographer软件进行遗传定位分析,其LOD值设为2.5,分析有效的QTL位点贡献率和加性效应等遗传信息。

2 结果与分析

2.1 周麦22/铭贤169 F2:3群体成株期叶锈病抗性表型分析

依据FDS分析可知,感叶锈病对照品种郑州5389在2个年度的FDS分别为90%和100%,表明在每个环境中抗病亲本周麦22/感病亲本铭贤169 F2:3群体的叶锈病发病良好。其抗病亲本周麦22的FDS在5%左右,感病亲本铭贤169的FDS在80%以上,255个家系的叶片病斑面积呈1%~100%的连续性分布,说明该群体呈现数量性状遗传特性(图1)。


图1   周麦22/铭贤169 F2:3叶锈病最终严重度的频率分布


Fig.1   Frequency distributions of the FDS of Zhoumai 22×Mingxian 169 F2:3 lines for leaf rust

Arrows mean FDS average values for the parents ‘Zhoumai 22’ and ‘Mingxian 169’


表1   周麦22/铭贤169 F2:3 255个群体在2个年度中的FDS

Table 1  FDS for leaf rust of 255 F2:3 from Zhoumai 22×Mingxian 169 in two years

Zhoumai 22
Mingxian 169
F2:3群体F2:3 population

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2.2 叶锈病成株期抗性QTL分析


表2   55对SSR标记信息

Table 2  Information of 55 SSR markers

标记Marker染色体ChromosomeF引物(5’-3’)Forward primer (5’-3’)R引物(5’-3’)Reverse primer (5’-3’)

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表3   周麦22/铭贤169 255个F2:3家系的叶锈病FDS的QTL

Table 3  QTL for FDS to leaf rust in 255 F2:3 lines from Zhoumai 22/Mingxian 169

SSR marker interval
LOD value
Phenotypic variation (%)
Add effect
Contributing parent

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图2   位于1BL和2BS染色体上连续2年成株抗叶锈病

Fig.2   Leaf rust adult-plant resistance QTL on chromosomes 1BL and 2BS in two years

表3可知,第1个QTL QLr.hbau-1BL的侧翼标记为Xwmc31Xwmc631,分别解释了2014-2015和2015-2016年度表型变异为9.62%和11.88%,加性效应分别为10.17%和14.56%。第2个QTL QLr.hbau-2BS侧翼标记Xgwm374Xbarc55位于2BS染色体上,在2014-2015和2015-2016年度中均能检测到,分别解释了20.99%和16.89%的表型变异,其加性效应分别为14.09%和16.50%。结果表明,抗病品种周麦22中至少存在2个稳定有效的QTL,且表现出较高的抗性。因此,鉴定的QTL可作为抗叶锈病品种的亲本。同时,这些位点和它们紧密连锁的分子标记对于基因精细定位和分子标记辅助选择有重要作用。

3 讨论

本研究共检测到2个抗叶锈病QTL分别是QLr.hbau-1BLQLr.hbau-2BS。QTL解释的总表型变异在叶锈病环境中为9.62%~20.99%,证明它们对减轻病害严重程度的显著作用。目前,位于1B染色体上的基因或QTL有Lr46/Yr29[24]QLr.caas-1BL[25]QLr.pser-1BL[26]QLr.hbu-1BL.2[27]及本研究中的QLr.hbau-1BL,根据它们的连锁或侧翼标记csLv46g22Xwmc59-Xbarc213Xwmc631-Xgwm268Xbarc80-Xwmc728Xwmc31-Xwmc631,确定其物理位置依次为670.2、667.2、637.2、685.1-686.7和610.35Mb。可知本研究中的QLr.hbau-1BL位点可能为新的成株抗叶锈位点。但由于标记区间较宽,还需要对图谱进行加密和进一步检验。对本研究中的第2个位于2B染色体上的抗病QTL QLr.hbau-2BS进行分析,有5个已知的抗叶锈病基因定位于小麦2BS染色体上,分别为Lr13[28]Lr16[29]Lr23[30]Lr73[31]LrZH22[17]。Wang等[17]在周麦22中定位了苗期抗叶锈病基因LrZH22,与本研究中QLr.hbau-2BS位置一致,均位于紧密连锁的SSR标记Xbarc55Xgwm374之间,抗性由已知抗叶锈病基因LrZH22提供,其抗病QTL均来自同一亲本周麦22。



4 结论



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Seedling and slow rusting resistance to leaf rust in Chinese wheat cultivars

Plant Disease, 2010, 94(1):45-53.

DOI:10.1094/PDIS-94-1-0045      PMID:30754399      [本文引用: 1]

Identification of resistance genes is important for developing leaf rust resistant wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars. A total of 102 Chinese winter wheat cultivars and advanced lines were inoculated with 24 pathotypes of Puccinia triticina for postulation of leaf rust resistance genes effective at the seedling stage. These genotypes were also planted in the field for characterization of slow rusting responses to leaf rust in the 2006-07 and 2007-08 cropping seasons. Fourteen leaf rust resistance genes-Lr1, Lr2a, Lr3bg, Lr3ka, Lr14a, Lr16, Lr17a, Lr18, Lr20, Lr23, Lr24, Lr26, Lr34, and LrZH84-either singly or in combinations, were postulated in 65 genotypes, whereas known resistance genes were not identified in the other 37 accessions. Resistance gene Lr26 was present in 44 accessions. Genes Lr14a and Lr34 were each detected in seven entries. Lr1 and Lr3ka were each found in six cultivars, and five lines possessed Lr16. Lr17a and Lr18 were each identified in four lines. Three cultivars were postulated to possess Lr3bg. Genes Lr20, Lr24, and LrZH84 were each present in two cultivars. Each of the genes Lr2a and Lr23 may exist in one line. Fourteen genotypes showed slow leaf rusting resistance in two cropping seasons.

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Lesion mimic associates with adult plant resistance to leaf rust infection in wheat

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2009, 119(1):13-21.

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QTL mapping of adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in a population derived from common wheat cultivars Naxos and Shanghai 3/catbird

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2012, 125(6):1211-1221.

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Lr46:a gene conferring slow-rusting resistance to leaf rust in wheat

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Mapping of QTL conferring leaf rust resistance in Chinese wheat lines W014204 and Fuyu 3 at adult plant stage

Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 15(1):18-28.

DOI:10.1016/S2095-3119(14)60974-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

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Molecular mapping of the adult-plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr13in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 2000, 54:193-194.

[本文引用: 1]

Mulualem T K, Frank M Y, Colin W H, et al.

Highly predictive SNP markers for efficient selection of the wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr16

BMC Plant Biology, 2017, 17(1):45.

DOI:10.1186/s12870-017-0993-7      PMID:28202046      [本文引用: 1]

Background: Lr16 is a widely deployed leaf rust resistance gene in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that is highly effective against the North American Puccinia triticina population when pyramided with the gene Lr34. Lr16 is a seedling leaf rust resistance gene conditioning an incompatible interaction with a distinct necrotic ring surrounding the uredinium. Lr16 was previously mapped to the telomeric region of the short arm of wheat chromosome 2B. The goals of this study were to develop numerous single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for the Lr16 region and identify diagnostic gene-specific SNP marker assays for marker-assisted selection (MAS).Results: Forty-three SNP markers were developed and mapped on chromosome 2BS tightly linked with the resistance gene Lr16 across four mapping populations representing a total of 1528 gametes. Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) assays were designed for all identified SNPs. Resistance gene analogs (RGAs) linked with the Lr16 locus were identified and RGA-based SNP markers were developed. The diagnostic potential of the SNPs co-segregating with Lr16 was evaluated in a diverse set of 133 cultivars and breeding lines. Six SNP markers were consistent with the Lr16 phenotype and are accurately predictive of Lr16 for all wheat lines/cultivars in the panel.Conclusions: Lr16 was mapped relative to SNP markers in four populations. Six SNP markers exhibited high quality clustering in the KASP assay and are suitable for MAS of Lr16 in wheat breeding programs.

Faris J D, Li W L, Liu D J, et al.

Candidate gene analysis of quantitative disease resistance in wheat

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1999, 98(2):219-225.

DOI:10.1007/s001220051061      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Park R F, Mohler V, Nazari K, et al.

Characterisation and mapping of gene Lr73 conferring seedling resistance to Puccinia triticina in common wheat

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2014, 127(9):2041-2049.

DOI:10.1007/s00122-014-2359-y      PMID:25116148      [本文引用: 1]

A gene conferring seedling resistance to Puccinia triticina was mapped to chromosome 2BS in the wheat Morocco. The gene was shown to be distinct and was therefore designated Lr73. The wheat genotype Morocco, widely susceptible to isolates of Puccinia triticina, was resistant to an Australian isolate of this pathogen collected in 2004. Genetic studies established that the resistance in Morocco was also present the Australian wheat genotypes Avocet, Halberd, Harrier, Tincurrin and a selection of cultivar Warigal lacking the resistance gene Lr20. Genetic studies based on a cross with Halberd showed that the gene is dominant and located on chromosome 2BS (XwPt8760-4 cM-Lr73-1.4 cM-XwPt8235). The gene was genetically independent of the Lr13, Lr16 and Lr23 loci, also located on chromosome 2BS, indicating that it is distinct. The locus designation Lr73 was therefore assigned. On the basis of multi-pathotype tests, it is likely Lr73 is also present in the Australian wheat cultivars Clearfield STL, Federation (with Lr10), Gatcher (with Lr10 and Lr27+Lr31), Marombi (with Lr1 and Lr37), Pugsley (with Lr1 and Lr37), Spear (with Lr1), Stiletto and Tarsa (with Lr1). Gene Lr73 is unlikely to be of value in resistance breeding. However, recognising Lr73 is important to avoid its inadvertent selection in breeding programmes. Furthermore, the apparent rarity of avirulence for genes like Lr73, sometimes referred to as "fossil" resistance genes, makes them of interest in terms of the evolution of disease resistance in host plants and of virulence in the respective rust pathogens.

Zhang P P, Yin G H, Zhou Y, et al.

QTL mapping of adult-plant resistance to leaf rust in the wheat cross Zhou 8425B/Chinese Spring using high-density SNP markers

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:793.

DOI:10.3389/fpls.2017.00793      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zhang P, Yan X, Gebrewahid T W, et al.

Genome-wide association mapping of leaf rust and stripe rust resistance in wheat accessions using the 90K SNP array

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2021, 134(4):1233-1251.

DOI:10.1007/s00122-021-03769-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]
