作物杂志, 2022, 38(5): 87-96 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.05.012



李宁,1, 刘彤彤2, 杨进文1, 史雨刚1, 王曙光1, 孙黛珍,1



Analysis of Physiological Differences of Wheat Varieties with Different Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Li Ning,1, Liu Tongtong2, Yang Jinwen1, Shi Yugang1, Wang Shuguang1, Sun Daizhen,1

1College of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, Shanxi, China

2College of Food Science and Engineering, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, Shanxi, China

通讯作者: 孙黛珍,主要从事小麦遗传育种研究,E-mail: sdz64@126.com

收稿日期: 2021-06-10   修回日期: 2021-09-13   网络出版日期: 2022-08-11

基金资助: 山西省优秀博士来晋工作奖励资金科研项目(SXYBKY2019040)

Received: 2021-06-10   Revised: 2021-09-13   Online: 2022-08-11

作者简介 About authors

李宁,主要从事小麦遗传育种研究,E-mail: 13159862006@163.cm



关键词: 小麦; 氮素利用效率; 氮素同化; 氮素积累


The dynamic changes of physiological traits such as nitrogen assimilation and transport-related enzymes in flag leaves of six wheat varieties with different nitrogen use efficiencies (NUE) (two high nitrogen use efficiency varieties, two low nitrogen use efficiency varieties and two intermediate varieties) were measured under irrigation and rain-fed conditions. The traits of nitrogen accumulation and transportation were also measured at the flowering and maturity stages. The results showed that the high NUE varieties (Jinmai 54 and Jinmai 66) had higher amounts of accumulated nitrogen after flowering (AAN), higher nitrogen utilization efficiency for grain production (NUEG), higher nitrogen utilization efficiency for biomass production (NUEB), higher nitrogen transport amount after flowering (NTTAF), higher nitrogen transport efficiency after flowering (NTEAF), higher contribution rate of grain nitrogen accumulation after flowering (CGNAF) and higher yield per plant (YPP), but lower nitrogen transport amount before flowering (NTABF), lower contribution rate of grain nitrogen accumulation before flowering (CGNBF) than other varieties. At the same time, the enzyme activities and soluble protein content of the high NUE varieties were always higher than that of the other four varieties, while the intermediate varieties were higher than that of the low NUE varieties. Correlation analysis results showed that most of the activities of enzymes were significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with NUEG, NUEB, NTTAF, NTEAF, CGNAF and YPP, and they were significantly or extremely significantly negatively correlated with NTABF and CGNBF.

Keywords: Wheat; Nitrogen use efficiency; Nitrogen assimilation; Nitrogen accumulation

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李宁, 刘彤彤, 杨进文, 史雨刚, 王曙光, 孙黛珍. 不同氮素利用效率型小麦品种的生理差异分析. 作物杂志, 2022, 38(5): 87-96 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.05.012

Li Ning, Liu Tongtong, Yang Jinwen, Shi Yugang, Wang Shuguang, Sun Daizhen. Analysis of Physiological Differences of Wheat Varieties with Different Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Crops, 2022, 38(5): 87-96 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.05.012



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料


1.2 试验设计

试验材料分别于2017年9月24日和2018年9月26日种植在山西农业大学农学院试验站小麦试验田(112°25′ E,37°25′ N)。土壤0~20cm土层有机质含量(2年平均值)0.83%、全氮5.15g/kg、速效磷7.59mg/kg、速效钾122.00mg/kg,土壤为沙质土。设雨养(R)与灌溉(I)2种水分处理,处理间设1.0m的隔离区,3次重复,随机区组设计,2行区,每行点播40粒,行距0.25m,行长2.00m。雨养处理整个生育期间不浇水,2个年度整个生育期的降雨量分别为153和134mm。灌溉处理则分别在越冬期、返青期、拔节期和灌浆期进行充分灌溉,以保证全生育期有足够的水分供应。施肥量为纯N、P2O5和KCl各135kg/hm2

在开花期,各小麦品种选取开花一致、发育正常和长势一致的5株连根拔起,剪掉根部,将叶片、茎秆和整穗分开并分别装入纸袋中,105℃烘箱中杀青15min,然后于80℃烘干至恒重,分别称重后用于全氮含量的测定。从开花当日算起,分别在7、14、21、28和35d(第35天的样本仅用于可溶性蛋白质含量的测定)选取每个品种旗叶2~3片,放入液氮中暂时保存,然后放在-80℃冰箱中保存,用于生理指标的测定。各小麦品种在成熟期时另选取5株长势一致的小麦连根拔起,按叶片、茎秆、穗轴和籽粒分装后烘干至恒重,分别称重后用于全氮含量的测定。每个品种每个重复随机选取10株,连根拔起后晾干,10株小麦混合脱粒后,计算其均值即为单株产量(yield per plant,YPP),将2年度数据的平均值用于相关性状的统计分析。

1.3 测定项目与方法

1.3.1 氮素积累及转运相关指标

利用全自动间断式化学分析仪Smartchem 140测定全氮含量。氮素积累、转运量、转运率及贡献率的计算方法[19]如下:

氮积累量(nitrogen accumulation,NA,mg/株)=氮含量×干重,植株氮素积累总量(amounts of accumulated nitrogen,NAA,mg/株)为单株小麦(叶、茎、穗和籽粒)成熟期氮素积累量总和,氮素籽粒生产效率(nitrogen utilization efficiency for grain production,NUEg,%)=(单株小麦籽粒产量/单株氮素积累总量)×100,氮素干物质生产效率(nitrogen utilization efficiency for biomass production,NUEb,%)=单株小麦干物质积累总量/单株氮素积累总量×100,花前氮素转运量(nitrogen transport amount before flowering,NTAbf,mg/株)=开花期植株氮积累量-成熟期营养器官氮积累量,花前氮素转运率(nitrogen transport efficiency before flowering,NTEbf,%)=(开花期植株氮积累量-成熟期营养器官氮积累量)/开花期植株氮积累量×100,花前储备氮对籽粒氮积累的贡献率(contribution rate of grain nitrogen accumulation before flowering,CGNbf,%)=(开花期植株氮积累量-成熟期营养器官氮积累量)/成熟期籽粒氮积累量×100,花后氮素转运量(nitrogen transport amount after flowering,NTAaf,mg/株)=成熟期植株氮积累量-开花期氮积累量,花后氮素转运率(nitrogen transport efficiency after flowering,NTEaf,%)=(成熟期植株氮积累量-开花期氮积累量)/成熟期植株氮积累量×100,花后同化氮对籽粒氮的贡献率(contribution rate of grain nitrogen accumulation after flowering,CGNaf,%)=(成熟期植株氮积累量-开花期氮积累量)/成熟期籽粒氮积累量×100。

1.3.2 生理指标


1.4 数据处理

采用Excel 2010和SPSS 19.0软件进行显著性和相关性分析。利用Hemi绘制热图。

2 结果与分析

2.1 不同氮素利用效率型小麦品种氮素积累及转运相关性状的差异分析



图1   不同小麦品种的氮素积累及转运相关性状


Fig.1   Nitrogen accumulation and transport related traits of different wheat varieties

“*”and“**”indicate significance at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively; the left and right sides of diagonal mark“/”represent a significant difference under rain-fed and irrigation conditions, the same below

2.2 不同氮素利用效率型小麦品种单株产量的差异分析



图2   不同小麦品种的单株产量

Fig.2   Yield per plant of different wheat varieties

2.3 不同氮素利用效率型小麦品种生理指标的差异分析

2.3.1 可溶性蛋白含量



图3   不同小麦品种的生理性状分析

Fig.3   Analysis of physiological traits of different wheat varieties

2.3.2 蛋白水解酶活性


2.3.3 GS活性


2.3.4 GT活性

整个灌浆期间,6个小麦品种旗叶GT活性均呈逐渐下降的趋势。氮高效型品种晋麦54和晋麦66各时期GT活性一直高于其余4个品种,而且晋麦66 GT活性在灌浆前期明显高于晋麦54。后期旗叶GT活性在品种间的差异逐渐变小。在2个中间型品种中,晋麦73的各时期GT活性均高于泰麦269。在灌溉条件下,氮低效型的泰农18各时期GT活性均处于最低水平(图3)。

2.3.5 GOGAT活性


2.3.6 AK活性

随着灌浆过程的推进,参试小麦品种旗叶AK活性在2种环境条件下呈逐渐下降的趋势,但基本都经历了先快后慢的过程。氮高效型品种各时期AK活性一直高于其他4个品种;灌浆前期泰农18 AK活性明显低于其他参试品种,灌浆后期与晋麦61、晋麦73和泰麦269酶活性的差异变小(图3)。


2.4 生理指标与氮素积累转运相关指标和单株产量的相关性分析


表1   不同环境处理氮素积累转运相关指标与可溶性蛋白含量及蛋白水解酶活性的相关性分析

Table 1  The correlation analysis of the nitrogen accumulation and transport related traits with soluble protein content and proteolytic enzyme activity

可溶性蛋白含量Soluble protein content蛋白水解酶活性Proteolytic enzyme activity
Rain-fed condition
Irrigation condition


*”and“**”indicate significant correlation at 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. D-7: 7th day after anthesis; D-14: 14th day after anthesis; D-21: 21th day after anthesis; D-28: 28th day after anthesis; D-35: 35th day after anthesis. The same below

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表2   氮素积累转运相关性状与谷氨酰胺合成酶及谷氨酰胺转化酶活性的相关性分析

Table 2  The correlation analysis of the nitrogen accumulation and transport related traits with GS and GT activities

GS活性GS activityGT活性GT activity
Rain-fed condition
Irrigation condition

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表3   氮素积累转运相关性状与谷氨酸合成酶及天冬氨酸激酶活性的相关性分析

Table 3  The correlation analysis of the nitrogen accumulation and transport related traits with the GOGAT and AK activities

GOGAT活性GOGAT activityAK活性AK activity
Rain-fed condition
Irrigation condition

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3 讨论

3.1 不同氮效率型小麦品种的生理差异





3.2 小麦氮素高效利用的生理机制解析



图4   拟定的小麦氮素高效利用的生理机制方案


Fig.4   Scheme of the proposed physiological mechanisms of high nitrogen use efficiency in wheat

Only those pathways discussed in the present study are depicted. The levels of enzymes were color gradient from high (red) to low (blue)

4 结论



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Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68(10):2513-2529.

DOI:10.1093/jxb/erw365      PMID:27707774      [本文引用: 1]

As a result of climate changes, land use and agriculture have to adapt to new demands. Agriculture is responsible for a large part of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that have to be urgently reduced in order to protect the environment. At the same time, agriculture has to cope with the challenges of sustainably feeding a growing world population. Reducing the use of the ammonia-nitrate fertilizers that are responsible for a large part of the GHGs released and that have a negative impact on carbon balance is one of the objectives of precision agriculture. One way to reduce N fertilizers without dramatically affecting grain yields is to improve the nitrogen recycling and remobilization performances of plants. Mechanisms involved in nitrogen recycling, such as autophagy, are essential for nutrient remobilization at the whole-plant level and for seed quality. Studies on leaf senescence and nutrient recycling provide new perspectives for improvement. The aim of this review is to give an overview of the mechanisms involved in nitrogen recycling and remobilization during leaf senescence and to present the different approaches undertaken to improve nitrogen remobilization efficiency using both model plants and crop species.© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.

Marine P, Balakumaran C, Renier A L, et al.

Characterization of senescence-associated protease activities involved in the efficient protein remobilization during leaf senescence of winter oilseed rape

Plant Science, 2016, 246:139-153.

DOI:S0168-9452(16)30023-1      PMID:26993244      [本文引用: 1]

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is a crop plant characterized by a poor nitrogen (N) use efficiency that is mainly due to low N remobilization efficiency during the sequential leaf senescence of the vegetative stage. As a high leaf N remobilization efficiency was strongly linked to a high remobilization of proteins during leaf senescence of rapeseed, our objective was to identify senescence-associated protease activities implicated in the protein degradation. To reach this goal, leaf senescence processes and protease activities were investigated in a mature leaf becoming senescent in plants subjected to ample or low nitrate supply. The characterization of protease activities was performed by using in vitro analysis of RuBisCO degradation with or without inhibitors of specific protease classes followed by a protease activity profiling using activity-dependent probes. As expected, the mature leaf became senescent regardless of the nitrate treatment, and nitrate limitation enhanced the senescence processes associated with an enhanced degradation of soluble proteins. The characterization of protease activities revealed that: (i) aspartic proteases and the proteasome were active during senescence regardless of nitrate supply, and (ii) the activities of serine proteases and particularly cysteine proteases (Papain-like Cys proteases and vacuolar processing enzymes) increased when protein remobilization associated with senescence was accelerated by nitrate limitation. Short statement: Serine and particularly cysteine proteases (both PLCPs and VPEs) seem to play a crucial role in the efficient protein remobilization when leaf senescence of oilseed rape was accelerated by nitrate limitation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Pate J S.

Uptake,assimilation and transport of nitrogen compounds by plants

Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1973, 5(1):109-119.

DOI:10.1016/0038-0717(73)90097-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]
