作物杂志, 2022, 38(6): 234-240 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.06.034



张瑞栋,, 梁晓红, 刘静, 南怀林, 王颂宇, 曹雄,


Effects of Seed Priming on Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Sorghum Seeds under Drought Stress

Zhang Ruidong,, Liang Xiaohong, Liu Jing, Nan Huailin, Wang Songyu, Cao Xiong,

Institute of Industrial Crops, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China

通讯作者: 曹雄,主要从事高粱栽培育种研究,E-mail:cxxp1969@163.com

收稿日期: 2022-04-19   修回日期: 2022-05-5   网络出版日期: 2022-07-22

基金资助: 吕梁市重点研发项目(2019NYZDYF19)

Received: 2022-04-19   Revised: 2022-05-5   Online: 2022-07-22

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 高粱; 萌发期; 干旱胁迫; 种子引发; 生理特性


Drought stress during germination period is an obstacle limiting sorghum production. Seed priming is an efficient and easy method to regulate plant tolerance against different abiotic stresses. A germination experiment was conducted to examine the different agent priming on germination and physiological parameters of sorghum under normal and drought stress conditions. We quantified the effects of priming with polyethylene glycol (PEG), potassium chloride (KCl), calcium chloride (CaCl2), salicylic acid (SA) and no priming (NP) under normal and drought stress conditions. The results showed that drought stress significantly reduced the germination rate and inhibited the growth of germ and radicle. The germination rates of Jinza 22 with priming by PEG, KCl, CaCl2 and SA were increased by 18.18%, 12.72%, 35.45% and 31.82% compared with NP treatment, respectively. The germination rate of Jinzao 5564 were increased by 20.18%, 10.76%, 26.91% and 30.04% compared with NP treatment, respectively. Under drought stress, priming treatment promoted shoot and root elongation. After CaCl2 and SA treatment, the shoot length of Jinza 22 increased by 267.07% and 271.95%, respectively, and the root length were increased by 231.94% and 355.56%, respectively. The shoot length and root length of Jinzao 5564 increased by 195.96% and 206.60%, respectively, compared with NP after CaCl2 treatment. Seed priming increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes and alleviated the damage of membrane lipid peroxidation to the germ. At the same time, seed priming promoted the metabolism of sugar and increased the content of proline to alleviate the inhibitory effect of drought stress.

Keywords: Sorghum; Germination period; Drought stress; Seed priming; Physiological characteristics

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张瑞栋, 梁晓红, 刘静, 南怀林, 王颂宇, 曹雄. 种子引发对干旱胁迫下高粱种子发芽及生理特性的影响. 作物杂志, 2022, 38(6): 234-240 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.06.034

Zhang Ruidong, Liang Xiaohong, Liu Jing, Nan Huailin, Wang Songyu, Cao Xiong. Effects of Seed Priming on Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Sorghum Seeds under Drought Stress. Crops, 2022, 38(6): 234-240 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.06.034


种子引发(seed priming)是由Heydecker[8]提出的一项控制种子缓慢吸水和后期回干的技术。该技术主要经过种子前处理,通过调节萌发早期阶段的代谢活动,进而促进种子萌发,并且提高萌发稳定率和整齐率的一种技术,具有经济、方便和高效等特点[9]。不同类型的引发剂处理,如水引发、生长调节剂引发、渗透势引发和化学物质引发等,被广泛用于提高多种作物的耐旱性[10]。Patane等[11]研究发现,聚乙二醇6000(PEG-6000)胁迫会降低种子内部水势,进而影响甜高粱的发芽率和发芽势,但引发处理可改善渗透胁迫对种子发芽的影响。Bismillah等[12]研究发现,干旱胁迫下CaCl2引发的玉米种子具有较长的根和较高的产量。Jisha等[13]研究发现,水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)引发可增加种子内部渗透势,提高萌发期的抗旱能力。郝西等[14]研究发现,种子引发可促进种子内部淀粉和蛋白活化,进而提高作物的抗逆能力。尽管这些技术都可提高萌发期作物的抗逆萌发能力,但是不同引发剂在不同作物上的引发效果具有较大的差异[15]


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料


1.2 试验设计

试验于2021年在山西农业大学经济作物研究所实验室进行。基于课题组前期试验,设置5个处理,分别为PEG(150mmol/L PEG)、KCl(50mmol/L)、CaCl2(50mmol/L)、SA(0.1mmol/L)引发和未引发(NP),研究了在正常情况和干旱胁迫(PEG浓度为15%)下不同处理对种子发芽的影响。选择颗粒饱满、大小均匀的种子,用0.5%的NaClO消毒5min,然后用蒸馏水冲洗5遍。将消毒过的种子分别进行引发。种子与引发剂进行混合,比例为1:5(W/V),在25℃的黑暗环境中引发10h,期间进行3~4次轻轻搅拌,使种子与引发剂充分混匀。引发后,将种子风干至其原始含水量(13%,W/W),以未引发的种子用作对照(CK)。将不同处理的种子置于带有双层无菌滤纸的培养皿(直径15cm)中,加入10mL处理液(150mmol/L PEG)。将培养皿进行黑暗培养,温度设定为25℃±1℃,相对湿度设定为70%,连续培养10d。为了保持恒定的处理溶液浓度,每天更新培养皿中的PEG溶液。每个处理重复3次,每盘放50粒种子,试验采用完全随机设计。

1.3 测定项目与方法

1.3.1 发芽率


1.3.2 形态指标


1.3.3 过氧化氢(H2O2)、丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性糖、脯氨酸(Pro)含量及抗氧化酶活性

在处理后的第5天,用液氮取样,置于-80℃的冰箱保存,用于测定生理指标。分别称取不同处理的高粱芽0.5g,加入5mL的50mmol/L pH 7.2磷酸缓冲液,在冰浴环境中研磨成匀浆,转移到10mL的离心管中,在15 000转/min下离心15min,取上清液用于测定H2O2、MDA含量及酶活性。按照Gong等[16]的方法测定H2O2含量;参照李合生[17]的方法,用蒽酮法测定可溶性糖含量,用硫代巴比妥酸法测定MDA含量;参照张宪政[18]的方法测定Pro含量;参照Zhang等[19]的方法测定SOD、POD和CAT活性。

1.4 数据处理

用Microsoft Excel和SPSS 10.0处理系统分析数据,采用LSD法进行数据间的多重比较,采用Origin 8.0进行图形的绘制。

2 结果与分析

2.1 种子引发对萌发率的影响



图1   不同引发剂处理在正常和干旱胁迫下对高粱发芽率的影响


Fig.1   Effects of different priming treatments on the germination rate of sorghum under normal and drought stress conditions

(a) and (b) are normal conditions, (c) and (d) are drought stress

2.2 种子引发对形态指标的影响


表1   不同引发处理对高粱苗形态指标的影响

Table 1  The effects of different priming treatments on the germination morphological indicators of sorghum seedlings

Growth condition
Shoot length(cm)
Root length (cm)
Shoot fresh weight (mg)
Root fresh weight (mg)
Jinza 22
Jinzao 5564

同列数据后不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)

Different lowercase letters in each column indicate significant difference (P < 0.05)

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2.3 种子引发对H2O2和MDA含量的影响



图2   不同引发处理对高粱芽H2O2和MDA含量的影响


Fig.2   The effects of different priming treatments on H2O2 and MDA contents in sorghum shoots

Lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level, the same below

2.4 种子引发对抗氧化酶活性的影响



图3   不同引发处理对高粱抗氧化酶活性的影响

Fig.3   The effects of different priming treatments on antioxidant enzyme activities in sorghum

2.5 种子引发对可溶性糖和Pro含量的影响



图4   不同引发处理对高粱可溶性糖和Pro含量的影响

Fig.4   The effects of different priming treatments on the soluble sugar and proline contents of sorghum

3 讨论




4 结论



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