作物杂志, 2023, 39(1): 109-114 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.01.016



高伟,, 郝青婷, 张泽燕, 王茜, 闫虎斌, 朱慧珺, 赵雪英, 张耀文,


Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application on Yield, Root Morphology and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Adzuki Bean

Gao Wei,, Hao Qingting, Zhang Zeyan, Wang Qian, Yan Hubin, Zhu Huijun, Zhao Xueying, Zhang Yaowen,

College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China

通讯作者: 张耀文,主要从事食用豆育种及栽培技术研究,E-mail:zyw8118571@126.com

收稿日期: 2021-08-13   修回日期: 2021-10-18   网络出版日期: 2022-10-14

基金资助: 国家重点研发计划:杂粮作物肥水高效利用栽培关键技术研发(2020YFD1000801-2)

Received: 2021-08-13   Revised: 2021-10-18   Online: 2022-10-14

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 小豆; 磷肥; 氮磷复合肥; 产量; 根系形态; 光合特性


In order to optimize the high-yield fertilization strategy of Jinxiaodou 5, we focused on the effects of different nitrogen and phosphorus application (0.00, 500.00, 1000.00kg/ha phosphate fertilizer, 300.00, 600.00kg/ha N-P compound fertilizer, denoted as CK, T1, T2, T3 and T4) on yield and photosynthetic characteristics of adzuki bean. The results showed that, compared with CK treatment, T1 treatment had higher biomass and root length. T3 treatment could significantly increase 100-seed weight, biomass and crop yield of adzuki bean. Furthermore, T3 treatment had the higher chlorophyll content, photosynthetic electron transfer rate (ETR) and stem strength than other treatments. Therefore, the results of this study could be used as a suitable recommended fertilizer amount for adzuki bean.

Keywords: Adzuki bean; Phosphate fertilizer; N-P compound fertilizer; Yield; Root morphology; Photosynthetic characteristics

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高伟, 郝青婷, 张泽燕, 王茜, 闫虎斌, 朱慧珺, 赵雪英, 张耀文. 施氮磷肥对小豆产量、根系形态及光合特性的影响. 作物杂志, 2023, 39(1): 109-114 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.01.016

Gao Wei, Hao Qingting, Zhang Zeyan, Wang Qian, Yan Hubin, Zhu Huijun, Zhao Xueying, Zhang Yaowen. Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application on Yield, Root Morphology and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Adzuki Bean. Crops, 2023, 39(1): 109-114 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.01.016




1 材料与方法

1.1 试验地概况

试验于2020年在山西农业大学东阳试验示范实习实训基地晋中市东阳镇(120°14′ E,29°16′ N)进行,平均海拔799.40m,年均气温9.70℃,年均降水量440.70mm,≥10.00℃有效积温3675.00℃,年均日照时数2662h,无霜期158d,属典型的暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候。试验田地势平坦,为沙质壤土,种植试验前取耕层土壤,经检测,试验田土壤基本理化性质为有机质13.63g/kg、有效磷5.80mg/kg、速效钾138.00mg/kg、全氮0.07%。

1.2 试验材料

以小豆品种晋小豆5号为供试材料,该品种株型紧凑,有限结荚习性,茎秆直立,春播生育期110d左右。供试肥料为硝酸磷复合肥(含N 26.50%,含P2O5 11.50%)、过磷酸钙(含P2O5 16.00%)。施用农家肥30 000kg/hm2(折合养分N 225.00kg/hm2、P2O5 313.95kg/hm2、K2O 164.60 kg/hm2)作底肥。

1.3 试验设计

试验设置5个处理,分别为CK、T1(500.00kg/hm2磷肥,折合养分P2O5 80.00kg/hm2)、T2(1000.00kg/hm2磷肥,折合养分P2O5 160.00kg/hm2)、T3(300.00kg/hm2氮磷复合肥,折合养分N 79.50kg/hm2、P2O5 34.50kg/hm2)和T4(600.00kg/hm2氮磷复合肥,折合养分N 159.00kg/hm2、P2O5 69.00kg/hm2),具体纯养分施用量见表1。每个处理重复4次,随机区组排列。单个小区面积为20.00m2(4.0m×5.0m),每个小区种植8行,行距50.00cm,株距13.00~14.00cm。

表1   小豆氮磷肥纯养分施用量

Table 1  Different nitrogen and phosphorus application on adzuki bean kg/hm2


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1.4 数据处理


2 结果与分析

2.1 不同氮磷肥用量对不同生育期小豆株高及生物量的影响



图1   不同氮磷肥用量对不同生育期小豆株高的影响

不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05),下同

Fig.1   The effects of different nitrogen-phosphorus application on plant height in adzuki bean

The different lowercase letters indicate significant difference between treatments at the 0.05 level, the same below



图2   不同氮磷肥用量对不同生育期小豆地上部生物量的影响

Fig.2   The effects of different nitrogen-phosphorus application on aboveground biomass in adzuki bean



图3   不同氮磷肥用量对不同生育期小豆地下部生物量的影响

Fig.3   The effects of different nitrogen-phosphorus application on under ground biomass in adzuki bean

2.2 不同氮磷肥用量对小豆根系形态的影响


表2   不同氮磷肥用量对小豆根系形态的影响

Table 2  The effects of different nitrogen-phosphorus application on root morphology of adzuki bean

Root length (cm)
Total surface area of root (cm2)
Average diameter of root (cm)
Total volume of root (cm3)

同列数据后不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05),下同

The different lowercase letters in the same columns indicate significant difference at the 0.05 level, the same below

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2.3 不同氮磷肥用量对小豆产量的影响


表3   不同氮磷肥用量对小豆产量的影响

Table 3  The effects of different nitrogen-phosphorus application on yield of adzuki bean

Number of main
stem nodes
Number of
effective branches
Pod number
per plant
Pod length
Grain number
per plant
weight (g)
yield (kg/m2)
Crop yield

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2.4 不同氮磷肥用量对小豆植株叶绿素含量及叶绿素荧光参数的影响



图4   不同氮磷肥用量对小豆叶绿素含量的影响

Fig.4   The effects of different nitrogen-phosphorus application on chlorophyll content of adzuki bean

表4可知,与CK处理相比,T1~T4处理小豆叶片的PS II最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSII潜在光化学活性(Fv/Fo)和Y(II)均没有显著性差异,但是T3和T4处理的ETR明显提高,并且T3处理的ETR最高,达到124.10。结果表明,施用氮磷复合肥可以提高小豆的光合效率,本研究中T3处理能够最大地提高光合效率。

表4   不同氮磷肥用量对小豆叶绿素荧光参数的影响

Table 4  The effects of different nitrogen-phosphorus application on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of adzuki bean


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2.5 不同氮磷肥用量对小豆茎秆强度的影响



图5   不同氮磷肥用量对小豆茎秆强度的影响

Fig.5   The effects of different nitrogen-phosphorus application on stem strength of adzuki bean

3 讨论





4 结论



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