作物杂志, 2023, 39(3): 80-85 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.03.011



郭英杰,1,3, 刘洋1,3, 刘晓婕1,3, 魏玮1,3, 王瑶1,3, 张帅1, 王振山2,3, 闫留延2,3, 朱学海,1,3, 贾小平,2,3




The Agronomic Characteristics and Sensitivity Identification to GA3 of a Dwarf Mutant Hai 5 in Panicum miliaceum L.

Guo Yingjie,1,3, Liu Yang1,3, Liu Xiaojie1,3, Wei Wei1,3, Wang Yao1,3, Zhang Shuai1, Wang Zhenshan2,3, Yan Liuyan2,3, Zhu Xuehai,1,3, Jia Xiaoping,2,3

1Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhangjiakou 075000, Hebei, China

2College of Agronomy, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471000, Henan, China

3Zhangjiakou Hybrid Broomcorn Millet Technical Innovation Center, Zhangjiakou 075000, Hebei, China

通讯作者: 朱学海,主要从事糜子遗传育种研究,E-mail:924180928@qq.com贾小平为共同通信作者,主要从事糜子的分子生物学研究,E-mail:jiaxiaoping2007@163.com

收稿日期: 2022-01-11   修回日期: 2022-03-25   网络出版日期: 2023-02-08

基金资助: 河北省科技厅项目(21326339D)

Received: 2022-01-11   Revised: 2022-03-25   Online: 2023-02-08

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 糜子; 矮秆突变体; 农艺性状; GA3


A dwarf mutant Hai 5 (dm5) in Panicum miliaceum L. was generated by EMS (ethyl methyl sulfonic acid) mutagenesis in landrace/historical cultivar Shihuqianjinmei, and its agronomic characteristics and phenotypic characteristics after spraying GA3 were analyzed using the morphological and cytological methods. The results showed that the plant height of dm5 was 60.72cm. The leaves were yellow at seedling stage and gradually turned green as the plant matured. Compared with wild type wt260, the plant height, panicle handle length, panicle height and internodes length of dm5 were significantly decreased, in which the 1st to 4th internodes were relatively decreased, as well as the number of tillers increased significantly. After spraying exogenous GA3, the plant height, panicle handle length and panicle height of dm5 increased significantly, while the number of stem nodes did not change significantly. It was preliminarily speculated that dm5 was sensitive to exogenous gibberellin and was a endogenous gibberellin synthesis defect type dwarf mutant. The internode length from the 1st to the 4th increased significantly, while the internode length from the 5th to the 8th had no significant change, indicating that the base stem node length had a great influence on the plant height of dwarf mutant in P.miliaceum L.. Longitudinal observation of the main stem cells revealed that the dwarfing of dm5 might be caused by the decrease in the length of the longitudinal cells of the stem node, and the increase of the plant heigth after spraying GA3 was caused by the elongation of the longitudinal cells. In conclusion, dm5 could be used as a dwarf breeding material for P.miliaceum L..

Keywords: Panicum miliaceum L.; Dwarf mutant; Agronomic characteristics; GA3

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郭英杰, 刘洋, 刘晓婕, 魏玮, 王瑶, 张帅, 王振山, 闫留延, 朱学海, 贾小平. 糜子矮秆突变体海5农艺性状及对GA3的敏感性鉴定. 作物杂志, 2023, 39(3): 80-85 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.03.011

Guo Yingjie, Liu Yang, Liu Xiaojie, Wei Wei, Wang Yao, Zhang Shuai, Wang Zhenshan, Yan Liuyan, Zhu Xuehai, Jia Xiaoping. The Agronomic Characteristics and Sensitivity Identification to GA3 of a Dwarf Mutant Hai 5 in Panicum miliaceum L.. Crops, 2023, 39(3): 80-85 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.03.011

糜子(Panicum miliaceum L.)起源于我国,是一年生禾本科植物,有近万年的栽培历史[1]。其营养丰富,富含蛋白质、膳食纤维和维生素等,兼具食用和药用价值[2],同时可作为饲料[3]和着色剂[4]等,具有较高的经济价值。糜子抗旱性强,耐贫瘠,生育周期短,在干旱半干旱地区有独特的优势,是该区域理想的主粮替代物。近年来,随着环境恶化、水资源缺失和粮食问题突显,糜子越来越受到人们的关注。但是由于糜子存在倒伏现象普遍和产量不高等问题[5],导致其优势未能完全发挥出来。

株高与抗倒伏、收获指数、光合作用效率密切相关,控制株高能够有效增强植株的抗倒伏性,提高产量[6]。目前,对植株矮化的研究主要集中在小麦、水稻和玉米等作物上。小麦目前正式命名的矮秆基因有25个(RHT 1-25),其中有9个通过EMS诱变得到,赤霉素(GA3)不敏感矮秆基因有5个,分别为RHT1RHT2RHT3RHT10RHT21,GA3敏感矮秆基因有20个[7],实际生产中利用较多的有5个,分别为RHT1RHT2RHT8RHT9RHT10。研究[8]发现,RHT1能够使小麦株高降低24%,促进小穗发育,使分蘖数和穗粒数增加。水稻株高矮化主要与一些激素的合成及信号转导途径有关,如目前发现的与GA3合成或转导相关的矮秆突变体sd1d18d35slr1gid1gid2[9],与油菜素内酯合成或转导相关的矮秆基因D2D11BRD1OSDWARF4[10]。矮化玉米有抗倒伏和产量高的优势,且一般株型紧凑,适合密植,综合性状良好[11]。目前,已发现200多个控制玉米株高的QTL[12]。控制玉米株高的基因中隐性基因占比较多,如BR1BR2D1D2D3D5[13-15],其中D1D2D3D5为GA3敏感型,显性基因占比较少,如D8[16]等。研究[17-18]发现,BR2基因可使玉米茎节间距变短,茎粗增大,抗倒伏性增强;突变体与矮化植株配合的F1代植株株高可进一步降低。


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验地概况


1.2 试验设计



1.3 测定项目与方法

1.3.1 表型数据

在试验田随机选取长势均一的糜子dm5及其对照材料wt260各10株,在糜子苗期、抽穗期和成熟期检测剑叶的相对叶绿素含量(SPAD值);在糜子成熟期,测量株高、茎粗、茎节数、分蘖数、节间长、穗柄长、穗长、倒3叶长和倒3叶宽,计算倒3叶面积。在糜子拔节期分别用水和50mg/L GA3溶液喷施wt260及dm5各5株,共喷3次,每次间隔7d,喷施处理液需均匀分布在植株表面。在糜子成熟期,分别记录wt260及dm5试验组和对照组的株高、茎节数、穗柄长、穗长和节间长度。

1.3.2 茎节细胞


1.4 数据处理

利用Excel软件和SPSS 21进行数据统计分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 dm5主要农艺性状

2.1.1 叶片颜色变化



图1   wt260、dm5苗期及成熟期植株

Fig.1   Plants of wt260 and dm5 at seedling and mature stages

表1   不同生长时期wt260和dm5的SPAD对比

Table 1  Comparison of chlorophyll contents (SPAD value) of wt260 and dm5 at different stages

生长时期Growth stagewt260dm5
苗期Seedling stage30.14±0.53A19.96±0.77B
抽穗期Earing stage31.53±0.65A31.16±0.47A
成熟期Mature stage24.40±1.18B29.61±1.69A

同行数据后不同大写字母表示差异极显著(P < 0.01)

Values within a row followed by different uppercase letters indicate extremely significant difference (P < 0.01)

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2.1.2 农艺性状变化


表2   wt260及dm5农艺性状

Table 2  Agronomic traits of wt260 and dm5

农艺性状Agronomic traitwt260dm5
株高Plant height (cm)104.72±2.6360.72±1.15**
茎粗Stem diameter (mm)6.36±0.445.48±0.40
茎节数Number of internode8.70±0.268.60±0.16
分蘖数Tiller number1.50±0.226.40±0.56**
穗柄长Panicle handle length (cm)10.11±0.596.42±0.35**
穗长Panicle height (cm)16.12±0.6813.52±0.47**
倒3叶长度Inverted 3 leaf length (cm)37.58±1.0735.87±1.06
倒3叶宽度Inverted 3 leaf width (cm)2.82±0.172.92±0.07
倒3叶叶面积Inverted 3 leaf area (cm2)85.67±7.1983.83±3.23

**”代表差异极显著(P < 0.01),下同

**”indicates the significant differences at P < 0.01, the same below

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2.1.3 各节间长度变化



图2   wt260及dm5节间长度变化

**”代表差异极显著(P < 0.01),下同

Fig.2   Internode length changes of wt260 and dm5

**”indicates significant differences at P < 0.01 level, the same below

2.2 喷施GA3dm5表型变化
2.2.1 主要表型变化


表3   喷施GA3前后wt260及dm5主要表型变化

Table 3  Main phenotypic changes of wt260 and dm5 before and after spraying GA3

Spraying GA3
株高Plant height (cm)wt260104.72±2.63133.20±3.43**
茎节数Number of internodeswt2608.70±0.269.20±0.37
Panicle handle length (cm)
穗长Panicle length (cm)wt26016.12±0.6819.00±0.96*

*”代表差异显著(P < 0.05)

*”indicates the significant differences at P < 0.05

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2.2.2 各节间长度变化



图3   喷施GA3前后wt260(a)及dm5(b)节间长度变化

Fig.3   Internode length change of wt260 (a) and dm5 (b) before and after spraying GA3

2.3 dm5主茎剖面细胞形态学变化



图4   喷施GA3前后wt260及dm5主茎纵切细胞

Fig.4   Main stem longitudinal observation of wt260 and dm5 before and after spraying GA3

3 讨论





4 结论



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为探讨不同粳糯性糜子干物质积累、产量及氮素利用效率对不同供氮水平的响应,本研究通过两年田间试验,以粳性糜子品种陇糜13号和糯性糜子品种陇糜14号为试验材料,设置45(N1)、90(N2)和135 kg&#x000b7;hm<sup>-2</sup>(N3)3个供氮水平,以不施氮为对照(CK),研究不同供氮水平下不同粳糯性糜子在开花期和成熟期的干物质积累与转运、农艺性状及产量的变化,分析氮素积累量、氮肥农学利用效率、氮肥偏生产力、氮素利用率及氮肥表观利用效率对施氮的响应。结果表明,随着施氮量的增加,不同粳糯性糜子的地上部各器官干重呈单峰曲线变化,在N<sub>2</sub>下,开花期和成熟期糜子的茎秆干重、叶片干重、茎鞘干重和穗干重均显著高于CK(P&lt;0.05);随着施氮量的增加,不同粳糯性糜子的氮肥偏生产力呈降低趋势,而氮素利用效率呈先降低后升高的趋势;N<sub>2</sub>可以显著提高不同粳糯性糜子的株高、茎粗、穗长、单穗粒重、千粒重及产量,也可提升氮肥农学利用效率和氮肥表观利用率。两年数据表明,N2(90 kg&#x000b7;hm<sup>-2</sup>)下陇糜13号的农艺性状、产量及氮素利用效率均优于陇糜14号。综上,本研究条件下,甘肃省会宁地区糜子的推荐氮肥施用量为90 kg&#x000b7;hm<sup>-2</sup>,这对西北地区种植不同粳糯性糜子具有生产指导意义。

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Drought stress is a major abiotic stress that causes huge losses in agricultural production. Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) can efficiently adapt to drought stress and provides important information and gene resources to improve drought tolerance. However, its complex drought-responsive mechanisms remain unclear.Among 37 core Chinese proso millet cultivars, Jinshu 6 (JS6) was selected as the drought-sensitive test material, whereas Neimi 5 (NM5) was selected as the drought-tolerant test material under PEG-induced water stress. After sequencing, 1695 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were observed in JS6 and NM5 without PEG-induced water stress (JS6CK and NM5CK). A total of 833 and 2166 DEGs were found in the two cultivars under simulated drought by using 20% PEG-6000 for 6 (JS6T6 and NM5T6) and 24 h (JS6T24 and NM5T24), respectively. The DEGs in JS6T6 and JS6T24 treatments were approximately 0.298- and 0.754-fold higher than those in NM5T6 and NM5T24, respectively. Compared with the respective controls, more DEGs were found in T6 treatments than in T24 treatments. A delay in the transcriptional responses of the ROS scavenging system to simulated drought treatment and relatively easy recovery of the expression of photosynthesis-associated genes were observed in NM5. Compared with JS6, different regulation strategies were observed in the jasmonic acid (JA) signal transduction pathway of NM5.Under PEG-induced water stress, NM5 maintained highly stable gene expression levels. Compared with drought-sensitive cultivars, the different regulation strategies in the JA signal transduction pathway in drought-tolerant cultivars may be one of the driving forces underlying drought stress tolerance.

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利用“实践八号”卫星搭载小麦品种川农19(原编号:R88)种子,进行空间诱变处理,经过多年筛选获得1个稳定遗传的矮秆突变株系DMR88-1。为研究空间环境致DMR88-1矮化突变的机制,以DMR88-1为试验材料,地面材料(R88CK)和高秆突变株为对照,采用农艺性状调查、组织切片和SSR标记方法,从植株生长发育、节间茎解剖特征和分子水平对其矮化原因进行分析。结果表明:DMR88-1平均株高59.02 cm,比R88CK降低23.73%;与R88CK相比,DMR88-1植株节间数目不变,株高变矮主要表现在节间长度的缩短,其中,倒1节间对株高降低的贡献率最大,为42.48%;倒1节节间纵向细胞数目减少和纵向细胞长度缩短,是株高矮化的重要原因。矮秆基因分析发现R88CK不含致矮能力较强的主效矮秆基因。SSR分析筛选出26对多态性引物,共扩增出6种突变类型,本试验对其中17条特异带序列进行了功能注释,据此探讨了空间搭载小麦致株高变异的分子机理。本研究为进一步研究DMR88-1的矮化机制和航天诱变育种机理奠定了基础。

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