Effects of UAV Aerial Seeding Period and Seeding Methods on Yield, Quality and Economic Benefits of Winter Oilseed Rape
收稿日期: 2023-07-24 修回日期: 2023-12-4 网络出版日期: 2024-07-30
基金资助: |
Received: 2023-07-24 Revised: 2023-12-4 Online: 2024-07-30
作者简介 About authors
Explore the effects of different UAV aerial seeding periods and seeding methods on the growth, yield, quality, nutrient uptake and economic benefits of winter oilseed rape, so as to provide a reference basis for the simplified production of winter oilseed rape in the Yangtze River Basin. A field demonstration trial was conducted in Jingzhou City, Jianghan Plain, with six treatments, i.e., aerial seeding without fertiliser (CK), manual spreading (T1), aerial seeding in cereal forest sets (T2) and aerial seeding after paddy 1 (T3), 2 (T4) and 3 (T5) treatments. The results showed that compared with CK treatment, T3, T4 and T5 treatments could significantly increase the yield, biomass and improve agronomic traits of winter oilseed rape, especially T3 treatment had the best effect. Compared with T1 treatment, the fertiliser treatment could improve the growth index and oil content of winter oilseed rape. The average contents of high oleic acid and linoleic acid of T3, T4 and T5 treatments were 9.9% and 3.6% higher than CK treatment. Considering the yield, nutrient uptake, quality and economic benefits of winter oilseed rape indicators, the T3 and T4 treatments were the most effective among the different seeding treatments after rice, i.e., in the Jianghan Plain, the optimal period for aerial seeding oilseed rape after the harvest of mid-season rice was from the end of September to the middle of October, which could increase yield, quality and benefits.
赵希梅, 李琪, 严如玉, 向风云, 李雅琼, 李绪勋, 邹家龙, 李继福.
Zhao Ximei, Li Qi, Yan Ruyu, Xiang Fengyun, Li Yaqiong, Li Xuxun, Zou Jialong, Li Jifu.
根据长江流域前茬作物水稻收获时期差异,油菜无人机飞播可分为谷林套种飞播和稻后飞播2种方式。谷林套种飞播是在水稻收割前3~7 d内进行播种,可利用水稻季墒情满足油菜苗期生长。稻后飞播是在水稻收获后结合耕作和施肥等进行飞播,不受播种时间限制[8]。调查[9]显示,湖北江汉平原冬油菜播种时期从8月下旬持续到11月上旬。谷林套种通过适当密植,比农户人工撒播种植提高油菜籽产量8.1%,减少用工投入25.6%,增加经济收益29.0%。与9月份种植相比,适当推迟飞播时期(10月份)可显著提高冬油菜的产量和菜籽品质,但会受到各地气候条件、土壤肥力和养分供应能力等影响。但过迟飞播(11月之后)会因低温降雨等降低油菜出苗率,不利于幼苗安全过冬。前人[7,10]对冬油菜生长、养分吸收和经济效益等方面的研究较多,但同田对比无人机飞播时期对冬油菜生长和品质形成的影响还缺乏科学评估。为此,本研究在湖北省稻―油主产区的江汉平原设置田间大区试验,研究不同飞播时期对冬油菜生长、养分吸收、菜籽品质和经济效益的影响,为南方冬油菜轻简化生产提供参考。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验田概况
试验位于湖北省荆州市荆州区纪南镇(106°07′ E,29°04′ N,海拔40 m)。该地区属亚热带季风湿润气候区,年均气温17.3 ℃,年均降水量1123 mm。油菜种植期间的气象资料(图1)由荆州区气象局提供。所选试验区土地平整,机械化水平高,土壤肥力中等偏上,以稻—油轮作为主要种植模式。
Average monthly temperature and rainfall during the growth period of winter oilseed rape in 2021-2022
1.2 试验设计
试验共设6个处理,飞播不施肥(CK):水稻收获完,9月30日无人机飞播、免耕、开沟,不施基肥;人工撒播(T1):9月5日水稻收获,9月30日翻耕、施肥,人工撒播油菜籽;谷林飞播(T2):水稻收获前5 d(8月31日),无人机飞播油菜,水稻收获后再施肥,开沟;水稻收获后,分别于9月30日(T3)、10月10日(T4)、10月20日(T5)翻耕、施肥和飞播。各处理重复3次,每个重复面积700 m2。油菜品种为华油杂15号,人工撒播用种量7.5 kg/hm2,飞播用种量15 kg/hm2。飞播无人机型号为极飞科技XP2020款,载重15 kg,单架次飞行时长6~8 min,离地飞行高度7 m,飞速6 m/s。肥料种类为“宜施壮”牌油菜专用肥(N-P-K=25-7-8),由湖北宜施壮农业科技有限公司生产。肥料作基肥一次施用,用量600 kg/hm2,之后不再追肥。田间管理同当地常规水平,春季采用植保无人机喷施多菌灵进行菌核病防治。
1.3 测定指标与方法
2021年8月20日采集基础土样,水稻收获前在各农田采集0~20 cm耕层土壤,通过四分法保留1 kg,送回实验室,剔除杂质,然后风干和研磨。参照土壤农化分析测定土壤基本理化性质。结果见表1。
表1 不同处理农田土壤基本理化性质
Table 1
处理 Treatment | pH | 有机质 Organic matter (g/kg) | 有效氮 Available N (mg/kg) | 有效磷 Available P (mg/kg) | 速效钾 Available K (mg/kg) |
CK | 5.44 | 17.3 | 76.3 | 15.4 | 177.4 |
T1 | 5.36 | 21.1 | 85.5 | 14.6 | 165.2 |
T2 | 4.96 | 15.2 | 67.4 | 20.2 | 139.5 |
T3 | 4.71 | 18.5 | 65.2 | 20.5 | 193.1 |
T4 | 6.79 | 16.4 | 75.7 | 31.1 | 122.7 |
T5 | 6.47 | 18.6 | 86.8 | 20.2 | 223.2 |
2022年5月2日进行田间调查,在油菜收获期每个处理采集3个均匀生长的1 m2(1 m×1 m)样品区进行生长指标(株高、分支高度、根颈粗、一次分枝数、分枝角果数、主序角果数)和产量构成因子(密度、单株角果数、千粒重)调查。
将采集的植物样品于通风处晾干,分为籽粒和秸秆2个部分,然后称重。经机械粉碎并过0.60 mm筛,然后用浓H2SO4-H2O2消解,用凯氏定氮仪法测定消解液中总氮(N)浓度,用钼锑抗分光光度计比色法测定总磷(P)浓度,用火焰光度计法测定总钾(K)含量。
1.4 数据处理
采用Excel 2019和Origin 2022处理数据和作图,用LSD法检验P<0.05水平差异显著性。
2 结果与分析
2.1 飞播时期对冬油菜生物量的影响
不同飞播时期对冬油菜产量及其构成因子有一定影响,其中种植密度、单株角果数、每角粒数和千粒重4个指标为油菜产量构成因子。如表2所示,T3、T4和T5处理的产量、秸秆量平均值分别为3319和9077 kg/hm2,密度、单株角果数、每角粒数和千粒重依次为20株/m2、454个、24粒和3.33 g,其中T4处理的产量最高,但与T3和T5处理差异不显著。T3、T4和T5处理与CK相比,平均产量增加了2063 kg/hm2(增幅164.2%)。与T1处理相比,T2处理产量减少531 kg/hm2(降幅17.8%)。
表2 飞播时期对冬油菜产量及其构成的影响
Table 2
处理 Treatment | 产量 Yield (kg/hm2) | 秸秆量 Straw biomass (kg/hm2) | 密度(株/m2) Density (plant/m2) | 单株角果数 Siliques per plant | 每角粒数 Number of seeds per silique | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) |
CK | 1256d | 4184d | 20c | 257d | 24b | 3.17c |
T1 | 2981b | 8674b | 20c | 394b | 21c | 3.24b |
T2 | 2450c | 7116c | 28a | 325c | 22c | 3.01d |
T3 | 3391a | 9462a | 19c | 481a | 26a | 3.26ab |
T4 | 3442a | 8975a | 17d | 429ab | 25a | 3.45a |
T5 | 3125ab | 8793ab | 23b | 453a | 22c | 3.28ab |
不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05),下同。
Different lowercase letters indicate significance difference at P < 0.05 level, the same below.
而与CK相比,T2处理产量增加1194 kg/hm2(增幅95.1%),秸秆量增加2932 kg/hm2(增幅70.1%),其单株角果数增加68个(增幅26.5%),千粒重增加0.16 g(增幅5.0%),密度增加8株/m2(增幅28.6%),每角粒数降低2个(降幅8.0%)。与T3、T4和T5处理均值相比,T2处理产量减少869 kg/hm2(降幅35.4%),秸秆量减少1961 kg/hm2(降幅27.6%),单株角果数降低129个(降幅28.4%)。
2.2 飞播时期对冬油菜生长指标的影响
表3可知,与T2相比,CK处理株高增加10 cm(增幅7.0%)。T3、T4和T5处理株高平均值比T2处理增加14.7 cm(增幅10.6%)。T3、T4、T5处理主序角果数平均值比T2处理增加7个(增幅12.5%)。T1处理与CK的株高、分枝高度和一次分枝数无明显差异。T3、T4、T5处理分枝角果数的平均值比CK增加47.3个(增幅75.1%)。
表3 飞播时期对冬油菜成熟期生长指标的影响
Table 3
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 分枝高度 Branch height (cm) | 根颈粗 Diameter of the root-collar (cm) | 一次分枝数 Number of primary branches | 分枝角果数 Siliques per branch | 主序角果数 Siliques per main inflorescence |
CK | 142b | 66b | 1.35c | 4d | 63e | 47c |
T1 | 144b | 65b | 1.47b | 5d | 71d | 55b |
T2 | 132c | 53d | 1.16d | 5c | 81c | 56b |
T3 | 158a | 61c | 1.74a | 6b | 111b | 68a |
T4 | 144b | 71a | 1.57b | 7a | 128a | 64a |
T5 | 138c | 67ab | 1.58b | 6b | 92b | 57b |
2.3 飞播时期对冬油菜养分吸收的影响
由图2可知,与CK相比,T1处理籽粒中氮吸收量增加63.0 kg/hm2(增幅228.3%);籽粒中钾吸收量增加17.5 kg/hm2(增幅154.9%);籽粒中磷吸收量增加27.2 kg/hm2(增幅171.1%)。与T3、T4和T5处理平均值相比,CK秸秆中磷吸收量降低7.6 kg/hm2(降幅62.3%)。可见,CK籽粒的氮素、磷素、钾素吸收量与其他处理显著差异;T3、T4和T5处理的籽粒、秸秆中氮、磷、钾吸收量大部分无显著差异。与其他处理相比,T3、T4和T5处理有助于油菜籽粒、秸秆对氮素、磷素和钾素养分的吸收利用。
不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05),下同。
Nutrients uptake of N, P and K in shoot of winter oilseed rape under different treatments
Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) level, the same below.
2.4 飞播时期对油菜籽品质的影响
表4 飞播时期对油菜籽品质的影响
Table 4
处理Treatment | 芥酸Erucic acid | 硫苷Thioglycoside | 含油量Oil content | 蛋白质Protein | 高油酸High oleic acid | 亚油酸linoleic acid |
CK | 1.65a | 20.4a | 42.5c | 20.4b | 47.6c | 13.3d |
T1 | 1.31ab | 18.6a | 50.8a | 21.7b | 62.8a | 18.4a |
T2 | 1.27b | 18.2ab | 51.4a | 22.7b | 58.2ab | 15.5c |
T3 | 1.26b | 14.9c | 50.7a | 20.6b | 56.5b | 18.3a |
T4 | 1.12c | 17.3b | 46.5b | 22.1ab | 55.8b | 16.4b |
T5 | 1.23b | 15.7c | 49.3ab | 23.6a | 60.3a | 16.1b |
2.5 飞播时期对冬油菜种植经济效益的影响
表5 飞播时期对冬油菜种植成本的影响
Table 5
处理 Treatment | 生产资料费用Production cost | 作业费用Operating cost | |||||||
种子 Seed | 化肥 Fertiliser | 农药 Pesticide | 播种 Seeding | 整田 Soil preparation | 开沟 Furrow | 飞防 Flight prevention | 机收 Mechanic harvesting | ||
CK | 360 | 0 | 150 | 150 | 0 | 450 | 150 | 750 | |
T1 | 180 | 2100 | 150 | 600 | 750 | 450 | 150 | 750 | |
T2 | 360 | 2100 | 150 | 150 | 0 | 450 | 150 | 750 | |
T3 | 360 | 2100 | 150 | 150 | 750 | 450 | 150 | 750 | |
T4 | 360 | 2100 | 150 | 150 | 750 | 450 | 150 | 750 | |
T5 | 360 | 2100 | 150 | 150 | 750 | 450 | 150 | 750 |
Various costs are estimated based on the 2021 average price in Jingzhou city.
从图3冬油菜种植的投入、产出、经济效益和产投比可知,CK种植处理投入和产值分别为2010和8038元/hm2,产投比为4.0。T3、T4和T5处理的投入和产出平均分别为4860和21 243元/hm2,产投比4.4。飞播施肥有助于提高油菜种植的产投比,其中T4处理产投比高达4.5,比CK增加0.5。从收益来看,T3、T4和T5处理种植方式最高,平均收入为16 383元/hm2,比CK、T1和T2处理分别增加10 355(增幅158.2%)、2435(增幅672.6%)和4813元/hm2(增幅340.4%)。可见,在适当种植规模条件下,稻后飞播配合适宜施肥措施能显著提高油菜的产投比,增加经济效益。
Effects of aerial seeding period on the economic benefits of winter rapeseed planting
Rapeseed price is 6.4 yuan/kg; net income=output-input; production/input ratio=output/input.
3 讨论
3.1 飞播时期对冬油菜生长的影响
本文显示,适当延迟飞播时期会增加油菜的株高和生物量,这表明在特定的播种范围内(9月30日-10月20日),晚播有利于油菜的生长。然而,飞播时期过晚(10月20日后)可能会限制油菜的生长,并降低养分吸收效果。T3、T4和T5处理单株角果数、每角粒数、株高、一次分枝数平均值高于其他处理;T3、T4和T5处理的产量平均值比CK要增加2063 kg/hm2。因此,在9月30日至10月20日稻后飞播配合施肥可以显著促进油菜的生长,增加油菜产量。然而,养分吸收也会影响油菜产量的形成,决定产量形成的主要因素是单株角果数和每角粒数,而两者又与株高、一次分枝和二次分枝性状密切相关[11]。氮肥、磷肥和钾肥的配合施用可以提高油菜产量,同时增加油菜角果数、每角粒数和促进养分吸收利用,因此要合理施用氮磷钾肥[12-13]。
3.2 飞播时期对油菜养分吸收和品质的影响
3.3 飞播时期对冬油菜经济效益的影响
本文中T1处理投入成本最高,CK投入最少,T3、T4、T5处理和T2处理投入无明显差异。T3、T4和T5处理产生的经济效益也最为理想,达到4860元/hm2。CK比人工撒播节省3120元/hm2,T3、T4和T5处理比CK、T1、T2处理均增收。孟孜贞等[26]在湖北省探究飞播条件下稻田油菜肥料用量研究发现,在施肥量600~750 kg/hm2时,能达到理想的收益,这也与本文施肥量保持一致,油菜获得较好的经济效益需要一定量的肥料投入,适宜的积极投入可以获得较好的经济回报。江汉平原地势平坦,可以利用无人机使油菜生产达到轻简高效、方便快捷、低成本目的。在同等飞播处理条件下,稻后飞播处理提高冬油菜收益的效果更为显著。大力推广飞播油菜种植技术以求达到轻简化高效生产,同时,应注意适时飞播(9月底至10月中旬较好)和施肥,取得高产和增加经济效益。无人机的应用对南方冬闲田恢复和扩大冬油菜种植面积有着巨大的推动作用,在未来田间管理和节本增效方面有着巨大的发展潜力[10]。不仅提高机械化收获比率,解决油菜生产中用工量大、劳动力成本高和效益低等问题,而且提高农民种植油菜的积极性,有利于冬闲田开发利用和油菜产业健康发展[27-28]。
4 结论
,DOI:10.7505/j.issn.1007-9084.2019.04.001 [本文引用: 1]
Optimizing agronomic practices for closing rapeseed yield gaps under intensive cropping systems in China
,DOI:10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62748-6 [本文引用: 1]
<div style="line-height: 150%">A yield gap analysis for rapeseed (<em>Brassica napus</em> L.) is critical to meeting the oil demand by identifying yield potential and yield constraints. In this study, potential yield (<em>Y</em><sub>p</sub>), attainable yield (<em>Y</em><sub>att</sub>), and actual yield (<em>Y</em><sub>act</sub>) for winter rapeseed were determined in five different zones of China. A boundary line approach was adopted to calculate Yp, based on a large-scale field experimental database. A meta-analysis was conducted on the data obtained from 118 published studies to evaluate the effects of agronomic factors on rapeseed yield. The main results indicated that farmers only achieved 37–56% of the yield potential across the zones. The low altitude areas (L-URY) and lower reaches (LRY) of the Yangtze River Basin (YRB), China had high yield levels. The total yield gap was 1 893 kg ha<sup>–1</sup>, due to the agronomic management factors, environmental factors, and socioeconomic factors. The meta-analysis showed that weed control and drainage were the best management practices to improve yields (45.6 and 35.3%, respectively), and other practices improved yields by 17.1–21.6%. Consequently, to narrow the yield gap over the short term, the study could focus on techniques that are easily implemented to farmers.</div>
,DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.09.011 [本文引用: 1]
【目的】研究中国油菜氮、磷、钾肥增产效果,明确不同区域油菜施肥效果概况和区域特点,为区域推荐施肥提供理论基础。【方法】总结2005—2010年中国2 106个油菜田间试验数据,通过计算获得最高产量时氮、磷、钾肥的增产量、增产率和农学利用率,分析各油菜区域施用化肥的增产效果。【结果】中国油菜施用氮肥增产量和增产率均值分别为1 044 kg•hm-2和87.4%,主要分布在500—1 500 kg•hm-2和5%—100%范围内,99%的试验有增产效果;磷肥增产量和增产率均值分别为634 kg•hm-2和39.9%,主要分布在200—1 000 kg•hm-2和5%—40%范围内,94%的试验有增产效果;钾肥增产量和增产率均值分别为420 kg•hm-2和22.9%,主要分布在100—600 kg•hm-2和10%—40%范围内,88%的试验有增产效果。每千克氮肥(N)、磷肥(P2O5)、钾肥(K2O)平均增收油菜籽6.2、7.8和5.4 kg。长江下游冬油菜区氮、磷肥的增产效果最好,增产率均值分别为128.8%和51.3%,长江中游冬油菜区钾肥增产效果最好,增产率均值为24.6%,春油菜区氮磷钾肥施用增产效果较低,增产率均值分别为42.6%、31.6%和21.3%。【结论】中国油菜施用化肥增产效果显著,具体表现为氮肥>磷肥>钾肥,氮素是影响油菜产量的主要养分因素。春油菜区氮磷钾肥增产效果较差,长江下游冬油菜区氮、磷肥增产效果最好,长江中游冬油菜区钾肥增产效果最好。部分试验施用肥料不增产或肥料用量不合理,需要进一步改进施肥量,实现油菜施肥高产高效。
Increasing yield, quality and profitability of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) under combinations of nutrient levels in fertilizer and planting density
Moderate salinity stress increases the seedling biomass in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
Ecological and economic benefits of planting winter rapeseed (Brassica rape L.) in the wind erosion area of northern China
,DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-56678-3 PMID:31889096 [本文引用: 1]
Winter and early spring wind soil erosion have considerable impacts on ecosystems, human well-being and agricultural production in the low precipitation zones of northern China. Little is known about the impact of growing winter rapeseed on ecological cropping systems and the associated economic benefits in the wind erosion area. To explore the winter rapeseed cover effect, we conducted a field experiment in which we covered the soil with winter rapeseed, winter wheat and wheat stubble at different plant density levels and used the spring bare ground as the control (CK). The effects of wind erosion, the "winter rapeseed + " multiple cropping system, and the economic benefits were compared. There was a large difference in the dry matter, the maximum water absorption, the maximum water storage, the soil evaporation and total wind erosion, the amount of sediment transported in the stratum and the wind erosion modulus. Among them, the mean wind erosion modulus of spring sowing bare land was as high as 490.9 kg·hm·h, which was 7 and 13 times that of winter wheat and winter rapeseed, respectively. As the wind speed increased from 14 to 22 m·s, from a small density to a large density, the mean wind erosion modulus decreased from 68 to 17 kg·hm·h for winter rapeseed, and 150 to 31 kg·hm·h for winter wheat. Total wind-erosion of sediment transport of CK was 18.6 g·m min, which was 16 and 31 times the mean value of winter wheat and winter rapeseed, respectively. "Winter rapeseed + " replanting peanuts, potatoes, rice, seed melons and other crops generally increased the production value by 5-74% compared with wheat and corn intercropping, which was 98-255% higher than the traditional wheat single crop. Our results suggested that the suitable area for planting winter rapeseed in northern China was approximately 3.3 × 10 hm, and in terms of the best economic and ecological effects, the appropriate density was 5 × 10 plants·hm in northern China. Our results indicated that Chinese winter rapeseed was the best choice for preventing wind erosion and improving ecological and economic benefits in winter and spring in northern China; additionally, winter rapeseed has important impacts on agricultural sustainability in semi-arid and arid climates.
Influence of various levels of nitrogen, cultivars and weed control treatments on quality traits of Canola Gobhi sarson (Brassica napus L.)
,DOI:10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2021-0792 [本文引用: 1]
在相同茬口条件下,比较油菜两种飞播种植模式的产量及效益,为鄂东地区晚收稻田油菜轻简化生产提供技术支撑。以冬油菜为试材,通过两年的田间试验,获得两种飞播种植模式的油菜产量和效益数据。与旋耕飞播相比,两年免耕飞播的油菜籽产量平均增加561.5 kg/hm<sup>2</sup>,增产率平均为25.7%,增产的主要原因是单株角果数显著增加,平均增幅为28.6%;两年免耕飞播的油菜产值平均增加3023元/hm<sup>2</sup>,毛收入平均增加4523元/hm<sup>2</sup>,主要原因是免耕飞播减少了秸秆离田、种子农药用量、旋耕整地和除草防病四个方面投入,两年投入共计平均减少1500元/hm<sup>2</sup>。油菜免耕飞播种植模式不仅降低了油菜生产成本,还提高了油菜产量和效益,具有节本增效的优势,适宜在鄂东晚收稻田推广应用。
Evaluation and screening of rapeseed varieties (Brassica napus L.) Suitable for mechanized harvesting with high yield and quality
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