作物杂志, 2025, 41(1): 208-213 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.026



安东升,1, 赵宝山1, 刘洋2, 严程明1, 孔冉1, 黄文甫3, 苏俊波,1




Effects of Drought Stress and Re-Watering on the Photosynthetic Phenotype and Leaf Characterization of New Sugarcane Varieties

An Dongsheng,1, Zhao Baoshan1, Liu Yang2, Yan Chengming1, Kong Ran1, Huang Wenfu3, Su Junbo,1

1South Subtropical Crop Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences / Zhanjiang Experimental and Observation Station for National Long-Term Agricultural Green Development / Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center for Dryland and Water Saving Agriculture, Zhanjiang 524091, Guangdong, China

2Jiaxing Vocational and Technical College, Jiaxing 314036, Zhejiang, China

3Yangpu Nanhua Sugarcane Research Institute, Nanning 530022, Guangxi, China

通讯作者: 苏俊波,研究方向为宜机化甘蔗高产高糖新品种选育,E-mail:junbosu@126.com

收稿日期: 2023-05-26   修回日期: 2023-11-25   网络出版日期: 2024-10-23

基金资助: 农业农村部农业技术试验示范与服务支持项目(102125221630050009026)

Received: 2023-05-26   Revised: 2023-11-25   Online: 2024-10-23

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 甘蔗; 耐旱; 干旱胁迫; 复水; 光合表型; 叶片表征


Seasonal drought is a main factor leading to sugarcane yield reduction, rapid and non-destructive phenotype assisted breeding methods holds significant potential in facilitating the early screening of drought resistant sugarcane varieties. The study measured and analyzed the fitting parameters of the functional leaf photosynthetic phenotype and plant leaf characteristics of three commercial varieties and ten new varieties response to drought stress and re-watering. The findings indicated notable variations in the response of different drought-tolerant sugarcane varieties to both drought and re-watering. All photosynthetic parameters of Regan 16117 were superior to ROC22 and Guiliu 05136 under drought stress, but the former photosynthetic potential (JP) was far lower than that of latter two after rehydration. Leaf rolling significantly reduced the leaf area exposed to direct irradiation, which was crucial to relieve photo damage induced by the limitation of photosynthetic electron transfer under drought. The varieties with more rolling leaves relatively possessed less expand and chlorosis leaves, achieved better recovery after rehydration. The drought stress index (δ) and the proportion of rolling leaves could reflect the drought stress tolerance of sugarcane, but photosynthetic capacity (PC) of calculated after rehydration considered to be more reliable for evaluating drought resistance of sugarcane varieties. Regan 1997 can be used as a new drought resistant variety.

Keywords: Sugarcane; Drought resistance; Drought stress; Re-watering; Photosynthetic phenotype; Leaf characterization

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安东升, 赵宝山, 刘洋, 严程明, 孔冉, 黄文甫, 苏俊波. 甘蔗新品种的光合表型与叶片表征对干旱胁迫及复水的响应. 作物杂志, 2025, 41(1): 208-213 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.026

An Dongsheng, Zhao Baoshan, Liu Yang, Yan Chengming, Kong Ran, Huang Wenfu, Su Junbo. Effects of Drought Stress and Re-Watering on the Photosynthetic Phenotype and Leaf Characterization of New Sugarcane Varieties. Crops, 2025, 41(1): 208-213 doi:10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.026




1 材料与方法

1.1 供试材料与试验设计

试验于2021年9月-2022年3月在中国热带农业科学院热带农业环境与作物高效用水试验基地(110°16′ E,21°08′ N,海拔16 m)进行。供试材料为中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所自主选育的10个甘蔗新品种,分别为热甘16117、热甘1876、热甘1997、热甘1339、热甘11713、热甘1、热甘1462、热甘14291、热甘16239和热甘11559,对照材料为新台糖22号(ROC22,耐旱品种)、新台糖16号(ROC16,非耐旱品种)[11]和桂柳05136(耐旱品种)[12]。栽培桶口直径40 cm、底径30 cm、高45 cm,每桶种植4个单芽种茎,每个品种种植12桶,参照大田种植密度(10株/m2)摆放,置于硬化地面上,保证充分的水肥供应。基质配比为红壤:有机质=9:1,干容重为1.24 g/cm3,基质填充至桶内高40 cm。


1.2 测定项目与方法

1.2.1 光合表型





PARsat= (βe+γe)/βe-1γe



JP= abae×1-βe×PAR1+γe×PAR×PARd(PAR)

1.2.2 叶片表征


1.2.3 植株光合能力

根据叶片光合潜力与叶面积指数计算品种光合能力(PC),PC =JP×LAI

1.3 数据处理

采用Microsoft Excel 2007和SPSS 19.0进行数据整理与相关分析,利用Slide Write Plus for Windows(Version 7.0)进行曲线与参数拟合。

2 结果与分析

2.1 不同甘蔗品种干旱胁迫下及复水后叶绿素荧光特性

表1可知,干旱胁迫下,αe表现为热甘16117>ROC22>热甘1339>桂柳05136>其他品种,拥有相对较高Jmax的甘蔗品种为ROC22、热甘16117、桂柳05136,拥有相对较高ΦP的甘蔗品种为ROC22、热甘16117、热甘1339、桂柳05136。热甘16117、热甘1997和热甘1339均表现出较低的PARsat,且3个品种的δ值均高于ROC22。说明相对于ROC22,热甘16117、热甘1997和热甘1339在干旱胁迫下应对光损伤的能力更强,同时热甘16117 Jmax高于热甘1997和热甘1339,因此,干旱胁迫下热甘16117的光合效率表现最优。

表1   不同甘蔗品种干旱胁迫下与复水后叶绿素荧光特性

Table 1  Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics among different sugarcane varieties under drought stress and re-watering

干旱胁迫Drought stress复水后Re-watering
热甘1 Regan 10.034961.616.50.0810.8390.313969.6128.30.7320.919
热甘16239 Regan 162390.0301422.721.10.0920.7180.299973.7114.90.7100.972
热甘11559 Regan 115590.0431038.724.60.0990.6500.299941.8128.60.7170.911
热甘11713 Regan 117130.0271204.314.70.0580.5470.309969.2121.90.7150.915
热甘1462 Regan 14620.0331180.212.40.0770.9680.3551008.5150.80.7730.802
热甘1876 Regan 18760.0281000.410.70.0640.9410.2071364.2167.00.6120.581
热甘14291 Regan 142910.042993.721.70.1070.7410.3201112.5152.60.7130.758
热甘1339 Regan 13390.097575.822.50.2521.8240.2991302.5170.10.7770.738
热甘1997 Regan 19970.059556.512.20.1441.8800.2811256.0182.40.7370.628
热甘16117 Regan 161170.141578.233.40.3351.6240.361926.2157.20.8030.768
桂柳05136 Guiliu 051360.075969.231.90.2411.2250.3021296.4165.00.7560.702

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2.2 不同甘蔗品种叶片表征对干旱胁迫及复水的响应



图1   干旱胁迫下不同甘蔗品种叶片表征

不同小写字母表示P < 0.05水平差异显著。

Fig.1   Leaf characteristics of different sugarcane varieties under drought stress

Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 level.


表2   复水后不同甘蔗品种叶片表征

Table 2  Leaf characteristics of different sugarcane varieties after re-watering

Average leaf length (cm)
Average leaf width (cm)
Leaf number per plant
Leaf area per plant (cm2)
热甘1 Regan 152.69±3.15de3.47±0.38b4.08±0.29fg518.6±44.4f
热甘16239 Regan 1623946.55±2.21f2.51±0.14de4.83±0.38def409.5±4.1g
热甘11559 Regan 1155948.01±3.43ef2.95±0.17c5.05±0.43bcde657.2±51.1e
热甘11713 Regan 1171361.07±2.84bc2.73±0.13cde4.67±0.14ef668.6±35.7e
热甘1462 Regan 146242.74±2.16f3.11±0.21bc3.50±0.43g376.1±83.6g
热甘1876 Regan 187660.97±3.26bc3.38±0.22b6.00±0.90bc975.4±31.9d
热甘14291 Regan 1429156.04±3.72cd2.44±0.19e5.08±0.38cde558.0±39.1f
热甘1339 Regan 133957.60±2.54bcd2.87±0.14cd7.42±0.29a1009.8±63.7d
热甘1997 Regan 199762.34±4.83b4.00±0.22a5.67±0.58bcd1298.4±80.1a
热甘16117 Regan 1611773.68±1.37a2.99±0.14c6.00±0.66bc1039.7±71.7cd
桂柳05136 Guiliu 0513674.30±2.37a2.77±0.03cde6.17±0.52b1110.0±90.1bc

同列数字后不同字母表示在不同处理间存在显著差异(P < 0.05)

The different lowercase letters in the same row indicate significant differences among different treatments (P < 0.05)

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2.3 不同甘蔗品种复水后光合能力分析


表3   不同甘蔗品种复水后光合能力的恢复

Table 3  Photosynthetic capacity restoration among different sugarcane varieties after re-watering

品种VarietyLAIJP (×104)PC
热甘1 Regan 10.51919.52610.13
热甘16239 Regan 162390.40918.7037.66
热甘11559 Regan 115590.65717.64611.60
热甘11713 Regan 117130.66919.21512.85
热甘1462 Regan 14620.37624.0949.06
热甘1876 Regan 18760.97525.47324.85
热甘14291 Regan 142910.55826.23914.64
热甘1339 Regan 13391.01031.81432.13
热甘1997 Regan 19971.29829.58538.41
热甘16117 Regan 161171.04020.65121.47
桂柳05136 Guiliu 051361.11031.25134.69

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3 讨论





4 结论



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Background: Drought is one of the major factors limiting global maize production. Exposure to long-term drought conditions inhibits growth and leads to yield losses. Although several drought-responsive genes have been identified and functionally analyzed, the mechanisms underlying responses to drought and water recovery treatments have not been fully elucidated. To characterize how maize seedling respond to drought stress at the transcriptional level, we analyzed physiological responses and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the inbred line B73 under water deficit and recovery conditions.Results: The data for relative leaf water content, leaf size, and photosynthesis-related parameters indicated that drought stress significantly repressed maize seedling growth. Further RNA sequencing analysis revealed that 6107 DEGs were responsive to drought stress and water recovery, with more down-regulated than up-regulated genes. Among the DEGs, the photosynthesis-and hormone-related genes were enriched in responses to drought stress and re-watering. Additionally, transcription factor genes from 37 families were differentially expressed among the three analyzed time-points. Gene ontology enrichment analyses of the DEGs indicated that 50 GO terms, including those related to photosynthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, oxidoreductase activities, nutrient metabolism and other drought-responsive pathways, were over-represented in the drought-treated seedlings. The content of gibberellin in drought treatment seedlings was decreased compared to that of control seedlings, while abscisic acid showed accumulated in the drought treated plants. The deep analysis of DEGs related to cell wall development indicated that these genes were prone to be down-regulated at drought treatment stage.Conclusions: Many genes that are differentially expressed in responses to drought stress and water recovery conditions affect photosynthetic systems and hormone biosynthesis. The identified DEGs, especially those encoding transcription factors, represent potential targets for developing drought-tolerant maize lines.

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A number of useful photosynthetic parameters are commonly derived from saturation pulse-induced fluorescence analysis. We show, that qP, an estimate of the fraction of open centers, is based on a pure 'puddle' antenna model, where each Photosystem (PS) II center possesses its own independent antenna system. This parameter is incompatible with more realistic models of the photosynthetic unit, where reaction centers are connected by shared antenna, that is, the so-called 'lake' or 'connected units' models. We thus introduce a new parameter, qL, based on a Stern-Volmer approach using a lake model, which estimates the fraction of open PS II centers. We suggest that qL should be a useful parameter for terrestrial plants consistent with a high connectivity of PS II units, whereas some marine species with distinct antenna architecture, may require the use of more complex parameters based on intermediate models of the photosynthetic unit. Another useful parameter calculated from fluorescence analysis is ΦII, the yield of PS II. In contrast to qL, we show that the ΦII parameter can be derived from either a pure 'lake' or pure 'puddle' model, and is thus likely to be a robust parameter. The energy absorbed by PS II is divided between the fraction used in photochemistry, ΦII, and that lost non-photochemically. We introduce two additional parameters that can be used to estimate the flux of excitation energy into competing non-photochemical pathways, the yield induced by downregulatory processes, ΦNPQ, and the yield for other energy losses, ΦNO.

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A blue diode PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) fluorometer was used to measure rapid Photosynthesis (P) versus Irradiance (E) curves (P vs. E curves) in Synechococcus (classical cyanobacteria), Prochlorothrix (prochlorophyta), Chlorella (chlorophyta), Rhodomonas (cryptophyta), Phaeodactylum (bacillariophyta) Acaryochloris (Chl d/a cyanobacteria) and Subterranean Clover (Trifolium subterraneum, Papilionaceae, Angiospermae). Effective quantum yield (Phi(PSII)) versus irradiance curves could be described by a simple exponential decay function (Phi(PSII) = Phi(PSII, maxe(-kE)) although Log/Log transformation was sometimes found to be necessary to obtain the best fits. Photosynthesis was measured as relative Electron Transport Rate (rETR) standardised on a chlorophyll basis. P versus E curves were fitted to the waiting-in-line function (an equation of the form P = P(max) x k x E x e(-kE)) allowing half-saturating and optimal irradiances (E(optimum)) to be estimated. The second differential of the equation shows that at twice optimal light intensities, there is a point of inflection in the P versus E curve. Photosynthesis is inhibited 26.4% at this point of inflection. The waiting-in-line model was found to be a very good descriptor of photosynthetic light saturation curves and superior to hyperbolic functions with an asymptotic saturation point (Michaelis-Menten, exponential saturation and hyperbolic tangent). The exponential constants (k) of the Phi(PSII) versus E and P versus E curves should be equal because rETR is directly proportional to Phi(PSII) x E. The conventionally calculated Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) in Synechococcus was not significantly different to zero but NPQ versus E curves for the other algae could be fitted to an exponential saturation model. The kinetics of NPQ does not appear to be related to the kinetics of Phi(PSII) or rETR.

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光合电子流对光响应的机理可以揭示植物光合电子流与光强、植物捕光色素分子物理特性之间的关系。该文讨论了光合电子流对光响应的机理模型的特性以及捕光色素分子的物理性质, 并利用此模型拟合了山莴苣(Lagedium sibiricum)、一年蓬(Erigeron annuus)和紫菀(Aster tataricus)的光合电子流对光响应的曲线。由此模型不仅可以得到植物的最大光合电子流、饱和光强、初始斜率等参数, 还可以获得捕光色素分子有效光能吸收截面和处于最低激发态的捕光色素分子数对光的响应关系。结果表明: 随光强的增加, 山莴苣的捕光色素分子的有效光能吸收截面下降最快, 紫苑的下降速度最慢; 山莴苣处于最低激发态的捕光色素分子数增长速度最快, 紫苑的增长速度最小。捕光色素分子的有效光能吸收截面随光强增加而下降、处于最低激发态的捕光色素分子数随光强增加而增加的特性将减少其光能的吸收和激子的传递, 因而有利于减少强光对植物产生的光伤害。

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为从能量平衡及分配的角度研究干旱胁迫下甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum)苗期光系统的运转状况, 进而为丰富不同甘蔗品种的抗旱性评价指标及实现对季节性干旱胁迫的快速诊断提供理论依据, 该研究通过对基于Lake模型的叶绿素荧光参数在不同入射光强下变化的动态分析, 研究光合电子传递链中能量平衡状态对不同水分梯度(40%、25%、10%、8%)的响应。结果表明: 两个供试品种(耐旱品种&#x02018;ROC22&#x02019;和非耐旱品种&#x02018;ROC16&#x02019;)的最大光能利用效率(F<sub>v</sub>/F<sub>m</sub>)、相对电子传递速率(rETR)、光系统II(PSII)量子效率(&#x003a6;<sub>II</sub>)和光化学猝灭(q<sub>L</sub>)均随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而下降, 可调节性能量耗散(&#x003a6;<sub>NPQ</sub>)和非调节性能量耗散(&#x003a6;<sub>NO</sub>)则随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而上升。除&#x003a6;<sub>NO</sub>之外的叶绿素荧光参数的变化幅度均随着光合有效辐射(PAR)的增加而增大。在干旱胁迫的前中期, 相对于&#x02018;ROC22&#x02019;, &#x02018;ROC16&#x02019;的PSII反应中心能够维持较高的开放程度; 但&#x02018;ROC22&#x02019;调节能量耗散的能力和对干旱胁迫的敏感程度均高于&#x02018;ROC16&#x02019;, 说明较强的光保护能力是&#x02018;ROC22&#x02019;的抗旱性高于&#x02018;ROC16&#x02019;的主要原因之一。对干旱胁迫敏感且在不同PAR下较为稳定的&#x003a6;<sub>NO</sub>可作为甘蔗苗期抗旱性的快速诊断和评价指标。rETR对递增的PAR的响应表现为随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而提前出现峰值或下降趋势, 但是不同水分梯度下的rETR在PAR较低时并无显著差异, 表明干旱胁迫下光抑制现象的提早出现是造成光系统损伤的首要因素, 高光强对干旱胁迫信号起放大作用。

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Journal of Plant Research, 2016, 129:379-395.

DOI:10.1007/s10265-016-0816-1      PMID:27023791      [本文引用: 1]

Plants in natural environments must cope with diverse, highly dynamic, and unpredictable conditions. They have mechanisms to enhance the capture of light energy when light intensity is low, but they can also slow down photosynthetic electron transport to prevent the production of reactive oxygen species and consequent damage to the photosynthetic machinery under excess light. Plants need a highly responsive regulatory system to balance the photosynthetic light reactions with downstream metabolism. Various mechanisms of regulation of photosynthetic electron transport under stress have been proposed, however the data have been obtained mainly under environmentally stable and controlled conditions. Thus, our understanding of dynamic modulation of photosynthesis under dramatically fluctuating natural environments remains limited. In this review, first I describe the magnitude of environmental fluctuations under natural conditions. Next, I examine the effects of fluctuations in light intensity, CO2 concentration, leaf temperature, and relative humidity on dynamic photosynthesis. Finally, I summarize photoprotective strategies that allow plants to maintain the photosynthesis under stressful fluctuating environments. The present work clearly showed that fluctuation in various environmental factors resulted in reductions in photosynthetic rate in a stepwise manner at every environmental fluctuation, leading to the conclusion that fluctuating environments would have a large impact on photosynthesis.

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