作物杂志,2025, 第1期: 208–213 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.026

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


安东升1(), 赵宝山1, 刘洋2, 严程明1, 孔冉1, 黄文甫3, 苏俊波1()   

  1. 1中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所/国家农业绿色发展长期固定观测湛江试验站/广东省旱作节水农业工程技术研究中心,524091,广东湛江
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-26 修回日期:2023-11-25 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-12
  • 通讯作者: 苏俊波,研究方向为宜机化甘蔗高产高糖新品种选育,E-mail:junbosu@126.com
  • 作者简介:安东升,研究方向为旱作生理生态,E-mail:dongshengan@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Drought Stress and Re-Watering on the Photosynthetic Phenotype and Leaf Characterization of New Sugarcane Varieties

An Dongsheng1(), Zhao Baoshan1, Liu Yang2, Yan Chengming1, Kong Ran1, Huang Wenfu3, Su Junbo1()   

  1. 1South Subtropical Crop Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences / Zhanjiang Experimental and Observation Station for National Long-Term Agricultural Green Development / Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center for Dryland and Water Saving Agriculture, Zhanjiang 524091, Guangdong, China
    2Jiaxing Vocational and Technical College, Jiaxing 314036, Zhejiang, China
    3Yangpu Nanhua Sugarcane Research Institute, Nanning 530022, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2023-05-26 Revised:2023-11-25 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-12



关键词: 甘蔗, 耐旱, 干旱胁迫, 复水, 光合表型, 叶片表征


Seasonal drought is a main factor leading to sugarcane yield reduction, rapid and non-destructive phenotype assisted breeding methods holds significant potential in facilitating the early screening of drought resistant sugarcane varieties. The study measured and analyzed the fitting parameters of the functional leaf photosynthetic phenotype and plant leaf characteristics of three commercial varieties and ten new varieties response to drought stress and re-watering. The findings indicated notable variations in the response of different drought-tolerant sugarcane varieties to both drought and re-watering. All photosynthetic parameters of Regan 16117 were superior to ROC22 and Guiliu 05136 under drought stress, but the former photosynthetic potential (JP) was far lower than that of latter two after rehydration. Leaf rolling significantly reduced the leaf area exposed to direct irradiation, which was crucial to relieve photo damage induced by the limitation of photosynthetic electron transfer under drought. The varieties with more rolling leaves relatively possessed less expand and chlorosis leaves, achieved better recovery after rehydration. The drought stress index (δ) and the proportion of rolling leaves could reflect the drought stress tolerance of sugarcane, but photosynthetic capacity (PC) of calculated after rehydration considered to be more reliable for evaluating drought resistance of sugarcane varieties. Regan 1997 can be used as a new drought resistant variety.

Key words: Sugarcane, Drought resistance, Drought stress, Re-watering, Photosynthetic phenotype, Leaf characterization



干旱胁迫Drought stress 复水后Re-watering
αe PARsat Jmax ΦP δ αe PARsat Jmax ΦP δ
热甘1 Regan 1 0.034 961.6 16.5 0.081 0.839 0.313 969.6 128.3 0.732 0.919
热甘16239 Regan 16239 0.030 1422.7 21.1 0.092 0.718 0.299 973.7 114.9 0.710 0.972
热甘11559 Regan 11559 0.043 1038.7 24.6 0.099 0.650 0.299 941.8 128.6 0.717 0.911
热甘11713 Regan 11713 0.027 1204.3 14.7 0.058 0.547 0.309 969.2 121.9 0.715 0.915
热甘1462 Regan 1462 0.033 1180.2 12.4 0.077 0.968 0.355 1008.5 150.8 0.773 0.802
热甘1876 Regan 1876 0.028 1000.4 10.7 0.064 0.941 0.207 1364.2 167.0 0.612 0.581
热甘14291 Regan 14291 0.042 993.7 21.7 0.107 0.741 0.320 1112.5 152.6 0.713 0.758
热甘1339 Regan 1339 0.097 575.8 22.5 0.252 1.824 0.299 1302.5 170.1 0.777 0.738
热甘1997 Regan 1997 0.059 556.5 12.2 0.144 1.880 0.281 1256.0 182.4 0.737 0.628
热甘16117 Regan 16117 0.141 578.2 33.4 0.335 1.624 0.361 926.2 157.2 0.803 0.768
ROC16 0.025 1080.3 14.5 0.067 0.753 0.280 995.2 117.8 0.659 0.887
桂柳05136 Guiliu 05136 0.075 969.2 31.9 0.241 1.225 0.302 1296.4 165.0 0.756 0.702
ROC22 0.126 895.5 35.8 0.308 1.337 0.332 1225.3 169.8 0.768 0.691


干旱胁迫下不同甘蔗品种叶片表征 不同小写字母表示P < 0.05水平差异显著。



Average leaf length (cm)
Average leaf width (cm)
Leaf number per plant
Leaf area per plant (cm2)
热甘1 Regan 1 52.69±3.15de 3.47±0.38b 4.08±0.29fg 518.6±44.4f
热甘16239 Regan 16239 46.55±2.21f 2.51±0.14de 4.83±0.38def 409.5±4.1g
热甘11559 Regan 11559 48.01±3.43ef 2.95±0.17c 5.05±0.43bcde 657.2±51.1e
热甘11713 Regan 11713 61.07±2.84bc 2.73±0.13cde 4.67±0.14ef 668.6±35.7e
热甘1462 Regan 1462 42.74±2.16f 3.11±0.21bc 3.50±0.43g 376.1±83.6g
热甘1876 Regan 1876 60.97±3.26bc 3.38±0.22b 6.00±0.90bc 975.4±31.9d
热甘14291 Regan 14291 56.04±3.72cd 2.44±0.19e 5.08±0.38cde 558.0±39.1f
热甘1339 Regan 1339 57.60±2.54bcd 2.87±0.14cd 7.42±0.29a 1009.8±63.7d
热甘1997 Regan 1997 62.34±4.83b 4.00±0.22a 5.67±0.58bcd 1298.4±80.1a
热甘16117 Regan 16117 73.68±1.37a 2.99±0.14c 6.00±0.66bc 1039.7±71.7cd
ROC16 56.81±5.60bcd 2.92±0.29c 4.08±0.52fg 504.3±49.0f
桂柳05136 Guiliu 05136 74.30±2.37a 2.77±0.03cde 6.17±0.52b 1110.0±90.1bc
ROC22 69.94±2.00a 2.79±0.17cde 7.67±0.29a 1169.6±46.1b



品种Variety LAI JP (×104) PC
热甘1 Regan 1 0.519 19.526 10.13
热甘16239 Regan 16239 0.409 18.703 7.66
热甘11559 Regan 11559 0.657 17.646 11.60
热甘11713 Regan 11713 0.669 19.215 12.85
热甘1462 Regan 1462 0.376 24.094 9.06
热甘1876 Regan 1876 0.975 25.473 24.85
热甘14291 Regan 14291 0.558 26.239 14.64
热甘1339 Regan 1339 1.010 31.814 32.13
热甘1997 Regan 1997 1.298 29.585 38.41
热甘16117 Regan 16117 1.040 20.651 21.47
ROC16 0.504 18.393 9.27
桂柳05136 Guiliu 05136 1.110 31.251 34.69
ROC22 1.170 31.544 36.89
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