作物杂志,2024, 第5期: 125–130 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.05.018

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄渝岚1(), 刘文君2, 李艳英1, 周佳1, 周灵芝1, 劳承英1, 李素平1, 申章佑1(), 韦本辉1   

  1. 1广西农业科学院经济作物研究所,530007,广西南宁
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-11 修回日期:2023-07-28 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-16
  • 通讯作者: 申章佑,研究方向为薯类作物育种与栽培,E-mail:shzhyou@126.com
  • 作者简介:黄渝岚,研究方向为木薯生理生态,E-mail:550104195@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Intercropping Cassava with Pumkin of Different Densities in Cassava Fields on Crop Yield, Economic Efficiency and Land Productivity

Huang Yulan1(), Liu Wenjun2, Li Yanying1, Zhou Jia1, Zhou Lingzhi1, Lao Chengying1, Li Suping1, Shen Zhangyou1(), Wei Benhui1   

  1. 1Cash Crops Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China
    2Vegetable Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2023-05-11 Revised:2023-07-28 Online:2024-10-15 Published:2024-10-16


为探究适宜广西区域的高效木薯间作南瓜模式,试验共设5个处理,分别为木薯单作(C)、南瓜单作(株距60 cm,P60)、木薯间作南瓜(3种种植密度,南瓜株距分别为40、60和80 cm,记为CP40、CP60、CP80),每个处理重复3次,研究了木薯间作不同密度南瓜后对产量、经济效益及土地生产力的影响。结果表明,与C处理相比,间作降低了木薯的株高、茎径及单株结薯数,对产量及其构成因素没有显著影响;与P60处理相比,3种间作模式均极显著降低了南瓜产量,以CP60产量降幅最少。5个处理总产量表现为CP60>CP80>CP40>C>P60,可见3种间作模式的作物总产量、总收入、净收入均显著高于C和P60处理。木薯在间作系统中对总产量贡献显著大于南瓜。3种间作模式的土地当量比分别为1.68、1.82、1.69,土地生产力提高了68%~82%,说明该系统具有间作优势。研究表明木薯间作南瓜体系中以南瓜株距为60 cm时的土地当量比最大,且具有较高的产量与经济效益,是最适于广西地区推广的木薯间作南瓜模式。

关键词: 木薯, 南瓜, 间作, 产量, 经济效益


In order to explore the efficient cassava-pumpkin intercropping mode suitable for Guangxi region, five treatments were set up in the experiment, which were cassava monoculture (C), pumpkin monoculture (plant spacing 60 cm, P60), and cassava intercropping pumpkin (three planting densities, pumpkin plant spacing were 40, 60, 80 cm, respectively, and were recorded as CP40, CP60, CP80), each treatment was repeated three times. The effects of pumpkin intercropping with different densities on yield, economic benefit and land productivity were studied. The results showed that plant height, stem diameter and number of tubers per plant under intercropping were lower than C treatment. The cassava yield and its components under intercropping were no significant effect compared with C treatment. The pumpkin yield of three intercropping patterns significantly reduced compared to P60 treatment, with pumpkin yield of CP60 being the least reduced. The total crop yield of the five treatments were in the order of CP60 > CP80 > CP40 > C > P60. The total crop yield, total income and net income of three intercropping patterns were significantly higher than C and P60 treatments. The contribution of cassava to the total crop yield of intercropping system was bigger than pumpkin. The land equivalent ratios of three intercropping patterns were 1.68, 1.82 and 1.69, respectively, which increased land equivalent ratio by 68% to 82%, indicted that the system had the intercropping advantage. The study showed that the cassava-pumpkin intercropping system with pumpkin plants spacing 60 cm was considered as the most suitable cassava-pumpkin intercropping pattern to promotion in Guangxi, which had the highest land equivalent ratio, high yield and economic efficiency.

Key words: Cassava, Pumpkin, Intercropping, Yield, Economic efficiency



Plant height
Stem diameter
Length of
tuber (cm)
Diameter of
tuber (cm)
Number of tubers
per plant
Weight of single
tuber (kg)
Weight of tubers
per plant (kg)
C 318.2±3.4a 3.68±0.04a 28.3±0.4a 5.08±0.08a 13.3±0.4a 0.39±0.02a 5.17±0.25a
CP40 317.9±3.3a 3.59±0.01ab 26.2±1.3a 5.18±0.15a 11.5±0.7b 0.41±0.04a 4.73±0.20a
CP60 302.2±4.0b 3.51±0.14ab 30.1±2.3a 5.54±0.17a 9.7±0.2c 0.53±0.07a 5.09±0.55a
CP80 296.9±6.0b 3.34±0.11b 28.5±0.9a 5.10±0.14a 11.2±0.4b 0.43±0.05a 4.81±0.42a



Starch content (%)
Dry matter rate (%)
Fresh tuber yield (t/hm2)
Starch yield (t/hm2)
Dry tuber yield (t/hm2)
C 27.3±0.3a 27.8±0.2a 57.42±2.79a 15.69±0.91a 15.98±0.88a
CP40 26.4±0.3a 27.2±0.2a 52.54±2.22a 13.85±0.43a 14.27±0.49a
CP60 27.4±1.1a 27.9±0.8a 56.50±6.09a 15.46±1.55a 15.74±1.58a
CP80 27.2±0.6a 27.7±0.4a 53.39±4.67a 14.50±1.28a 14.80±1.29a


木薯间作南瓜对南瓜产量的影响 不同大写、小写字母分别代表处理间差异达极显著(P < 0.01)、显著(P < 0.05)水平,下同。




Effects of cassava intercropping pumpkin on the economic efficiency of intercropping systems 万元/hm2 ×104 yuan/hm2

Planting costs
Fresh tuber income
Pumpkin income
Total income
Net income
C 1.00 4.02±0.19aA 4.02±0.19cC 3.92±0.19cC
P60 1.60 6.06±0.02aA 6.06±0.02bB 4.46±0.02bBC
CP40 2.60 3.68±0.16aA 4.64±0.05cC 8.32±0.15aA 5.72±0.15aAB
CP60 2.60 3.95±0.43aA 5.06±0.13bB 9.02±0.56aA 6.42±0.56aA
CP80 2.60 3.74±0.33aA 4.61±0.03cC 4.61±0.32aA 5.75±0.32aAB



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