作物杂志,2024, 第5期: 29–34 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.05.004

• 遗传育种·种质资源·生物技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


董明宇(), 郑宏峰, 朱哲   

  1. 铁岭市农业科学院,112616,辽宁铁岭
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-27 修回日期:2023-11-09 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-16
  • 作者简介:董明宇,主要从事高粱遗传育种研究,E-mail:1148463456@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Different Endosperm Phenotypes on Agronomic Traits and Yield in Sorghum

Dong Mingyu(), Zheng Hongfeng, Zhu Zhe   

  1. Tieling Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tieling 112616, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2023-04-27 Revised:2023-11-09 Online:2024-10-15 Published:2024-10-16



关键词: 高粱, 胚乳质地, 淀粉类型, 产量, 农艺性状


In order to explore the potential effects of endosperm texture and starch type on grain yield, plant height, and other agronomic traits in sorghum, this study conducted artificial hybridization between a waxy sorghum line as the male parent and a floury sorghum line as the female parent in 2021. In 2022, a sample survey was conducted on the F2 population of recombinant endosperm phenotype to identify sample endosperm phenotypes, measure grain yield, plant height, and other agronomic traits for analysis. The results showed that plants with the waxy starch had significantly reduced panicle weight, while those with floury endosperm texture had significantly reduced panicle weight, 1000-grain weight and plant height. Nonetheless, high-yielding lines with a waxy starch type or floury endosperm texture can be chosen, and breeding efforts for these lines must be prioritized in order to effectively discover high-yielding lines with this phenotype.

Key words: Sorghum, Endosperm texture, Starch type, Yield, Agronomic trait


F2群体中分离出的6种不同胚乳表型 (a) 糯-角质,(b) 糯-中等粉质,(c) 糯-粉质,(d) 粳-角质,(e) 粳-中等粉质,(f) 粳-粉质,下同。





Starch type
Endosperm texture
The number of samples (plant)
Starch type
Endosperm texture
The number of samples (plant)
粳Nonwaxy 角质 11 糯Waxy 角质 8
中等粉质 40 中等粉质 3
粉质 11 粉质 2



Source of variation
Panicle weight
1000-grain weight
Plant height
Panicle length
Stem diameter
Peduncle length
Leaf area
淀粉类型Starch type 0.042 0.185 0.568 0.144 0.442 0.661 0.217
胚乳质地Endosperm texture 0.046 0.011 0.007 0.095 0.368 0.072 0.348
Starch type×endosperm texture


不同淀粉类型下3种胚乳质地的单穗重 不同小写和大写字母分别表示不同胚乳质地间在0.05和0.01水平上的显著差异,下同。







Starch type
Endosperm texture
Plant height (m)
Panicle length (cm)
Stem diameter (cm)
Peduncle length (cm)
Leaf area (cm2)
粳Nonwaxy 角质 1.85±0.21bB 23.73±4.31aA 1.72±0.32aA 36.23±3.98bA 554.80±74.39aA
中等粉质 1.76±0.18bAB 21.95±2.86aA 1.70±0.26aA 35.03±5.15abA 551.68±122.36aA
粉质 1.53±0.39aA 21.27±3.29aA 1.76±0.27aA 31.24±6.06aA 549.22±118.76aA
糯Waxy 角质 1.85±0.24bB 22.13±2.53aA 1.62±0.21aA 36.48±4.18aA 516.58±64.95aA
中等粉质 1.64±0.09aA 21.33±1.53aA 1.86±0.23aA 29.83±2.46aA 572.58±95.51aA
粉质 1.51±0.05aA 18.50±3.54aA 1.48±0.04aA 33.80±6.65aA 418.80±55.26aA
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