作物杂志,2025, 第1期: 46–53 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.006

• 遗传育种·种质资源·生物技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


雷享亮1,2(), 方军3, 袁晓泉2, 李丹2, 刘诗杰2, 詹婧昀2, 黄志华2, 彭金剑2, 江绍玫4(), 曾晓春1()   

  1. 1江西农业大学农学院,330000,江西南昌
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-17 修回日期:2023-11-20 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-12
  • 通讯作者: 江绍玫,主要从事植物遗传育种工作,E-mail:13870621151@163.com;曾晓春为共同通信作者,主要从事植物生理生态研究,E-mail:xchzeng2013@163.com
  • 作者简介:雷享亮,主要从事水稻遗传改良与选育工作,E-mail:77291629@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Breeding Strategy and Introgression Analysis on a Ultra-Early-Maturing Hybrid Rice

Lei Xiangliang1,2(), Fang Jun3, Yuan Xiaoquan2, Li Dan2, Liu Shijie2, Zhan Jingyun2, Huang Zhihua2, Peng Jinjian2, Jiang Shaomei4(), Zeng Xiaochun1()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi, China
    2Fuzhou Institute of Agricultural Science, Fuzhou 344000, Jiangxi, China
    3Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin 150081, Heilongjiang, China
    4College of Statistics and Data Science, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi, China
  • Received:2023-10-17 Revised:2023-11-20 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-12


本文提出了利用偏粳型渐渗系与本地主推早稻品种双亲杂交选育的策略,并配制出超早熟高产杂交早稻组合。这在杂交早稻上利用籼粳亚种间杂交优势属首次报道。以湘陵628S(XL628S)和中早39(Zhongzao39)为改良亲本,分别与偏粳型渐渗系进行杂交,后经系统选育方法,培育出不育系Z01S和恢复系R1102。结果表明,Z01SR1102在长日照、短日照条件下均早抽穗、感温性强。杂交组合CZY1102Z01S/R1102)表现为分蘖力强、产量高、米质优、耐寒性好、抽穗期早。其播始历期47~73 d,比Zhongzao39在长江中下游双季春播短6.40 d,秋播短11.30 d;其正季种植产量8187.60 kg/hm2,比对照Zhongzao39减产不显著。基因渗入分析了Z01SR1102的粳型比例,分别比其原始亲本提高0.78%和6.34%。以上表明,该选育策略可行,且渐渗粳型血缘能有效克服亚种间生理障碍。

关键词: 杂交早稻, 早抽穗, 粳型渐渗, 亚种, 选育


This article proposes a new strategy, using local early rice varieties (parents) hybridized with japonica introgression lines, and has created ultra-early-maturing and high-yielding hybrid early rice (HER). This is the first report in HER for utilizing the heterosis genus between indica and japonica subspecies. Using Xiangling 628S (XL628S) and Zhongzao39 as improved parents, hybridized with the japonica rice introgression materials, two lines of male sterile line Z01S and restorer line R1102 were bred through systematic breeding methods. The results showed that, Z01S and R1102 exhibited early heading and strong temperature sensitivity under long day and short day conditions. In addition, the new combination CZY1102 (Z01S/R1102) showed strong tillering ability, high yield, excellent rice quality, good cold-tolerance, and early heading. Compared with Zhongzao39, its period of heading date was as short as 47-73 days, which was 6.40 days shorter in spring and 11.30 days shorter in autumn. The actual yield during the main season was 8187.60 kg/ha, which were not significantly reduced compared to Zhongzao39. The proportion of japonica genotypes in Z01S and R1102 were increased by 0.78% and 6.34%, respectively, compared to their original parents. This indicates that the breeding strategy is feasible, and the japonica introgression can effectively overcome physiological barriers among subspecies.

Key words: Early hybrid rice, Early heading, Japonica introgression, Subspecies, Breeding


XL628S与Z01S表型比较 (a) 单株表型;(b) 穗型。


XL628S与Z01S 2023年夏季农艺性状比较

农艺性状Agronomic trait XL628S Z01S
播始历期Days to flowering (d) 57.00±1.20 48.00±1.23**
株高Plant height (cm) 69.00±0.73 53.90±0.99**
分蘖数Tillers number 11.00±0.89 20.00±1.38**
穗粒数Grains per panicle 161.47±4.49 121.79±3.77**
剑叶长Length of flag leaf (cm) 28.94±1.20 20.98±0.57**
穗长Length of panicle (cm) 21.61±0.17 18.14±0.22**
千粒重1000-grain weight (g) 23.36±0.29 22.76±0.09
长宽比Length-width ratio 3.14±0.04 3.22±0.01


不育系XL628S、Z01S和2个恢复系及其F1抽穗期的比较 (a) 2023年3月17日播种;(b) 2023年7月10日播种;(c) Z01S、R1102与CZY1102田间生育期表型,CZY1102比R1102早抽穗6 d(6月12日摄)。


早熟恢复系R1102与Zhongzao39表型比较 (a)单株;(b) R1102田间群体;(c) 穗型;(d) 大米外观;(e) 粒型。



农艺性状Agronomic trait Zhongzao39 R1102
株高Plant height (cm) 94.10±0.73 80.06±1.06**
有效穗数Effective panicle number 8.30±0.42 9.03±0.63
穗粒数Grains per panicle 204.83±6.83 158.99±6.63**
结实率Seed-setting rate (%) 87.46±0.01 85.07±0.01
长宽比Length-width ratio 2.26±0.00 2.09±0.00**
千粒重1000-grain weight (g) 24.99±0.08 26.90±0.21**
理论产量Theoretical yield (kg/hm2) 9241.05 7912.50
Theoretical yield increase (%)






Homozygosity ratio
Genetic similarity
Genomic identity
Zhongzao39 99.94
R1102 99.12 87.26 71.45



项目Item 2022HN 2023FZ01 2023FZ02 2023FZ03
日期Date 播种 11-20 03-17 06-11 07-10
移栽 12-06 04-15 06-28 07-28
秧龄Seedling age (d) 17 33 17 18





农艺性状Agronomic trait Zhongzao39 CZY1102
株高Plant height (cm) 94.10±0.72 79.35±0.39**
播始历期Days to flowering (d) 78.50±0.50 72.10±0.10**
有效穗数Efficient panicle number 8.30±0.42 12.80±0.65**
穗粒数Grains per panicle 204.84±6.83 133.88±5.78**
结实率Seed-setting rate (%) 87.46±0.01 85.23±0.02
千粒重1000-grain weight (g) 24.99±0.12 24.52±0.17*
长宽比Length-width ratio 2.24±0.00 2.71±0.01**
Weight of seeds per plant (g)
产量Yield (kg/hm2) 8571.15±39.82 8187.60±31.17
Actual yield increase (%)



CZY1102与Zhongzao39 2023年抽穗期及米质差异分析 (a)单株;(b) 春季群体表型;(c) 2023年春秋两季抽穗期差异;(d)~(e) 秋季群体表型;(f) 米样。



质量指标Quality index Zhongzao 39 CZY1102 R1102
糙米率Brown rice recovery (%) 80.92 81.35 82.20
精米率Head rice rate (%) 66.84 67.96 67.70
整精米率Perfect head rice rate (%) 62.23 60.55 61.50
米粒长Rice length (mm) 5.25 5.87 5.30
长宽比Length-width ratio 1.96 2.47 1.90
垩白粒率Chalky grain rate (%) 70.0 56.0 89.0
垩白度Chalkiness degree (%) 18.6 12.5 27.2
直链淀粉Amylose (%) 26.0 22.3 26.8
胶稠度Gel consistency (mm) 60.0 57.0 30.0
Level of alkali spreading value
4.5 5.0 6.6
透明度级Transparency level 2 1 3
水分Moisture (%) 12.30 12.47 12.20





Variety (line)
区段数Section number 籼型比例
Indica rate (%)
Japonica rate (%)
籼型区Indica 粳型区Japonica 不能判断区Undeterminable
XL628S 1798 1281 212 305 71.25 11.79
Z01S 1798 1356 226 216 75.42 12.57
Zhongzao39 1798 1447 168 183 80.48 9.34
R1102 1798 1289 282 227 71.69 15.68
Nipponbare 1798 5 1781 12 0.28 99.05
Balilla 1798 0 1798 0 0.00 100.00
NJ11 1798 1545 104 149 85.93 5.78


4个水稻材料苗期耐10 ℃低温能力差异分析

指标Index Zhongzao39 Z01S R1102 CZY1102
Live seedlings
rate (%)
10.67±2.01 54.67±5.18** 28.00±1.67** 47.33±2.69**
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