作物杂志,2024, 第5期: 105–109 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.05.015

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


郝青婷(), 高伟, 张泽燕, 闫虎斌, 朱慧珺, 张耀文()   

  1. 山西农业大学农学院,030031,山西太原
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-04 修回日期:2023-10-10 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-16
  • 通讯作者: 张耀文,研究方向为食用豆育种及栽培技术,E-mail:zyw8118571@126.com
  • 作者简介:郝青婷,研究方向为食用豆育种及栽培技术,E-mail:chinaqingting@sina.cn
  • 基金资助:

The Effects of Iron Fertilizer Application on Yield and Fe Concent of Grains in Mung Bean

Hao Qingting(), Gao Wei, Zhang Zeyan, Yan Hubin, Zhu Huijun, Zhang Yaowen()   

  1. College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2023-04-04 Revised:2023-10-10 Online:2024-10-15 Published:2024-10-16


绿豆作为一种重要的药食同源作物,单产水平较低,施用铁肥可提高植株的光合作用,进而提高绿豆产量和品质。设置2种铁肥施用方式(基施,B1;80%基施+20%喷施,B2)搭配4种铁肥施用量(0、250、500和750 kg/hm2,分别以CK、A1、A2和A3表示)的处理试验,研究对绿豆光合作用参数、产量及其相关指标和绿豆籽粒含铁量的影响。 结果表明,与CK相比,A3处理绿豆植株的叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数、产量相关指标(株高、荚长、单株荚数、百粒重、籽粒产量、生物产量)及籽粒含铁量均显著提高。与B1方式相比,B2方式对光合系统Ⅱ实际光化学效率[Y(Ⅱ)]、光合电子传递速率(ETR)和籽粒含铁量有显著影响。因此,本研究认为750.00 kg/hm2的铁肥搭配80%基施+20%喷施能显著提高绿豆的产量和籽粒品质。

关键词: 铁肥, 绿豆, 产量, 叶绿素, 籽粒含铁量


Mung bean, as an important food-medicine homologous crop, has a low yield per unit area. Applying iron fertilizer can improve the photosynthesis of mung bean plants and further improve its yield and quality. In this study, two application modes of iron fertilizer (basal application, B1; 80% basal application+20% spraying, B2) were set in field with four application amounts of iron fertilizer (0, 250, 500, 750 kg/ha, represented by CK, A1, A2, A3, respectively). The effects of different treatments on photosynthesis parameters, yield and its related indexes and iron content of grains were studied. The results showed that compared with CK, the chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, yield-related indexes (plant height, pod length, pod number per plant, 100-grains weight, grain yield, biological yield) and grain Fe content of mung bean were significantly increased with A3 treatment. Compared with B1 mode, the actual photochemical efficiency [Y(Ⅱ)], photosynthetic electron transport rate (ETR) and grain Fe content were significantly affected by the B2 mode. Therefore, this study concluded that 750 kg/ha iron fertilizer combined with 80% base application+20% spray application could significantly improve the yield and grain quality of mung bean.

Key words: Iron fertilizer, Mung bean, Yield, Chlorophyll, Fe content in grains


铁肥施用对绿豆叶片叶绿素含量的影响 不同大写字母表示处理间差异达极显著水平(P < 0.01),下同。



Fv/Fm Fv/Fo Y(Ⅱ) ETR
CK 0.68±0.03e 3.03±0.21b 0.37±0.02c 100.41±7.86d
A1B1 0.72±0.02d 3.10±0.36b 0.41±0.04bc 97.20±10.56d
A1B2 0.73±0.01cd 3.16±0.46b 0.43±0.05b 109.98±7.12d
A2B1 0.74±0.01bc 3.43±0.39b 0.44±0.04b 123.68±10.92c
A2B2 0.75±0.00abc 3.47±0.69b 0.44±0.03b 134.96±9.12ab
A3B1 0.76±0.01ab 4.26±0.83a 0.45±0.03b 140.07±11.40b
A3B2 0.77±0.02a 4.30±0.71a 0.50±0.06a 153.08±13.35a



Plant height
Pod length
Pod number
per plant
Seed number
per pod
weight (g)
Grain yield
Biological yield
CK 41.76±1.38cd 11.67±0.34bc 16.44±0.96c 11.67±0.67a 7.10±0.06b 1002.15±5.87c 3243.30±42.86c
A1B1 40.82±1.35d 11.49±0.14c 17.11±1.65c 11.00±1.00a 7.74±0.17a 1167.75±16.75bc 3359.10±44.92c
A1B2 43.58±1.45cd 11.71±0.17bc 18.44±0.84c 11.56±1.39a 7.86±0.13a 1153.80±16.47bc 3688.65±23.76bc
A2B1 44.87±1.87bc 12.29±0.07ab 19.52±0.95c 11.76±0.97a 7.65±0.29a 1230.00±16.93abc 3842.25±37.55bc
A2B2 47.62±2.27b 12.44±0.47a 20.67±0.88bc 11.11±1.02a 7.59±0.18a 1241.70±3.85abc 3919.95±12.04abc
A3B1 51.28±0.40a 12.71±0.76a 24.44±3.79ab 11.44±0.51a 7.76±0.32a 1598.85±15.29ab 5021.40±33.12ab
A3B2 52.61±2.88a 12.81±0.34a 26.56±4.44a 12.22±0.09a 7.59±0.26a 1448.40±27.15a 4639.05±86.46a



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