Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 151-158.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.05.025

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Effects of Nitrogen Application on Dry Matter Accumulation, Transport and Yield in Different Wheat Varieties

Jiang Lina,Zhang Yawen,Zhu Yalin,Zhao Lingxiao   

  1. College of life Sciences, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, Henan, China
  • Received:2019-03-07 Revised:2019-04-22 Online:2019-10-15 Published:2019-11-07


Using Yumai 49-198, Zhengmai 0943, Bainong 418 and Xuke 316 as materials, three nitrogen levels [120kg/hm 2(N1), 210kg/hm 2 (N2), 300kg/hm 2 (N3)] were set to study the accumulation and transport of dry matter and nitrogen and yield of different wheat varieties under different nitrogen application rate conditions. The results showed that there were significant differences in the accumulation and transport of dry matter, nitrogen and grain yield of the same wheat variety under different nitrogen application rates and the different wheat varieties under the same nitrogen application rate. Appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer could effectively increase the dry matter accumulation of wheat population. Yumai 49-198 and Zhengmai 0943 had the highest dry matter accumulation under N2 treatment at Maturity stage, Bainong 418 and Xuke 316 had the highest dry matter accumulation under N3 treatment. The translocation, translocation rate and contribution rate of dry matter and nitrogen translocation to grain at pre-anthesis storage of different wheat cultivars were the highest under N2 treatment. Yumai 49-198 and Zhengmai 0943 obtained the highest yield under N2 treatment, reached 8 036.67 and 6 873.33kg/hm 2, respectively. The highest yields of Bainong 418 and Xuke 316 under N3 treatment were 7 636.67 and 7 713.33kg/hm 2, respectively. Therefore, to achieve a high yield, it is necessary to apply nitrogen reasonably according to the wheat variety.

Key words: Nitrogen fertilizer, Variety, Wheat, Dry matter, Accumulation, Translocation, Yield

Table 1

Soil nutrient of the experiment site before seeding"

处理Treatment 有机质Organic matter (g/kg) 全氮Total N (g/kg) 速效氮Available N (mg/kg) 速效磷Available P (mg/kg) 速效钾Available K (mg/kg)
N1 37.42a 1.02c 49.58a 4.58a 75.46a
N2 38.73a 1.18b 58.33a 4.64a 74.22a
N3 41.83a 1.27a 64.17a 3.99a 70.67b

Table 2

Dry matter accumulation and translocation characteristics of different wheat varieties"

干物质积累量Dry matter accumulation (kg/hm2) 干物质转运Dry matter translocation
豫麦49-198 N1 1 008.90de 2 230.4e 10 231.98e 14 684.36f 1 104.29de 10.79fg 19.87fg
Yumai 49-198 N2 1 642.20c 3 246.4c 15 352.24a 20 985.57a 2 403.33abc 15.65c 29.90d
N3 2 066.40a 4 487.7b 13 443.58b 18 672.64b 1 940.94bcd 14.44d 27.07de
郑麦0943 N1 667.12g 1 293.1g 8 078.71f 12 130.69h 838.01e 10.37g 17.14g
Zhengmai 0943 N2 943.34e 3 390.4c 13 168.80bc 17 234.45d 2 807.68a 21.32a 40.85b
N3 1 816.54b 4 279.7b 11 917.19d 15 807.83e 2 306.03abc 19.35b 37.21c
百农418 N1 747.96f 1 232.0g 9 817.36e 12 221.49h 1 812.53bcd 18.46b 42.98ab
Bainong 418 N2 965.12e 2 530.1d 12 443.20cd 15 559.61e 2 606.92ab 20.95a 45.55a
N3 2 013.01a 4 903.9a 12 552.44cd 18 633.40b 1 555.71cde 12.39e 20.37f
许科316 N1 805.27f 1 733.5f 9 973.60e 13 596.69g 1 226.91de 12.30e 25.30e
Xuke 316 N2 1 069.74d 2 657.3d 13 876.53b 17 658.61cd 2 924.59a 21.08a 43.61ab
N3 1 771.13b 3 080.7c 11 838.48d 18 001.41c 1 550.40cde 13.10ef 20.10fg
F值F-value 氮肥Nitrogen 1 843.37** 605.37** 256.02** 699.87** 29.15** 370.27** 294.21**
品种Variety 156.63** 32.28** 28.25** 224.44** 0.28 65.50** 68.88**
氮肥×品种Nitrogen×Variety 29.55** 30.17** 7.09** 56.14** 2.31 90.04** 111.62**

Table 3

Nitrogen accumulation of different wheat varieties under different nitrogen application rates kg/hm2"

品种Variety 处理Treatment 越冬期Over-wintering stage 拔节期Jointing stage 开花期Anthesis stage 成熟期Maturity stage
豫麦49-198 Yumai 49-198 N1 28.96g 41.73f 137.51d 207.26e
N2 53.76d 74.48d 260.96a 314.79b
N3 75.95a 115.48b 264.91a 335.35a
郑麦0943 Zhengmai 0943 N1 18.93i 21.05g 108.14e 161.63g
N2 32.53f 60.12e 226.15bc 247.09d
N3 59.05c 105.65c 228.01bc 286.64c
百农418 Bainong 418 N1 18.70i 20.63g 132.47d 153.86g
N2 30.27fg 46.73f 217.41c 241.23d
N3 66.18b 142.85a 239.90b 286.20c
许科316 Xuke 316 N1 22.46h 27.86g 142.89d 178.82f
N2 38.91e 43.17f 238.02b 254.20d
N3 67.95b 105.45c 241.22b 289.52c
F值F-value 氮肥Nitrogen 2 634.13** 1 556.93** 722.48** 4 626.96**
品种Variety 199.48** 35.52** 28.51** 636.30**
氮肥×品种Nitrogen×Variety 16.57** 35.92** 4.51** 20.46**

Table 4

Nitrogen accumulation in organs of different wheat varieties at anthesis and maturity stage kg/hm2"

开花期Anthesis stage 成熟期Maturity stage
Stem and sheath


Stem and sheath

Glume and spikelet
豫麦49-198 Yumai 49-198 N1 39.80e 65.08g 32.63g 23.40g 17.72f 11.23d 154.90f
N2 84.78a 120.55a 55.63ab 40.21d 22.00de 21.72a 230.86a
N3 84.17a 122.92a 57.81a 49.80a 28.44a 17.52b 239.60a
郑麦0943 Zhengmai 0943 N1 30.49g 49.57h 28.08h 16.97h 10.79h 8.84f 125.03h
N2 79.25b 96.81e 50.10d 27.92f 24.06bc 12.92c 182.19de
N3 85.91a 87.64f 54.46bc 44.25bc 25.52b 13.72c 203.15c
百农418 Bainong 418 N1 32.96fg 66.52g 33.00g 15.42h 13.13g 9.74ef 115.58i
N2 71.39d 100.15de 45.87e 29.94f 20.38e 13.46c 177.45e
N3 86.28a 104.45cd 49.18d 47.04ab 22.90cd 16.69b 199.57b
许科316 Xuke 316 N1 37.11ef 64.78g 41.01f 17.95h 13.11g 10.21de 137.55g
N2 72.90cd 113.06b 52.05cd 33.52e 17.22f 16.69b 186.77d
N3 76.21bc 110.73bc 54.29bc 43.30c 21.95de 13.06c 211.21b
F值F-value 氮肥Nitrogen 1 195.42** 595.20** 438.17** 723.30** 356.63** 305.71** 2 472.59**
品种Variety 13.84** 71.76** 28.50** 37.44** 43.37** 92.90** 323.95**
氮肥×品种Nitrogen×Variety 9.98** 7.42** 12.43** 4.81** 14.25** 29.40** 37.57**

Table 5

Transfer of nitrogen from vegetative organs to grain and contribution to grain at anthesis stage"

Nitrogen accumulation in vegetative organs
Nitrogen translocation
Anthesis stage
Maturity stage
Translocation amount
Translocation rate
Contribution rate
豫麦49-198 Yumai 49-198 N1 137.51d 52.36e 85.15ef 61.92c 54.97e
N2 260.96a 83.93bc 177.04a 67.84abc 76.69cd
N3 264.91a 95.76a 169.15ab 63.85abc 70.60d
郑麦0943 Zhengmai 0943 N1 108.14e 36.60f 71.54f 66.15abc 57.22e
N2 226.15bc 64.90d 161.26ab 71.30ab 88.51ab
N3 228.01bc 83.49bc 144.52c 63.38bc 71.14d
百农418 Bainong 418 N1 132.47d 38.28f 94.19de 71.10ab 81.50bc
N2 217.41c 63.78d 153.63bc 70.66ab 86.58ab
N3 239.90b 86.63b 153.27bc 63.89abc 76.80cd
许科316 Xuke 316 N1 142.89d 41.27f 101.63d 71.12ab 73.88cd
N2 238.02b 67.43d 170.59a 71.67a 91.33a
N3 241.22b 78.31c 162.92ab 67.54abc 77.13cd
F值F-value 氮肥Nitrogen 722.48** 497.46** 263.19** 5.56** 48.92**
品种Variety 28.51** 42.98** 8.99** 3.90* 18.94**
4.51** 2.74* 2.60* 0.80 5.23**

Table 6

Yield and yield components of wheat at maturity stage"

品种Variety 处理
Kernels per spike
Spike number
1000-kernel weight
豫麦49-198 Yumai 49-198 N1 29.60e 566.00cd 52.33a 5 556.67f
N2 39.40c 712.00a 49.21d 8 036.67a
N3 36.70d 708.00a 47.40e 7 170.00bc
郑麦0943 Zhengmai 0943 N1 29.30e 508.00ef 51.10b 4 890.00g
N2 44.50b 638.00b 50.64bc 6 873.33c
N3 40.90c 606.00bc 44.99fg 6 196.67de
百农418 Bainong 418 N1 26.10f 532.00de 50.22bc 4 216.67h
N2 40.80c 614.00bc 49.90cd 5 723.33ef
N3 41.50c 626.00b 49.29d 7 636.67ab
许科316 Xuke 316 N1 29.60e 482.00f 45.88f 4 850.00g
N2 48.10a 584.00c 45.02fg 6 706.67cd
N3 49.10a 594.00bc 44.19g 7 713.33ab
F值F-value 氮肥Nitrogen 760.21** 64.32** 149.65** 175.90**
品种Variety 83.73** 30.09** 209.40** 19.81**
氮肥×品种Nitrogen×Variety 19.34** 1.77 27.87** 14.16**

Table 7

Correlation coefficient between grain yield and accumulation and transport of dry matter and nitrogen"

DMM -1
TA -0.501 1
TR -0.155 0.924** 1
CRDM -0.010 0.839** 0.965** -1
NTA -0.897** 0.754** 0.503 -0.339 1
NTE -0.149 0.460 0.564 -0.627* 0.125 -1
NCP -0.343 0.818** 0.811** -0.770** 0.647* -0.754** 1
TNAA -0.919** 0.450 0.154 -0.021 0.875** -0.350 0.213 1
NAGM -0.929** 0.457 0.151 -0.024 0.880** -0.318 0.213 0.997** 1
Y -0.967** 0.386 0.053 -0.150 0.851** -0.231 0.262 0.907** 0.912** 1
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