Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 137-141.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.03.021

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Effects of Different Seedling Raising Methods on Seedling Quality and Physiological Characteristics of Machine-Transplanted Aromatic Rice

Lai Rifang1, Zheng Axiang1, Luo Haowen1, Wu Tiaoyan1, Zhao Xuze1, He Longxin1, Wang Lianxiang2, Tang Xiangru1()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, South China Agricultural University/Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Crop Cultivation in South China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China
    2Heze Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Heze 274000, Shandong, China
  • Received:2019-10-23 Revised:2019-12-17 Online:2020-06-15 Published:2020-06-10
  • Contact: Xiangru Tang


Raising seedlings is an important part in the production of machine-transplanted aromatic rice. In order to explore the effects of different seedling raising methods on the quality and physiological characteristics of machine- transplanted aromatic rice seedlings, two varieties of fragrant rice (Meixiangzhan 2 and Xiangyaxiangzhan) were selected. In this study two types of seedling-raising trays (bowl seedling tray and hard seedling tray), two kinds of seedling-raising substrate (rice paddy soil and rice seedling matrix), two kinds of seedling-strengthening agents (application of seedling-strengthening agent and non seedling-strengthening agent) were tested in combination. The results showed that the seedling quality and resistance enzyme activity of the fragrant rice seedlings were significantly improved by the application of seedling-strengthening agent and using rice seedling-raising medium. In this experiment, the optimal breeding method is MHT (combination of rice seedling matrix, hard seedling tray and application of seedling-strengthening agent) and MBT (combination of rice seedling matrix, bowl seedling tray and application of seedling-strengthening agent) because these two treatments have the largest biomass per plant and the highest resistance enzyme activity.

Key words: Aromatic rice, Machine-transplanted seedling, Seedling raising methods, Seedling quality, Physiological characteristic

Table 1

Test processing settings for different seedling raising methods"

Seedling-raising substrate
Seedling-raising tray
Seedling strengthen agent
SHCK 稻田土育秧 硬秧盘 CK
SHT 稻田土育秧 硬秧盘 壮秧剂
SBCK 稻田土育秧 钵苗盘 CK
SBT 稻田土育秧 钵苗盘 壮秧剂
MHCK 基质育秧 硬秧盘 CK
MHT 基质育秧 硬秧盘 壮秧剂
MBCK 基质育秧 钵苗盘 CK
MBT 基质育秧 钵苗盘 壮秧剂

Table 2

Effects of different seedling raising methods on seedling quality of two aromatic rice cultivars"

品种Cultivar 处理
Plant height
Dry weight per plant
Fresh weight per plant
Basal diameter
美香占2号 SHCK 20.44±0.56cd 8.57±0.72e 44.23±3.70e 2.18±0.04d
Meixiangzhan 2 SHT 17.74±0.44ef 12.43±0.70cd 63.50±3.45cd 2.37±0.01c
SBCK 19.40±0.52de 11.34±0.30d 57.90±1.43d 2.32±0.03cd
SBT 17.22±0.61f 13.47±0.45c 68.75±2.24c 2.45±0.07c
MHCK 25.11±1.27b 17.17±0.25b 87.00±1.30b 2.66±0.06ab
MHT 22.50±1.08c 19.54±0.33a 98.93±1.73a 2.75±0.05ab
MBCK 27.83±0.49a 16.65±0.56b 84.55±2.74b 2.63±0.03b
MBT 25.24±0.86b 19.22±0.67a 97.28±3.43a 2.79±0.05a
象牙香占 SHCK 21.07±0.59cd 9.22±0.72e 47.30±3.65e 2.19±0.03e
Xiangyaxiangzhan SHT 18.34±0.45e 13.18±0.71cd 67.10±3.49cd 2.46±0.05cd
SBCK 19.87±0.51de 11.96±0.29d 60.88±1.47d 2.37±0.04d
SBT 17.84±0.67e 14.14±0.47c 71.83±2.33c 2.51±0.02c
MHCK 25.67±1.21b 17.80±0.25b 90.25±1.17b 2.69±0.05b
MHT 23.05±1.13c 20.21±0.35a 102.25±1.82a 2.84±0.03a
MBCK 28.41±0.49a 17.38±0.59b 88.05±2.99b 2.72±0.05ab
MBT 25.83±0.49b 19.87±0.69a 100.55±3.37a 2.77±0.05ab

Table 3

Variance analysis of seedling quality of aromatic rice on different seedling raising methods"

项目Item 株高(cm)
Plant height
Dry weight per plant
Fresh weight per plant
Basal diameter
品种Cultivar ns * * *
基质Substrate ** ** ** **
秧盘Tray * ** ** *
壮秧剂Agent ** ** ** **
品种×基质Cultivar×substrate ns ns ns ns
品种×秧盘Cultivar×tray ns ns ns ns
品种×壮秧剂Cultivar×agent ns ns ns ns
基质×秧盘Substrate×tray ** ** ** *
基质×壮秧剂Substrate×agent ns ns ns ns
秧盘×壮秧剂Tray×agent ns ns ns ns
品种×基质×秧盘Cultivar×substrate×tray ns ns ns ns
品种×基质×壮秧剂Cultivar×substrate×agent ns ns ns ns
基质×秧盘×壮秧剂Substrate×tray×agent ns ns ns ns
品种×基质×秧盘×壮秧剂Cultivar×substrate×tray×agent ns ns ns ns

Table 4

Effects of different seedling raising methods on physiological characteristics of aromatic rice seedlings"

POD activity
SOD activity
CAT activity
MDA content
美香占2号 SHCK 140.16±3.26f 163.76±4.59e 99.99±4.24f 4.99±0.16a
Meixiangzhan 2 SHT 162.09±5.65de 193.88±6.24cd 115.89±4.11de 4.15±0.28c
SBCK 150.22±2.96ef 186.90±2.56d 112.08±2.82e 4.78±0.15ab
SBT 169.09±4.86cd 199.91±2.66c 125.49±2.67d 4.25±0.20bc
MHCK 178.25±3.31bc 225.61±2.64b 144.69±4.03bc 3.19±0.14c
MHT 200.63±2.67a 246.45±3.77a 158.15±3.56a 2.65±0.21d
MBCK 189.99±5.67ab 225.16±3.67b 137.24±2.48c 3.13±0.19c
MBT 194.23±8.75a 241.95±5.93a 154.41±3.11ab 2.73±0.26d
象牙香占 SHCK 150.13±2.01e 170.45±5.52e 100.43±5.09d 5.35±0.34a
Xiangyaxiangzhan SHT 169.06±2.28d 199.93±6.66cd 120.13±3.58c 4.26±0.28bc
SBCK 164.56±1.65d 192.63±2.95d 115.45±3.07c 4.55±0.12b
SBT 181.86±3.33c 212.18±5.74c 135.24±4.81b 3.80±0.21cd
MHCK 197.34±5.21b 230.02±2.95b 143.67±2.80b 2.87±0.09e
MHT 221.27±6.81a 253.56±4.21a 163.38±3.62a 2.26±0.17f
MBCK 188.31±4.38bc 229.76±5.05b 143.42±3.08b 3.49±0.12d
MBT 212.31±5.85a 252.27±8.45a 157.76±5.56a 2.69±0.21ef

Table 5

Variance analysis of physiological characteristics of aromatic rice on different seedling raising methods"

项目Item POD活性
POD activity
SOD activity
CAT activity
MDA content
品种Cultivar ** ** * ns
基质Substrate ** ** ** **
秧盘Tray ns ** * ns
壮秧剂Agent ** ** ** **
品种×基质Cultivar×substrate ns ns ns ns
品种×秧盘Cultivar×tray ns ns ns ns
品种×壮秧剂Cultivar×agent ns ns ns ns
基质×秧盘Substrate×tray ** ** ** **
基质×壮秧剂Substrate×agent ns ns ns ns
秧盘×壮秧剂Tray×agent ns ns ns ns
品种×基质×秧盘Cultivar×substrate×tray ns ns ns **
品种×基质×壮秧剂Cultivar×substrate×agent ns ns ns ns
基质×秧盘×壮秧剂Substrate×tray×agent ns ns ns ns
品种×基质×秧盘×壮秧剂Cultivar×substrate×tray×agent ns ns ns ns


Effects of different seedling raising methods on chlorophyll content of aromatic rice seedlings 小写字母不同表示处理间差异显著(P<0.05)"

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