Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 142-148.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.03.022

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Effects of Different Seeding Rates on Yield, Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution of Linmai 4

Lü Guangde1, Yin Fuwei2, Sun Yingying1, Qian Zhaoguo1, Xu Jiali3, Li Ning4, Xue Lina4, Wu Ke1()   

  1. 1Tai'an Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tai'an 271000, Shandong, China
    2Tai'an Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Tai'an 271000, Shandong, China
    3Tai'an Seed Management Station, Tai'an 271000, Shandong, China
    4Tai'an Heyuan Seed Technology Co., Ltd, Tai'an 271000, Shandong, China
  • Received:2019-10-11 Revised:2019-12-19 Online:2020-06-15 Published:2020-06-10
  • Contact: Ke Wu


As an important part of various cultivation measures, wheat seeding rate plays an important role in adjusting plant density and yield level. The difference in plant density, dry matter accumulation and distribution and yield of wheat under the five levels of seeding rates (75, 150, 225, 300 and 375kg/ha) were studied. The results of the two-year study showed that compared with other seeding rate, the dry matter storage and retransfer capacity of vegetative organs before flowering and its contribution rate to grains, the dry matter production after flowering and its contribution rate to grains, and the dry matter accumulation of grains at maturity were the highest at the seeding rate of 150kg/ha and reaching at a significant difference level. The dry matter accumulation of each organ after flowering was significantly different, among which the dry matter accumulations of spike and whole plant were the highest in the seeding rate of 150kg/ha. The grain yield was the highest at 150kg/ha seeding rate, and there were significant differences among different seeding rates.

Key words: Wheat, Seeding rate, Population structure, Dry matter, Grain yield

Table 1

Soil fertility before sowing"

年份Year 有机质Organic matter (g/kg) 碱解氮Alkaline hydrolysis N (mg/kg) 速效磷Available P (mg/kg) 速效钾Available K (mg/kg)
2015-2016 16.6 99.8 42.2 111
2016-2017 16.5 95.3 38.3 110

Table 2

Effects of different seeding rates on yield structure and harvest index of Linmai 4"

Seeding rate
Basic seedling
Number of spike
Kernels per
weight (g)
index (%)
2015-2016 75 145.05e 459.0c 48.9a 49.13a 8 704.98bc 53.76b
150 282.15d 494.8bc 45.4b 48.46b 9 326.22a 56.67a
225 422.55c 561.6ab 42.5c 47.30c 8 727.71b 54.08b
300 611.55b 586.8a 42.3d 45.28d 8 674.68bc 53.48b
375 699.00a 594.7a 38.3e 45.10e 8 341.33c 53.10b
2016-2017 75 118.95e 452.5d 48.4a 45.29a 8 660.75bc 54.44b
150 211.50d 483.0c 45.6b 44.30b 9 406.82a 56.98a
225 378.00c 518.9b 43.4c 41.32c 8 933.78b 55.58ab
300 512.55b 571.9a 40.9d 39.42d 8 600.43cd 54.17b
375 643.05a 581.2a 32.8e 38.22e 8 349.62d 54.11b

Table 3

Effects of different seeding rates on dry matter accumulation of Linmai 4 at different development stages"

Seeding rate (kg/hm2)
2015-2016 75 1 420.26c 9.43c 2 415.87e 16.04c 5 539.56b 36.78ab 5 183.44b 34.42b
150 1 442.43c 8.91c 2 552.81d 15.76c 6 073.87a 37.46a 6 035.39a 37.26a
225 1 854.99b 12.01b 2 801.51c 18.13b 5 689.88b 36.80ab 5 336.33b 34.52b
300 1 865.23b 12.73b 3 082.21b 21.03a 5 142.05c 35.05bc 4 426.65c 30.19c
375 2 050.81a 14.02a 3 148.21a 21.51a 4 804.36d 32.83c 4 128.76c 28.14d
2016-2017 75 1 224.22e 8.05d 2 520.97c 16.57c 6 048.59b 39.77a 5 416.65c 35.61ab
150 1 424.86d 8.39d 2 858.18b 16.84c 6 530.83a 38.47a 6 161.22a 36.30a
225 1 659.42c 10.01c 2 827.44b 17.06c 6 341.58a 38.27a 5 743.08b 34.66b
300 1 727.29b 12.33b 2 991.58b 21.36b 4 619.78c 32.98b 4 671.04d 33.34c
375 2 006.32a 14.35a 3 247.40a 23.23a 4 488.49c 32.10b 4 248.42e 30.37d

Table 4

Effects of seeding rate on dry matter transport and postharvest accumulation in storage of Linmai 4 before flowering"

Accumulation of dry matter in grain at maturity (kg/hm2)
Remobilization of dry matter stored in
vegetative organs before anthesis
Accumulation of dry matter
after anthesis
Translocation amount
rate (%)
rae (%)
Accumulation amount
rate (%)
2015-2016 75 7 158.51b 1 975.07b 27.17b 27.26b 5 183.44b 72.74b
150 7 317.90a 1 282.51c 14.79c 17.27c 6 035.39a 82.73a
225 7 189.46b 1 853.13b 22.48bc 25.31b 5 336.33b 74.69b
300 7 028.72c 2 602.06a 35.72a 36.49a 4 426.65c 63.51c
375 6 936.89c 2 808.13a 40.19a 39.97a 4 128.76c 60.03c
2016-2017 75 7 134.89ab 1 718.24c 21.64b 23.78c 5 416.65c 76.22c
150 7 316.61a 1 155.39e 12.15c 15.54e 6 161.22a 84.46a
225 7 151.92ab 1 408.84d 15.31c 19.21d 5 743.08b 80.79b
300 6 902.14bc 2 231.10b 32.02a 31.98b 4 671.04d 68.02d
375 6 821.48c 2 573.06a 36.79a 37.28a 4 248.42e 62.72e


Changes of dry matter accumulation in organs of Linmai 4 at different developmental stages after anthesis under different seeding rates Different small letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05)"

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