Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 33-41.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.06.005

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Comprehensive Evaluation of Phenotypic Traits and Classification of Maize Landraces in Hunan Province

Guo Huanle1(), Tang Bin1, Li Han1, Cao Zhongyang1, Zeng Qiang1, Liu Liangwu3, Chen Zhihui1,2()   

  1. 1Hunan Crops Research Institute, Changsha 410125, Hunan, China
    2Southern Regional Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain and Oil Crops, Changsha 410126, Hunan, China
    3Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Anxiang County, Anxiang 415600, Hunan, China
  • Received:2021-09-26 Revised:2022-10-12 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2022-12-21
  • Contact: Chen Zhihui;


A total of 139 maize landraces in Hunan province were selected for field identification of phenotypic traits. The phenotypic diversity was analyzed, and cluster analysis and principal component analysis were used to classify groups and evaluate their phenotypes, respectively. The variation coefficients of different traits ranged from 6.5% to 175.0% with an average of 41.8%, and the genetic diversity indexes ranged from 1.119 to 2.086 with an average of 1.839. The results of principal component analysis of 14 agronomic traits showed that the cumulative contribution rate of six principal components was 81.7379%. Phenotypic data clustering revealed that all varieties were divided into three groups, and the three groups could be divided into three, two, and three subgroups, respectively. The hilly maize area of southern Hunan and the mountain maize area of western Hunan were the main areas of special maize, and the mountain maize area of western Hunan was also the area of excellent germplasm of common maize. According to the comprehensive performance of all landraces, 22 varieties with excellent performance were selected as elite breeding materials for research. The phenotypic diversity of Hunan maize landraces is abundant, and the excellent germplasms selected can be used as important resources for the innovative and utilization in Hunan province.

Key words: Maize, Landrace, Genetic diversity, Comprehensive evaluation

Table 1

Distribution of collection areas of maize landraces in Hunan province"

采集地Collecting location 品种数量Number of varieties
湘东、湘中丘陵玉米区Hilly maize area of eastern and central Hunan
安化县 3
茶陵县 2
洞口县 5
隆回县 11
平江县 2
新化县 7
湘南丘陵山地玉米区Hilly maize area of southern Hunan
常宁市 1
道县 3
桂东县 5
江华县 2
蓝山县 4
宁远县 1
汝城县 2
新田县 1
炎陵县 2
Dongting lake, hill, mountain maize area of northern Hunan
桃源县 5
临湘市 2
湘西山地玉米区Mountain maize area of western Hunan
保靖县 3
城步县 5
慈利县 2
凤凰县 5
古丈县 4
洪江市 1
龙山县 3
泸溪县 2
桑植县 7
石门县 26
新晃县 13
永顺县 1
沅陵县 6
张家界市 2
靖州县 1

Table 2

Phenotypic trait variation of maize landraces in Hunan province"

Range of variation
Variable coefficient (%)
Genetic diversity index
生育期Growth period (d) 85.0~119.0 97.8 6.5 1.943
株高Plant height (cm) 173.2~380.2 283.1 17.0 2.086
穗位高Ear height (cm) 50.5~227.5 133.3 27.1 1.814
叶片数Leaf number 15.5~25.0 19.4 11.1 2.043
空秆率Empty bar rate (%) 0.0~40.5 3.5 175.0 1.393
倒伏(折)率Lodging rate (%) 0.0~46.5 4.4 148.8 1.531
穗长Ear length (cm) 10.3~23.3 17.5 14.2 2.053
秃尖长Bald tip length (cm) 0.0~3.0 0.9 76.2 1.889
穗粗Ear diameter (cm) 1.0~5.3 4.3 13.7 1.845
穗行数Row number per ear 9.5~16.5 12.9 10.4 2.048
行粒数Grain number per row 15.0~44.8 33.8 17.3 2.032
单株产量Yield per plant (g) 18.4~177.5 109.1 31.6 2.067
出籽率Rate of seed (%) 49.7~88.6 80.6 6.9 1.760
千粒重1000-grain weight (g) 74.0~449.0 284.6 23.7 1.968
籽粒颜色数Number of grain colors 1.0~4.0 1.8 47.4 1.119

Table 3

Comparison of maize landraces traits in different ecological regions in Hunan province"

Hilly maize area in eastern
and central Hunan
Hilly maize area
of southern Hunan
Dongting lake, hill, mountain
maize area of northern Hunan
Mountain maize area
of western Hunan
Growth period (d)
范围 91.0~110.0 86.0~119.0 96.0~114.0 85.0~111.0
均值 96.9 101.8 99.9 96.9
变异系数 (%) 5.6 10.4 6.4 4.8
Plant height (cm)
范围 180.0~328.5 195.0~380.2 259.5~345.5 173.2~375.4
均值 226.3 291.0 303.3 285.6
变异系数 (%) 16.1 19.6 10.0 16.7
Ear height (cm)
范围 50.5~186.3 59.0~227.5 115.0~206.7 51.3~220.0
均值 121.8 146.8 150.9 132.6
变异系数 (%) 25.4 28.1 23.5 26.8
Leaf number
范围 15.5~23.5 15.5~25.0 17~24.0 15.5~24.0
均值 19.0 20.3 19.9 19.2
变异系数 (%) 11.4 12.1 10.8 10.5
Empty bar rate (%)
范围 0.0~9.6 0.0~40.5 0.0~2.6 0.0~25.3
均值 1.9 9.3 0.9 2.8
变异系数 (%) 146.4 129.7 130.2 135.6
Lodging rate (%)
范围 0.0~18.7 0.0~20.0 0.0~46.5 0.0~19.1
均值 3.6 7.1 11.8 3.2
变异系数 (%) 147.1 108.9 133.7 139.3
Hilly maize area in eastern
and central Hunan
Hilly maize area
of southern Hunan
Dongting lake, hill, mountain
maize area of northern Hunan
Mountain maize area
of western Hunan
Ear length (cm)
范围 10.4~22.5 13.8~21.4 14.5~21.3 10.3~23.3
均值 16.8 17.5 17.9 17.8
变异系数 (%) 16.5 11.7 12.1 14.1
Bald tip length (cm)
范围 0.2~2.5 0.0~1.6 0.0~2.8 0.0~3.0
均值 1.0 0.7 1.8 0.9
变异系数 (%) 63.8 59.2 50.7 82.1
Ear diameter (cm)
范围 3.6~5.1 1.0~5.0 4.0~5.0 1.0~5.3
均值 4.3 3.9 4.5 4.4
变异系数 (%) 10.9 20.6 10.2 12.3
Row number per ear
范围 9.8~15.5 10.5~16.0 11.0~14.0 9.5~16.5
均值 13.0 13.3 12.5 12.8
变异系数 (%) 9.8 10.7 9.8 10.6
Grain number per row
范围 18.5~40.1 22.3~42.3 27.5~40.0 15.0~44.8
均值 30.5 33.0 33.5 35.3
变异系数 (%) 19.8 15.0 12.2 16.0
Yield per plant (g)
范围 50.5~156.5 27.5~146.5 71.7~139 18.4~239.0
均值 104.6 83.9 103.0 119.1
变异系数 (%) 30.3 42.1 21.4 29.8
Rate of seed (%)
范围 73.9~87.3 49.7~86.3 74.0~85.3 56.2~88.6
均值 81.7 77.8 80.5 80.9
变异系数 (%) 4.3 12.1 5.0 5.9
1000-grain weight (g)
范围 241.5~449.0 74.0~369.4 210.8~377.2 77.9~421.5
均值 301.9 222.7 293.6 293.4
变异系数 (%) 18.4 37.6 17.7 20.3
Ratio of plant type (horizontal:
14:14:2 7:14:0 2:4:1 21:60:0
籽粒类型Grain type 多硬粒型 多硬粒或爆裂型 多硬粒型 多硬粒和中间型
籽粒颜色Grain color 多黄粒或黄白粒 白粒或黄粒 白粒或黄粒 多白粒或黄白粒
穗轴颜色Cob color 多白色或红白兼有 多为白色 白色 多为白色

Table 4

Principal component analysis of phenotypic traits of maize landraces in Hunan province"

单株产量Yield per plant 0.3597 0.3400 -0.0137 0.0005 -0.0801 0.1904
生育期Growth period 0.1320 -0.2914 0.2288 -0.4853 0.0749 0.0619
株高Plant height 0.4368 -0.169 0.0290 -0.0161 0.1238 -0.1375
穗位高Ear height 0.3656 -0.3386 -0.0303 0.1467 0.0688 0.1850
穗位比Ratio of ear height 0.1392 -0.3721 -0.0934 0.2747 -0.0100 0.4624
倒伏(折)率Lodging rate 0.1168 -0.2452 -0.2661 0.3365 0.0774 -0.1196
叶片数Leaf number 0.3191 -0.2558 0.1587 -0.1469 0.0031 0.1409
穗长Ear length 0.3905 0.1350 -0.1522 0.0371 -0.0852 -0.4666
秃尖长Bald tip length -0.0169 0.0420 0.3813 0.5618 0.5349 -0.2421
穗粗Ear diameter 0.2663 0.3003 0.3950 0.0191 0.0383 0.0281
穗行数Row number per ear 0.0229 -0.0154 0.5850 0.2672 -0.6509 0.0509
行粒数Grain number per row 0.3735 0.2150 -0.2927 0.0227 -0.2531 -0.1812
出籽率Rate of seed 0.0068 0.3313 -0.2608 0.2998 -0.0534 0.4993
千粒重1000-grain weight 0.1738 0.3547 0.1432 -0.2309 0.4201 0.3115
特征值Eigenvalue 3.6407 3.3966 1.3140 1.1702 0.9752 0.9467
贡献率Contribution rate (%) 26.0047 24.2611 9.3856 8.3589 6.9654 6.7622
累计贡献率Cumulative contribution rate (%) 26.0047 50.2659 59.6515 68.0103 74.9757 81.7379


Clustering diagram of phenotypic traits of maize landraces in Hunan province"

Table 5

Phenotypic comparison of different groups of maize landraces in Hunan province"

种质类群Germplasm group
period (d)
范围 85.0~111.0 87.0~119.0 86.0~114.0
均值 96.4 106.3 97.5
变异系数 (%) 6.2 9.1 4.9
Plant height
范围 173.2~345.5 212.0~380.2 231.4~375.4
均值 250.2 295.1 308.7
变异系数 (%) 15.3 20.7 11.4
Ear height
范围 50.5~180.2 103.5~227.5 93.5~220.0
均值 109.6 163.1 148.1
变异系数 (%) 25.9 20.5 20.7
范围 15.5~22.5 15.5~25.0 15.6~24.0
均值 18.3 20.5 20.1
变异系数 (%) 9.7 13.4 9.5
Empty bar
rate (%)
范围 0.0~25.3 0.0~40.5 0.0~12.5
均值 2.3 13.6 2.7
变异系数 (%) 171.7 107.1 105.4
rate (%)
范围 0.0~46.5 0.0~20.0 0.0~19.1
均值 3.2 12.0 4.1
变异系数 (%) 217.6 60.3 125.1
Ear length
范围 10.4~20.8 10.3~18.5 14.3~23.3
均值 16.6 15.9 18.6
变异系数 (%) 13.6 16.4 11.8
Bald tip
length (cm)
范围 0.0~2.8 0.0~1.2 0.0~3
均值 0.9 0.7 1.0
变异系数 (%) 81.8 63.1 71.5
Ear diameter
范围 3.6~5.0 1.0~4.8 3.8~5.3
均值 4.3 3.3 4.6
变异系数 (%) 9.5 35.0 7.7
Row number
per ear
范围 9.5~15.5 10.0~16.0 10.0~16.5
均值 12.8 13.7 12.8
变异系数 (%) 11.2 11.5 9.2
Grain number
per row
范围 18.5~43.4 15.0~37.5 24.0~44.8
均值 31.4 28.8 36.8
变异系数 (%) 17.3 21.0 12.2
Yield per
plant (g)
范围 55.1~165.3 18.4~89.0 50.5~239.0
均值 100.3 50.5 128.2
变异系数 (%) 26.7 41.7 23.8
Rate of
seed (%)
范围 69.8~88.6 49.7~86.3 72.4~87.3
均值 81.7 72.2 81.1
变异系数 (%) 4.6 16.7 4.5
weight (g)
范围 180.7~449.0 74.0~216.4 210.8~421.5
均值 289.1 131.9 307.3
变异系数 (%) 18.6 32.7 13.9
Ratio of plant type (horizontal:
25:30:3 7:5:0 12:57:0
籽粒类型Grain type
籽粒颜色Grain color 多为黄色 黄色或白色 多为白色
穗轴颜色Cob color 多为白色 白色 多为白色

Table 6

Comprehensive score of 20 excellent common maize landraces"

No. of variety
主成分Principal component F
DZ135 343.6013 113.6271 72.9908 -112.5085 209.3325 185.4268 173.0979
DZ67 332.8456 122.2514 64.7669 -111.8553 190.3193 179.3555 169.2358
DZ134 345.7635 94.7997 61.3455 -98.3402 193.5521 182.1241 166.6912
DZ62 380.6232 60.4498 51.7283 -81.5386 183.7027 166.1347 166.0378
DZ94 373.6781 63.6568 55.3201 -81.6482 179.9213 162.0007 164.5171
DZ63 322.3727 121.0311 56.0225 -99.4880 179.7242 170.8240 164.1935
DZ1 361.8462 77.6879 49.4397 -77.7813 169.8443 160.8843 163.6865
DZ46 376.8022 64.4331 44.7874 -77.7325 172.7126 149.9089 163.3178
DZ21 372.8196 67.8220 47.1401 -70.5197 157.8048 155.5824 163.2633
DZ23 306.0431 125.5199 63.0686 -100.0632 176.4869 175.9020 161.2251
DZ69 328.3368 102.9784 50.4664 -88.9590 162.8725 159.8348 158.8261
DZ17 364.4088 61.4415 51.0730 -80.5892 167.0578 151.6977 158.5826
DZ44 341.9059 85.9354 50.0632 -82.3584 166.3171 152.1531 158.3712
DZ11 375.9578 43.3966 55.1385 -80.5772 180.1901 148.9178 158.2580
DZ74 368.4507 51.5870 49.7368 -78.1330 164.0384 149.2503 156.5815
DZ49 368.6057 55.9029 43.7244 -74.9902 159.9974 131.5052 155.7304
DZ16 358.6365 57.2472 46.5358 -73.2033 164.2240 150.9514 155.4322
DZ56 340.6675 73.9790 52.5015 -82.8216 171.2333 156.3854 155.4300
DZ71 383.6510 32.8193 43.9965 -65.4249 156.6837 142.9854 155.3422
DZ139 307.0992 106.5830 65.2927 -107.0566 177.9810 168.4063 154.9878
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