Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 158-161.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.03.026

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Effects of Different Cultivation Measures during Vegetative Propagation on Growth and Yield of Sweet Potato

Quan Baoquan,Lü Ruizhou,Wang Guijiang,Ren Jiecheng   

  1. Industrial Crop Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fenyang 032200, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2018-12-05 Revised:2019-04-12 Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-06-12
  • Contact: Jiecheng Ren


In order to explore the simple and convenient cultivation measures for impoving yield during vegetative propagation in sweet potato, the effects of turning over the vines (T1), raising the vines (T2), spraying paclobutrazol (T3), spraying mepiquat chloride (T4), and branch-removal (T5) on growth and yield of sweet potato during vegetative propagation were studied. The results showed that the excessive growth was controlled effectively by T2, T3, and T4, leaf area index (LAI) was reduced, but photosynthetic potential (LAD) was not decreased during vegetative propagation, dry weight of aboveground was decreased, the sweet potato number per plant was increased, so the yield was increased by 11.28%, 16.15% and 8.27%, respectively, and the effects of spraying paclobutrazol was the best.

Key words: Sweet potato, Vegetative propagation period, Cultivation measure, Yield

Table 1

Effects of different cultivation managements during vegetative propagation on agronomic characters of sweet potato in harvest"

处理Treatment 单株绿叶数Green leaves per plant 茎长Stem length (cm) 茎粗Stem diameter (cm) 单株分枝数Branches per plant
T1 213.3c 168.5a 0.80c 14.3c
T2 245.4b 174.3a 0.89b 16.2b
T3 256.1b 156.3b 0.96a 17.8a
T4 249.6b 149.2b 1.01a 18.4a
T5 192.6c 179.4a 0.88b 13.2d
T6 (CK) 266.3a 172.5a 0.86b 14.9c

Table 2

Effects of different cultivation managements during vegetative propagation on LAI and LAD in sweet potato"

9月1日 9月30日
T1 3.23b 2.12d 77.58c
T2 3.45a 2.23c 82.36b
T3 3.48a 2.34b 84.39ab
T4 3.56a 2.29bc 84.83ab
T5 3.12c 2.08d 75.40c
T6 (CK) 3.50a 2.44a 86.13a

Table 3

Effects of different cultivation managements during vegetative propagation on dry matter accumulation in sweet potato"

地上部(g/株) Aboveground (g/plant) 块根(g/株) Tuber (g/plant) 块根/地上部Tuber/Aboveground
9月1日 9月30日 9月1日 9月30日 9月1日 9月30日
T1 139.54 112.32 62.38 103.24 0.45b 0.92a
T2 153.67 128.53 71.42 115.45 0.46a 0.90a
T3 159.63 132.51 74.36 121.35 0.47a 0.92a
T4 156.92 129.78 73.58 119.58 0.47a 0.92a
T5 124.26 104.86 49.98 98.25 0.40c 0.94a
T6 (CK) 167.76 134.59 60.73 104.69 0.36d 0.78b

Table 4

Effects of different cultivation managements during vegetative propagation on yield and its composition factor in sweet potato"

处理Treatment 单株薯数
Tuber number
per plant
Single tuber fresh weight
T1 2.26c 211.24b 28 644.14d
T2 2.59a 218.46a 33 948.68b
T3 2.63a 224.56a 35 435.57a
T4 2.50ab 220.23a 33 034.50b
T5 2.44b 189.23c 27 703.27e
T6 (CK) 2.31c 220.12a 30 508.63c
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