Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 166-172.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.05.027

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Effects of Different Planting Patterns on Yield and Nutrient Absorption of Sorghum Jinnuo 3

Wang Jinsong1,Dong Erwei1,Jiao Xiaoyan1,Wu Ailian1,Bai Wenbin2,Wang Lige1,Guo Jun1,Han Xiong1,Liu Qingshan2   

  1. 1 Institute of Agricultural Environment and Resources, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China
    2 Institute of Sorghum, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinzhong 030600, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2019-03-12 Revised:2019-07-09 Online:2019-10-15 Published:2019-11-07
  • Contact: Xiaoyan Jiao


A field experiment was carried out to study the effects of planting patterns on yield and nutrient accumulation of sorghum Jinnuo 3 at three row spacing: 30cm, 50cm and 60cm. There were four densities:45 000, 75 000, 105 000 and 135 000 plants/hm 2 under each row spacing. The results showed that row spacing of 50cm resulted in the highest leaf area per plant, leaf area index, grains per panicle and grain yield among all row spacing treatments. For the same rowing space, although the density of 135 000 plants/hm 2 had higher yield but it was not significantly different from the density of 105 000 plants/hm 2. The density of 45 000 plants/hm 2 significantly increased grains per panicle, which was 1.8-2.0 times those of 105 000 and 135 000 plants/hm 2, its yield was 72%-88% of the highest yield for the same rowing space. This implies that Jinnuo 3 has a strong ability to regulate the population by rowing space of 50cm, N absorption after anthesis stage was significantly higher with the density of 45 000 plants/hm 2. Perhaps this explains the reason for the relatively high yield when such low density was employed. Both row spacing of 50cm and 60cm with densities of 105 000 and 135 000 plants/hm 2 had a similar high yield. Rowing space of 50cm with the density of 105 000-135 000 plants/hm 2 was recommended since it had a higher NPK absorption compared with that of 60cm rowing space.

Key words: Sorghum, Jinnuo 3, Planting patterns, Yield, Nutrient absorption


Effects of planting patterns on leaf area per plant of Jinnuo 3 Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference between treatments (P<0.05), the same below"

Table 1

F value of ANOVA analysis of planting pattern on leaf area per plant and leaf area index in different growth stages"

生长时期Growth stage 处理Treatment 单株叶面积leaf area per plant (cm2) 叶面积指数Leaf area index
拔节期Elongationstage 行距Row space 5.32* 6.45**
密度Density 11.92** 107.91**
行距×密度Row space×Density 1.05 1.57
开花期Anthesis stage 行距Row space 3.67* 3.39*
密度Density 27.98** 170.91**
行距×密度Row space×Density 0.29 0.17
灌浆期Fillingstage 行距Row space 24.44** 22.16**
密度Density 42.26** 163.39**
行距×密度Row space×Density 1.11 0.87


Effects of planting patterns on leaf area index of Jinnuo 3"

Table 2

Effects of planting patterns on yield and yield components of Jinnuo 3"

Row space
Panicle number
Grains per panicle
1000-grain weight
Harvest index
30 D1 4.80 5 280c 26.29cd 6 656.71e 0.57ab
D2 7.68 3 619ef 25.86cde 7 155.07e 0.54c
D3 10.24 2 928gh 24.70de 7 423.48de 0.54c
D4 13.23 2 283h 23.56e 7 541.77de 0.51d
50 D1 4.60 6 029a 30.02a 8 297.47d 0.57ab
D2 7.20 4 283d 29.19ab 9 000.69bcd 0.56bc
D3 9.93 3 703e 27.17bc 9 980.09ab 0.54c
D4 12.60 3 231fg 25.67cde 10 436.68a 0.54c
60 D1 4.20 5 948b 28.93ab 7 148.74e 0.59a
D2 6.84 4 690d 27.56abc 8 804.72cd 0.56bc
D3 10.02 3 688e 26.87bcd 9 911.44abc 0.56bc
D4 12.66 3 107fg 24.79de 9 728.29abc 0.54c
F值Fvalue 行距Row space 20.56** 12.35** 36.04** 5.34*
密度Density 117.44** 11.18** 14.68** 11.44**
行距×密度Row space×Density 0.42 00.29 1.51 0.45

Table 3

Effects of planting patterns on nitrogen uptake and utilization of Jinnuo 3"

Row space
N累积量N accumulation (kg/hm2) 氮收获指数(%)
harvest index
Anthesis stage
Total accumulation at mature
Grain at mature
D1 92.91d 121.22c 80.50d 66.44a
D2 111.90bcd 129.47c 83.56d 64.56a
D3 123.15b 126.78c 83.43d 66.18a
D4 126.02b 130.88c 84.12d 64.29a
50 D1 94.06cd 163.69a 110.21ab 67.48a
D2 150.80a 162.51a 107.09ab 65.98a
D3 150.91a 170.87a 112.84ab 66.04a
D4 150.30a 182.59a 118.27a 64.95a
60 D1 100.95bcd 133.74bc 90.75cd 67.79a
D2 124.14b 155.35ab 104.44bc 67.23a
D3 120.34b 170.17a 111.60ab 65.50a
D4 119.67bc 170.54a 115.03ab 67.50a
F值Fvalue 行距Row space 8.07** 30.15** 41.85** 1.53
密度Density 11.68** 4.12* 3.64* 0.92
行距×密度Row space×Density 1.40 1.07 1.32 0.49

Table 4

Effects of planting patterns on phosphorus uptake and utilization of Jinnuo 3"

Row space
P累积量P accumulation (kg/hm2) 磷收获指数(%)
harvest index
Anthesis stage
Total accumulation at mature
Grain at mature
30 D1 10.54c 21.73c 16.87c 77.71bcd
D2 10.99bc 20.10c 15.94c 79.40abcd
D3 10.61c 22.90c 18.68c 81.43abc
D4 10.51c 21.53c 16.62c 77.22bcd
50 D1 10.46c 30.70ab 25.26ab 82.35ab
D2 13.88ab 30.95ab 25.82ab 83.56a
D3 15.33a 33.00ab 26.97ab 81.70abc
D4 14.55a 34.04a 27.55a 80.56abc
60 D1 11.20bc 20.48c 15.98c 77.79bcd
Row space
P累积量P accumulation (kg/hm2) 磷收获指数(%)
harvest index
Anthesis stage
Total accumulation at mature
Grain at mature
D2 10.39c 20.72c 15.50c 74.68d
D3 11.88bc 22.86c 17.54c 76.67cd
D4 10.65c 26.85bc 21.40bc 79.56abcd
F值Fvalue 行距Row space 9.81** 23.88** 25.82** 6.64*
密度Density 11.68** 1.48 1.25 0.11
行距×密度Row space×Density 1.40 0.37 0.50 1.23

Table 5

Effects of planting patterns on potassium uptake and utilization of Jinnuo 3"

Row space
K累积量K accumulation (kg/hm2) 钾收获指数(%)
harvest index
Anthesis stage
Total accumulation at mature
Grain at mature
30 D1 95.92bc 124.15c 28.56c 23.06a
D2 102.78abc 133.42bc 27.90c 21.57ab
D3 97.81bc 159.51bc 28.78c 18.15b
D4 112.50abc 153.56bc 26.82c 16.83b
50 D1 92.84c 169.72ab 30.39bc 18.12b
D2 125.04abc 169.40ab 30.59bc 19.12b
D3 127.28ab 179.65a 31.68abc 18.19b
D4 133.83a 182.71a 36.69a 20.38ab
60 D1 104.21abc 126.87bc 29.25c 23.16a
D2 92.24c 170.29ab 28.79c 17.35b
D3 120.86abc 157.05bc 32.71abc 20.91ab
D4 106.19abc 161.04bc 35.11ab 21.79ab
F值Fvalue 行距Row space 15.32** 23.20** 5.43* 1.82
密度Density 11.05** 8.99** 2.36 1.52
行距×密度Row space×Density 6.35** 2.61* 1.22 2.11
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