Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 97-103.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.05.016

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Adapt Ability of Brassica napus to Cold Environment in Bashang of North China

Liu Xiaoya,Zhang Lifeng,Zhang Jizong,Shi Wenbin,Zhang Peiyue   

  1. College of Agronomy, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China
  • Received:2019-04-04 Revised:2019-06-20 Online:2019-10-15 Published:2019-11-07
  • Contact: Lifeng Zhang


A hybrid Brassica napus variety Huayouza 62 with low erucic acid and low glucosinolate was introduced in the Key Field Experiment Station of Agricultural Resources and Ecological Environment of Zhangbei, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in 2017-2018 to conquer problems such as lacking of short season crops, poor quality and low yield of rape (Brassica juncea) in Bashang cold area, North China. The leaf area index (LAI), diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate, dry matter accumulation in the aboveground part, nutrient accumulation and agronomic traits, yield were monitored by using comparison of the local traditional Brassica juncea variety Dahuang. The results showed that the growth period of Huayouza 62 was about 10 days longer, the average LAI was higher by 23.36%-36.73%; the net photosynthetic rate of pods was lower than that of Dahuang, the accumulation of N, P, K was higher than that of Dahuang; the dry matter rapid growth period was prolonged 21 days and the dry matter accumulation potential value was 46.86% higher than that of Dahuang and the rapeseed yield was 22.8%-54.0% higher than that of Dahuang. Brassica napus Huayouza 62 has a good ecological adaptability to the cold environment in Bashang, North China, and has the advantages of replacing the traditional Brassica juncea varieties in the region.

Key words: Bashang cold area in North China, Rape, Ecological adaptability, Yield, Net photosynthetic rate


Dynamic change of leaf area index of different rape varieties"


Diurnal variation of Pn in different rape varieties in 2018"


Dynamic changes of dry matter accumulation in shoot of different rape varieties"

Table 1

Characteristics of dry matter accumulation in shoot of different rape varieties (2018)"

Logistic方程 R2 平均增长速率[g/(d·株)]
Average growth rate [g/(d·plant)]
Maximum growth rate [g/(d·plant)]
Rapid increase date
大黄Dahuang Y=80.02/(1+101.31e-0.075x) 0.752 1.32 1.50 6月16日-7月31日
华油杂62 Huayouza 62 Y=117.52/(1+142.9e-0.069x) 0.898 1.78 2.03 5月31日-8月5日


Dynamic changes of nutrient content in shoot of different rape varieties"


Dynamic changes of nutrient accumulation in shoot of different rape varieties"

Table 2

Yield and agronomic characters in different rape varieties"

Primary effective
branches per plant
Pods per plant
Area of pod peel
per plant
of pod
weight (g)
Economic coefficient
Nutrient biological
efficiency (kg/kg)
2017 大黄
140.4 18.9 11.8 625.6 2 566.9 14 3.6 2 244.0 0.32 11.16 65.96 18.14
Huayouza 62
141.7 20.1 9.3 326.8 2 816.4 25 4.2 3 456.3 0.28 13.25 65.71 16.60
2018 大黄
153.2 14.9 6.4 573.0 2 351.1 17 3.5 2 634.6 0.32 15.75 77.26 34.22
139.0 19.9 7.8 395.0 3 404.1 27 3.4 3 234.9 0.30 15.64 86.49 17.92
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