Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 46-51.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.05.008

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Analysis of Gene Effect on Chlorophyll Content in Maize

Li Hongtao,Xu Hanyuan,Li Jingfang,Zhu Qing,Chi Ming,Wang Jun   

  1. Lianyungang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lianyungang 222006, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2019-04-11 Revised:2019-06-09 Online:2019-10-15 Published:2019-11-07
  • Contact: Jun Wang


In order to elucidate the inheritance mechanism of chlorophyll content in maize, six generations (P1, P2, F1, BC1, BC2, and F2) from the cross L055×Qi319 were investigated with mixed major gene plus polygene genetic model. The results showed that F1 heterosis showed positive ionophoric dominance and no hyperphilic dominance. The chlorophyll content was controlled by 2 major genes with additive-dominance-epistatic effects and polygene with additive-dominant effects which mainly governed by major genes, and the effect of the non-additive gene effect was much more important than the additive ones. The additive effects of 2 major genes with polygene could decrease the chlorophyll content, while the dominant effect and the epistatic effect increased the chlorophyll content in maize. The major gene heritability of the chlorophyll content in BC1, BC2, and F2 were 74.58%, 78.62% and 20.84%, respectively. The polygene heritability in BC1, BC2, and F2 were 2.84%, 7.69% and 68.11%, respectively.

Key words: Maize, Chlorophyll content, Major gene and polygene, Inheritance


Mean value and the number frequency distribution of SPAD in different generations P1: L055; P2: Qi 319; F1: L055×Qi 319; BC1: L055/Qi 319//L055; BC2: L055/Qi 319//Qi 319; F2: L055/Qi 319"

Table 1

AIC value of different genetic models for chlorophyll content in maize"

模型Model 遗传模式Genetic model AIC值AICvalue 模型Model 遗传模式Genetic model AIC值AICvalue
A-1 1MG-AD 3 917.6206 D MX1-AD-ADI 3 779.8781
A-2 1MG-A 3 909.6739 D-1 MX1-AD-AD 3 840.5276
A-3 1MG-EAD 3 942.1335 D-2 MX1-A-AD 3 845.8130
A-4 1MG-AEND 3 952.4603 D-3 MX1-EAD-AD 3 845.9778
B-1 2MG-ADI 3 824.9578 D-4 MX1-AEND-AD 3 837.2751
B-2 2MG-AD 3 887.6126 E MX2-ADI-ADI 3 785.0419
B-3 2MG-A 4 164.0802 E-1 MX2-ADI-AD 3 766.2186
B-4 2MG-EA 3 894.6424 E-2 MX2-AD-AD 3 837.3779
B-5 2MG-AED 4 136.9777 E-3 MX2-A-AD 3 825.4504
B-6 2MG-EEAD 4 134.9694 E-4 MX2-EA-AD 3 845.8855
C PG-ADI 3 787.8088 E-5 MX2-AED-AD 3 847.9711
C-1 PG-AD 3 850.5962 E-6 MX2-EEAD-AD 3 845.9705

Table 2

Compatibility tests of genetic models for chlorophyll content in maize"

候选模型Candidate model 世代Generation U12 U22 U32 nW2 Dn
C P1 0.0386(0.8442) 0.0314(0.8594) 0.0028(0.9581) 0.0330(>0.05) 0.0191(>0.05)
F1 0.2954(0.5868) 0.5634(0.4529) 0.8054(0.3695) 0.3276(>0.05) 0.0303(>0.05)
P2 0.0065(0.9360) 0.0250(0.8743) 0.1034(0.7478) 0.0208(>0.05) 0.0376(>0.05)
BC1 6.3560(0.0117)* 6.4956(0.0108)* 0.1852(0.6669) 0.6054(<0.05)* 0.0064(>0.05)
BC2 0.7159(0.3975) 1.6245(0.2025) 3.3172(0.0686) 0.4795(<0.05)* 0.0191(>0.05)
F2 0.0668(0.7960) 0.1560(0.6928) 6.6630(0.0098)** 0.3090(>0.05) 0.0223(>0.05)
D P1 0.0386(0.8442) 0.0314(0.8594) 0.0028(0.9581) 0.0330(>0.05) 0.0191(>0.05)
F1 0.2954(0.5868) 0.5634(0.4529) 0.8054(0.3695) 0.3276(>0.05) 0.0303(>0.05)
P2 0.0065(0.9360) 0.0250(0.8743) 0.1034(0.7478) 0.0208(>0.05) 0.0376(>0.05)
BC1 0.0579(0.8099) 0.0074(0.9313) 0.3446(0.5572) 0.0673(>0.05) 0.0066(>0.05)
BC2 0.0380(0.8454) 0.1038(0.7473) 4.1788(0.0409)* 0.4742(<0.05)* 0.0233(>0.05)
F2 0.0330(0.8558) 0.2860(0.5928) 8.0831(0.0045)* 0.3509(>0.05) 0.0227(>0.05)
E P1 0.0386(0.8442) 0.0314(0.8594) 0.0028(0.9581) 0.0330(>0.05) 0.0191(>0.05)
F1 0.2954(0.5868) 0.5634(0.4529) 0.8054(0.3695) 0.3276(>0.05) 0.0303(>0.05)
P2 0.0065(0.9360) 0.0250(0.8743) 0.1034(0.7478) 0.0208(>0.05) 0.0376(>0.05)
BC1 0.0168(0.8969) 0.0043(0.9478) 0.0576(0.8104) 0.0529(>0.05) 0.0050(>0.05)
BC2 0.0363(0.8489) 0.1069(0.7437) 4.1841(0.0408)* 0.4731(<0.05)* 0.0235(>0.05)
F2 0.0206(0.8859) 0.2734(0.6010) 7.0075(0.0081)** 0.3313(>0.05) 0.0214(>0.05)
E-1 P1 1.5271(0.2165) 1.2009(0.2731) 0.1621(0.6872) 0.1975(>0.05) 0.0230(>0.05)
F1 1.0542(0.3045) 1.2855(0.2569) 0.3121(0.5764) 0.4274(>0.05) 0.0294(>0.05)
P2 0.0055(0.9407) 0(0.9954) 0.0969(0.7556) 0.0196(>0.05) 0.0401(>0.05)
BC1 0.0611(0.8048) 0.0252(0.8739) 0.1041(0.7470) 0.0553(>0.05) 0.0037(>0.05)
BC2 0.0962(0.7564) 0.1059(0.7448) 0.0101(0.9199) 0.0695(>0.05) 0.0086(>0.05)
F2 0.0340(0.8536) 1.2530(0.2630) 14.1609(0.0002)* 0.4556(>0.05) 0.0366(>0.05)

Table 3

Estimated value of genetic parameters of the 1st order genetic parameter for chlorophyll content in maize"

一阶遗传参数1st order genetic parameter 估计值Estimated value
m 60.7862
da -4.7340
db -4.7340
ha 1.3766
hb 2.9993
ha/da -0.2908
hb/db -0.6336
i 0.5729
jab 1.3855
jba 8.6008
l -8.5288
[d] -0.1806
[h] 5.3785
[h]/[d] -29.7813

Table 4

Estimated value of genetic parameters of the 2nd order genetic parameter for chlorophyll content in maize"

2nd order genetic parameter
Estimated value
σp2 BC1 26.2527
σmg2 23.0235
σpg2 0.8770
hmg2(%) 74.58
hpg2(%) 2.84
σp2 BC2 50.9196
σmg2 40.0330
σpg2 3.9176
hmg2(%) 78.62
hpg2(%) 7.69
σp2 F2 63.0763
σmg2 13.1451
σpg2 42.9676
hmg2(%) 20.84
hpg2(%) 68.11
h2(%) 84.23
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