Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 90-93.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.014

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Basis and Measures for Reducing Nitrogen Fertilizer on Irrigated Potato in Inner Mongolia

Chen Yang1,Qin Yonglin2,Yu Jing2,Jia Liguo2,Fan Mingshou2   

  1. 1College of Grassland, Resources and Environmental, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010011, Inner Mongolia, China
    2College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, Inner Mongolia, China
  • Received:2019-04-24 Revised:2019-06-04 Online:2019-12-15 Published:2019-12-11
  • Contact: Liguo Jia


Inner Mongolia is the important region for potato and potato seed production, where irrigated potato is a major contribution to the total production although it accounts only for 20% of the planting area. Based on our previous survey, it was found that over-use of nitrogen fertilizer was very popular, which resulted in low nitrogen use efficiency and high envioronmental risk. After analyzing the results from multi-year field experiments and farmer survey by our research group, it was concluded that the fields with more than 300kg/hm 2 nitrogen application, the tuber yield of less than 45t/hm 2 and PFPN lower than 150kg/kg needed to decrease nitrogen input. The measures for reducing nitrogen fertilizer could be carried out by the control of total use of nitrogen fertilizer, application by stages, as well as organic fertilizer substitution and so on; Nitrogen fertilizer application can be recommended based on leaf SPAD diagnosis method.

Key words: Irrigation, Potato, Decrease of nitrogen fertilizer use, Measure


Relationship between nitrogen application rate and potato yield of farmers in Inner Mongolia"

Table 1

Effects of different cultivation mode on potato yield and PFPN"

Cultivation mode
氮肥用量(N kg/hm2)
Nitrogen application rate
Optimized measure
Farmer mode (flood irrigation)
225 22.1 98.2 -
Farmer mode (drip irrigation)
330 36.0 109.1 11.1
优化模式Optimized mode 270 45.0 166.7 69.7 分期调控
Stage regulation
225 46.2 205.3 109.1 叶柄硝酸盐诊断
Diagnosis of petiole nitrate
200 48.1 240.5 144.9 GreenSeeker诊断
Diagnosis of GreenSeeker
201 45.0 223.9 128.0 SPAD仪诊断
Diagnosis of SPAD meter
300 45.4 151.3 54.1 有机肥替代
Organic fertilizer substitution

Table 2

Recommended amount of nitrogen fertilizer of potato"

Aimed yield
推荐用量(N kg/hm2)
Recommended dosage
基肥(N kg/hm2)
Base fertilizer
追肥Topdressing (N kg/hm2)
块茎形成期Tuber formation stage 块茎膨大期Tuber enlargement stage
37.5 250 75 100 75
45.0 300 90 120 90
52.5 350 105 140 105
60.0 400 120 160 120

Table 3

Effects of organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer on potato yield"

Replacement ratio of nitrogen fertilizer
Nitrogen fertilizer
Yield increase
1 0 300 40.0c -
2 30 300 42.2b 5.5
3 60 300 45.4a 13.5
4 100 300 39.4c -1.5
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