Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 104-113.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.017

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Effects of Different Tillage Treatments on Soil Microorganisms, Enzyme Activities and Nutrients

Huang Binglin,Wang Mengxue,Jin Xijun,Hu Guohua,Zhang Yuxian   

  1. College of Agronomy, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2019-05-23 Revised:2019-10-11 Online:2019-12-15 Published:2019-12-11
  • Contact: Yuxian Zhang


In order to reveal the effects of different tillage treatments on soil microorganisms, enzyme activities and nutrients, two different tillage methods and four intertillage methods were used as primary tillage and secondary tillage. The results showed that the number of bacteria of rotary tillage decreased compared with that of ploughing in the flowering stage. The number of fungi of rotary tillage was higher than that of ploughing in the mature stage. However, the number of actinomycetes of ploughing increased in the flowering stage and decreased significantly in the podding stage compared with that of rotary tillage. In the podding stage the activity of urease of ploughing was lower than that of rotary tillage, but in the other growth stages were higher than that of rotary tillage. The activity of soil phosphatase of ploughing was higher than that of rotary tillage, which was increased in podding stage and bulging stage. The activity of sucrase of ploughing increased compared with that of rotary tillage in the flowering stage. The catalase activity of ploughing in the flowering and podding stage increased compared with that of rotary tillage. The available phosphorus content of ploughing was higher than that of rotary tillage. The available potassium content of rotary tillage was significantly higher than that of ploughing. In different tillage measures, the number of bacteria in flowering stage, RT1 and RT2 significantly increased compared with RCK. The number of fungi in the mature stage, PT1, PT2 and PT3 decreased compared with PCK. The quantity of actinomycetes increased in both PT2 and RT2 in each growth stage. In each growth stage, the soil urease activities of PT2 and RT2 were all relatively high, and PT2 compared with PCK and RT2 compared with RCK were significantly increased, respectively. The soil phosphatase activity of PT2 and RT2 were all relatively high in each growth stage. Soil sucrase activity was higher than the CK in different treatments in the mature stage. In the mature stages, the catalase activity of PT1 and RT1 was increased compared with that of PCK and RCK. In addition to the soil organic matter content of RT2 was significantly increase, there was no significant difference between other treatments. However, alkaloidal nitrogen and available potassium content were significantly higher than PCK and RCK in PT2 and RT2. In conclusion, PT2 combination tillage treatment is more conducive to the protection of soil microenvironment.

Key words: Tillage, Intertillage, Soil microorganisms, Soil enzymes, Soil nutrients

Table 1

Different treatment methods"

Tillage measure
Intertillage method
Treatment combination
4~5 days after sowing
V2~V3 stage
V4~V5 stage
V6~V7 stage
T1 PT1 小培土 - 中培土 大培土
翻耕(P) Ploughing T2 PT2 深松25~30cm - 深松30~35cm+中培土 大培土
T3 PT3 - 深松25~30cm 深松30~35cm 大培土
CK PCK - 小培土 中培土 大培土
T1 RT1 小培土 - 中培土 大培土
旋耕(R) Rotary tillage T2 RT2 深松25~30cm - 深松30~35cm+中培土 大培土
T3 RT3 - 深松25~30cm 深松30~35cm 大培土
CK RCK - 小培土 中培土 大培土


Effects of different tillage measures on number of bacteria in soil Different letters indicate significant difference among treatments (P<0.05), the same below"


Effects of different tillage measures on number of fungi in soil"


Effects of different tillage measures on number of actinomycetes in soil"


Effects of different tillage measures on soil urease activity"


Effects of different tillage measures on soil phosphatase activity"


Effects of different tillage measures on soil sucrase activity"


Effects of different tillage measures on soil catalase activity"

Table 2

Effects of different tillage measures on soil nutrients"

Organic matter content
Available nitrogen content
Available phosphorus content
Available potassium content
PT1 20.65±3.25b 143.83±1.48b 22.79±0.38b 157.50±4.18d
PT2 21.96±1.49b 151.13±1.96a 29.37±0.10a 173.63±1.10b
PT3 21.59±1.81b 142.75±3.66b 21.29±1.49bc 158.23±2.76d
PCK 21.59±3.10b 134.81±4.19c 22.40±3.48b 160.23±2.68d
RT1 23.65±1.49b 141.68±2.57b 18.14±0.19d 171.13±1.15b
RT2 28.72±1.12a 152.62±1.70a 19.19±0.57cd 190.53±0.97a
RT3 22.34±1.97b 145.30±2.07b 17.98±0.67d 187.73±1.70a
RCK 23.28±0.32b 132.66±2.23c 17.53±0.59d 164.50±0.62c
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