Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 161-167.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.01.026

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Spatiotemporal Distribution of Potential Productivity of Winter Wheat and Meteorological Factor Analysis in Shanxi Province

Yang Wenbiao,Zhang Huiyu,Li Ying,Qi Zewei,Liu Kaikai,Gao Zhiqiang,Sun Min,Xue Jianfu()   

  1. College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Crop Ecology and Dry Cultivation Physiology Key Laboratory of Shanxi Province, Taigu 030801, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2019-07-27 Revised:2019-08-19 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-02-23
  • Contact: Jianfu Xue


Estimating crop potential productivity in a certain region is of great significance for defining crop productivity and limiting factors of certain region. In this study, potential productivity of winter wheat in Shanxi Province and its relationship with major meteorological factors was estimated through agro-ecological zone method and the production potential decline mechanism. The results showed that the average photosynthetic, light-temperature, climate and land potential productivity of winter wheat in Shanxi during 2004-2013 were among 63.63-74.81, 10.86-12.97, 3.68-5.65 and 2.71-4.73t/ha, respectively. Potential productivity of winter wheat in the south of Shanxi Province was generally lower than that in the central region, whereas, central basin region was generally lower than that in the eastern and western high-altitude areas. The photosynthetic and light-temperature potential productivity of winter wheat in the west of Jinzhong and Lüliang increased during 2009-2013, compared to 2004-2008, while the climate potential productivity and land potential productivity of winter wheat in the east of Jinzhong and Changzhi during 2009-2013 decreased, compared to 2004-2008. The limiting meteorological factors to the climate potential productivity and land potential productivity of winter wheat were the precipitation and the average temperature during the growth season.

Key words: Winter wheat, Potential productivity, Spatiotemporal distribution, Meteorological factors

Table 1

The average photosynthetic, light-temperature,climate and land potential productivity of winter wheat in different regions of Shanxi Province during 2004-2008 and 2009-2013 t/hm2"

2004-2008年In 2004-2008 2009-2013年In 2009-2013
potential productivity
potential productivity
Climate potential productivity
Land potential productivity
potential productivity
potential productivity
Climate potential
Land potential
山西西南部 闻喜Wenxi 63.85~66.04 10.90~11.31 3.68~4.06 2.71~3.01 63.63~65.55 10.86~11.22 4.01~4.34 2.80~3.19
Southwest Shanxi Province 永济Yongji 66.05~68.23 11.32~11.73 4.07~4.43 2.71~3.32 65.56~67.47 11.23~11.57 4.35~4.66 2.80~3.57
襄汾Xiangfen 63.85~66.04 10.90~11.31 4.07~4.43 2.71~3.01 63.63~65.55 10.86~11.22 4.01~4.34 2.80~3.19
霍州Huozhou 66.05~68.23 11.32~11.73 4.44~4.81 3.02~3.62 65.56~69.39 11.23~11.93 4.35~4.99 3.20~3.57
吉Ji 70.44~72.62 11.32~11.73 4.07~4.43 3.02~3.32 65.56~69.39 11.23~11.93 4.35~4.66 2.80~3.19
山西东南部 沁水Qinshui 68.24~70.43 11.32~12.14 4.07~4.81 3.02~3.62 65.56~67.47 11.23~11.57 4.35~4.66 2.80~3.57
Southeast Shanxi Province 泽州Zezhou 70.44~72.62 12.15~12.55 4.82~5.18 3.63~3.93 69.40~71.31 11.94~12.29 4.67~4.99 3.58~3.96
黎城Licheng 72.63~74.81 12.56~12.97 5.19~5.56 3.94~4.23 71.32~73.23 12.30~12.65 5.33~5.65 4.35~4.73
沁Qin 70.44~72.62 11.74~12.14 5.19~5.56 3.94~4.23 71.32~73.23 12.30~12.65 5.00~5.32 3.97~4.34
山西中部 孝义Xiaoyi 68.24~70.43 11.74~12.14 4.82~5.18 3.33~3.62 71.32~73.23 11.94~12.65 5.00~5.32 3.58~3.96
Central Shanxi Province 石楼Shilou 72.63~74.81 12.56~12.97 4.44~4.81 3.33~3.62 71.32~73.23 12.30~12.65 4.67~4.99 3.20~3.57
介休Jiexiu 66.05~68.23 11.32~12.14 4.83~5.18 3.33~3.62 69.40~71.31 11.94~12.29 5.33~5.65 3.97~4.34
寿阳Shouyang 70.44~72.62 12.15~12.55 4.83~5.18 3.63~3.93 69.40~71.31 11.94~12.29 5.00~5.32 3.20~3.96


The relationship between the light-temperature potential productivity and meteorological factors during the growth stage of winter wheat in Shanxi Province "**" indicates extremely significant at 0.01 level. The same below"


The relationship between climate potential productivity and meteorological factors during the growth stage of winter wheat in Shanxi Province"


The relationship between land potential productivity and meteorological factors during the growth stage of winter wheat in Shanxi Province"

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