Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 97-103.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.06.013

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Analysis of Yield and Economic Benefit of Straw Incorporation under Rice-Wheat Double Cropping System

Zhang Gang1,2,3(), Zhang Shijie1,3, Wang Dejian1,3(), Yu Yuanchun2   

  1. 1Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu, China
    2College of Biology and the Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China
    3Changshu Agroecological Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changshu 215555, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2020-02-26 Revised:2020-05-26 Online:2020-12-15 Published:2020-12-09
  • Contact: Wang Dejian;


Exploration of the effects of straw incorporation mode on yield benefits of wheat and rice has great significance for popularizing straw incorporation. In this work, we conducted a long-term field experiment from 2012 to 2018 to study the effects of straw incorporation modes on crop yield, agronomic nitrogen use efficiency, and the rate of yield increase, marginal yield and agronomic use efficiency of straw returned. The experiment included four straw incorporation modes: no straw incorporation (S0), wheat straw incorporation (WS), rice straw incorporation (RS) and both rice and wheat straw incorporation (WRS). The results showed that: rice yield was increased under different straw incorporation modes, of which the output of the RS and WRS modes were significantly higher than that of the WS mode, while wheat yield showed a trend of "decrease-stabilization-increase" with the times of straw incorporation.The annual yield increase rate and agronomic use efficiency of straw were 5.65%-13.60% and 0.11-0.17kg/kg, respectively. Compared with the RS mode, the amount of straw returned of the WRS mode was excessive, and the straw utilization rate was decreased. Straw incorporation improved the annual nitrogen use efficiency by about 1.67-4.01kg/kg, and the RS and WRS modes were more conducive to crop utilization of nitrogen than the WS mode. Compared with the S0 mode, the annual net incomes of WS, RS and WRS modes increased by 1 690, 4 875, and 4 177 yuan/(ha·a) respectively. Among of the three straw incorporation modes, the annual net benefits of the RS and WRS modes were significantly higher than that of the WS mode. In conclusion, the rice straw incorporation mode (RS) was recommended to adopt in rice-wheat double cropping system, which can improve the straw utilization efficiency and increase the paddy field’s net benefit.

Key words: Straw incorporation, Straw use efficiency, Nitrogen use efficiency, Yield, Net benefit

Table 1

Amount of straw incorporation under different modes in rice-wheat rotation system t/hm2"

Amount of wheat straw
incorporation in rice season
Amount of rice straw
incorporation in wheat season
Total amount of straw incorporation
in rice-wheat rotation system
秸秆不还田No straw incorporation (S0) 0.0 0.0 0.0
麦秸还田Wheat straw incorporation (WS) 5.5 0.0 5.5
稻秸还田Rice straw incorporation (RS) 0.0 10.0 10.0
Rice and wheat straw incorporation (WRS)
5.5 10.0 15.5


Effects of straw incorporation modes on yields of wheat, rice and annual yield (2012-2018) Values followed by different letters are significant between the modes at the 5% level according to LSD test"

Table 2

Effects of straw incorporation modes on straw use efficiency (2012-2018)"

增产率Rate of yield (%) 边际产量Marginal yield (kg/kg) 农学利用率Agronomic use efficiency (kg/kg)
Rice season
Wheat season
Rice season
Wheat season
Rice season
Wheat season
WS 9.77b -0.65ab 5.65b -0.14b -0.01b 0.13a 0.14ab -0.006ab 0.13a
RS 26.20a -6.70b 13.20a -0.29a -0.07c 0.22a 0.21a -0.035b 0.17a
WRS 21.90a -0.88a 13.60a -0.06c -0.07a 0.01b 0.11b -0.003a 0.11a

Table 3

Effects of straw incorporation modes on agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (2012-2018) kg/kg"

变化值Change value
稻季Rice season 麦季Wheat season 周年Annual
WS 1.75b -0.08a 1.67b
RS 4.69a -0.78b 3.90a
WRS 3.91a -0.10a 4.01a

Table 4

Benefit analysis of rice and wheat production under different straw incorporation modes (2012-2018)"

Net benefit (Yuan/hm2)
New net (%)
S0 11 824c 5 086a 16 910b
WS 14 129b 4 471a 18 600b 19.5 -12.1 10.0
RS 17 471a 4 313a 21 785a 47.8 -15.2 28.8
WRS 16 440a 4 648a 21 087a 39.0 -8.6 24.7
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