Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 56-64.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.008
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Song Quanhao1,2(), Jin Yan1(
), Song Jiajing1, Bai Dong1, Zhao Lishang1, Chen Jie1, Zhu Tongquan1
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[1] | Shi Xionggao, Pei Xuexia, Dang Jianyou, Zhang Dingyi. Research Progress on High-Yield, High-Quality, High-Efficiency and Ecology Cultivation of Wheat Micro-Sprinkling and Drip Fertigation [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 1-10. |
[2] | Liu Menghong, Wang Zhijun, Li Hongyu, Zhao Haicheng, Lü Yandong. Effects of Fertilization Method and Nitrogen Application Rate on Yield, Quality and Nitrogen Utilization of Rice in Cold Region [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 102-109. |
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