Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 220-226.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.033

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Analysis on Main Traits of Fresh Corn Varieties Recently Approved in Yunnan Province

Feng Sufen1(), Liu Yuanjian2, Xu Ruiqi2, Zhang Wei2()   

  1. 1Institute of Food Crops, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, Yunnan, China
    2Zhaotong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhaotong 657000, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2021-05-11 Revised:2021-06-28 Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-02-16
  • Contact: Zhang Wei;


The growth period, yield, agronomic traits, quality traits and disease resistance of 18 fresh corn varieties approved in Yunnan province from 2016 to 2020 were compared. It provided a scientific basis for the selection of excellent varieties of fresh corn, the selection objectives and production practice of new varieties in Yunnan province. The results indicated that there were some differences in the characters of each variety. Yuntianyu 10 had the highest yield, but the disease resistance was extremely poor and must be prevented very early. The yield, agronomic traits and the taste of Guangliangtian 27, Jinsuitian 11 and Shuangtian 318 were good, the advantages of disease resistance were prominent. Two sweet corn varieties (Yuntianyu 9, Meiyutian 007), and two waxy corn varieties (Dayunuo 1, Tiannuo 302) had higher yield, moderate performance traits, and slightly poor disease resistance, so we need to choose the right season and place to plant and prevent disease in advance.

Key words: Yunnan province, Fresh corn, Yield, Agronomic traits, Quality traits, Disease resistance

Table 1

Growth period, agronomic characters and yield of fresh corn varieties approved in Yunnan province from 2016 to 2020"

生育期Growth period (d) 株高
Row number
Per spike
Number of
grains per row
Higher than
CK (%)
Regular season
糯玉米 甜糯302 77.00 124.00 极矮 极矮 早到中 13.00 40.40 13 870.10 -7.70
Waxy corn 小糯2号 78.00 126.00 极矮 早到中 14.40 37.50 11 206.00 -0.60
小糯3号 80.00 128.00 极矮到矮 早到中 12.60 42.60 10 422.40 -7.50
大玉糯6号 80.00 127.00 极矮到矮 极矮到矮 早到中 17.60 42.40 13 198.50 17.10
沪紫黑糯1号 78.00 124.00 极矮到矮 矮到中 早到中 15.60 32.20 11 231.30 -0.30
黑糯1号 87.00 132.00 极矮到矮 14.00 36.50 10 688.10 -5.20
云糯4号 79.00 128.00 极矮到矮 早到中 11.60 41.70 10 531.30 -6.50
大玉糯1号 88.00 极早 18 752.20 21.40
甜玉米 云甜玉9号 95.00 95.00 中到高 极矮 17.00 39.10 18 049.30 15.80
Sweet corn 云甜玉10号 80.00 120.00 极矮 15.00 38.10 20 258.20 30.00**
海珍2号 80.00 126.00 极矮到矮 极矮 早到中 13.20 39.10 13 191.00 -12.20
珍甜8号 80.00 127.00 极矮 极矮到矮 早到中 12.60 34.90 12 698.50 -15.50
威育甜3389 81.00 127.00 极矮 极矮 早到中 13.20 42.10 13 176.10 -12.30
SBS902 100.00 114.00 极矮 极矮 16.00 26.00 13 206.00 13.00
广良甜27号 90.50 118.20 极矮到矮 极矮到矮 极早 15.60 15 801.50 28.30**
金穗甜11号 93.20 118.70 中到高 中到高 中到晚 16.40 15 062.70 22.30**
双甜318 80.00 123.00 极矮到矮 极早 14 865.70 -1.10
美玉甜007 79.00 127.00 极矮到矮 极矮到矮 早到中 17.20 41.20 17 006.00 13.10
平均值Average 83.65 122.64 14.67 38.11 14 067.49 2.59
Coefficient of variation (%)
8.21 6.85 12.61 12.15 20.96 533.09

Table 2

Quality index analysis of waxy corn varieties approved in Yunnan province from 2016 to 2020 %"

品种Variety 总淀粉Total starch 直链淀粉Amylose 支链淀粉/总淀粉Amylopectin/total starch 食味品质Eating quality
甜糯302 Tiannuo 302 61.85 3.38 94.50 2级
小糯2号Xiaonuo 2 63.17 4.38 93.10 2级
小糯3号Xiaonuo 3 65.22 3.22 95.10 1级
大玉糯6号Dayunuo 6 64.47 7.53 88.30 1级
沪紫黑糯1号Huziheinuo 1 68.98 6.34 90.80 2级
黑糯1号Heinuo 1 63.30 14.55 77.00 2级
云糯4号Yunnuo 4 62.30 5.57 91.10 2级
大玉糯1号Dayunuo 1 65.06 4.00 93.85 2级
平均值Average 64.29 6.38 89.23
变异系数Coefficient of variation 3.51 60.76 6.51

Table 3

Quality index analysis of sweet corn varieties approved in Yunnan province from 2016 to 2020 %"

Total soluble sugar
Reducing sugar
Dry matter
Eating quality
云甜玉9号Yuntianyu 9 33.80 21.90 21.80 2级
云甜玉10号Yuntianyu 10 22.70 15.10 23.00 2级
海珍2号Haizhen 2 33.20 18.20 20.90 2级
珍甜8号Zhentian 8 33.20 18.50 19.50 2级
威育甜3389 Weiyutian 3389 15.30 12.60 22.70 2级
双甜318 Shuangtian 318 37.20 33.70 15.10 1级(正季)/2级(冬季)
美玉甜007 Meiyutian 007 32.70 15.50 22.00 2级
广良甜27号Guangliangtian 27 39.22 14.71 20.40
金穗甜11号Jinsuitian 11 34.45 18.07 23.80
SBS902 7.10 3.44 17.40 2级
平均值Average 28.88 17.17 20.66
变异系数Coefficient of variation 36.17 44.34 13.07

Table 4

Summary of disease resistance of fresh corn varieties approved in Yunnan province from 2016 to 2020"

Leaf blight
Banded sclerotial blight
Rust disease
Stem rot
Grey speck disease
甜糯302 Tiannuo 302 高抗 高抗 高感 高感
小糯2号Xiaonuo 2 高抗 高抗 高感
小糯3号Xiaonuo 3 高抗 高感 高感
大玉糯6号Dayunuo 6 高抗 高抗 高感 高感
沪紫黑糯1号Huziheinuo 1 高抗 高抗 高感 高感
黑糯1号Heinuo 1 高抗 高抗 中抗 高感
云糯4号Yunnuo 4 高抗 高抗
大玉糯1号Dayunuo 1 高抗 高抗 高感 中抗 高感
云甜玉9号Yuntianyu 9 高抗 高抗 高感 高感
云甜玉10号Yuntianyu 10 高抗 高抗 高感 高感
海珍2号Haizhen 2 高抗 高抗 高抗 高感
珍甜8号Zhentian 8 高抗 高抗 高感
威育甜3389 Weiyutian 3389 高抗 高抗 中抗 中抗 中抗 高感
双甜318 Shuangtian 318 高抗 高抗 中抗 中抗 中抗 高感
美玉甜007 Meiyutian 007 高抗 高抗 高抗 中抗
广良甜27号Guangliangtian 27 高抗 高抗 中抗 高抗
金穗甜11号Jinsuitian 11 高抗 中抗 高抗 中抗
SBS902 高感
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