Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 153-157.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.02.021

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Effects of Light and Temperature on Photoautotrophic Rooting for in Vitro Sugarcane Plantlets

Liu Limin(), Liu Hongjian, Li Aomei, He Weizhong()   

  1. Sugarcane Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Sciences/Guangxi Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Genetic Improvement/Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Biotechnology and Genetic Improvement (Guangxi), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2022-02-09 Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-24
  • Contact: He Weizhong;


To improve the rate of photoautotrophic rooting for in vitro sugarcane plantlets under artificial planting condition, treatments with different light and temperature compensation and light quality were carried out. The effects of these factors on rooting and growth were analyzed through characters of rooting rate, survival rate, seedling height, root length and root number per plant for rootless seedlings. The results showed that the rooting rate and survival rate for photosynthetic autotrophic rooting of sugarcane in vitro plantlets decreased in winter due to the low temperature and low light compared with the summer. In winter light supplementation improved the photosynthetic autotrophic rooting length and seedling growth for in vitro plantlets, but there was no significant effect on the rooting rate and survival rate. Compared with the natural light treatment, pure irradiation of red light and blue light treatments were not conducive to the rooting and growth of sugarcane in vitro plantlets, while natural light supplemented by blue light and red light could promote the seedling height and root elongation for in vitro plantlets, but there was no significant effect on the rooting rate and survival rate of in vitro plantlets.

Key words: Sugarcane, In vitro plantlets, Light and temperature, Photosynthetic autotrophic rooting

Table 1

Daily temperature and illumination intensity in different seasons"

Transplanting treatment
温度Temperature (°C) 光照强度Illumination intensity(lx)
平均值Average 最大值/最小值Max./Min. 平均值Average 最大值Max.
夏季移栽Transplanting in summer 31.1 47.2/25.5 4 168.1 31 354.9
冬季移栽Transplanting in winter 16.9 39.5/10.2 1 880.0 22 677.0

Table 2

Effects of different transplanting seasons on photosynthetic autotrophic rooting of sugarcane in vitro plantlets %"

Transplanting treatment
GT44 GT49
生根率Rooting rate 存活率Survival rate 生根率Rooting rate 存活率Survival rate
夏季移栽Transplanting in summer 100.0 98.2 100.0 85.0
冬季移栽Transplanting in winter 82.2 95.1 50.1 63.3

Table 3

Temperature and illumination intensity of supplementary light greenhouse and natural light greenhouse"

温度Temperature (°C) 光照强度Illumination intensity (lx) 补光时数
Hours of supplementary lighting (h/d)
平均值Average 最大值/最小值Max./Min. 平均值Average 最大值Max.
Supplementary lighting
18.3 40.9/10.2 2 019.0 24 617.0 12
Natural light (CK)
17.9 41.0/9.8 1 879.9 22 677.6 0


Effects of light and temperature compensation on photosynthetic autotrophic rooting of different sugarcane cultivars in vitro plantlets"

Table 4

Effects of light supplementation on rooting and growth of sugarcane in vitro plantlets"

Seedling height (cm)
Root length (cm)
Root number per plant
Rooting rate (%)
Survival rate (%)
GT44 23.7aA 6.1aA 2.2aA 77.5aA 95.0aA
GT43 14.4bB 3.6bB 1.5bA 76.3aA 45.4cC
GT49 14.6bB 3.0bB 0.6cB 51.3bA 59.0bB
光补偿Supplementary lighting 19.7** 5.8** 1.9** 75.2 66.8
自然光(对照)Natural light (CK) 15.4 2.7 1.0 61.5 63.0

Table 5

Temperature and illumination intensity of different light quality treatments"

温度Temperature (°C) 光照强度Illumination intensity (lx) 补光时数
Hours of supplementary lighting (h/d)
平均值Average 最大值/最小值Max./Min. 平均值Average 最大值Max.
Natural light + red light
32.2 50.9/25.9 2 308.4 31 109.1 12
Natural light + blue light
32.4 47.8/25.7 2 514.4 27 105.3 12
红光Red light 31.0 44.1/25.7 95.0 3 763.2 12
蓝光Blue light 31.0 44.3/25.9 71.0 1 071.7 12
Natural light (CK)
32.3 48.3/25.8 1 963.9 16 640.0

Table 6

Effects of light on the growth and root growth of GT44 in vitro plantlets"

Seedling height (cm)
Root length (cm)
Root number per plant
Rooting rate (%)
Survival rate (%)
自然光+红光Natural light + red light 33.8aAB 8.8aA 10.0bB 100.0a 94.0aA
自然光+蓝光Natural light + blue light 35.2aA 7.8aA 11.0bA 100.0a 95.0aA
红光Red light 0.0bB
蓝光Blue light 0.0bB
自然光(对照)Natural light(CK) 30.6bB 7.7aA 12.0aA 100.0a 94.0aA
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