Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 129-135.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.01.019

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Effects of Different Specifications of Seedling Trays on Quality and Main Physiological Characteristics of Tobacco Seedlings

Chen Dong1,2(), Zou Jing1,2, Guo Ganggang1,2, Dai Wendian3, Song Shaoguang3, Huang Ying1,2()   

  1. 1College of Tobacco, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China
    2Guizhou Key Laboratory of Tobacco Quality Research, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China
    3Zunyi Daxing Compound Fertilizer Co., Ltd., Zunyi 563100, Guizhou, China
  • Received:2021-09-22 Revised:2022-05-31 Online:2023-02-15 Published:2023-02-22


In order to improve the quality of transplanted tobacco seedlings in pits, the effects of different seedlings trays (T1-T5 treatments) on the quality and main physiological characteristics of tobacco seedlings were studied. The results showed that, compared with T1 treatment, the seedling trays with stomata (T2-T4 treatments) could make the substrate temperature increase rapidly in the morning and weaken the daily variation, promote the growth and development of roots, improve the quality of tobacco seedlings; the total root length and root volume, whole plant dry weight and root-shoot ratio were increased by 58.05cm, 0.05cm3, 0.21g and 0.04, respectively; catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were increased by 3.12 and 22.29U/mg, respectively; the contents of soluble protein and chlorophyll were not significantly different; the activity of peroxidase was slightly lower, and the stress resistance of tobacco seedlings was enhanced. The plant of T2 treatment was short in different specifications of new seedling trays, while T4 and T5 treatments had fewer seedling holes and high seedling cost. In summary, T3 treatment of tobacco seedlings quality is good, suitable for production and application.

Key words: Flue-cured tobacco, Seedling tray, Tobacco seedling quality, Physiological characteristics

Table 1

The seedling hole size and external characteristics of seedling tray with different specifications"

Number of
seedling holes
Upper diameter:
long×width (mm)
Lower diameter:
long×width (mm)
Tray height
Seedling cavity
volume (cm3)
Whether there are pores
in seedling tray
Description of
external features
T1 160 30×30 10×10 60 26.00 无气孔 常规育苗盘
T2 160 28×28 10×10 60 23.28 有气孔 盘底呈凸状
T3 160 28×28 10×10 60 23.28 有气孔
T4 128 35×27 19×10 60 31.17 有气孔
T5 135 30×29 10×10 60 25.30 有气孔


Front view, side view and cross section of five kinds of seedling trays"


Temperature changes of stomata and seedling substrate of different specifications of seedling tray (a) is a graph of the temperature change of the pores, and (b) is a graph of the temperature change of the substrate"

Table 2

Effects of different specifications of seedling trays on agronomic characteristics of tobacco seedlings at period of seedling desired to plant"

Plant height(cm)
Stem circumference (cm)
Number of blades
Maximum leaf area (cm2)
Seedling rate
T1 16.32±0.39a 1.01±0.04ab 5.90±0.13b 46.15±3.21ab 0.90±0.02a
T2 12.95±0.43b 0.91±0.02b 5.97±0.10b 39.88±2.33b 0.83±0.02a
T3 15.59±0.41a 0.99±0.03ab 6.10±0.07ab 43.86±2.92ab 0.91±0.03a
T4 15.33±0.53a 1.07±0.06a 6.20±0.10ab 53.81±4.84a 0.85±0.04a
T5 15.12±0.49a 1.04±0.05ab 6.40±0.12a 51.48±3.93ab 0.88±0.03a


Growth status of tobacco seedlings at seedling stage of seedling trays with different specifications"

Table 3

Effects of different specifications of seedling trays on the root of tobacco seedlings"

Total root length
Root volume
Root diameter
鲜重Fresh weight (g) 干重Dry weight (g) 根冠比
Root shoot

Stem and leaf

Stem and leaf
T1 453.83±15.55b 0.74±0.06a 0.45±0.01ab 6.13±0.26d 30.25±1.91ab 0.31±0.01c 1.99±0.26ab 0.16±0.02a
T2 441.53±26.29b 0.81±0.06a 0.48±0.01a 6.53±0.39cd 23.21±2.79b 0.33±0.00c 1.56±0.20b 0.22±0.03a
T3 511.88±30.22ab 0.79±0.11a 0.44±0.02b 7.53±0.67bc 29.03±0.73ab 0.42±0.03b 2.09±0.19ab 0.20±0.01a
T4 536.03±33.90a 0.72±0.05a 0.41±0.01b 9.09±0.39a 35.41±5.67a 0.49±0.02a 2.49±0.26a 0.20±0.02a
T5 500.17±14.23ab 0.72±0.05a 0.43±0.01b 8.57±0.08ab 33.91±3.05ab 0.43±0.02ab 2.34±0.13a 0.19±0.01a


Effects of different specifications of seedling tray on antioxidant enzyme activity and soluble protein content of tobacco seedlings at seedling stage The lowercase letters mean significant difference at P < 0.05, the same below"


Effects of different seedling trays on SPAD value of tobacco seedlings"

Table 4

Cost of seedling tray with different specifications"

Seedling tray specification (hole)
Seedling cavity volume (cm3)
Substrate consumption (m3/hm2)
Dosage of seedling tray (piece/hm2)
T1 160 26.00 0.43 104
T2 160 23.28 0.38 104
T3 160 23.28 0.38 104
T4 128 31.17 0.51 129
T5 135 25.30 0.42 123
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