Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 183-187.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.03.025

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Effects of Foliar Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Shoot Tip in Leaf-Vegetable Sweet Potato

Xu Qian(), Zeng Xinyu, Xiao Bo, Li Baozheng, Zhang Xingduan()   

  1. Chongqing Three Gorges Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chongqing 404155, China
  • Received:2021-12-27 Revised:2022-02-08 Online:2023-06-15 Published:2023-06-16


Foliar fertilizer has the characteristics of strong pertinence, fast absorption and good effect. In order to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer, the study was conducted on the leaf-vegetable sweet potato, Wancaishu 7, using conventional urea topdressing as the control group, and using different percentages of foliar fertilizer to substitute 30% urea topdressing as experiment group to study effects of foliar fertilizer on the yield and quality of shoot tip in leaf-vegetable sweet potato. The results showed that treatment 4 (using 1000 times concentrated Ruiluo foliar fertilizer to replace 30% conventional topdressing) had the most optimized effects, with the four times shoot tip yield reached 51 846.00kg/ha which was 9.71% higher than control group, chlorophyll SPAD was 45.33, dry matter content of fresh stem tip was 8.43%, crude protein was 2.19%, vitamin C content was 14.7mg/100g, crude fiber was 1.23%, and total sugar content was 0.74%. From economic benefits perspective, after deducting the fertilizer cost, the profit of treatment 4 was 93 237.00 yuan/ha which was 8670.45 yuan/ha (10.25%) higher than control group. In the production of leaf-vegetable sweet potato, spraying foliar fertilizer as supplementary topdressing could reduce the fertilizer application by 30%, and finally achieve the goal of saving costs and increasing benefits.

Key words: Leaf-vegetable sweet potato, Foliar fertilizer, Yield, Quality

Table 1

Basic information of fertilizer"

Unit price (yuan)
Active ingredient
尿素Urea 40kg/袋 115 N≥46.0% 四川泸天化集团有限责任公司
有机肥Organic fertilizer 25kg/袋 20 有机质45%,N+P2O5+K2O=5% 重庆昌裕肥料有限公司
磷酸二氢钾Potassium Phosphate 500g/瓶 19 分析纯,K2H2PO4≥99.5% 四川西陇化工股份有限公司
瑞洛叶面肥Ruiluo leaf fertilizer
N≥19.0%,MgO≥4.0%,S≥5.0%,Mo≥0.25%,B≥0.2%,Zn≥0.15% 爱普锐农(上海)化学科技有限公司
Amino acid water soluble fertilizer
Humic acid water soluble fertilizer
6 腐殖酸≥4.0%,N≥16.0%,P2O5≥2.0%,K2O≥2.0% 重庆市优胜科技发展有限公司
硫酸锌Zinc sulfate 500g/瓶 18 分析纯,Zn2SO4?7H2O≥99.5% 成都市科龙化工试剂有限公司
硼砂Borax 500g/瓶 19 分析纯,H3BO3≥99.5% 成都市科龙化工试剂有限公司

Table 2

Experiment design"

Topdressing (g/plot)
Foliar fertilizer
1 125 磷酸二氢钾0.5%,3L
2 125 尿素0.3%,3L
3 125 磷酸二氢钾0.5%+尿素0.3%,3L
4 125 瑞洛叶面肥1000倍液,3L
5 125 氨基酸水溶肥料1000倍液,3L
6 125 腐殖酸水溶肥1500倍液,3L
8 125 清水,3L
9 178 清水,3L

Table 3

Result of shoot tip yield"

Yield (kg/hm2)
Compared with CK (%)
1 42 072.75deCDE -10.97 7
2 40 322.40eDE -14.68 8
3 46 584.75cdBCDE -1.43 6
4 51 846.00abcAB 9.71 2
5 50 154.00abcAB 6.13 3
6 48 386.25abcAB 2.39 4
7 53 622.15aA 13.47 1
8 39 362.25eE -16.71 9
9 (CK) 47 258.25bcdABCD 0.00 5

Table 4

Number of shoot tips and leaf chlorophyll content"

小区茎尖数Number of shoot tips SPAD
No. of tips per plot
Compared with CK (%)
SPAD 与对照相比
Compared with CK (%)
1 783.33cBC -8.67 8 42.48bcB -2.24
2 838.33bABC -2.25 7 42.00bcB -3.34
3 848.67bABC -1.05 6 41.80cB -3.82
4 892.33abA 4.04 2 45.33aA 4.31
5 870.00abA 1.44 3 43.01bcB -1.04
6 866.00abA 0.97 4 42.40bcB -2.44
7 919.00aA 7.15 1 42.67bcB -1.82
8 775.00cC -9.64 9 41.78cB -3.85
9 (CK) 857.67bAB 0.00 5 43.46bAB 0.00

Table 5

Quality characters of different treatments"

处理Treatment 干物质Dry matter (%) 粗蛋白Crude protein (%) Vc (mg/100g) 粗纤维Crude fiber (%) 总糖Total sugar (%)
1 8.52a 2.22bABC 13.17bC 1.17bcABCD 0.79bB
2 8.12a 1.99deDE 11.57dD 1.17bcABCD 0.60eE
3 8.46a 2.23abAB 13.00bC 1.21abABC 0.82bB
4 8.43a 2.19bABC 14.70aA 1.22abAB 0.74cC
5 8.29a 2.12bcdBCD 14.60aAB 1.23aA 0.91aA
6 8.61a 2.35aA 12.70cC 1.22abAB 0.72cC
7 8.30a 2.13bcBCD 13.70bBC 1.12cD 0.68dD
8 7.94a 1.93eE 11.67dD 1.15cBCD 0.57eE
9 (CK) 8.15a 2.03cdeCDE 11.67dD 1.14cCD 0.59eE

Table 6

Economic benefits analysis of different treatments"

Shoot tip yield
Output value
Fertilizer cost
扣除肥料成本后效益Benefit after deducting fertilizer cost
Benefit (yuan/hm2)
Compared with CK(yuan/hm2)
Compared with CK (%)
1 42 072.75 84 145.50 14 192.70 69 952.80 -14 613.75 -17.28 9
2 40 322.40 80 644.80 8737.80 71 907.00 -12 659.55 -14.97 7
3 46 584.75 93 169.50 14 495.70 78 673.80 -5892.75 -6.97 5
4 51 846.00 103 692.00 10 455.00 93 237.00 8670.45 10.25 1
5 50 154.00 100 308.00 9444.90 90 863.10 6296.55 7.45 2
6 48 386.25 96 772.50 20 556.60 76 215.90 -8350.65 -9.87 6
7 53 622.15 107 244.30 17 021.10 90 223.20 5656.65 6.69 3
8 39 362.25 78 724.50 8434.80 70 289.70 -14 276.85 -16.88 8
9 (CK) 47 258.25 94 516.50 9949.95 84 566.55 0.00 0.00 4
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