Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 188-194.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.04.027
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Song Xiao1,2(), Zhang Keke1, Yue Ke1, Huang Chenchen1, Huang Shaomin1(
), Sun Jianguo3, Guo Tengfei1, Guo Doudou1, Zhang Shuiqing1, Pei Minnan1
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[1] | Zhang Mingwei, Ding Jinfeng, Zhu Xinkai, Guo Wenshan. Analysis of High-Yielding Planting Density and Nitrogen Application in Super-Late Sowing Wheat Following Rice [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 126-135. |
[2] | Fu Xiaoyi, Wang Hongguang, Liu Zhilian, Li Dongxiao, He Mingqi, Li Ruiqi. Effects of Water Stress on Growth of Different Wheat Varieties at Seedling Stage and Selection of Drought Resistant Varieties [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 224-229. |
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[4] | Liu Ying, Gu Yunyi, Zhang Weiyang, Yang Jianchang. Research Advances in the Effects of Water and Nitrogen and Their Interaction on the Grain Yield, Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies of Wheat [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 7-15. |
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[14] | Zhang Yufen, Qi Jingkai, Wang Guiling, Zhao Baoping, Zhou Lei. Study on Geographical Origin of Buckwheat Based on Mineral Element Fingerprint [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(3): 66-74. |
[15] | Gao Zhenxian, Cao Qiao, Shan Zilong, Fu Xiaoyi, Han Ran, He Mingqi, Shi Zhanliang, Zheng Shusong. Preliminary Study on the Influence of Late Spring Coldness on 323 Winter Wheat Germplasm Resources [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(3): 86-93. |