Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 81-90.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.05.012

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Study on the Dynamic Development Difference of Husk of Maize Inbred Lines in Different Ecological Regions

Yang Mi1(), Wang Meijuan2(), Xu Haitao3   

  1. 1Sui County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Shangqiu 476900, Henan, China
    2Liangyuan Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Shangqiu, Shangqiu 476000, Henan, China
    3Zhumadian Academy of Agricultral Sciences/Zhumadian Comprehensive Experimental Station of Henan Maize Industrial Technology System, Zhumadian 463000, Henan, China
  • Received:2023-04-03 Revised:2023-05-24 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-16


From 2022 to 2023, four maize backbone inbred lines Zhu85, Zhu136, ZM3358, and ZM7211 were used as experimental materials to study the differences in the dynamic development of husks among different types of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions of Henan and Hainan provinces. The results showed that the husk length of ZM7211 had the longest rapid growth period in the Henan, significantly greater than those of Zhu85, ZM3358, and Zhu136. The shortest rapid growth period was ZM3358 in the Hainan that was from the 7 to 13 days. The relationship between husk length and growth days well fitted logistic equations, the dynamic development difference of the longest husk length between the inbred lines in Henan and Hainan was significant. The development of husk width showed a continuous increasing trend, and the ratio of the widest husk width of maize inbred lines in Henan and Hainan was closed to 1:1. The husk areas of inbred lines ZM7211 and Zhu136 in Henan showed the trends of first increasing and then decreasing, while Zhu85 and ZM3358 showed the gradually increasing trends. The areas of husk in the Hainan were gradually increasing. The longest period of increasing fresh weight of husks in the Henan of ZM3358 was seven days, and the rapid growth periods of Zhu85 and ZM3358 were significantly greater than those of ZM7211 and Zhu136. Zhu85 in Hainan had the longest period of rapid increased in fresh weight of husks, which was extended by 4, 2, and 2d compared with Zhu136, ZM3358, and ZM7211, respectively. The volume of husk of ZM7211 in the Henan was significantly larger than those of Zhu85, ZM3358, and Zhu136 on the 11th to 15th day; Zhu85, Zhu136, ZM3358, and ZM7211 in the Hainan showed the slow and gradual increasing in the volume of their husks from first day to fifth days, and had a rapid linear increase from 7 to 15 days. There were significant correlations between the husk traits of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions, indicating that the growth state of synchronous development could be maintained between husk traits.

Key words: Maize, Inbred lines, Husk, Dynamic development, Logistic model


Temperature and sunshine hours during the growth period of husk of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions from 2022 to 2023"

Table 1


ZM7211 驻85
ZM3358 驻136
开始日期 2022-07-15 2022-07-19 2022-07-20 2022-07-15
结束日期 2022-08-02 2022-08-06 2022-08-07 2022-08-02
开始日期 2022-12-23 2022-12-27 2022-12-29 2022-12-23
结束日期 2023-01-10 2023-01-14 2023-01-16 2023-01-10


Dynamic development fitting of husk length of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions"

Table 2

Logistic model fitting parameters of husk length of maize inbred lines dynamic development equation"

河南Henan 海南Hainan
Coefficient of
determination (R2)
Coefficient of
determination (R2)
Zhu85 y=14.38+$\frac{10.35}{1+\left(\frac{x}{5.48}\right)^{-2.0 x}}$ 0.9716 0.7522 0.05 y=11.64+$\frac{13.01}{1+\left(\frac{x}{6.87}\right)^{-1. x x w}}$ 0.9549 1.0228 0.05
Zhu136 y=10.45+$\frac{1792}{1+\left(\frac{x}{1158}\right)^{-6 a x a x}}$ 0.8549 1.1174 0.05 y=11.55+$\frac{10.32}{1+\left(\frac{x}{5.29}\right)^{-2 x}}$ 0.9833 0.5325 0.05
ZM3358 y=12.11+$\frac{1186}{1+\left(\frac{x}{7.64}\right)^{-2 x}}$ 0.9912 0.4772 0.05 y=10.99+$\frac{1527}{1+\left(\frac{x}{8.50}\right)^{-1 a x w}}$ 0.9801 0.7008 0.05
ZM7211 y=9.80+$\frac{13.78}{1+\left(\frac{x}{3.87}\right)^{-x a n}}$ 0.8279 2.3009 0.05 y=11.06+$\frac{14.52}{1+\left(\frac{x}{5.90}\right)^{-2 x+0 x}}$ 0.8662 2.3187 0.05

Table 3

Comparison of synchronous development differences in the longest husk length of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions"

Growth days (d)
河南Henan 海南Hainan
Zhu85 Zhu136 ZM3358 ZM7211 Zhu85 Zhu136 ZM3358 ZM7211
1 18.1c 17.6e 17.5c 17.9e 20.0f 18.8e 19.2f 19.4e
3 21.4b 18.3e 20.0b 23.4d 20.0f 21.3d 20.0ef 22.1d
5 22.1b 18.9de 20.5b 23.5d 21.3e 21.3d 21.0de 22.5d
7 25.7a 21.8c 22.9a 23.3d 23.4d 24.0c 22.0cd 21.7de
9 26.0a 23.1abc 20.7b 28.4c 24.6c 25.2ab 22.9bc 26.9c
11 26.9a 20.0d 21.0b 29.7b 24.1cd 24.5bc 24.0b 27.2b
13 27.5a 22.3bc 22.9a 31.6a 25.7b 24.9ab 26.0a 29.7a
15 27.4a 23.8a 23.3a 29.3b 27.0a 25.7a 26.0a 29.0a
17 27.1a 23.5ab 23.0a 28.7c 24.6c 24.9ab 25.4a 27.3b
19 28.4a 23.5ab 23.2a 28.7c 26.0b 24.4bc 25.5a 27.0b


Development dynamic fitting of husk width of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions"

Table 4

Logistic model fitting parameters of husk width of maize inbred lines development dynamic equation"

河南Henan 海南Hainan
Coefficient of
determination (R2)
Coefficient of
determination (R2)
Zhu85 y=6.02+$\frac{10.31}{1+\left(\frac{x}{6.60}\right)^{-2 x \sqrt{n}}}$ 0.9678 0.8184 0.05 y=6.68+$\frac{13.26}{1+\left(\frac{x}{10.14}\right)^{-1.206}}$ 0.9518 0.8603 0.05
Zhu136 y=5.57+$\frac{7.54}{1+\left(\frac{x}{5.96}\right)^{-2.3060}}$ 0.9498 0.7283 0.05 y=4.45+$\frac{977}{1+\left(\frac{x}{7.54}\right)^{-19 n=}}$ 0.9853 0.4209 0.05
ZM3358 y=5.14+$\frac{886}{1+\left(\frac{x}{1160}\right)^{-2180}}$ 0.9960 0.1895 0.05 y=4.93+$\frac{10.41}{1+\left(\frac{x}{1284}\right)^{-213 x}}$ 0.9952 0.2229 0.05
ZM7211 y=2.82+$\frac{6.38}{1+\left(\frac{x}{4.19}\right)^{-2 x a n}}$ 0.9763 0.3853 0.05 y=2.60+$\frac{6.33}{1+\left(\frac{x}{4.03}\right)^{-2 x a x}}$ 0.9807 0.3408 0.05

Table 5

Analysis of dynamic development ratio of the widest husk width of maize inbred lines in Henan and Hainan ecological regions"

Growth days (d)
自交系Inbred line
Zhu85 Zhu136 ZM3358 ZM7211
1 0.91:1h 1.12:1d 0.88:1g 0.90:1h
3 0.81:1j 1.17:1c 1.10:1a 1.02:1c
5 0.90:1i 1.01:1g 1.06:1b 1.13:1a
7 1.19:1b 1.10:1e 1.06:1b 1.04:1b
9 0.96:1g 1.22:1b 0.92:1f 0.96:1f
11 1.28:1a 1.22:1b 0.94:1e 0.96:1f
13 1.01:1e 0.90:1i 1.03:1c 1.01:1d
15 0.99:1f 0.98:1h 1.00:1d 0.99:1e
17 1.04:1d 1.24:1a 0.92:1f 0.95:1g
19 1.07:1c 1.06:1f 0.86:1h 0.96:1f


Dynamic development of husk area of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions Different lowercase letters in the same inbred line indicate a significant difference at the 5% level, the same below"


Dynamic development of husk fresh weight of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions"


Dynamic development of husk volume of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions"

Table 6

Correlation of dynamic development of husk traits of maize inbred lines in different ecological regions"

Husk trait
长度 1.000
宽度 0.821** 1.000
面积 0.730** 0.754** 1.000
鲜重 0.686** 0.687** 0.976** 1.000
体积 0.680** 0.667** 0.949** 0.969** 1.000
长度 1.000
宽度 0.813** 1.000
面积 0.883** 0.705** 1.000
鲜重 0.919** 0.757** 0.954** 1.000
体积 0.923** 0.783** 0.973** 0.986** 1.000
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