作物杂志,2024, 第4期: 253–262 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.04.033

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


李春情1(), 刘翔宇2, 闫鹏1, 周六千3, 卢霖1, 董志强1, 徐江1()   

  1. 1中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/农业农村部作物生理生态重点实验室,100081,北京
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-10 修回日期:2023-08-28 出版日期:2024-08-15 发布日期:2024-08-14
  • 通讯作者: 徐江,主要从事作物生理生化研究,E-mail:xujiang@caas.cn
  • 作者简介:李春情,主要从事作物逆境生理研究,E-mail:18838917028@163.com
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(31571589);国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)课题(2015CB150401);中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项院级统筹项目(Y2017PT25)

Physiological Identification and Comprehensive Evaluation of Drought Resistance of Different Maize Varieties

Li Chunqing1(), Liu Xiangyu2, Yan Peng1, Zhou Liuqian3, Lu Lin1, Dong Zhiqiang1, Xu Jiang1()   

  1. 1Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081, China
    2Turpan Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Turpan 838000, Xinjiang, China
    3College of Life Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2023-07-10 Revised:2023-08-28 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-14



关键词: 玉米, 抗旱性, 鉴定指标, 灰色关联度分析, 系统聚类分析


A total of 42 maize cultivars were selected as the test materials and treated with normal irrigation, moderate and severe drought stress in the experimental base of Turpan Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The changes of chlorophyll (Chl) content, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, proline (Pro) content, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) in ear leaf of maize at grain filling stage, and also grain yield were measured. The grey correlation analysis, drought resistance index (DI), drought resistance evaluation values (D-value), weighted drought resistance index (WDI-value) and cluster analysis were used to screen physiological indexes closely related to drought resistance, and the drought resistance of different maize varieties was evaluated comprehensively. The results showed that the correlation degree between the six physiological indexes and the comprehensive drought resistance index (CDI) under moderate drought stress were SOD (0.803), Chl (0.796), MDA (0.788), CAT (0.770), proline (0.756) and POD (0.755); Under severe drought stress, the correlation degree between the six physiological indexes and the CDI were SOD (0.725), MDA (0.724), Chl (0.718), proline (0.692), CAT (0.681) and POD (0.667). Based on the D value and WDI value, the drought resistance evaluation results of the two methods had some differences, but the drought resistance ranking of different varieties was basically the same. The correlation analysis of average DI of yield and values of (CD) and (CWDI) were positively correlated. According to the CWDI value, the 42 maize varieties were divided into high drought resistance, medium drought resistance, and low drought resistance, among which included two high drought resistant varieties, and 13 medium drought resistant varieties, 27 low drought resistant varieties. Variance analysis showed that the DI of yield of high resistance maize group was significantly higher than that of medium resistance and low resistance. In conclusion, the above six physiological indexes of maize leaves combined can be used as reference indexes for physiological identification of drought resistance of maize varieties at the grain filling stage. Liaodan 145 and Jinhua 150 have strong drought resistance among 42 tested varieties.

Key words: Maize, Drought resistance, Identification index, Grey correlation analysis, System clustering analysis





Approval year
Approval year
Approval year
辽单145 Liaodan 145 2006 MC670 2016 吉单101 Jidan 101 1985
锦华150 Jinhua 150 2014 联创808 Lianchuang 808 2015 丹玉13 Danyu 13 1987
郑单1002 Zhengdan 1002 2014 辽单585 Liaodan 585 2018 先玉335 Xianyu 335 2004
泽玉501 Zeyu 501 2017 农大108 Nongda 108 1998 中科玉505 Zhongkeyu 505 2015
辽单1211 Liaodan 1211 2009 泽玉402 Zeyu 402 2006 农华127 Nonghua 127 2018
郑单958 Zhengdan 958 2000 农华816 Nonghua 816 2015 裕丰303 Yufeng 303 2015
辽单575 Liaodan 575 2018 农华101 Nonghua 101 2010 泽尔沣99 Zeerfeng 99 2015
陕单650 Shandan 650 2018 陕单609 Shandan 609 2011 KX9384 2004
掖单13 Yedan 13 1998 农华205 Nonghua 205 2014 KX3564 2009
秋乐368 Qiule 368 2017 辽单586 Liaodan 586 2018 增玉1572 Zengyu 1572 2017
陕单620 Shandan 620 2018 泽玉8911 Zeyu 8911 2017 郑单538 Zhengdan 538 2010
登海618 Denghai 618 2013 金通152 Jintong 152 2016 增玉1317 Zengyu 1317 2017
四单8 Sidan 8 1990 吉单180 Jidan 180 1996 辽单586 Liaodan 586 2004
陕单628 Shandan 628 2017 登海605 Denghai 605 2010 英粒子Yinglizi 1943



0≤DI<0.2 0.2≤DI<0.4 0.4≤DI<0.6 0.6≤DI<0.8 0.8≤DI<1.0 1.0≤DI<1.2 1.2≤DI<1.4 1.4≤DI<1.6 1.6≤DI<1.8 1.8≤DI<2.0 DI≥2.0
Chl 0 0 3 7 15 10 1 4 0 0 2
MDA 0 0 0 8 16 13 4 1 0 0 0
SOD 0 2 0 6 5 11 10 5 0 2 1
CAT 0 1 5 11 5 3 4 5 1 1 6
POD 2 3 4 6 5 3 5 4 2 2 6
Pro 0 0 4 10 3 3 5 5 2 6 5



中度干旱Moderate drought 重度干旱Severe drought
关联度Correlation degree 权重Weight 关联序Correlation order 关联度Correlation degree 权重Weight 关联序Correlation order
SOD 0.803 0.169 1 0.725 0.172 1
Chl 0.796 0.172 2 0.718 0.170 3
MDA 0.788 0.162 3 0.724 0.172 2
CAT 0.770 0.165 4 0.681 0.161 5
Pro 0.756 0.171 5 0.692 0.164 4
POD 0.755 0.162 6 0.667 0.158 6



中度干旱Moderate drought 重度干旱Severe drought
D value
D value
辽单145 Liaodan 145 2.721 1 0.475 4 1.820 3 0.468 6
锦华150 Jinhua 150 2.412 2 0.458 5 1.624 6 0.464 7
郑单1002 Zhengdan 1002 1.739 3 0.554 2 1.648 5 0.459 8
掖单13 Yedan 13 1.631 4 0.451 6 0.958 34 0.294 34
泽玉501 Yeyu 501 1.552 5 0.482 3 1.738 4 0.662 1
辽单575 Liaodan 575 1.475 6 0.410 8 1.359 9 0.364 19
秋乐368 Qiule 368 1.447 7 0.392 12 1.164 19 0.360 21
陕单650 Shandan 650 1.420 8 0.612 1 1.392 8 0.469 5
四单8 Sidan 8 1.416 9 0.382 15 0.989 31 0.325 28
陕单628 Shandan 628 1.398 10 0.394 11 0.993 28 0.350 25
登海618 Denghai 618 1.395 11 0.404 9 1.166 18 0.375 16
联创808 Lianchuang 808 1.319 12 0.346 20 0.984 32 0.337 27
农华205 Nonghua 205 1.221 13 0.358 18 0.969 33 0.228 41
泽玉402 Zeyu 402 1.186 14 0.328 23 1.064 26 0.343 26
登海605 Denghai 605 1.177 15 0.312 25 1.253 11 0.358 22
MC670 1.147 16 0.309 27 1.301 10 0.428 10
农大108 Nongda 108 1.138 17 0.347 19 1.142 20 0.316 31
吉单101 Jidan 101 1.125 18 0.365 16 0.871 40 0.267 37
泽玉8911 Zeyu 8911 1.083 19 0.360 17 1.115 22 0.392 14
农华101 Nonghua 101 1.063 20 0.389 14 1.171 17 0.548 2
辽单585 Liaodan 585 1.048 21 0.331 22 1.233 12 0.318 30
农华816 Nonghua 816 1.032 22 0.399 10 1.196 16 0.422 11
郑单958 Zhengdan 958 1.020 23 0.311 26 1.839 2 0.526 3
辽单1211 Liaodan 1211 1.017 24 0.286 29 1.857 1 0.415 13
陕单609 Shandan 609 1.011 25 0.342 21 1.209 15 0.459 9
陕单620 Shandan 620 0.989 26 0.418 7 1.515 7 0.470 4
中科玉505 Zhongkeyu 505 0.983 27 0.253 38 0.991 29 0.272 35
泽尔沣99 Zeerfeng 99 0.959 28 0.267 33 0.900 38 0.224 42
辽单586 Liaodan 586 0.948 29 0.389 13 1.230 13 0.421 12
金通152 Jintong 152 0.904 30 0.253 37 1.229 14 0.362 20
KX3564 0.904 31 0.305 28 0.938 36 0.314 32
丹玉13 Danyu 13 0.877 32 0.263 35 1.119 21 0.368 18
先玉335 Xianyu 335 0.865 33 0.285 30 1.086 23 0.352 23
KX9384 0.860 34 0.243 39 0.991 30 0.295 33
郑单538 Zhengdan 538 0.828 35 0.232 40 0.897 39 0.233 40
吉单180 Jidan 180 0.817 36 0.275 32 1.025 27 0.324 29
农华127 Nonghua 127 0.815 37 0.319 24 1.084 24 0.373 17
裕丰303 Yufeng 303 0.807 38 0.137 42 1.067 25 0.377 15
增玉1317 Zengyu 1317 0.758 39 0.277 31 0.946 35 0.267 38
英粒子Yinglizi 0.755 40 0.257 36 0.715 42 0.269 36
增玉1572 Zengyu 1572 0.742 41 0.265 34 0.848 41 0.240 39
辽单565 Liaodan 565 0.630 42 0.190 41 0.931 37 0.350 24



品种Variety CWDICWDI value 排序Ranking CDCD value 排序Ranking 产量抗旱指数DI of yield 排序Ranking
辽单145 Liaodan 145 2.361 1 0.472 5 0.761 3
锦华150 Jinhua 150 2.095 2 0.461 6 1.004 1
郑单1002 Zhengdan 1002 1.695 3 0.512 3 0.481 4
泽玉501 Zeyu 501 1.651 4 0.587 1 0.437 13
辽单1211 Liaodan 1211 1.560 5 0.363 19 0.533 8
郑单958 Zhengdan 958 1.547 6 0.447 7 0.908 2
辽单575 Liaodan 575 1.420 7 0.389 15 0.423 5
陕单650 Shandan 650 1.407 8 0.550 2 0.258 10
掖单13 Yedan 13 1.382 9 0.389 14 0.436 6
秋乐368 Qiule 368 1.321 10 0.416 9 0.319 11
陕单620 Shandan 620 1.308 11 0.446 8 0.386 24
登海618 Denghai 618 1.291 12 0.391 13 0.398 23
四单8 Sidan 8 1.241 13 0.356 20 0.721 14
陕单628 Shandan 628 1.230 14 0.373 18 0.526 30
MC670 1.230 15 0.378 16 0.355 17
联创808 Lianchuang 808 1.176 16 0.342 22 0.356 9
辽单585 Liaodan 585 1.148 17 0.325 26 0.371 26
农大108 Nongda 108 1.141 18 0.333 24 0.359 28
泽玉402 Zeyu 402 1.129 19 0.329 25 0.461 15
农华816 Nonghua 816 1.120 20 0.411 10 0.638 19
农华101 Nonghua 101 1.120 21 0.482 4 0.648 21
陕单609 Shandan 609 1.119 22 0.410 11 0.259 18
农华205 Nonghua 205 1.110 23 0.308 33 0.553 7
辽单586 Liaodan 586 1.108 24 0.406 12 0.376 25
泽玉8911 Zeyu 8911 1.100 25 0.377 17 0.502 12
金通152 Jintong 152 1.092 26 0.318 31 0.269 39
吉单180 Jidan 180 1.082 27 0.319 29 0.419 22
登海605 Denghai 605 1.040 28 0.292 36 0.288 37
吉单101 Jidan 101 1.015 29 0.324 27 0.312 35
丹玉13 Danyu 13 1.013 30 0.280 37 0.357 29
先玉335 Xianyu 335 0.988 31 0.323 28 0.352 32
中科玉 505 Zhongkeyu 505 0.987 32 0.263 39 0.297 36
农华127 Nonghua 127 0.969 33 0.317 32 0.459 16
裕丰303 Yufeng 303 0.955 34 0.223 42 0.431 20
泽尔沣99 Zeerfeng 99 0.931 35 0.248 40 0.262 40
KX9384 0.931 36 0.319 30 0.508 34
KX3564 0.921 37 0.343 21 0.352 33
增玉1572 Zengyu 1572 0.907 38 0.298 34 0.509 27
郑单538 Zhengdan 538 0.864 39 0.233 41 0.276 38
增玉1317 Zengyu 1317 0.863 40 0.335 23 0.493 31
辽单565 Liaodan 565 0.810 41 0.294 35 0.441 41
英粒子Yinglizi 0.736 42 0.263 38 0.369 42



相关系数Correlation coefficient
DI of yield
CWDI value
CD value
产量DI DI of yield 1.000 0.826** 0.588**
CWDI值CWDI value 1.000 0.719**
CDCD value 1.000





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