作物杂志,2024, 第3期: 223–230 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.03.030

所属专题: 玉米专题

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐荣琼1(), 张翼飞1,2,3(), 杜嘉瑞1, 尹雪巍1, 杨克军1(), 孙逸珊1, 李泽松1, 李桂彬1, 陆雨欣1, 刘海晨1, 李伟庆1, 李佳宇1   

  1. 1黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院/黑龙江省现代农业栽培技术与作物种质改良重点实验室,163319,黑龙江大庆
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-08 修回日期:2023-05-19 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-06-18
  • 通讯作者: 杨克军,主要从事寒地作物高产高效理论栽培技术研究,E-mail:byndykj@163.com;张翼飞,主要从事寒地作物高产高效理论栽培技术研究,E-mail:byndzyf@163.com
  • 作者简介:徐荣琼,主要从事寒地作物高产高效栽培技术研究,E-mail:1536698150@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Foliar Spraying Calcium Fertilizer on Lodging Resistance and Yield Formation of Spring Maize

Xu Rongqiong1(), Zhang Yifei1,2,3(), Du Jiarui1, Yin Xuewei1, Yang Kejun1(), Sun Yishan1, Li Zesong1, Li Guibin1, Lu Yuxin1, Liu Haichen1, Li Weiqing1, Li Jiayu1   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University / Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Cultivation and Crop Germplasm Improvement, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
    2Key Laboratory of Low Carbon Green Agriculture in Northeast Plain, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
    3Heilongjiang Province Cultivating Collaborative Innovation Center for Beidahuang Modern Agricultural Industry Technology, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2023-03-08 Revised:2023-05-19 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-06-18


为探究叶面喷施钙肥对玉米茎秆抗倒伏性能及产量形成的调控作用机制,选用盆栽试验,以玉米品种先玉335为供试材料,分别设置0(LCK)、3(LC1)、6(LC2)、9(LC3)和12 g/L(LC4)5个钙浓度处理,于玉米拔节期进行叶面喷施。结果表明,与LCK相比,LC2处理可显著降低玉米穗位高和重心高度,拔节期喷施适量钙肥(LC2和LC3)显著增加了茎秆基部抗折力和穿刺强度。叶面施钙可促进硬皮组织和维管束的发育,并且能显著提高玉米第3节间茎秆可溶性糖、纤维素和半纤维含量,且均在LC3处理下达最大值。叶面喷施LC2~LC4水平的钙肥也可明显提升玉米籽粒产量,其中LC2穗行数最大,为16.35,LC3处理百粒重最高,达31.36 g。从玉米茎秆的各项抗倒伏性能指标、茎秆化学成分及籽粒产量构成等综合表现来看,玉米叶片喷施钙肥最佳浓度范围为6~9 g/L,可以有效缩短基部节间长度,降低穗位高,促使玉米重心高度下移,同时优化茎秆中的氮、钾含量和纤维结构,促进维管束的发育,有效提高节间密度和充实度,进而提升茎秆机械强度,同时也能促进果穗发育,增加穗行数和百粒重和玉米产量。

关键词: 玉米, 钙肥, 叶面喷施, 抗倒伏特性, 产量


This study employed a pot experiment to investigate the mechanism governing the lodging resistance of maize stalk and yield creation by adding calcium fertilizer on leaf surface. The test material was maize variety Xianyu 335, and five calcium concentration were established, namely 0 (LCK), 3 (LC1), 6 (LC2), 9 (LC3) and 12 g/L (LC4), respectively. Foliar spraying was applied at maize jointing stage. The results showed that compared with LCK, LC2 treatment could significantly reduce the ear height and center of gravity height of maize, and spraying appropriate amount of calcium fertilizer (LC2 and LC3) at jointing stage significantly increased the breaking strength and puncture strength of stem base. Foliar calcium application could promote the development of crusty tissue and vascular bundle, and significantly increase the contents of soluble sugar, cellulose and hemicellulose in the 3rd internode stem of maize, which reached the maximum under LC3 treatment. Foliar application of calcium fertilizer at LC2-LC4 levels could also significantly increase maize grain yield, in which the maximum number of rows per ear of LC2 was 16.35, and the maximum 100-grain weight of LC3 treatment was 31.36 g. According to the comprehensive performance of lodging resistance indexes, chemical composition of stems and grain yield composition of maize, the optimal range of calcium fertilizer concentration of maize leaves was 6-9 g/L, which could effectively shorten the internode length of the base, reduce the ear height, lower the gravity height of the center of maize, optimize the contents of nitrogen and potassium in stems and fiber structure, and promote the development of vascular bundle and effectively increase the internode density and fullness, which could enhance the mechanical strength, additionally, it could promote ear development, increase the number of rows per ear, 100-grain weight, and yield.

Key words: Maize, Calcium fertilizer, Foliar spraying, Lodging resistance characteristics, Yield


叶面喷施不同水平钙肥下的玉米株高、穗位高、重心高度 不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著,下同。



Internode length (cm)
Stem diameter (cm)
Culm wall thickness (mm)
Area of cross section (cm2)
LCK 15.00±1.21a 2.093±0.059b 0.188±0.015b 3.42±0.11a 0.154±0.006a
LC1 13.09±1.19b 2.128±0.105ab 0.195±0.008b 3.54±0.37a 0.153±0.016a
LC2 11.64±1.12c 2.212±0.159a 0.218±0.018a 3.84±0.57a 0.153±0.007a
LC3 11.64±0.75c 2.189±0.123a 0.200±0.007b 3.75±0.42a 0.141±0.013a
LC4 12.93±1.03b 2.159±0.161ab 0.187±0.013b 3.65±0.55a 0.156±0.011a



resistance (N)
Puncture strength
Stem index
Bending moment
Section modulus
Bending stress
Breaking moment
LCK 717.24±69.46c 79.86±5.87d 0.74±0.00ab 248 980.83±19 864.75a 658.75±49.44c 152.93±15.46d 179 310.00±17 364.56c
LC1 712.80±183.68c 99.02±7.07c 0.71±0.05b 235 151.97±3003.29ab 731.72±93.78c 257.09±32.09c 178 200.00±14 934.23c
LC2 830.96±79.52b 125.08±5.76a 0.76±0.03a 220 496.64±2364.53bc 874.86±125.14a 317.99±22.27b 241.0.00±17 696.14a
LC3 892.76±104.58ab 114.10±10.41b 0.76±0.02a 211 908.57±18 112.93cd 796.81±85.41ab 322.46±24.23b 223 190.00±14 848.67ab
LC4 964.72±240.06a 91.88±5.16c 0.73±0.04ab 202 756.04±2496.15d 729.47±129.67bc 392.02±16.66a 207 740.00±19 879.96b







Stem wall thickness (mm)
Cortex thickness (μm)
Number of big vascular bundles
Number of small vascular bundles
LCK 0.75±0.02c 53.59±2.05d 142.3±3.3c 198.7±14.3d
LC1 0.77±0.02bc 64.78±2.77c 190.5±20.7b 268.8±18.8c
LC2 1.07±0.13a 80.09±1.02b 208.7±7.3a 293.8±13.8ab
LC3 0.89±0.06bc 85.42±3.14a 223.7±6.9a 301.3±3.2a
LC4 0.81±0.06c 87.89±0.09a 188.2±4.1c 275.9±3.9bc





Area of phloem (mm2)
Area of xylem (mm2)
Area of big vascular bundles (mm2)
Vascular bundles sheath thickness (μm)
LCK 0.0347±0.0019c 0.0155±0.0018b 0.0502±0.0033c 51.34±3.92c
LC1 0.0421±0.0051b 0.0259±0.0020a 0.0680±0.0060b 56.72±3.29b
LC2 0.0442±0.0045ab 0.0263±0.0016a 0.0705±0.0049ab 62.73±3.69a
LC3 0.0502±0.0044a 0.0281±0.0017a 0.0783±0.0054a 57.01±1.54b
LC4 0.0414±0.0033b 0.0267±0.0035a 0.0682±0.0072b 50.93±3.90c





Row number
per ear
per row
Grain yield
LCK 15.60±0.10b 35.13±0.85a 27.76±1.07c 152.13±5.58bc
LC1 15.53±0.20b 36.40±0.75a 29.61±0.68b 167.38±7.13b
LC2 16.35±0.25a 36.15±0.55a 29.87±0.40b 176.55±5.07a
LC3 16.10±0.31ab 36.35±0.15a 31.36±0.49a 183.53±3.98a
LC4 15.67±0.58b 36.90±1.60a 29.51±0.21b 170.63±12.79b
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