Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 6-11.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.03.002

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Progress and Prospects on Prevention and Control Measures of Virus Disease in Sweet Potato

Dong Fang1,Zhang Chaofan1,2   

  1. 1Longping Branch,Graduate School of Central South University,Changsha 410125,Hunan,China
    2Hunan Crop Insititute,Changsha 410125,Hunan,China
  • Received:2016-03-02 Revised:2016-04-16 Online:2016-06-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Chaofan Zhang


Virus disease in sweet potato is a severe biological threat to sweet potato, which seriously affects the industrial development of sweet potato in China. This paper gives an introduction to the main defensive measures of sweet potato virus disease, such as preventing the virus infection, killing the virus’s biological media, and the cultivation and application of virus-free sweet potato, usage of antiviral agents, antiviral breeding, mild strain interacting protection etc.

Key words: Prevention and control measures of virus disease in sweet potato, Biological pesticide, Antiviral breeding, Virus-free sweet potato

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