Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 103-109.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.016


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Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on Yield Formation and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Early Rice under Rape Straw Returning in Triple Cropping

Xiaojun Xiao1,Weisheng Lü1,Paolan Yu1,Wei Zheng1,Yazhen Li1,Lei Hu2,Fuliang Xiao1,Shaowen Zhang1,Tianbao Huang1,Guobin Xiao1   

  1. 1 Jiangxi Institute of Red Soil/Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Red Soil Arable Land Conservation/National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Red Soil Improvement/Scientific Observational and Experimental Station of Arable Land Conservation in Jiangxi, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanchang 331717, Jiangxi, China
    2 Meteorological Bureau of Nanchang County, Nanchang 330200, Jiangxi, China
  • Received:2018-09-25 Revised:2018-12-25 Online:2019-04-15 Published:2019-04-12
  • Contact: Guobin Xiao


To explore the effects of nitrogen application rate on yield formation and nitrogen use efficiency of early rice under rape straw returning to the field in rape-rice-rice cropping system, the conventional super early rice Zhongjiazao 17 was used and five nitrogen fertilizers such as 0, 75, 120, 165, 210kg/hm 2 were set up in 2017-2018. The results showed: under rape straw returning to the field, optimal nitrogen application rate is conducive to early rice tillering and effective panicle, maintaining a higher LAI, photosynthetic potential and amount of dry matter production during the grouting period, and simultaneously increasing the number of effective spikes per unit area, maintaining a higher number of grains per panicle, thus expanding the population storage capacity. Results also showed that the yield of crops and nitrogen absorption would reach to a high point when the rate of fertilizer was 165kg/hm 2. The optimal nitrogen application rate was 155.91 and 160.37kg/hm 2 in 2017 and 2018, respectively, with the yield potential reached 8 241.17 and 8 387.32kg/hm 2 according to the model of linear plus plateau.

Key words: Straw returning, Nitrogen application rate, Early rice, Yield formation, Nitrogen use efficiency

Table 1

The fundamental fertility of the experimental field"

pH 有机质(%)
Organic materials
Available nitrogen
Available phosphorus
Available potassium
2017 5.39 2.37 139.86 24.62 125.93
2018 5.46 2.56 157.62 28.13 127.46


Average daily temperature and rainfall in early rice season in 2017-2018"

Table 2

Effects of nitrogen application rate on early rice yield and its components"

Nitrogen rate
Effective panicles
Grains per panicle
Total spikelets
结实率 (%)
2017 0 258.60d 114.01b 29 503.68d 86.89a 25.32b 5 670.34d
75 289.37c 126.33a 36 562.73c 84.43b 25.67ab 7 172.07c
120 317.12b 127.27a 40 371.97b 82.78b 26.01a 7 863.98b
165 334.53a 128.89a 43 116.19a 83.04b 26.03a 8 505.28a
210 340.62a 124.42a 42 369.14ab 82.57b 25.93a 8 354.24a
2018 0 264.77d 117.67b 31 136.73d 85.43a 25.27a 5 887.61d
75 301.67c 124.83a 37 670.21c 83.56ab 25.43a 7 364.10c
120 329.43b 123.27ab 40 603.98b 82.17bc 25.83a 7 970.51b
165 353.45a 126.90a 44 842.33a 81.43bc 25.78a 8 543.59a
210 363.27a 125.34a 45 544.72a 80.67c 25.43a 8 647.86a
F值Fvalue 年份Year (Y) 007.34* 000.22 00 008.04* 06.07* 03.78 0 004.13
处理Treatment (N) 143.21** 010.97** 00 084.52** 12.98** 03.99 0149.28**
Y×N 001.08 001.11 00 000.75 00.28 00.40 0 000.28


Effects of nitrogen application rate on yield of early rice"

Table 3

Effects of nitrogen application rate on tillering and panicle formation characteristics of early rice"

Nitrogen rate
Increase rate of tillering
Decrease rate of tillering
Peak tiller
Effective panicles
Rate of
effective ear
2017 0 007.95d 09.58d 368.51d 258.6d 70.16a
75 010.53c 10.72bc 438.21c 289.37c 66.03b
120 012.36b 10.57c 487.69b 317.12b 65.02b
165 013.28a 11.15ab 512.31a 334.53a 65.34b
210 013.74a 11.35a 524.87a 340.62a 64.89b
与产量的相关系数Correlation coefficient with yield 000.990** 00.946* 000.990** 000.982** -0.942*
2018 0 008.19e 09.93c 374.92e 264.77d 71.49a
75 010.91d 11.17b 448.52d 301.67c 67.25b
120 012.65c 10.98b 495.36c 329.43b 66.54bc
165 014.03b 11.78a 531.79b 353.45a 66.47bc
210 015.06a 12.11a 560.46a 363.27a 64.82c
与产量的相关系数Correlation coefficient with yield 000.987** 00.951* 000.987** 000.986** -0.952*
F值F value 年份Year (Y) 021.3** 29.22** 012.34** 007.34* 05.51*
处理Treatment (N) 315.91** 50.34** 291.54** 143.21** 23.51**
Y×N 002.49 00.61 002.38 001.08 00.42

Table 4

Effects of nitrogen application rate on photosynthesis production of early rice"

Nitrogen rate
齐穗期Heading period 成熟期Maturity period 灌浆结实期Grouting period
Dry biomass
LAI 干物质量
Dry biomass
LAI 干物质量
Dry biomass
Photosynthetic potential
2017 0 5 274.92d 3.38d 9 204.13d 2.19d 3 929.21c 83.58d
75 7 022.64c 4.47c 11 660.52c 2.82c 4 637.88b 109.29c
120 8 188.76b 5.18b 13 012.37b 3.14b 4 823.62ab 124.91b
165 8 882.02a 5.69a 13 902.89a 3.36a 5 020.88a 135.78a
210 9 190.11a 5.83a 14 117.92a 3.41a 4 927.82a 138.58a
与产量的相关系数Correlation coefficient with yield 0.990** 0.992** 0.996** 0.995** 0.990** 0.994**
2018 0 5 262.76d 3.33d 9 415.28d 2.28d 4 152.52c 84.09d
75 7 223.76c 4.63c 11 940.82c 2.89c 4 717.06b 112.74c
120 8 408.24b 5.26b 13 235.46b 3.17b 4 827.23ab 126.86b
165 9 245.16a 5.93a 14 191.18a 3.43a 4 946.01a 140.34a
210 9 522.78a 6.08a 14 550.17a 3.52a 5 027.37a 144.31a
与产量的相关系数Correlation coefficient with yield 0.997** 0.997** 0.999** 0.999** 0.989** 0.998**
F值F value 年份Year (Y) 5.71* 5.82* 8.06* 7.81* 0.97 7.95*
处理Treatment (N) 260.48** 271.01** 329.13** 272.33** 26.98** 335.55**
Y×N 0.51 1.02 0.15 0.12 0.55 0.65

Table 5

Effects of nitrogen application rate on nitrogen utilization rate of early rice"

Nitrogen rate
Total N uptake
2017 0 084.67d
75 128.16c 57.99a 34.53a 20.02a 095.63a
120 151.38b 55.59a 34.05a 18.28a 065.53b
165 164.99a 48.68b 35.36a 17.18a 051.55c
210 169.85a 40.56c 31.53b 12.78b 039.78d
2018 0 094.42d
75 135.76c 55.11a 35.92a 19.69a 098.19a
120 156.63b 51.82a 35.49a 17.36ab 066.42b
165 169.56a 45.54b 35.55a 16.13b 051.78c
210 173.57a 37.69c 32.08b 13.14c 041.18d
F值F value 年份Year (Y) 021.79** 07.35* 00.63 00.57 002.15
处理Treatment (N) 415.99** 43.99** 00.43 19.54** 596.88**
Y×N 000.74 00.03 00.18 00.25 000.32
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