Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 154-160.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.01.025

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Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics, Yield and Quality of Different Maize Varieties

Bai Lanfang1,2,Zhang Xiangqian3,Wang Rui1,2,Wang Ya'nan1,2,Ye Xuesong3,Wang Yufen1,2(),Li Juan1,2,Zhang Dejian1,2   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Herbage and Endemic Crop Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, Hohhot 010070, Inner Mongolia, China
    2College of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010024, Inner Mongolia, China
    3Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031, Inner Mongolia, China
  • Received:2019-07-25 Revised:2019-08-21 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-02-23
  • Contact: Yufen Wang


This study was conducted to understand the difference of photosynthetic efficiency, silage yield, and quality of different maize varieties in the middle-maturing region of Inner Mongolia, and provide theoretical basis for screening suitable middle maturing silage maize varieties in the central and western region of Inner Mongolia. This study systematically analyzed the leaf area index, chlorophyll content, and photosynthetic parameters of six maize varieties Xianyu 335, Lihe 1, Dongyu 120, Jinchuang 998, Jingke silage 301 and Zhongxing 1 in key growth stages, as well as the yield and quality indexes during silage harvest. The results showed that all photosynthetic indices varied in the whole growth period changes is tasseling stage > big trumpet stage > early stage grouting > mid-grouting. There was no significant difference in chlorophyll content of silage maize. The leaf area index and chlorophyll content of Zhongxing 1, Xianyu 335, and Lihe 1 were all at a high level. The net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were relatively smooth. The longer photosynthetic time and higher level were maintained and the yields of the three varieties reached more than 20 100kg/ha or more. Based on the analysis of photosynthetic characteristics, yield and quality of maize varieties, three varieties, Zhongxing 1, Xianyu 335, and Lihe 1 were suggested as silage maize in the middle-maturing area of Inner Mongolia.

Key words: Silage maize, Leaf area index, Photosynthetic characteristics, Production, Quality


The variation of leaf area index of different maize varieties Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between varieties at the level of 0.05. The same below"


The variation of chlorophyll content of different maize varieties"

Table 1

Analysis on the difference of net photosynthetic rate dynamic changes of different maize varieties µmol/(m2·s)"

品种Variety 大喇叭口期Big trumpet 抽雄吐丝期Tasseling 灌浆初期Early grouting 灌浆中期Mid-grouting
先玉335 Xianyu 335 26.39±0.23b 40.31±0.36ab 23.08±1.27c 18.00±0.83c
利禾1号Lihe 1 30.72±2.93a 40.27±0.70ab 20.07±1.95d 16.37±1.65d
东裕120 Dongyu 120 25.35±0.74bc 34.50±1.97c 17.75±0.38d 11.56±0.37e
京科青贮301 Jingke silage 301 23.13±3.94c 41.16±1.42a 23.91±1.53bc 17.97±0.44c
金创998 Jinchuang 998 29.46±0.44a 39.45±0.50b 26.68±0.79ab 20.97±0.68b
种星青饲1号Zhongxingqingsi 1 30.13±3.23a 35.69±0.61c 28.31±5.23a 24.02±2.07a

Table 2

Analysis on the difference of stomatal conductance dynamic changes of different maize varieties mol/(m2·s)"

品种Variety 大喇叭口期Big trumpet 抽雄吐丝期Tasseling 灌浆初期Early grouting 灌浆中期Mid-grouting
先玉335 Xianyu 335 0.21±0.03bc 0.40±0.06a 0.15±0.01bc 0.10±0.02b
利禾1号Lihe 1 0.33±0.01a 0.37±0.01b 0.13±0.01c 0.08±0.01c
东裕120 Dongyu 120 0.18±0.01bc 0.23±0.02d 0.09±0.01d 0.04±0.03d
京科青贮301 Jingke silage 301 0.17±0.06c 0.33±0.02c 0.14±0.01c 0.08±0.01bc
金创998 Jinchuang 998 0.23±0.01b 0.26±0.010d 0.16±0.02b 0.14±0.01a
种星青饲1号Zhongxingqingsi 1 0.22±0.08bc 0.25±0.02d 0.21±0.01a 0.13±0.01a

Table 3

Analysis on the difference of intercellular CO2 concentrations dynamic changes of different maize varieties µmol/mol"

品种Variety 大喇叭口期Big trumpet 抽雄吐丝期Tasseling 灌浆初期Early grouting 灌浆中期Mid-grouting
先玉335 Xianyu 335 136.66±5.61b 123.29±1.15a 185.70±7.17a 189.40±12.62a
利禾1号Lihe 1 155.04±9.36a 115.34±7.01b 161.20±36.77ab 198.59±2.58a
东裕120 Dongyu 120 141.25±4.04b 100.05±9.35c 118.23±0.42c 168.35±3.69b
京科青贮301 Jingke silage 301 110.73±10.63d 95.04±2.95c 136.07±33.49bc 157.20±20.47bc
金创998 Jinchuang 998 127.92±8.16c 99.52±7.09c 142.96±20.29bc 200.67±24.53a
种星青饲1号Zhongxingqingsi 1 104.80±2.02d 96.32±5.76c 138.77±2.13bc 148.14±3.33c

Table 4

Analysis on the difference of transpiration rates dynamic changes of different maize varieties mmol/(m2·s)"

品种Variety 大喇叭口期Big trumpet 抽雄吐丝期Tasseling 灌浆初期Early grouting 灌浆中期Mid-grouting
先玉335 Xianyu 335 4.26±0.26c 9.71±0.04a 3.59±0.09d 3.18±0.22b
利禾1号Lihe 1 5.24±0.57ab 8.98±0.72b 3.38±0.25d 2.40±0.26c
东裕120 Dongyu 120 3.86±0.62c 6.51±0.48c 2.67±0.26e 1.76±0.04d
京科青贮301 Jingke silage 301 4.88±0.34b 8.89±0.83b 3.91±0.05c 2.41±0.03c
金创998 Jinchuang 998 5.08±0.03b 6.62±0.21c 4.64±0.36b 3.51±0.17a
种星青饲1号Zhongxingqingsi 1 5.63±0.36a 5.77±0.17e 5.47±0.06a 3.53±0.09a


Changes in silage yield of different maize varieties Different upper and lowercase letters indicate significant difference in biological yield and fresh weight at the 0.05 level, respectively"


Quality changes of different maize varieties"

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