Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 156-161.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.02.023

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Effects of Sowing Date on Yield and Quality of Waxy Maize

Zhou Wei1,2,Cui Fuzhu1(),Duan Hongkai1,Hao Guohua1,Yang Hui1,Liu Ruirui1   

  1. 1 College of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, Shanxi, China
    2 Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030000, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2019-10-08 Revised:2019-10-31 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-13
  • Contact: Fuzhu Cui


In order to meet the different demands of farmers for waxy maize planting, the effect of sowing date on the yield and quality of waxy maize in mid-late ripening areas of Shanxi Province was studied. With the Jinnuo 18 and Jinnuo 20 as experimental materials, from April 26th to July 5th, six sowing date treatments were set to study their effects on yield, spike length, 100-grain weight, grain spike weight and relative contents of grain protein, starch, crude fiber and lysine. The results showed that sowing date and variety have significant effects on the yield and quality of waxy maize. The yield, spike length, 100-grain weight and grain spike weight of the two waxy maize varieties under B3 sowing date treatments (May 24th) were significantly higher than those under other sowing date treatments, which indicated that waxy maize was suitable for sowing around the Grain Full. Earlier sowing date could increase relative contents of grain protein and lysine, and delaying the sowing date would decrease the contents of grain crude fiber and lysine of waxy maize. The relative starch contents of waxy maize at B1 and B6 sowing dates were lower than that of other sowing dates, and the relative starch contents of waxy maize at B4 and B5 sowing dates were higher than that of other sowing dates. The results showed that the proper delay of sowing date could improve the relative starch content of waxy maize, but the early or too late sowing could reduce the starch content of waxy maize. Through correlation analysis, it was found that accumulated temperature and precipitation had a significant positive correlation with yield, grain spike weight and lysine relative content and a significant positive correlation with spike length and 100-grain weight, indicating that sowing date had a significant impact on yield traits and lysine relative content in grain. In mid-late ripening areas of Shanxi Province, the yield of waxy maize is the highest when sowing around B3, properly advancing sowing date is beneficial to increase the contents of grain protein and lysine, and properly delaying sowing date is beneficial to increase the contents of grain crude fiber and starch content.

Key words: Waxy maize, Sowing date, Yield, Quality


Temperature in growth period of waxy maize in 2018"


Precipitation in growth period of waxy maize in 2018"

Table 1

Accumulated temperature (≥10℃) during the growth period of waxy maize in different sowing dates ℃"

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
3 996.5 3 718.2 3 421.4 3 087.8 2 751.1 2 373.5

Table 2

Effects of sowing date and variety on yield traits of waxy maize"

品种Variety 播期Sowing date 穗长Spike length (cm) 百粒重100-grain weight (g) 穗粒重Grain weight per spike(g) 产量Yield (kg/hm2)
A1 B1 22.50±1.46abc 31.58±3.89c 205.28±30.75cd 11 950.86±100.46bc
B2 22.57±1.47ab 37.10±1.78ab 223.24±31.48bc 13 393.98±188.93ab
B3 22.56±0.83ab 38.44±2.35a 236.94±33.95ab 13 752.55±95.29a
B4 23.80±1.30a 37.31±3.47ab 255.62±34.65a 11 588.60±210.02cd
B5 21.90±1.23bcde 36.21±2.61ab 187.11±31.83de 8 655.67±228.26ef
B6 20.32±0.95cde 21.78±1.92c 131.45±20.35f 7 262.77±105.19fg
A2 B1 20.84±1.39de 25.87±3.21d 175.33±23.65e 10 948.55±175.95cd
B2 21.08±1.51bcde 36.58±1.89ab 217.09±20.70bc 10 267.81±203.29de
B3 22.22±1.50abcd 36.89±3.71ab 228.82±36.82abc 12 045.94±110.41bc
B4 20.01±1.43e 34.35±3.87b 213.63±31.62bcd 9 866.06±87.47de
B5 18.22±1.91f 27.37±1.83d 200.83±27.87cde 9 120.38±171.38e
B6 16.41±1.67g 18.83±2.04f 95.01±11.49g 5 883.35±247.38g

Table 3

Effects of sowing date and variety on grain quality of waxy maize %"

品种Variety 播期Sowing date 蛋白质含量Protein content 淀粉含量Starch content 粗纤维含量Crude fiber content 赖氨酸含量Lysine content
A1 B1 10.08±0.04bc 72.75±0.35bc 3.24±0.09cd 0.17±0.02abcd
B2 10.17±0.09ab 73.30±0.57ab 3.27±0.07cd 0.15±0.01cde
B3 9.97±0.10cde 73.25±0.50ab 3.32±0.11c 0.16±0.01bcd
B4 9.85±0.09ef 73.51±0.56a 3.33±0.04c 0.13±0.01ef
B5 9.83±0.09f 73.63±0.22a 3.32±0.09c 0.13±0.01de
B6 9.85±0.07ef 72.38±0.53cd 3.17±0.08d 0.11±0.02fg
A2 B1 10.24±0.13a 71.58±0.23e 3.64±0.11a 0.18±0.02a
B2 10.29±0.03a 71.98±0.18de 3.66±0.08a 0.17±0.02abc
B3 10.06±0.06bcd 72.27±0.29cd 3.72±0.02a 0.18±0.01ab
B4 9.96±0.14cde 72.48±0.43cde 3.67±0.07a 0.16±0.03bcde
B5 9.98±0.07def 72.20±0.25cde 3.68±0.06a 0.17±0.01cde
B6 10.11±0.04ab 72.30±0.35cd 3.50±0.09b 0.09±0.01g

Table 4

Correlation analysis between accumulated temperature and yield and quality of waxy maize"

Correlation coefficient
Grain weight
per spike
Protein content
fiber content
Starch content
穗长Spike length -1.00
百粒重100-grain weight -0.74** -1.00
穗粒重Grain weight per spike -0.75** -0.91** -1.00
产量Yield -0.78** -0.77** -0.84** -1.00
蛋白质含量Protein content -0.13 -0.05 -0.03 -0.22 -1.00
粗纤维含量Crude fiber content -0.42 -0.01 -0.09 -0.08 -0.43 -1.00
淀粉含量Starch content -0.51 -0.55 -0.40 -0.32 -0.59* -0.67* -1.00
赖氨酸含量Lysine content -0.53 -0.48 -0.58* -0.64* -0.36 -0.32 -0.30 1.00
积温Accumulated temperature -0.56* -0.49 -0.56* -0.78** -0.65* -0.12 -0.13 0.76** 1.00

Table 5

Correlation analysis between precipitation and yield and quality of waxy maize"

相关系数 Correlation coefficient 穗长
Grain weight
per spike
Protein content
Crude fiber content
Starch content
穗长Spike length -1.00
百粒重100-grain weight -0.74** -1.00
穗粒重Grain weight per spike -0.75** -0.91** -1.00
产量Yield -0.78** -0.77** -0.84** -1.00
蛋白质含量Protein content -0.13 -0.05 -0.03 -0.22 -1.00
粗纤维含量Crude fiber content -0.42 -0.01 -0.09 -0.08 -0.43 -1.00
淀粉含量Starch content -0.51 -0.55 -0.40 -0.32 -0.59* -0.67* -1.00
赖氨酸含量Lysine content -0.53 -0.48 -0.58* -0.64* -0.36 -0.32 -0.30 1.00
降水量Precipitation -0.63* -0.64* -0.72** -0.83** -0.55 -0.17 -0.02 0.74** 1.00
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